12 Redditors Share the Most Ridiculous Things They’ve Seen Men Do to Defend Their Masculinity

The definition of “manly” is changing. In this day and age, it’s becoming more and more acceptable for men to be and feel how they want – even in public and even if it’s not “masculine.” Unfortunately, some people just aren’t on board.

Like these 12 men, who went to extreme lengths to remind everyone around they were, indeed, male.


#12. His girlfriend screaming at him to stop.

“A few weeks ago my wife and I visited a friend in another country. We got to know her boyfriend, who was a bit… special. He teased her relentlessly, all the time, and could not take any criticism at all.

Once, we were arriving back at the house (by car, he was driving), when she jokingly told him “I drive way better than you!”, referring to the narrow alleyways in their town and how she has no issues parking in tiny spots.

Apparently, he saw that as an offense to his manlihood which he just could not let slide in front of his girlfriend and us, two almost complete strangers in the back seat. He started accelerating like a maniac, going about 80 kilometers an hour in an old European town in the mountains (where you don’t see any cars coming and the roads are really narrow), his girlfriend screaming at him to stop. He did this for about two streets before he turned around and drove back.”

#11. We don’t invite him for drinks.

“I work with an insane over the top alpha ego fuck boy. We all go out for drinks one night and he literally tells me I should go fight a random stranger in the bar because we have a similar hair cut. Obviously I think he’s joking cause that’s fucking ridiculous. But no, he’s dead serious and goes onto to call me fucking pussy and says how soft I am. Goes on to tell me about all the bar fights he has been in. Needless to say, we don’t invite him for drinks anymore.”

#10. Chill out, dude

“My dad will not tolerate being served food that was set to look “pretty”. Once he ordered a dish with coconut shrimp, and when it came out its presentation looked very cute and my dad immediately recoiled in disgust and said ” This isn’t what I ordered, take it back!”

We were all confused because he had in fact ordered it and the waitress was just beside herself. My dad then said, “It’s too feminine ”

The waitress ended up taking the plate back and they rearranged the shrimp as to not offend my dad as if he were a picky two-year-old.”

#9. I didn’t even know that was a thing.

“It was raining and I offered a guy my umbrella and he refused, saying they were for just for women.

I didn’t even know that was a thing.”

#8. What girls should expect.

“Some years back I had a guy block me on FB and stop talking to me at work because I posted a pic of me in make-up that my daughter did and then a second pic of me in a sarong with same make up.

She was 10 and wanted a model to work on. It was hilarious fun and it will be a long lived great memory of me and my little girl having a good laugh.

Apparently he was talking behind my back about me being gay and I was teaching my daughter the wrong things about what ‘being a man’ meant and what girls should expect. The other blokes are as crazy as me and didn’t think much of him.

He even went as far as telling the SO he did not think I was the right person to be working and sleeping at the station with other men. (I’m a Fire fighter)

This is a guy who was divorced twice and estranged from his kids. Has at least one violence order against him that I’ve since learnt about.

He was a shit worker and only lasted 8months.”

#7. She had to text my sister.

“Stepbrother is the type of guy that refuses to hold his girlfriends purse. Once at a small family dinner she went to the bathroom, after a minute she must have texted him and he goes to check on her, they quietly argued a little and were clearly mad but trying to hide it the whole night after. Turns out she needed a tampon from her purse and he wouldn’t even bring the purse too her, she had to text my sister to bring it to her.”

#6. I would have felt worse if…

“A guy tried to immasculate me in my weightlifting class, the problem being he had never lifted in his life. It should be noted that this was guy was a one-upper to a T. If anyone had a talent or had anything remotely interesting to say, he was there to out-do them.

I was showing him how to do bench press and I was doing 155, which is my max. Not a lot of weight, but again, it’s a lot when you’ve never lifted. He proceeded to attempt the weight I was doing while I was at the water fountain. Unfortunately I couldn’t get there before he gave himself a hairline fracture in his sternum.

I would have felt worse for him if he wasn’t such a dickhead.”

#5. So fragile.

“My brother won’t eat foods that resemble semen. No mayonnaise, no yogurt or sour cream, nothing. He won’t even eat the melted frosting on a cinnabon. Masculinity so fragile.”

#4. No water ever.

“Refuse to drink water. Ever.”

#3. That didn’t fly.

“Two male classmates and I were on a fieldtrip and got caught in the rain. I had a raincoat, and Guy1 had an umbrella. He offered to share it with the Guy2, who had no rain gear. Guy2 insisted it was gay to share an umbrella with another man. He would only use the umbrella if he carried it, while I walked under it with him and Guy1 borrowed my raincoat. This didn’t fly because

A. I wasn’t about to give up my raincoat for the paltry protection lent by huddling under an umbrella, and

B. Guy1 would not have fit my raincoat.

So Guy2 got soaked.”

#2. Refused to be paired.

“At a school dance it was cheaper to get in if you were a couple, I can’t remember exactly how much it was probly 10 or 20 bucks cheaper. The teacher at the door was cool so even if you came with your group of guy friends he would just pair you off and charge you the cheaper price. These two jock type guys refused to be paired together and demanded they each pay thier separate entrance fee.”

#1. No other pen.

“I used to work at a bakery where each clerk had to bring their own pens to have customers sign receipts with (if they paid with a card). I had a pink pen with a little duck on top and one day a customer refused to sign with it. He got really mad that I didn’t have another pen and walked out to his car to find a pen that wasn’t “girly”.”

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13 Facts About Anxiety That Are Incredibly Useful

The more you know about anxiety, the easier it is to manage. But suffering from anxiety still sucks.

So if you have anxiety issues, do as much research as you can so you can work on it.

Here are some facts about anxiety that we hope you find interesting and useful.


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Hundreds of your favorite did you know? Fact Snacks like the Lincoln tidbit above, the correct term for more than one octopus, and so much more!

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12 Facts That May Change How You Think About Sleep

I’m a huge proponent of napping and basically catching a bit of shut-eye whenever possible. Is there anything better than sleep?

Let’s just say things can get unpleasant when I don’t get my beauty rest.

Take a look at these fun facts about sleeping. You’ll be glad you did.

12. Placebo sleep works like placebo pills.

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11. Parrot fish have a gross sleeping arrangement.

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10. You can sleep across borders.

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9. You actually can be half-asleep.

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8. Lucid dreaming can be for anybody.

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7. Sleep lots – your sex life might depend on it.

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6. Dolphins are cautious sleepers.

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5. Never fight while tired.

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4. Brain cannibalism is real.

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3. Beauty sleep is real, too.

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2. Letting teenagers sleep longer could grow the U.S. GDP.

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1. Spiders don’t crawl in your mouth while you sleep. It’s the last place they would ever want to be. Stop worrying.

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Are you a fan of our Fact Snacks?

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Hundreds of your favorite did you know? Fact Snacks like the Lincoln tidbit above, the correct term for more than one octopus, and so much more!

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Check Out These Important Dos and Don’ts of Creativity

Creativity is a skill that needs to be nurtured and practiced if we want to see improvement. While every person is different, we can all learn a lot from this infographic that lays out the dos and don’ts of creativity.

These habits will help work out your brain and hopefully assist you in creating the best project possible.

So whether you’re working on a book, a painting, or a business venture, these tips will get your brain moving.

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‘Micro-Cheating’ Is the Newest Trend, As if Relationships Weren’t Already Hard Enough

Now we all have ‘micro-cheating’ to worry about, as if dating and relationships weren’t complicated enough,

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Obviously we all know that people cheat on their boyfriends, girlfriends, and spouses. And a lot of us have heard of the stupid games that people play in relationships, such as ghosting and others. Now it’s time to add a new phrase into the complex intimate relationship: micro-cheating.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Dating expert Melanie Schilling describes micro-cheating as “a series of seemingly small actions that indicate a person is emotionally or physically focused on someone outside their relationship.” People addressed the issue on Twitter.

Photo Credit: Twitter, CQueenOfCamelot

Photo Credit: Twitter, 333pjjp333

But not everyone believes micro-cheating is even a thing and is a manufactured problem.

Photo Credit: Twitter, ClintClarkson

Photo Credit: Twitter, bankedcurve23

Photo Credit: Twitter, EmeraldOmega

Photo Credit: Twitter, travelbear92

Photo Credit: Twitter, danielduwa

Photo Credit: Twitter, RichieNorris7

What do you think about micro-cheating? Is it being blown way out of proportion, or is it a real issue?

h/t: Pizza Bottle

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12+ People Share The Breaking Point of Their Relationships

Breaking up is never easy. Whether you’ve been together six months or six years, there’s no simple way to end it. But, alas, there’s often one thing (or many) that makes us finally pull the plug.

These 15 people revealed what happened that made them finally end their relationships and friendships.

1. Dread

“When I saw their name pop up on my phone, and my immediate reaction was dread rather than excitement.

It’s one thing to occasionally feel that a friend is being needy, it’s another when literally every communication leads to you wondering, “oh, god, what is it this time?”” “

2. Realization

“When I realized I didn’t like myself when I’m with them.”

3. A whole year

“When I went to text him a happy birthday and saw that the last communication between us was me texting him happy birthday a year ago.”

4. Insecure

“I’m a lil chunky and have a friend that is also a lil chunky. I don’t really care, but she is obviously a little bit bigger than me. Weird thing is, she insists constantly she is 30-50 pounds lighter than me, says she’s half my pants size, etc. It’s weird but I chalk it up to insecurity.

She would always make these weird, cloaked insults about my weight. Once I was talking about how I was shopping at forever 21 in the plus size section. A few minutes later, I complimented her skirt and she said “perks of being able to shop outside of the plus size section!”

It wasn’t veiled enough for me anymore and I decided not to be friends with someone that used their insecurity as an excuse to be mean to me anymore.”

5. One-sided

“When I realized our friendship was at her convenience and if she didn’t need emotional support she would prefer I didn’t exist. I’m willing to bet good money that she hasn’t thought about me once since we stopped talking, despite her constant claims of how “important” I was. I’ve learned some seriously important lessons about people from it all, though, so I guess it isn’t all bad.”

6. Turning point

“I had a realization that even though there was nothing wrong with the relationship, there wasn’t all that much right with it either. There was nothing that excited me. It was just a sort of low-level dissatisfaction with each other that was only getting worse, but never quickly enough to be able to point to an individual moment where we could justify sitting down and having The Talk. We just sort of assumed we were happy because we were happy once, and things hadn’t really changed, so… stability, I guess? Yay?

Eventually, it just goes to the stage where we were picking each other apart grain by grain, so I sat him down and explained that we were better off apart. He didn’t agree. It was a rough conversation, but it worked out for the best; shortly afterward he found someone that he was genuinely excited to be with, and they’re still doing great.

The realization that just because he was a good person, it didn’t mean he was a good person for me was a big turning point.”

7. Lose my number

“I had a friend who was supposed to be the best man at my wedding but texted me the day of the rehearsal that he wasn’t going to make it.

But it didn’t end there. Some years later he put out a FB invitation to a BBQ at a park, this turned out to be his own wedding, which was a surprise. The following day he texted me “Guess we’re even on missing each other’s weddings now.”

I told him to lose my phone number at that point.”

8. Birthday blues

“I have this group chat with my friends from high school and we talk every day in it. I’ve asked multiple times to hang out but they’ve been busy or no one replies. I tried to be optimistic and give them the benefit of the doubt, but for the past 2 months I’ve seen a majority of them hanging out on Snapchat stories and I’ve never been invited once.

The last straw was me asking in advance if anyone wanted to go out to dinner and ice cream for my birthday and that I would pay for everyone. I know people saw it because it tells me, but no one said anything. So that’s the story of how I spent my birthday alone this year.”

9. Not good

“When I realized that while I considered us good friends, I was just being tolerated.”

10. Nice guys finish last

“When I had the moment of realization that I became the typical nice guy trope towards a friend. I realized it was unhealthy for me and wasn’t fair to her, so I pulled away to work on bettering myself & not drag her down.”

11. Pranks

“In my late 20s, I got rid of a poisonous social group of people where a few members were harassing me with “pranks” like stealing my mail, slashing my tires, harassing my work, and just generally being aholes while pretending to be my friends. I was in denial for a while, thinking “these are not how adults act,” and it was a string of coincidences until a few other members came to me with evidence and “Uh, I think you should know…”

I never knew why they did it. The gist I got, and it’s piecemeal based on some of the legal stuff I had access to, but it started out as “harmless pranks” that just got out of hand. One of them said in a confession to avoid prosecution, “we just couldn’t stand to see him succeed. We loved doing s* to him, and then him ranting about it online. It was hilarious, we never knew that [other people] were going so far as to do [illegal stuff].” He blamed it on mob mentality.

Sadly, they went too far with the work thing, and my work went after them legally in a big way: two lost their security clearance, one was suspended from her job without pay, and another lost his entire business (which was operating illegally, but still). The rest just allowed it to happen or decided it was none of their business. It was only then I found out how a lot of these seemingly unrelated events were all planned out.

It just seems so surreal.”

12. Sounds like fun

“I ended a friendship because whenever we would spend time together she just wanted to talk about all the people she disliked (which was A LOT of people) and brag about herself. If I visited her parent’s house with her and tried to have a conversation with them she would interfere and say things like, “why would you think anyone wants to hear what you have to say”. Her mother had a lot of health issues and didn’t get out much and this girl I was friends with thought it made her boring and not worth spending time with.

Also, her boyfriend had a very old cat who was blind and walked very slowly. Whenever it got in her way she would kick it and scream at it.

Recently found out that even her family, who are lovely, have broke contact with her because she has treated them appallingly.

Oh, she is also the kind of person who goes traveling to third world countries to take pictures with the locals for her social media and acts like she’s a saint for going there and blessing them with her privileged presence.”

13. College

“My ex-best friend from HS was supposed to be my roommate when we went away to University. We talked about it a lot, so when he and another friend went to that town to find us an apartment, I was pretty excited to hear the news. Upon returning, he said that they found a great place, three bedrooms. I said, well, there are four of us, who are sharing a room? He said, no one, one for me, one for Jay and one for Jason. I said, where is my room? He said, oh, um, I didn’t know you wanted to get an apartment together. That was a very fast beginning of the end.”

14. Runaway bride

“When I told him that I didn’t have the money for a wedding right now and we needed to push it back a year and he said, “well if we don’t have it now, we’ll never have it”. I suggested we just go to the justice of the peace and he said, “No, I want a real wedding” (He and his family didn’t have the money to even help…so he expected me to pay for my own wedding by myself). He had some friends over a few days later and I was having a call with my bridesmaids and I overheard him say, “oh, I stay out of all that stuff…the wedding is for her, ya know.”

It was the first time that I had ever heard him outright lie to someone about something so trivial and dumb. I broke off the engagement the next day after I told him we need to postpone because I’m not trying to go into debt for a day and he still said, No. He finally confessed that he wanted to get married because he wanted something in his life that was secure. I was like….and what was I going to get? A bag of problems is what. I am so thankful for my wandering ears overhearing that bs.”

15. Jealous

“When I told him about something exciting that happened in my life (getting into grad school), and instead of being excited for me, he was angry because he felt he deserved it more than I did. Despite never applying for any such program himself, getting sh_tty grades because all he did during college was play video games, and having no career ambitions to speak of.

I dealt with a lot of sh_t from him over the span of 2.5 years, but somehow his resentment of my happiness at that moment was the straw that broke the proverbial camel’s back. Broke it off with him not long after.”

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10 Facts You Might Not Know About Migraines

There’s not much worse than having a terrible headache – except, perhaps, having a terrible headache that won’t go away. It’s not just a headache, either. Migraines are often associated with nausea, dizziness, fatigue, sensitivity to light and sound, and sometimes temporary blindness.

Sounds pretty awful, right?

If this is news to you, here are 10 more facts you might not have known, either.

#10. They may be hereditary.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Most people find that their migraines run in the family – between 80%-90% of sufferers say that at least one family member also has them. If one parent has migraine headaches, children have a 50% chance of dealing with them, too.

#9. They’re the 3rd most common disease in the world.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

One good reason to learn about migraines is that chances are good that someone in your life suffers – they affect 14.7% of the population, or 1 in every 7 people. That’s 39 million people, just in the US.

#8. Veterans are more likely to suffer.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

After a 12-month deployment in Iraq, one study found that 36% of returning veterans exhibited symptoms. The cause stems often from head or neck trauma sustained during service, and most go away within a few months.

#7.  Women are also more likely to suffer.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Even though women make up 50% of the population, they make up 75% of migraine sufferers worldwide. Due to laboratory research, most medical experts attribute this to the cyclical nature of female hormones.

#6. Research is underfunded.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Last year, the National Institutes of Health invested just $22 million in migraine research – while asthma, breast cancer, and diabetes receive between $286 million and $1.1 billion.

#5. Some people experience “auras” as warning signs.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Even more than nausea, dizziness, and headache arrive, some people (around 25%) experience numbness or tingling in the hands or face, or blotches of light or darkness disrupting their vision. These typically occur anywhere from 10-30 minutes before a migraine develops.

#4. It costs a lot of money annually.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Because migraines are so widespread, they do havea widespread negative societal impact. Workers take time off from jobs – some estimates say up to 113 millionwork days are missed annually, which can add up to $13 billion in costs.

#3. One rare symptom is the loss of limb function.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

It’s called hemiplegic migraine and people who experience it can have weakness, numbness, tingling, or loss or motor function in part or even half of their body. The sensations typically dissipate within 24 hours.

#2. Migraines are linked to depression.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

In the US, up to 40% of migraine sufferers also deal with depression. The risks of anxiety, bipolar disorder, and panic disorder are also elevated for people who get migraines. Researchers are still working out why the link exists, but they suspect the brain chemical serotonin, which is involved in both mental illness and migraines, may play a role.

#1. Kids can get them, too.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

10% of school-aged kids will report migraines and are reported as the third most common reason for children’s emergency room visits. They have similar symptoms, though nausea and stomach pain can often be more pronounced. The good news is that, according to one study, 23% of children will report “outgrowing” their migraines by age 25.

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Solving These 3 Riddles Can Help You Make Better Choices

Are you someone who has trouble making decisions on a daily basis, like which shirt looks better or whether you should grab a coffee or tea before work? Well, these 3 riddles will help you to not only make the right decisions but to find the right arguments for them, too.

Read on to find out how!

#3. The party.

Eric and George are arguing over a girl named Blaire at a party. She hasn’t responded to either of their plays with interest, but then makes up a game in which the winner gets to take her on a date.

Photo Credit: Brightside

The rules:

  1. The guys sit at a round table.
  2. They have a cache of coins that should be used to cover the table, but they cannot intersect or hang over the edges.
  3. The first player has an advantage if he places his coin correctly.
  4. The game is over when the table is covered and the winner is the person who plays last.

George is confident and allows Eric to play first – but what should his strategy be in placing the first coin?

Continue reading when you think you’ve got the answer!

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