An Experienced Firearms Owner Put a Bad Cop to Shame in This Hilarious Story

There’s no way to discuss gun violence and policing in America without starting an argument – or, at the very least, making a table full of people uncomfortable. That said, I think we’ve all encountered one of those “bad apples” in our day, and hopefully lived to tell the tale.

When it comes to bad people and small towns, though, I’ve gotta say that I’ve never really felt as if the two mixed.

This man is an experienced gun owner, private security agent, and a bunch of other smart analytical stuff.

Get ready for a WILD ride!

Okay, so… after moving to a small town to support his wife’s career aspirations he spent some time fixing up the house and getting to know their neighbors – like most small towns, that was no small feat.

Bit of backstory: My wife inherited a house and land and begged me to move there. It was somewhere I knew wouldn’t have anything in either of my fields for employment, (physical security specialist and force-on-force analytics and planning) but she got a job offer in her field (wildlife management) at a salary that matched what we were currently making combined, along with an employment contract (rare in the US), control of her own team and insanely good benefits.

Since we have no children and I am the adaptable type and I could see this meant a lot to her, I agreed. We put our house up for sale and we moved there sight unseen. While I am use to and even fond of it now, this place was the land that time forgot, (literally horse and buggy country) and it quickly became clear that for awhile, she would have to be sole income while I brought our new property into the modern era.

The house literally had no plumbing, there was an outhouse and a manual well pump outside! We decided to buy a used house trailer, place it on the southernmost part of the property and live in it while I worked on the house. I am not from this area. And the culture shock was intense! My wife had family from there and would spend a few summers as a child with relatives so she understood the people better than me and being the same height and skin tone she was quickly accepted.

Meanwhile, standing 8″ minimum above everyone else and being so white I show up from outer space, I had a bit of a harder time, but managed to make some friends eventually. After some time getting everything updated we came in way under budget since I had decided to learn the skills and do all the work myself.

Like most small towns, his was struggling with a drug problem that led to a crime problem. Our OP saw an opportunity and set up shop, helping the locals learn how to defend themselves and provide security for their businesses.

He felt great, and like he was really making a difference.

He was also the place the local police went to certify/re-certify their firearms training.

It quickly became clear that while our immediate area was lovely, with good people and trusting neighbors, the surrounding counties had developed a meth/pill problem and with all the industries being strict on drug testing once heroin came onto the scene people were starting to make their way to our area for break-ins, carjacking’s and even a few cases of kidnapping for ransom. A couple senior citizens just outside of town were broken into and beaten then shot to death just for maybe $300 worth of jewelry a couple old guns and their pain meds.

Seeing a need in my community I used the leftover money we had and I bought land in B.F.E deemed unfit for development at a steal (soil lead levels were too high for housing/farming and too remote for commercial) and after getting permits/certifications and almost a year of doing all the building and earthworks myself while working a part-time hospital security job a county over, I started a security, self/home defense and firearms training company.

I created local jobs in the nearby counties by training armed guards beyond state standards, helped people develop a neighborhood watch program, offered neighborhood security patrols at cost, made sure local shops got cameras and had plans and training in place incase of a robbery and worked with individual households to develop their own home defense strategies along with offering concealed carry training, advanced firearm training, OC spray, trauma and first aid training and other things.

Somehow without meaning to, I managed to wedge myself into a unique position where I not only trained everyday people, but I got certified to be the guy that all police agencies in the region send their officers to for state recertification and further training. Turns out before I came along, they had to send their officers almost six hours north to a state facility, which meant that they also had to pay for a hotel room for anyone that went up there, as well as two meals and mileage if they didn’t drive a squad car.

Not to mention that the tactics taught didn’t always translate well to our area. I offered to do it for a bit less, and given my location, no hotels or anything else were needed. For the first time in my life, I feel like my work really matters, that I am making a positive difference for real people and I look forward to going into my job!

That meant that he knew most, if not all of the local police. He also knew that the officers in town had a close relationship with the locals, and that no one would stand for police mistreating anyone in town (or at all).

In my line of work, I have ended up knowing a lot of the police in my area pretty well, and can say that I even consider a few of them to be friends. The departments I work with get quite a few officers who are new or transfers from other areas as this region of my state has a pretty median average pay grade and a lot of officers use it as a stepping stone to get to the bigger paying areas or to get their first bit of experience and head to another state.

Now, the ones who have made a life here and decided to stay learned a long time ago that the locals here don’t take shit that isn’t fair lightly. The people here DEMAND justice come h**l or high water. In the past, corrupt officers have been hanged or beaten when the courts failed the citizens and didn’t punish officers for doing something heinous. (One shot an unarmed 12 year old and another let a drunk/drugged man die moaning in a cell after a K-9 unit literally ripped open his abdomen, and was heard laughing and joking about it. Both essentially got a long paid vacation and then went right back to work until someone caught up with them).

Even one former judge who got a slap on the wrist after being convicted of molesting three children went missing and was later found bound to a tree and was apparently set on fire while still alive, so the officers tend to do a really good job of weeding out the bad apples and reminding newcomers that they are there to help people and protect people, not harm or bully them which in my experience is not the case with all (or even most) offices in places I have lived before.

After having a chat with one of his officer friends he learned that was a new man in town, and not the sort that seemed as if he was really going to fit in well.

I was doing an armed guard gig during a night shift filling in for one of my employees who had a family emergency mid-shift when a police car spotted me on perimeter check and pulled into the lot to to see who I was (I wasn’t wearing a uniform) and the place I was guarding receives a lot of raw metals that they then melt into various alloys to be shipped off for use. It’s a crackheads dream looting spot with the way scrap prices can be for some of the materials there.

After figuring out it was me they decided to sit and BS for a bit. While talking with these officers, I listened to them share about a new hire who transferred from a larger city and they just know is going to cause trouble with the locals. They mention how he has that I-know-better-than-you attitude and thinks that the piece of metal on his chest means that he IS the law.

Apparently he had already raised a bit of a stink because he writes citations for things that no other officer in the department has (Driving with one hand, burnt out fog light, plastic being taped over a broken back window in a car, headlights not on in the middle or the day and it’s raining. He even tried to give a guy a DUI even though he was sitting in the car ON BLOCKS in his driveway and it had no rear axel). Apparently he speaks aggressively to anyone who dare interact with him if they aren’t a police officer and overall just act like a power tripping douche nozzle.

The other officers have noticed that the locals have changed their demeanor towards them and seem more distrusting since this guy started and they were genuinely worried that he would turn everyone against them. In the words of one of these officers, ” With everything in the news these days, and the whole nation already being distrusting of us I hope we can find something to set the b**tard straight before he ruins the rep we work so hard to keep here.

I like that people here will just come up and talk to me, it’s the main reason I stayed here.” We brainstormed for awhile about how to get through to Officer Douche and make him change his ways (or career), but eventually came up with nothing legal and had to go back to doing our respective jobs like adults.

Two weeks later he met him for himself, and nothing really changed his opinion.

Two weeks or so after having this chat, and hearing similar things for other officers I know, I get my first interaction with Officer Douche.

I don’t advertise my business on my work vehicle and it is completely unremarkable but all the officers I know can spot it somehow so I’ve gotten in the habit of waving anytime I pass a squad car. On my way to speak with a prospective client about a consultation for their home defense plan, this a$$-hat pulled me over for waving at him when we passed each other on a two lane highway.

He slammed his brakes on, whips around in the middle of the road and came flying up behind me so close I can’t see his headlights with flashing lights on and siren blaring. After enduring his frankly insulting lines of questioning with his hand ON his pistol grip about why I “felt the need to carry a gun” (in my state it is required by law that anyone with a CCW/CCL has to inform the officer) and him sharing his doubts that “99% of people probably wouldn’t even know how or be able to use it”, the goblin wrote me a citation for “reckless operation of a vehicle” stating that he was justified in doing so because he saw me remove my hand from the wheel.

Trying to be diplomatic I said, “I just figured that you would appreciate a friendly gesture from someone today, I know I like when someone gives me a friendly wave.” This absolute insult to humanity blows his gasket, gets in my face yelling at me and threatening to “haul my smarta$$ downtown and see how friendly I am when I am hooked up in the back of his car” says that if he felt like it he could “cost me more in impound fees and lost wages than I would make in a month” (he has no clue what I do or where I work) then asked what I “thought about that”.

At this point I have an internal battle with myself wanting to slam him to the ground and beat his skull open on the asphalt to see exactly how empty it was inside, but saner thoughts prevail and I simply handed him my lawyers business card and stated that any further interactions we had would have to go though her.

He looked at the card, called me a pu**y and told me to get out of his sight. Once I got moving in my car I realized exactly how angry he had made me. I have spent years learning to keep my emotions to a minimum since it could cost someone dearly in my line of work and this c**t was able to boil my blood in just a few minutes.

He wasn’t a big guy even for the area and he didn’t carry himself like someone who was confident if their skills. Being that aggressive and having his hand on his pistol grip for most of our interaction spoke volumes as to what kind of person he was.

What would happen if he pulled over someone who didn’t have my level of control and acted like that or worse? I decided that the officers I had talked to were defiantly not exaggerating and this d%*k was going to end up getting himself or someone else killed or hurt and something needed to be done about it.

He got his ticket overturned, but even after a chat with the sheriff, realized there was nothing that the law could really do about him.

First I went to court and showed my dash-cam video which got my citation dismissed. I took the rest of the audio and video to the Sheriff of the county he works for and showed it to him, then we had a long conversation. He agreed with my assessment of this guy, but said that he couldn’t really do much but reprimand him for it and admitted that he would love to just toss him out on his ass however he knew that the union would fight to prevent that and at best he would only be gone a few days to get some training that would most likely go entirely ignored.

He even cautioned me against filing against him because he figured the guy was the type to take it personal and he didn’t want to see anything happen to me. He promised he would do what he could to get rid of the cunt, but in most ways his hands were tied. I could tell he hoped that the guy would just move on and become someone else’s problem when his two years were up.

I couldn’t help thinking that if he’s causing this kind of trouble already, it is only a matter of time before someone around here loses it on this douche and swings at him. Then even though the cunt deserves to eat his own teeth at least, some poor guy will end up with his life ruined or worse. All because officer douche has a badge and likes to wag his dick beater.

Then, opportunity arrived right at his doorstep.

Feeling as though there was nothing more I could do, I went about my business as usual the next couple days. Then, guess who came through my door to schedule with me for their recertification!? He didn’t know me from Adam, and just swaggered about like he owned the place and crabbed about this “being a waste of his time” and a “bunch of bureaucratic bulls*%t”.

I had a real Kodak moment when I reminded him of our last interaction! He tried to excuse it as just being “by the book” and claimed that his “hands were tied” when it came to the citation and he only acted that way because I had a firearm and he “was nervous about that gun so he needed to assert his authority over the situation”.

By now, I had had a large portion of the people that live in my area come though for training and most of them carried daily. He just confirmed my fears for me, and I was going to do what only I could to lay those fears to rest.

The officer in question then proved, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that he was dangerous on a whole other level.

Que /prorevenge mode!

Already forming a plan, I told him that I understood completely, and that I “operate that way as well.” Not even processing how that could affect him, the dips*%t seemed glad to hear that and we sat down to get his paperwork started. The whole time we are doing this he is bragging and talking about how good a shot he is and that he “looks forward to the day someone wants to f**k around and find out” with him. (Hearing the was he thinks made me both sick and angry. Yes, I carry a gun for self defense, but I hope that I never have to use it. I spent years learning other techniques to lessen that chance after having to draw it once, and built a career teaching others what I have learned.)

After getting all the paperwork sorted and scheduling a time and date, he asked if he could use my range to get some practice shots in. I even waved my range fee just to see this POS shoot. After going over the range rules, I ran him out at target at 10 yards and signaled the lane hot. He fired all 17 rounds out of his mag at a RAPID pace and only manage to hit 5 on the target, only one of which was center mass!

He repeated this FOUR more times at varying distances and his best score ended up being at 5 yards out with only 10 shots on target of which 4 were center mass. I suggested he slow up his cadence a bit and asked if he wanted my advice. He told me he’s “forgot more than I ever knew and to shut my mouth”, so I did. Then he proceeded to run it out to 10 yards and shoot one at a time at a slow pace I usually only see from first timers and didn’t get a SINGLE hit center mass!

After seeing the 13 year old girl a few lanes down from him load up and absolutely DRILL headshots at 15 yards with my range-master instructing her, he made some excuse about needing his sights adjusted, then packed up and the brainless dude left thinking we were all buddy-buddy a few minuets later.

OP gave us a rundown of how he runs the re-certifications for law enforcement officers and what he expects from the local cops and others he trains.

The state certifications are a bit simple, so when I started doing this I met with local union lawyers, training officers and some reps for our area and we came up with a standard that surpasses the minimum state requirements, which they in turn used to negotiate better benefits, so everyone wins!

The standards we decided on not only test for accuracy, but also introduces a bit of real world problems that the officers have to contend with. The first is done in full duty gear with both hands on the gun at 10 yards. After running 25 yards, within two minutes, you have to be able to draw your gun from crouched cover, fire ten rounds, reload a magazine loaded by me with a false round randomly placed in it to cause a “malfunction”, clear that malfunction and get 10 more rounds on target from standing cover.

The second is the same drill in reverse, but done with only one hand on the gun and in under three minutes. In both of these drills 15 of the 20 shots must be within the #8 ring of the target and all rounds must hit the target. And the third is a dot torture drill that must be cleared at 90% within 10 minutes and you have 3 attempts at it.

It doesn’t sound too tough if you are an avid shooter, but trust me, under pressure, with your job in the balance, it can be rough.

He also explains why these tests are important, and how it can affect their careers, and also he’s usually nice and lenient with guys who are legitimately trying.

But we’re not going to do that here, obviously.

See, the policy around here is that the County pays for your first test and if an officer fails to re-certify then they either choose two weeks unpaid leave or sit at the office and do paperwork at reduced pay for two weeks then they have to pay out of pocket to try again. Of course, it is encouraged that they come to me for help, but being that I am not a charity some choose to practice on their own, which is fine.

If they fail a second time, the Sheriff can cut them loose without any issues from the union and the officer has to wait one year to even be considered for rehire or relocate to a different area that doesn’t have these standards or the Sheriff orders them to come to my training, and I work with them until we KNOW they will pass.

After that second failure, the officers job lies entirely in the hands of their boss. Being that these tests are a bit tasking for most shooters, and even though I log WAY more range time than any officer I know (helps when you own the range) and can still occasionally fail the dot torture drill, I will show mercy for most of them if they seem like a decent person who is just out of practice or nervous and not be an ass when it come to scoring if they are close to a failing score. (Counting line breaks as hits when I don’t have too, “forgetting” to hit the stopwatch button if their cadence is just a second or two slow).

I decided the moment he signed the papers that there would be no such mercy for this douche nozzle!

I fully expected for him to burn though ammo practicing at home after his last performance, and while I doubted anything was actually wrong with his sights I wasn’t willing to risk being wrong there when I had such a golden opportunity to do some true community service! I even bought a new set of digital calipers deciding that if he was so much as one tenth of an inch off on any shot placements at the line, I would mark them as a miss and prove I was just going “by the book”.

My mind was made up that since I couldn’t get this guy off the force completely, I would go “by the book” and at least get him off of any that were close to the people around me and he would have to preform like an absolute pro to avoid it.

The guy showed up to his test totally unprepared and acting like a jerk (again) and so OP felt justified in his righteous revenge plans.

The day finally comes where he is to test and he shows up wearing shorts and a TapOut tee shirt with only his gun and duty belt emptied of everything else. No vest, no range bag, no radio, no eye or ear protection, no cuffs, OC spray or Taser. Not a dang thing that he knew he was supposed to have. After pointing these issue out, he huffs and says “I brought everything that is important, let’s just get this s*%t over with.”

Mind you, I could have failed him right then and there for noncompliance. I had a copy of his signature on the paperwork stating he owned all required gear and would bring it with him for the test, and that he would be dressed to listed standards on testing day. But that just wouldn’t have been satisfying enough for me. I wanted to make absolutely sure that anyone who looked into it would see that he himself was the failure.

That this loud-mouthed bolstering jerk wasn’t fit to the standards of his peers and his mother should have swallowed him 25 years ago and done society a favor. Not that he failed due to circumstantial or bureaucratic bullshit beyond his control. I let the clothing slide and loaned him some rental safety gear, which he bitched about wearing but eventually put on. After getting it all sorted, and noting all this in his chart, I let him take his test, and damnit am I glad that I did!

And oh, he had a glorious reward for his patience and planning, my friends.

If he hadn’t made me see him for the feted piece of crap he is, I would have felt sad for him. As it stands, I worried I may develop muscle issues from holding back my grin! He failed the first test immediately due to sheer ineptitude! When the buzzer sounded, first he tripped over his own feet and ate the ground face first. Full scorpion! Then after getting up and continuing while drawing from crouch, he somehow managed to catch his front sight or barrel on his holster opening and sent his gun tumbling through the dirt, then fell over when he tried to lean over to get it. Losing control of the firearm is an instant test stop, so I sounded the buzzer.

Holding back laughter (and putting on my plate carrier instead of just a level 3 vest incase the fool fired a random round my way), I gave him a second chance even though I already had what I needed. (mostly because I wanted to have irrefutable proof he failed on his skills and not on accidental circumstances). While he managed to keep hold of it this time, he struggled to clear the misfire costing him too much time for his slow cadence earlier and only two shots were in the #8 and four completely missed the target!

For the first time ever for me someone had failed the first test on all three metrics! I have had people come to me for the first time they held a gun or with a legitimate fear of guns who could out preform this arrogant pos! After listening to him try to make excuses, crab, demand and then beg for me to give him another chance, I told him that I couldn’t and he failed. That my report was getting sent in and he would have to talk to his training officer and we could go from there.

Then, my friends, a fight ensued.

He EXPLODED in anger and started calling me anything he could think of. Claiming I was only doing this because of the ticket he gave me (part of why I wanted so much proof). And cursing me in some honestly creative ways while slamming his fist into my wall like a petulant tween and telling me that he was going to “make sure you all regret this” while pointing at me and my staff in the other room.

By now a couple of my regulars, my rangemaster and the local brass goblin have all made it over to watch though the window and listen to the exchange. Knowing I have him on camera with audio punching a hole in my wall, and I have witnesses, a new thought came to me when I heard him say this. And I decided to steer him just the way I wanted him to go.

All I had to do was ask if what he said was a threat, and the dips*%t responded with “you bet your f**king a$$ it is!” and, to my surprise, reached out to give me a shove! I side-stepped him and he stumbled past which pissed him off even further. I told him then and there to “get the f**k off my property and that he wasn’t welcome back.” I looked this sack of s*%t straight in the eye and informed him that he “just sealed his fate since now he would have to BEG to be sent to the other facility and I would make certain my report recommended he never work as an officer again, and should they ignore my advice I would be raising my prices to better reflect the training they get here.”

He then decided to spit at me and swing a punch this time! Not one to miss an opportunity, and easily outweighing him by 50-60lbs, I raised my guard and the moment his arm made contact with my mine I used his momentum and my muscle to send him over my shoulder and directly into the ground with all I could muster! I channeled my ancestors and the ancient gods of their homeland into that throw fully intending to leave a Wile E. Coyote-esque crater in my floor.

Rolling him to his back and sitting atop him in full mount position I watched a wanna-be badass try to remember how to breathe after meeting the ground that hard and immediately cry like a bitch beg for his life when he looked past me to see my rangemaster (310lb 6’6″ tatted-up retired Marine turned bodybuilder) with our less-lethal training shotgun (the gun is BRIGHT green, kinda unmistakable as less-lethal) in one hand leveled to officer bitch-mades head and his phone in the other already talking to the kid’s boss.

Apparently, my rangemaster had been watching everything from his office on the security feed and when Officer Douche started punching the walls my boy immediately picked up the phone and called the sheriff grabbing the shotgun on his way out the door to us.

When all was said and done, I got to watch him get hauled off my property by his boss, in cuffs and read his rights since, yes, I will be pressing charges. He assaulted me, threatened me and my employees, and damaged my property. And I had all the evidence I need to prove it!

Not only did OP win the day, he found out that he’d hired the right man to have his back, too.

Later, when I asked my rangemaster why he had brought the gun into play, since the guy wasn’t really a threat he reluctantly told me he had brought it for me! Apparently, in all the time we had known each other, he had never seen me actually come unglued like that.

He said, “Boss, you are the kindest and quietest man I know. And in my experience when a man like you gets that angry even the devil himself would piss his pants to get away.” He admitted that his plan was to nail me with a beanbag or two if he needed and try to turn my attention to him!

Not going to lie, I wasn’t happy to know I had made my friend feel that way, but it did feel good in an odd way to have a certified bad-ass feel like he needed that tool to stand against me. I gave the man a raise for his honesty, and willingness to protect others, no matter the cost to himself. After all, that’s a rare quality anymore, and it should be rewarded.

And to this day I refuse to spar with him because I never want him to 100% know he could take me without it!

It’s not a totally happy ending, but it’s probably the best we can expect these days.

Despite all the evidence and testimony against him, Officer Douche ended up getting a pretty good plea deal, but he will never be able to be a police officer or legally own a firearm again, so I consider it a win. His wife filed for divorce for domestic violence while he was awaiting his court date and thankfully they had no children together so it was granted without issue and he has no rights to see her son.

He moved away immediately after his hearing, and last I had heard, he makes minimum wage working at a gas station somewhere up north.

What do you think? Did he go overboard? Do you think there’s ever a reason for grown men to fight?

Sound off in the comments!

The post An Experienced Firearms Owner Put a Bad Cop to Shame in This Hilarious Story appeared first on UberFacts.

Learn About How One Person’s Greedy Nature Cost Them Over $1.5M

For some folks out there, the world and morality are black and white. Things are wrong or not, moral or not, and there’s no wiggle room or space to negotiate in the middle. For other people, the world is more gray, and whether or not something is wrong can depend on who you’re dealing with, and maybe whether or not their actions mean they “deserve” what’s coming to them.

For this man, who worked at a very successful tech company back during the boom, his bosses attitude and ineptitude seemed like reason enough to rip him off for more than $1M.

He started with the company right out of college and worked his way up to have some face time with the owners, but was always careful to stay in his own lane – which had nothing to do with buying or selling stocks.


A year out of school in the early-1990’s, I procured a job as a business analyst for a large, family-owned tech company. This business was located in the booming heart of technology at the time and was very profitable. As tech took off over the next decade, the company thrived and remained family-owned. What was a rich family and company became exceedingly wealthy with a valuation/net worth in the high 9/low 10-figures.

The family that owned it was quite neurotic, very moody and had a reputation as very ruthless (greedy) when it came to financing, deal-making, employees, etc. I truly believe this is what held them back from ultimately becoming a household name as a company.

As I progressed in the company, I gained more and more face time with the owners. I worked on some projects directly with ownership that really paid off and gained me even greater access to their inner circle. Now, like a lot of people at the time and particularly those who worked in tech, I was heavily invested in tech stocks. I discussed some of my investments and gains with ownership as casual conversation, though investing had nothing to do with my role in the company.

But when one of the owners asked him if he would invest some of his (and the company’s) money for him, the guy jumped at the chance to pad his resume.

He was smart enough to ask for the details of the arrangement in writing, and carried on.

That is until one day in late-1999 when the owner came to me and asked me if I would invest some of his personal money. He wanted me to take big risks to see if they would pay off using 1 million dollars of his personal money. I was a bit hesitant, but still being in my late-20’s and wanting to prove myself, I said I would.

I asked for a written agreement where they acknowledged this wasn’t my role in the company, was a personal matter between the owner and me, and to document my compensation for this side arrangement (20% of all profits).

He went to work, dealing mostly in short sales, where he was comfortable at the time, and after a short while, was showing profits in both his and his boss’s accounts.

Around this same time and by working in the industry I started to notice the weakness associated with a lot of tech companies. They just weren’t living up to their hype and stock price and some seemed like they were starting to run out of money. I had no inside information, just a strong sense of which companies were struggling based on my work in the business.

Based on this sense I started using both my money and the owners money to short tech companies just after the New Year in 2000. For anyone unfamiliar with shorting, it means if the value of a stock decreases, the value of the investment increases. I had a few long positions, but my overall position was very short.

Since the owner wanted big risk and big reward, I used his money and obtained leverage or margin from the financial institution where I maintained both his and my trading accounts. The accounts were separate, but both under my name (again, I documented this and gained consent).

Well, both my account and his suffered some moderate losses in the first two months of 2000 before the bubble began to burst and both accounts, but his in particular, began to skyrocket.

When the company started to struggle financially, the boss who had invested came to OP to ask him how the accounts were doing. He told him they had netted around $1.35M so far but that there were also some open accounts that were worth around $1M.


In June, the company began to suffer a downturn. We were still profitable, but since we provided tech services and products we were not immune to weakness in the broader market.

I had not informed the owner of my short strategy. He came to me one day and asked how his money was doing, saying he suspected it was way down like the general market. To his surprise, I informed him that while we still had some money tied up in options (puts) and shorts, but based on the positions I had closed, there was $1.35 million in cash sitting in the account that belonged to him.

Again, I still had a bunch of open positions which, if memory serves, were worth about a million on that date, but the positions I had closed had yielded $1.35 million in cash just sitting in his account (which was in my name).

The owner asked for the $1.35M out, and got angry at OP for asking for the 20% they’d agreed on – around $70K.

The owner, either through ignorance or lack of attention, said “Great, $1.35 million. Fantastic work in this down market. Will you please wire it to me?” I responded that I would, but would be taking my 20% of the $350,000 profit, or $70,000, before wiring him the $280,000. I also reminded him I still had open positions that had yet to pay off or close, but I didn’t state the amount. He, once again, appeared not to understand or comprehend the open positions statement, but instead totally focused on and became incensed about my rightful claim for $70,000. He went on and on about how times were tough, I should be grateful for a job, particularly at my young age, and the entire $350,000 was necessary for him and the company. I knew this wasn’t true based on my position within the company. Worse, this was my first time personally experiencing the greedy and corrupt nature that served as the basis for ownership’s reputation.

Which is when OP decided to go ahead and take his revenge for those wrongs.

Revenge that netted him around $1.8M.


Now comes the revenge. Since, after two separate conversations, the owner didn’t seem to grasp that the open positions would yield at least some income, and thus additional profit, I decided not to mention it again. I sent him back the entire $1.35 million and continued to manage the open positions to the best of my ability. And here’s the kicker, the owner never brought it up again. He seemed to think the $1.35 million payment was the entire value of the account and never understood or remembered that open positions still existed. He never asked for records, tax documents or any time of audit or financials. Given the fact that he was dishonest with me, I didn’t feel the need to disabuse him of that notion.

Ultimately, after a bit more net gain, I covered all of the shorts and exercised all of the options (puts in this case) for an additional $1.8 million. I worked for the company for 3 more years and owner never asked about it during my tenure, after I gave notice, or since. I know it’s a bit crass and even shady af, but given his dishonesty with me over the $70,000, I felt justified in keeping the additional $1.8 million. I paid taxes on the gain (long term cap gain), and went on my way with a fantastic nest egg. Nobody has asked about it since and I have only told the story to a few people (and even then only after the statute of limitations passed).

He waited and saved the money during the rest of his time with the company, and then for a few years after he left, but no one ever asked for it.

The owners are all deceased now and he feels pretty smug at having swindled some arrogant and clueless people out of a whollllle lot of money.

The final ironic cherry on top of this sundae is that during my remaining 3 years I gained greater influence with ownership in position within the company because they considered me loyal for giving the $1.35 million back and not making too much of a stink about the $70,000 profit.

Little did they know I got the better of them. The company eventually folded due to family disputes, but my understanding is that ownership walked away in very good financial position.

They likely could have been a much better and greater company had they not practiced the same dishonesty that they showed me with their vendors, clients and employees.

Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed.

I don’t know how I feel about this, y’all. I’m not stodgy or anything but this feels a loooootttt like stealing.

Drop your opinions in the comments!

The post Learn About How One Person’s Greedy Nature Cost Them Over $1.5M appeared first on UberFacts.

These Half-Brothers Learned Sometimes the Money Just Isn’t Worth the Trouble

Money changes things between people, which is why things like inheritances can be tricky moments to navigate within family life.

This guy learned the hard way that his half-brothers cared more about a few thousand dollars than they did about their relationship or family ties, and that’s gotta sting.

When OP’s grandparents died, they set up an account that he would access when he turned 18. It was to share with any siblings of his mother and father.

When I (25f) was 3, my grandparents passed away. They set up a savings account in my name. The account was meant to be accessed by me when I was 21. At that point it contained just over 300k. My grandparents left me a letter saying they would like me to share the money fairly with any other “Smith-Jones” children, meaning my full siblings (dad’s a Smith, mum’s a Jones). By “fairly” they meant that they wanted me to assess the situation and judge for myself what was fair.

He never ended up having any siblings, but his father and eventual stepmother had two sons, OPs half-brothers.

He considers them his brothers, and so he decided the fair thing to do would be to split the money 3 ways.

I never had full siblings, but I have 2 half brothers, “Mack and Joe Smith”, who are dad and stepmum’s kids. Due to the specific wording my grandparents used, I legally never had to give Mack or Joe any money.

However, I see Mack and Joe as my brothers, and as the money came from our grandparents, I felt that the fairest thing would be to assign each of us 100k, so we all got an equal sized lump sum, and I figured that when Mack (the youngest) turned 21 and took his 100k, we could split any remaining money.

OP was the first to turn 18 and used the money to buy a house. Instead of borrowing an additional 30k he borrowed it from the fund, planning to pay it back (with some interest) but the time his youngest brother would come into his inheritance.

When I turned 21, dad suggested I buy a house with my 100k. I found a place I loved but it was 130k and I couldn’t get a mortgage, so dad said I should borrow 30k from the account. I did, figuring I could pay it back before my brothers turned 21, and I have been repaying it. The account should be at 208k right now, but due to me withdrawing and then repaying that money it’s at 195k, so I still owe 13k.

When the second brother realized there wasn’t as much in the account as there should have been, OP explained what happened and said the money would be there when their youngest brother received his share.

The brothers flipped, treating OP more like a lawyer or accountant than family.

Joe turned 21 recently, and as I was giving him his 100k, Joe noticed that there was less in the account than there should be. I explained and said I was going to put it all back before Mack (now 19) turns 21.

Joe told Mack and both boys said I stole from them and owed them the full 13k back plus 3 grand of interest that they felt they would have gotten, and they wanted it all paid by this summer, which gave me less than 6 months to bring the account up to 211k. I said I’d do it, but over 2 years as planned.

They threatened to sue, and so OP decided he was done – done being nice, done giving them money. He wasn’t legally required to, after all, so they reaped what they sowed.

The boys then wrote up a contract to that effect. I went to sign it, until I saw that it said 6 months to pay it all back. I wouldn’t sign as we agreed on 2 years. They said I should figure it out as they were entitled to that money and would be seeking legal advice. Later that day I got an email, clearly written by them, saying that they intend to sue me for the 16k, plus whatever is currently in the account, and additional “damages” and “emotional distress” on top of that.

At this point in time, I’d given Joe about 50k of his 100k, because he wanted it in installments. I responded that legally, they were never entitled to any of it, and given their attitudes, I’d say they’ve already received an amount I deem fair, so that 50k was all they were getting. I then got a barrage of texts, calls, and emails yelling at me for going back on our “deal”. I blocked them.

The boys didn’t take it well, trashing OP on social media and turning certain family members against him. Their father also supported their quest online, which is how another half-brother emerged from the woodwork.

They then took to social media, saying that I was trying to screw them out of their inheritance and rallying our extended family into harassing me over this, and it mostly worked as a lot of people messaged me. However, I got a message from this guy called “Chris Smith”. Chris said he was 27, and claimed to be my half brother.

I had never met him before, but he sent me photos of him as a kid with our dad, grandparents, and me. He showed me that he also had an account with 150k in it, and a scan of a letter from our grandparents, saying this money was meant to be shared fairly among dad’s illegitimate children. Chris also told me we have another half sibling, who is 18. He’d been looking for me for a while, but only found me when dad shared Joe’s post which had me tagged.

He had some money from their grandparents, too, but it was for any other illegitimate kids (and there was more than one), so the half-brothers didn’t qualify for that, either.


We checked with a solicitor to make sure, and as the boys are legitimate, they aren’t entitled to anything in Chris’ illegitimate kid fund, and as they are my half siblings, they aren’t entitled to anything in my Smith-Jones kids fund, either. I sent the boys a letter formally telling them to back off, stop posting about me online, and enjoy the 50k because it’s all they’re getting. The day they received the letter, Chris got a PM from dad, asking if the boys can have some of Chris’ fund. Chris also said no, and told dad we’d met. I told Mack and Joe about Chris and our other half sibling, with Chris’ permission.

So it looks like my grandparents, knowing about Chris before they passed, set up 2 funds. One for the kids dad had with my mother, who was still his wife when they passed, and one for children born out of dad’s affairs, presumably to make sure no one tried to screw anyone else over out of hurt feelings.

Now the boys aren’t getting any more money and their parents marriage is probably over because all of the skeletons have been loosed from the closet.

I’m getting a lot of shit, but holding firm on my decision. The boys have realized that I won’t back down on this and it sounds like I’ve caused a schism at their house, as Joe has all the money and no intention of sharing so Mack is now feeling twice as screwed, plus stepmum apparently did not know about the other half siblings, or that my half sister was born after she and dad got married, and she’s made dad move into a hotel.

It sounds like dad is looking for a long term living arrangement outside of the family home, because it looks like she is not letting him move back in. Dad is begging me to reconsider, but honestly I’m done with all of them except Chris and my sister.

So… what did the internet think? Plenty!

Some were really feeling this story.

Image Credit: Reddit

And some really think these folks got their justice.

Image Credit: Reddit

Actually, everybody thought they got what was coming to them.

Image Credit: Reddit

This is a cautionary tale, y’all, against being greedy and against being a jerk to family over money.

Even if they’d managed to get what they wanted, they still would have lost something more valuable than money.

Don’t be like these kids, y’all.

The post These Half-Brothers Learned Sometimes the Money Just Isn’t Worth the Trouble appeared first on UberFacts.

Here’s Proof That Someone’s Last Day on the Job Is Not the Day to Test Them

Depending on the circumstances, a person’s last day at a job can either be a time of uncertainty, or even anger, or it can be a cause to celebrate moving on to something better (even if you’re a bit sad about leaving behind the people you know).

Either way, a person who is performing their final hours of duty doesn’t have a lot of f**ks to give, y’all. There can be no consequences (of the garden variety) and so their patience for bulls*%t is probably pretty low.

This girl was on her last day as a hostess at a restaurant where people are required to wear masks as part of a corporate policy.

So it’s my last day at my most recent restaurant job. Now the restaurant I work in requires all customers wear masks when they’re not at the table. I try to explain that it comes from a corporate level and I have no say in the matter, but I end up dealing with a lot of angry people.

A large group comes in without masks. She informs them they have to wear them whenever they are not seated at their table, and a pregnant woman objects, saying she has a medical exemption.

The restaurant doesn’t recognize those, and it’s just to the table, OP explains.

I’m a host and a large party comes in. I tell the party that everyone needs to wear masks until they get to the table. A younger pregnant lady tells me she is not required because she’s pregnant and has a medical exemption. I explain that our restaurant does not recognize medical exemptions and she will be required to wear one just until she gets to the table.

The party argues and blusters, but everyone puts on their masks and heads to their meal.

On the way out, the pregnant lady asks for OPs name in a sugary, not-sweet voice.

The whole group gives me the usual snark, legal arguments, conspiracy theories etc. but eventually they all put on their masks and are seated. Well about an hour later the party is leaving. The pregnant woman comes back to the host stand. She thanks us for excellent service and asks me (in a tone that was polite but laced with contempt) what my name is.

OP happily provided her name, since she wouldn’t be working there anymore when the woman called to complain – but also, she didn’t do anything wrong.

She even spelled it out, which I have to imagine was done with relish.

Now it’s my last day at this restaurant. The next day I will be in my pajamas, sipping coffee, and working from home without a care in the world. With my mask hiding my grin, I tell her my name proudly. My IRL name is unique and very easy to misspell so I spell it out for her letter by letter and makes sure she knows it right. I’m the only one with my name in the whole restaurant. In a tone that says “I’m gonna get you in so much trouble” she says “thaaank yooou” and leaves.

Everyone laughed about the lady who didn’t want to follow the rules, and honestly, it sounds like OP is hoping to hear some followup, and it’s hard to blame her.

All my coworkers joke about it being my last day and how much trouble I’m NOT going to be in as soon as she calls and finds out I no longer work there. I’m keeping up with Yelp and google reviews to see if my name pops up but nothing yet.

People started sharing their opinions.

Image Credit: Reddit

And they shared some interesting stories.

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Even if they had a bit of an opposite situation happen to them…

Image Credit: Reddit

I’m living a little bit vicariously because I always wished I would have an opportunity like this on a last day! Argh!

Has anything like this ever happened to you? Did you get the payoff you wanted?

The post Here’s Proof That Someone’s Last Day on the Job Is Not the Day to Test Them appeared first on UberFacts.

When a Girlfriend Stole From Him, He Tanked Her Academic Career

Most of the revenge stories on Reddit are examples of what happens if you mess with the wrong person. Some folks will just like, cut you out of their lives if you do something shi**y, but others?

The look you straight in the eye and say “f**k around and find out.”

This girl found out what would happen after she stole from her boyfriend, and I’ve got to think she regrets it now.

It began at University, where a young guy made a mistake that lots of young guys make in college (and also before and after) – he got involved with a girl who was waving around red flags like she was starting a race.

I’m a senior at a large state university. This happened in the first semester of my freshman year.

I was selected for an honors-type program that placed me in a co-ed dorm building with every other student in the program. As a dumb freshman, I rushed into a relationship with a freshman girl who lived right above me (we’ll call her Megan). It was convenient for me to date someone who lived so close, but everyone else in our building hated Megan because she talked a lot, and almost exclusively about herself. She bragged often about being a “fairly aggressive” person, but somehow I overlooked that mile-wide red flag.

Then his mom noticed that his debit card was being used more than usual (to order food). OP hadn’t made the charges and he asked his gf, who also denied it and suggested he cancel the card.

So, he called the bank.

Right after Thanksgiving break, at the end of an evening class, I got a call from my mom, who noticed some unusual activity on my checking account. Back then I had no credit card, so this account/debit card was my only access to my savings while I lived on campus. I rarely needed to buy anything during the semester, so I was puzzled to find that $104.29 had left my bank account over two weeks—in the form of six Grubhub food orders.

At this point, I trusted Megan, but I decided to ask her about the money right away. She denied any involvement and suggested that I cancel my debit card. After a really long phone call to the bank, I did just that.

When he reached out to GrubHub and they sent him receipts, lo and behold, his girlfriend’s name was on them.

They both had dining plans and plenty of cash, so there was no issue of her not being able to eat at school.

Next, I reached out to Grubhub customer service on Twitter: “Hey, my card was stolen and used for food orders on these dates. Can I have the receipts?” They sent me the first and last receipts, but they had to “redact” the personal info of the account holder. I say “redact” in quotes because they just used the Snapchat draw tool, and Megan’s name was still clearly visible on both receipts. What’s more: The most recent receipt was only two hours old. She was probably still eating when I chopped up my debit card!

It’s worth noting that she and I both had unlimited dining plans—paid for by our respective parents—and we lived 500 feet from the nearest dining hall. She didn’t need to order food, and she definitely didn’t need my money to do it.

I sent Megan a breakup text and decided that the $104.29 was a loss. At least I escaped unscathed, right?

She finally confessed (after yelling at him) and honestly, he thought that was that.

That was not that.

Well, less than two days later, she entered my room when I wasn’t looking. I was sitting at my desk when I noticed her standing silently behind me.

Megan: “Give me my stuff. Where’s my stuff?”

Me: “What stuff?”

Megan: “YOU KNOW.”

I did not know. She tore through the room, looking for something that she refused to identify. Just as quick as she came, she was gone, and I locked the door because obviously this wasn’t over yet.

Within a minute, she was back. She stood outside my door, knocking and demanding I let her back inside. The knocking quickly got more violent. She started shouting “I KNOW YOU’RE F***ING IN THERE!” and “OPEN THE MOTHERF***ING DOOR!” Mind that we lived in this building with students in our program who all know each other, and all of them could hear her. Pretty quickly, Megan was rattling the handle of my door. Next, she began throwing herself at it, shoulder-first, trying to break it down. I lived next door to my RA, but judging by the lack of any intervention, he was elsewhere. So I whipped out my phone and texted him to send backup.

Meanwhile, I saw my heavy wooden door bending and buckling. I even heard it crack a bit.

The other RA showed up and they managed to get her away from the door and find out what she wanted.

He returned the things (which were gifts) and hoped it was really over then.

My RA was on duty in another building, so he sent three of his colleagues to de-escalate the situation. They brought Megan downstairs, where she revealed that the “stuff” she wanted was just the t-shirt and keychain that she gave me for my birthday. Whatever; I let her have those. I still just wanted this to be over.

It was too late for Megan, though. The school was involved now, and the ball started rolling without OP’s say so.

However, once I shared my story with the resident life staff, they filed university paperwork to place a no-contact order between me and Megan. They also recommended I contact the campus police, who then told me I should get my stolen money back in small-claims court (I couldn’t even get there without a car or money to pay for an Uber. Sorry, Judge Judy).

At the request of the campus police, I also contacted the Title IX office at my school, sending them the story of everything you’ve read so far. They were interested—to say the least—although I didn’t want any trouble. I just wanted a clean breakup and a fresh start, but a Title IX representative informed me that they were bringing three misconduct charges against Megan: theft, threatening/violent behavior, and inciting an intervention by university staff. The representative asked me to serve as a witness in Megan’s disciplinary hearing the next semester. I tentatively agreed, right before the representative set the hearing date for February 14th.

Valentine’s Day. I thought it was a joke, but they really did that.

In the interim, OP had found out a few things about his ex that made him feel less than sorry for anything that was about to happen.

When the day of the hearing finally arrived, the no-contact order was still in effect, but a few of my friends had kept tabs on Megan. For starters, she failed all of her classes in the fall. Someone in my math course confessed that Megan had tried to sleep with him while she was dating me, and he had to repeatedly tell her no. Even worse, Megan kept telling a twisted version of the whole story to try and turn my friends against me. So when I found out that she had found a new boyfriend, it felt good to know that the V-Day disciplinary hearing ruined whatever evening plans they might’ve made.

I arrived alone at the disciplinary board office, unsure what to expect. The board consisted of grad students, and the hearing was expected to run into the night.

Megan showed up with an entire entourage who were about to learn the sad truth about their friend (and daughter and client).

Because there was video.

Unlike me, Megan did not come alone. She brought both of her parents as “character witnesses” (that wasn’t even a thing here; this wasn’t a real courtroom, as you’ll soon see). And that’s not all: Megan’s parents also paid a lawyer to defend her against the charges.

The board knew that was unnecessary, but Megan’s parents believed so strongly in their daughter’s innocence that they had already paid this three-piece suit make her case. In the name of fairness, the board members offered me pro-bono legal representation: A junior economics major, who we’ll call Jimmy.

Jimmy had already read my account of the events from the fall, and thanks to my screenshots of Grubhub receipts, he said there was an okay shot of the charges sticking. Then I told him something I’d kept secret for months: When Megan tried to break down my door and I whipped out my phone to text my RA, I also filmed the whole thing.

Jimmy couldn’t get enough of the video. There was Megan, kicking and screaming and clearly trying to break into my dorm room. It was all the evidence I needed, and no one saw it coming. In the hearing, when the time came for me to make the case against Megan, Jimmy played the video on a big screen in front of everyone.

The room went insane.

Everyone knew the jig was up, and OP realized that Megan really had started to turn people against him, but it was too late for anything to change at that point – it was a melee.

In that instant, I realized that Megan really had convinced everyone I was the liar. In her version of the story, I gave her permission to buy food using my account. She told her parents that she’d asked me politely for her belongings, which I’d rudely hidden from her in my dorm room. In Megan’s story, I was the sociopath trying to ruin her reputation. Before I unveiled the video, it was her word against mine.

I still didn’t want revenge… Even after finding out that Megan tried to cheat on me. But when I saw her parents flipping out at the video: “WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL US YOU DID THIS?!” and her lawyer raising hell: “THIS EVIDENCE WAS NOT PROVIDED IN PRE-TRIAL DISCLOSURE!” and a board member standing over him: “SIR, THIS IS NOT A COURT OF LAW. PLEASE RETURN TO YOUR SEAT” and him shouting “OBJECTION!” and her replying: “WE DON’T HAVE OBJECTIONS, THIS ISN’T A COURT OF LAW” and Jimmy, my new best friend, just trying not to laugh out loud… That’s when I realized how good revenge can feel when it’s fair and deserved.

The board found her guilty and meted out justice.

The girlfriend ended up leaving school.

The board found Megan responsible on all three charges. My side of the bench recommended the university terminate her housing contact and force her to pay restitution. Her side recommended only restitution and a reprimand.

The board compromised. Her family paid back most of the money she stole (“most” because two of the six orders had the same price and the lawyer convinced the board I had duplicated an order), and Megan was forced to move into a different dorm building. This probably would’ve helped her anyway because every student in our program’s building knew everything she’d done and lied about. They wouldn’t speak to her, and no one wanted to be her roommate. By the time she had to move buildings, she’d already failed all of her courses again. Having paid for her tuition, her unused dining plan, her lawyer, and her restitution, Megan’s parents finally pulled her out of school.

Just a little update, for anyone wondering where the parties ended up…

Last I heard, Megan returned as a part-time student, but I never saw her again because the no-contact order still stands. I’m now Facebook friends with the guy Megan tried to seduce. Oh, and Jimmy and I connected on LinkedIn.

As for me, well… I no longer date “fairly aggressive” people.

I figure most of us have to learn the hard way when it comes to dating and relationships.

So… did Reddit have opinions? Oh, you betcha!

Because what was this lawyer thinking?

Image Credit: Reddit

Sit down lawyer?

Image Credit: Reddit


Image Credit: Reddit

At least this guy says he learned his lesson. Time will tell!

The post When a Girlfriend Stole From Him, He Tanked Her Academic Career appeared first on UberFacts.

Person Got Satisfying Revenge on a Racist Karen and Got Her Business Closed Down

Racism is one of the topics at the forefront of the minds of many these days, and rightfully so. Everyone needs to have a plan for what they’re going to do if and when they find themself staring it in the face.

This person had to enact that plan after a racist “Karen” called the cops on her young cousin, and I have to say, I think she knocked it out of the park.

The cousin had always dreamed of starting a salon and managed to do just that, with family helping out in all kinds of roles and everyone taking ownership of the fledgling business.

My cousin (23,F) recently opened up her own salon. From a young age, she taught herself how to thread/wax eyebrows and developed an interest in makeup and hair. Everyone in our extended family would go to her before events and on a monthly basis for their threading, waxing, hair and makeup needs. In 2020, she had a full-time job (non-salon related) but decided to renovate the basement of her home to create a small salon space.

She now spends her free time taking clients in her at-home salon and there’s nothing but great reviews! Her sister helped with the renovations and now helps her with marketing the business (social media, community pages) and I help with the finances (budgeting, price-setting). We all support her and are really proud of her! The salon is our baby.

Covid took a toll on the business, like it has on most things, but they were managing to keep forging ahead with precautions.

We’re now in the middle of a pandemic and this greatly affected her salon business. As a result, she implemented safety measures and our small team made sure to keep up with covid regulations in our city. This included having one customer inside at a time, doing temperature checks, making masks/face shields and gloves mandatory, wiping down the salon after each client…etc. Also, when our city was in lockdown, the salon was closed as it is not an essential service.

Once their city went into lockdown the salon was forced to close temporarily, making sure clients knew through Facebook, etc.

There was a comment on an old post offering a deal, from when the salon was allowed to be open with precautions, that she couldn’t believe her salon had to be closed and this one didn’t – but no one saw it right away.

Our city is once again in lockdown since the end of December to the end of January. The salon has been closed since the lockdown began. The salon’s social media pages had been updated to let the current clientele know that the salon is closed.

Now comes the Karen. Karen sees a community post from OCTOBER detailing a discount that the salon was having on a certain package we offer. She comments on the post saying that she can’t believe the salon is open in the middle of a lockdown when her salon has to be closed. This is important for later. Karen fails to notice that this post was made in October, when salons were allowed to operate as long as they followed safety regulations.

Karen doesn’t bother checking more recent posts indicating that the salon was closed. My cousin doesn’t see her reply at this time.

Then, the police showed up, wanting to see the cousin.

She wasn’t home and so she missed them (twice) but they left a card and asked her to call them back.

The next day, two police officers show up at my cousin’s door while she’s at a doctor’s appointment. The officers ask for my cousin and my aunt lets them know that she’s not home right now. My aunt does not speak English very well and lets the officers know that she would call my cousin and ask her to come home. Maybe the officers didn’t believe her but they insisted on coming inside the home.

My aunt had already called my cousin as she was worried. My cousin asked what it was about, but my aunt didn’t know. My cousin then asked if they had a warrant for anything. When she found out they didn’t, she told her mom not to let them come inside and that she would be there in about 20 minutes. My cousin began driving home when my aunt called her to let her know that they simply left. Hearing this my cousin was less worried and decided to go grocery shopping as planned before heading home.

Turns out, the officers came back half an hour later and once again demanded to see my cousin. My aunt called my cousin again and asked her to come home but in the 20 minutes she took to come home, the officers were gone. They had left a card and asked her to call back.

When she did they informed her the business had been reported for operating during quarantine. She explained she hasn’t been seeing clients and has been following all of the rules, suggested that if they were getting their information from Facebook they should double check the dates on the posts, and figured that was the end of it.

My cousin managed to get a hold of the officers and was told that someone had reported her business. They claimed that she was operating during the lockdown and they had proof. My cousin knew this wasn’t true as the salon had been closed for quite a while.

By now, my cousin had seen the comment from earlier and mentioned that she knew exactly what their so called proof was but the post in question was from October. My cousin was very upset as this post was not even close to being actual evidence of her operating now, in January. She was also very upset that they insisted on coming inside the house with no cause or warrant when they could clearly see that my aunt does not understand the language very well.

At the end of the conversation, the police officer apologized to my cousin and we thought it was the end of it.

Then, the Karen who made the comment called, pretending to be a customer.

You must be wondering how we know that Karen was the one who called the cops. Well, she told us! The next day, my cousin received a message she realized was from the woman who commented on the post. Karen decided to pretend like she’s a customer.

Karen: Can I book an appointment?

My cousin: Hey love, we are currently closed due to the lockdown. Once the lockdown is over, we will be more than happy to book you in.

Karen: Oh my gf was there yesterday, my apologies

My cousin: You must have gotten the date wrong. The salon is not taking clients until the lockdown is over. Thank you.

Karen: Np but I didn’t get the date wrong lol I also know the police came due to you being open. Take care

My cousin: I’m not going to sit here and entertain your boring life. Maybe for a change you can find another hobby rather than spreading lies and wasting people’s time, including the police’s time. Or even better, find an actual job. Have a good night.

Karen: I own my own spa that’s closed as should yours be. My mom is the one who called the cops. You are not entertaining me at all. Go back to your own country instead of fucking with ours.

My cousin decided to block her at this point. My cousin was happy this was all over. Her sister and I were still outraged at the racist comment and how someone could make up lies about a small business that led to the cops terrifying my aunt. When my cousin told me about Karen, the fact that she had her own spa really stood out. I did some digging.

It turns out she made a mistake, though, because not everyone is willing to let comments like that go – as they shouldn’t.

urns out Karen runs her own spa out of her house. Doing some more snooping, I found reviews from her clients on her business page that were posted on days that the city was under lockdown. The reviews could be from clients who received services before the lockdown and only now had a chance to write a review. To be sure, I found Karen’s Instagram page.

I decided to use her own trick against her! I created a new account with a generic name and followed her page so she couldn’t see that I was related to my cousin. I then messaged her to ask about the prices for her services.

Me: Hey, I love your pics! I was wondering how much you charge.

Karen: Hey girl, thank you so much! What service are you after?

Me: I’m really interested in the BB glow facial.

Karen: That’s awesome. My biggest seller for sure. Normally it’s 125 but it’s on B.O.G.O (buy one, get one) so you pay for one session and get 2!

Me: That’s such a great deal compared to others! When is your next available date?

Karen: Where are you located? I can’t have people come to me in lockdown but I travel to my clients.

Head’s up, going to people’s houses was still not allowed during their lockdown rules, so she totally told on herself.

And then OP told on her, because tit for tat.

aren was not operating from her home location due to lockdown restrictions but was traveling to her clients’ homes which is still against regulations! I then made up a lie about my home not having adequate space and asked for her address so we could meet up at my friend’s place somewhere between her and I’s locations. She foolishly told me her address.

During this time, I also tried joining other community groups that she was a part of. In one particular group, people in the community were promoting their small businesses. She had recently made a post about discounts on her services for the month of January! I immediately went online and submitted a report about her business still operating including screenshots, her address, full name…etc.

The police checked it out and fined her, and since it turned out to be a second (or perhaps third) offense the penalties were stiff, and her business was shut down.

She was angry, made threats, etc, but I mean…meddlesome racists get what they get, don’t you think?

A few days passed by and I had forgotten to check up on it as I was busy with life again. I saw the incident report number on a sticky note I had on my desk and decided to check in. Apparently, this was not Karen’s first offence! Karen had already been fined $750 for having a client in her home during the first lockdown in my city. After being fined, she decided to change her business model and go to the client’s home instead. Now, she was fined $10,000!

I was still following her on Instagram so I decided to check it out. She had gone on a rant about how she was going to do very bad things to the person who reported her. She also mentioned that she was no longer allowed to run her business! I’m not sure what type of ban the regional police put on her but I immediately deleted the account and exited the groups I had joined earlier. At the end of the day, Karen got was she deserved and I fulfilled my dream of pretending to be Sherlock Holmes.

Naturally, reddit had A LOT to say about this story. And all of it was supportive.

Image Credit: Reddit

Because Racist Karens are gonna do what they do…

Image Credit: Reddit

And some people really gave it to the cops.

Image Credit: Reddit

And hey, some business tips!

Image Credit: Reddit

Did this person go too far? Should they have been a bit more understanding in the times of Covid, one small business owner to another?

Drop your thoughts on the matter down in the comments!

The post Person Got Satisfying Revenge on a Racist Karen and Got Her Business Closed Down appeared first on UberFacts.

Neighbors Paid the Price for Refusing to Turn Down the Heat

Being a good neighbor when everyone is in their own, single-family homes can be tough enough, some days, and people who share walls or buildings or other close-type quarters have my eternal sympathies.

This person lived next door to a commercial unit that was rented to the city, who in turn rented the space to the postal service.

Once they moved in there was a buzzing sound that was loud and made it hard to sleep, and OP struggled to figure out exactly what it was, so they could try to stop it.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

It turned out to be the heating unit for the post office next door. OP went over to find out what was wrong and was told they were going to have someone look at it.

They asked whether or not it could possibly be turned off at night so they could get some sleep, and were told no, because it took too long for the unit to fire back up in the morning.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

Someone did come by to check the unit but no repairs were made, and the tenets next door were getting icier by the day.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

OP was starting to go crazy from the constant noise and the lack of sleep.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

They worked hard trying to get it resolved before the holidays, but now the supervisors were being rude, too, and it was clear that no one really cared to take the time or spend the money to fix the problem.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

OP knew they were on their own if they wanted to have a restful holiday season.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

They spoke with their landlord again and learned that this whole time, the fuse box had been in his own apartment.

While they were on holiday next door, they turned off the heat and enjoyed the blessed silence.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

They were cold during the day next door, but OP really didn’t care – the time for revenge had come.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

No regrets and no backsies.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

I actually love this. Everyone knows that no sleep makes a person crazy, so they really can’t be held accountable for their actions.

Do you agree, or are you on the side of the legal mumbo-jumbo here? Tell us down in the comments!

The post Neighbors Paid the Price for Refusing to Turn Down the Heat appeared first on UberFacts.

Neighbors Paid the Price for Refusing to Turn Down the Heat

Being a good neighbor when everyone is in their own, single-family homes can be tough enough, some days, and people who share walls or buildings or other close-type quarters have my eternal sympathies.

This person lived next door to a commercial unit that was rented to the city, who in turn rented the space to the postal service.

Once they moved in there was a buzzing sound that was loud and made it hard to sleep, and OP struggled to figure out exactly what it was, so they could try to stop it.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

It turned out to be the heating unit for the post office next door. OP went over to find out what was wrong and was told they were going to have someone look at it.

They asked whether or not it could possibly be turned off at night so they could get some sleep, and were told no, because it took too long for the unit to fire back up in the morning.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

Someone did come by to check the unit but no repairs were made, and the tenets next door were getting icier by the day.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

OP was starting to go crazy from the constant noise and the lack of sleep.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

They worked hard trying to get it resolved before the holidays, but now the supervisors were being rude, too, and it was clear that no one really cared to take the time or spend the money to fix the problem.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

OP knew they were on their own if they wanted to have a restful holiday season.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

They spoke with their landlord again and learned that this whole time, the fuse box had been in his own apartment.

While they were on holiday next door, they turned off the heat and enjoyed the blessed silence.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

They were cold during the day next door, but OP really didn’t care – the time for revenge had come.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

No regrets and no backsies.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

I actually love this. Everyone knows that no sleep makes a person crazy, so they really can’t be held accountable for their actions.

Do you agree, or are you on the side of the legal mumbo-jumbo here? Tell us down in the comments!

The post Neighbors Paid the Price for Refusing to Turn Down the Heat appeared first on UberFacts.

This Revenge Story Proves You Shouldn’t Mess With Someone’s Christmas – Even if They’re Family

It’s fair to say that every family does the holidays differently.

You might do Santa up big, or play him down (or ignore him totally). Everyone might buy each other all of the gifts they can afford, or you might draw names from a hat to keep things less expensive (but still loving). There might be so many kids that you just stop buying for everyone period, because it costs a crazy amount of cash.

Whatever you decide when it comes to gifts, as long as your entire family is ok with it – or gets ok with it – you should still be able to enjoy the holiday together.

It’s about family, after all, not presents…right?

That’s what this guy thought, at least, when he and his father agreed that it was no longer necessary for everyone to buy for everyone else’s kids, only their own parent/siblings – great news for OP (original poster), since he was the only childfree dude in the bunch.

Image Credit: Reddit

Here is the cast of characters (I really appreciate this guy’s way with words!)

Image Credit: Reddit

Image Credit: Reddit

Things begin to go awry when OP hands over his Nintendo DS, goes to get a drink, and hears trouble brewing.

Image Credit: Reddit

No one else is concerned about the situation, but the stepsister eventually wanders in to “handle” things.

Spoiler alert: she handled nothing.

Image Credit: Reddit

6 months later, the stepbrother calls with the news that OP should really buy Christmas gifts for the kids this year.

Image Credit: Reddit

They have a discussion about it that really doesn’t go all that well.

Image Credit: Reddit

And ends with OP thinking they understand each other, and that now no one is getting gifts.

But of course that wasn’t all, because then his father called.

Image Credit: Reddit

The same sort of conversation happened, with OP expressing continued disinterest in impressing the kids.

Image Credit: Reddit

In the end, OP agrees to buy small gifts and bring them to Christmas.

Image Credit: Reddit

OP promises that the kids will definitely enjoy his gifts.

Image Credit: Reddit

Enter Christmas, with not 1, but 4 gifts under the tree for each of the four children. He’s excited and can’t wait, so he encourages the kids to open his gifts first.

Image Credit: Reddit

The parents agree, and of course, the kids do love their gifts.

Image Credit: Reddit

Then all hell breaks loose.

Image Credit: Reddit

Then, the beautiful parting shot.

Image Credit: Reddit

Here’s your TL;DR if you skimmed up until this point.

Image Credit: Reddit

Do you agree with how this guy handled his stepfamily?

I have to say, I do think this guy could be nicer about his nieces and nephews, because they’re family and also just because they’re kids, and really don’t deserve this kind of judgment.

That said, gifts should be optional and no one should be forced to buy them if they’re not moved to do so, right?

Tell me your thoughts on the topic down in the comments!

The post This Revenge Story Proves You Shouldn’t Mess With Someone’s Christmas – Even if They’re Family appeared first on UberFacts.

Learn About How a Teacher Became a Legend After She Punted Her Final to Help a Student With Cancer

There are a lot of sayings about rules, aren’t there? Rules are rules. Rules are there for a reason. Rules are meant to be broken.

Anyone who has worked anywhere that there is an administration that mostly exists just to uphold rules, though, knows that crap can get out of hand, and fast.

This school had a policy where, if you had very good attendance through the semester, you would be allowed to skip a final in a class you had an A in before the end of the course.

Everyone loved the policy, because who wouldn’t!

Image Credit: Reddit

Well, it turns out kids with valid reasons to miss a bunch of school.

Like, say, a child with cancer who has required appointments and checkups and treatments and recoveries.

Image Credit: Reddit

The administration refused to let him skip his Spanish final, even though he had managed to keep an A through all of that horrible experience.

Because rules, obviously.

Image Credit: Reddit

The teacher had his back, though, and just told the administration fine, she would give and score his final.

Then she did what she wanted.

Image Credit: Reddit

In the end, everyone won – and let’s be honest, the administration didn’t lose, either.

Image Credit: Reddit

They have great teachers and great students, so they can’t really be disappointed, right?

Do you hate things like this, where people can’t seem to see gray areas or make necessary exceptions? It burns me up!

Let’s commiserate about it in the comments!

The post Learn About How a Teacher Became a Legend After She Punted Her Final to Help a Student With Cancer appeared first on UberFacts.