Enjoy These 50 Fur-Raising Facts About Cats

Whether you’re a cat lover or not, there’s no denying that cats make the word go ’round – or at least, they make the internet the place everyone wants to be.

Cats, cat videos, funny videos of people giving thoughts to their cats…whatever it is, if there’s a cat in it, people are down.

For all of the people in the world who love cats, though, do we really know everything there is to know about living with (and catering to) our feline friends?

If you’re looking to know more, we’ve got 50 facts that run the gamut from basic to totally interesting, so snuggle up your kitty and take a gander!

50. People have been showing cats since at least 1871.

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In July 1871, hundreds of cats were put on display at London’s Crystal Palace.

The world’s first major cat show was attended by more than 200,000 guests, which is just proof that loving cats like, a lot, is nothing new.

49. Cats spend up to 50% of their day grooming themselves.

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Cats groom themselves for several reasons, such as toning down their scent to avoid predators, cooling off, promoting blood flow, and distributing oils naturally through their coats.

Shared grooming sessions also serve as a sign of affection between cats, and experts also believe their saliva could contain enzymes that serve as a natural antibiotic.

48. Some breeds are naturally larger than others.

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The majority of cats in the world weigh just under or over ten pounds, but some breeds exceed those numbers by quite a bit.

The Norwegian Forest Cat, Maine Coons, and Ragdolls weigh between 15-22 pounds on average, which makes them quite a load in that little carrier.

47. Purring doesn’t necessarily mean they’re content.

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It is true that cats purr when they’re content.

However, they also purr when they’re sick, stressed, hurt, or even while giving birth.

Basically, don’t assume the sound means they’re happy.

46. Cute cat videos predate the internet.

This clip all but proves cat videos have been making the world go ’round long before they took up permanent residence on the top of the YouTube charts.

Thomas Edison (totally on brand) filmed two cats “boxing” inside a small ring in 1894.


45. Purring could help improve their bone density.

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Experts, like associate veterinary school professor Leslie A. Lyons, aren’t sure why cats purr, but one hypothesis is that the sound frequency of a purr – between 25 and 150 Hertz – can “improve bone density and promote healing.”

She wrote in an article for Scientific American, “because cats have adapted to conserve energy via long periods of rest and sleep, it is possible that purring is a low energy mechanism that stimulates muscles and bones without a lot of energy.”

44. There was a video game based on Socks, President Clinton’s cat.

Image Credit: K-starter

Socks, a black-and-white tuxedo cat, lived in the Oval Office during Bill Clinton’s tenure as President.

During the early 1990s. Super Nintendo Entertainment System created a game called Socks the Cat, which featured the First Feline in Chief.

It was never officially released and was even thought for a long time to have been lost, but recently collector Tom Curtin bought the only copy in existence.

He also purchased the rights and partnered with game publisher Second Dimension to bring Socks the Cat Rocks The Hill out in 2018.

43. A cat’s nose has receptors for catnip.

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The herb catnip contains several chemical compounds, including one called nepetalactone.

Cats can detect that particular chemical compound with special receptors in their noses and mouths, which triggers those odd behaviors we associate with “kitty weed.”

That’s why you might see your beloved cat sniffing, shaking or rubbing their head, and rolling around on the ground.

Don’t worry. They’re okay.

42. Not every cat is into catnip.

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Despite urban legend, though, a little less than half of cats respond to catnip at all.

Scientists aren’t sure why some cats go nuts and others don’t, but they do know it’s hereditary.

If your cat had a catnip-sensitive parent, they’ve got a 50/50 chance of having the same sensitivity.

If both parents crave the plant, the odds of the kitten wanting the same fix goes up to three in four.

41. They’re great at sniffing things out.

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In the 1960s, a man named Henry Helb lived in the Dutch Embassy in Moscow with two Siamese cats.

He noticed his pets were arching their backs and clawing at one of the walls, and Helb, convinced the cats could hear something he didn’t, went looking behind them.

He found 30 tiny microphones, and instead of busting the spies, he and his staff used them to pass wrong or irrelevant information onto whoever was listening.

40. Some cats have extra toes.

Image Credit: Averette

Polydactyl cats have 6 toes, and are fairly adept at picking things up.

Maine Coons are particularly likely to have the adaptation.

39. There is a world’s richest cat.

Image Credit: Land of Cats

His name is Blackie, and you can find him in the Guinness World Record Book under Wealthiest Cat.

He inherited the funds from his owner, a rich British antique dealer named Ben Rea.

The cool $13 million was split among three cat charities, all of whom take turns watching over the beloved feline.

38. Male cats have barbed ding dongs.

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If you’re a female cat, copulation isn’t the funnest time, and it could be part of the reason why they tend to be loners.

Male shafts are barbed in order to stimulate the female’s privates, which inspires an ovulation – and also keeps her from running away before he’s done.


37. Cats are not fans of music.

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If you’ve ever heard cats yowling in the night (probably because a female is being forced into mating), you’re probably not surprised to learn they really don’t consider what humans listen to pleasant music.

At least they have people like composer David Teie on their side; in 2015 he partnered with animal scientists to make an album called Music for Cats. 

According to his website, the songs are “based on feline vocal communication and environmental sounds that pique the interest of cats.”

Hmmm. I wonder if it’s on Amazon Prime Music…

36. College graduates are more likely to be cat owners.

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According to 2010 research collected by the University of Bristol, people who have graduated from college are about 1.36 times more likely to own a cat than other people who own pets.

After studying the more than 3,000 survey responses about the person’s pets, geography, and academic history, researchers believe they can chalk up the slightly higher chance of cat ownership to the fact that they’re typically more low-maintenance than a dog, and therefore better suited to people with thriving careers.

35. A group of kittens is called a “kindle.”

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A group of kittens all born to the same mama at the same time is called a “kindle,” and I have to believe that Amazon knew that when they chose the name for their e-reading – cats and books just go together, right?

If you’re curious, a group of adult cats roaming the street isn’t a pack – it’s a “clowder.”

34. Cats have more bones than humans.

Humans have 206 bones in their bodies (keep ya dirty jokes to yourself), while cats come with 244.

I’m going to have to check out a skeletal diagram, but I bet the tail accounts for at least a few of those extras.

33. Many famous historical figures were cat lovers.

Image Credit: Land of Cats

Cat lovers are in good (and creative) company when it comes to well-known historical figures.

People like Florence Nightingale, Pope Paul II, Mark Twain, and the Bronte sisters all owned (and of course, adored) cats.

32. Abraham Lincoln was CRAZY for cats.

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Abraham Lincoln could vie for the craziest cat man in history, though – once, when his wife Mary Todd asked about Abe’s hobbies, he reportedly replied “cats!”

It should be noted that Lincoln also owned and loved dogs, which proves he was just an all-around good guy in my book.

31. There’s a name for someone who loves cats.

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If you love cats as much as Lincoln did, try adding the word ailurophile to your vocabulary.

Sure, no one will know what you’re on about, but you can drop it into a casual conversation and educate the masses on what “cat lover” really means.

And, to take it one step further, you could break it down to the Greek – ailouros being the word for “cat” and the suffix –phile meaning “lover.”

So just remember to keep those ailurophobes out of your life, eh?

30. Not all cats have fur.

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Specifically, Sphinx cats are hairless, or furless, but still manage to maintain an average body temperature around four degrees warming than a typical cat.

Mother Nature is a mad scientist, friends!

29. Cats have been in space.

Image Credit: Public Domain

French scientists launched the first cat into space in a rocket on October 18, 1963.

Felicette made it safely up and back down again, using a parachute to descend gently back to Earth.

No official word on whether or not she landed on her feet, though.

28. There’s a reason cats don’t like water.

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According to experts, it could be because, like the rest of us, cats like to be comfortable and walking around with soggy fur is the opposite.

It could also be because it scares them to lose control of their buoyancy.

27. But some cats break the mold.

Image Credit: Lubbad85

Some cats do enjoy the occasional dip, though, including the Turkish Van, Maine Coons, and Bengals – no matter the species, there always have to be a few who go against the grain!

26. The world’s oldest living cat is a thirtysomething.

Image Credit: Eastern Daily Press

The average lifespan of a cat is between 12-18 years, and while most of us have known a cat who made it to – or a bit beyond – that upper threshold, I doubt they’ve lived to be 35.

The current oldest living cat just passed his 35th birthday – he’s a tabby living in Britain, and his name is Henry.

25. But there’s no Guinness World Record for the fattest cat.

There used to be records for the fattest animals, but Guinness found that people are terrible (not news) and would intentionally overfeed their pets in an attempt to get into the record books.

If there were a record attained somewhat naturally it would be Katy, a Siamese cat who lived in Asbest, Russia.

She was given hormones to stop her from mating and the treatment had a surprising side effect: it made her ravenous.

So ravenous, in fact, that at one point she weighed more than 50 pounds.

24. Cat’s love a small space.

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The phrase “if it fits, I sits” means cats will squeeze themselves into very small spaces whenever possible, and animal experts think that’s because it makes them feel more protected, secure, and important – sort of like being back in the womb.

Shelter workers have known this for some time, as any time they’re given boxes to snuggle in the adjust more quickly and are less stressed than cats left alone in their cages.

Sleeping in a smaller space also helps cats retain more body heat, and so they can stay relaxed and get more rest, too.

23. A massage from a cat is more than a kind gesture.

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You might find it sweet when your cat kneads your leg or your belly (as long as their claws stay retracted), but experts believe your cat is actually marking you as part of their territory through the process.

Cats have scent glands in their paws, which is part of why kittens knead their mama’s belly while nursing – it stimulates milk production.

So it makes sense that if the behavior carries over to adulthood, those glands would still be useful for something.

22. No one knows why cats meow.

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Cat experts do know why kittens meow – it’s to get their mother’s attention – but as to why full-grown cats might do the same, they’re not totally sure.

They think the behavior grew out of their connection to humans, since cats don’t meow when interacting with other cats.

Instead, they use those noises they made as kittens to convey their emotions and needs to their human “parents” in the same way.

21. At least one cat painting is worth nearly $1m.

Image Credit: Public Domain

In 2015, the “world’s largest cat painting” – an oil painting that measures 7-by-8.5 feet – sold at auction for more than $820,000.

The work is called My Wife’s Lovers and once belonged to wealthy philanthropist Kate Birdsall Johnson.

She owned dozens (maybe hundreds) of cats and commissioned the painting of her beloved Turkish Angoras and Persians.

20. Cats actually sweat.

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Cats paws are full of secrets, and one of them is that they allow cats to sweat.

They also pant, if they get really hot, but if you see that happen you should help your friend cool off as soon as possible.

19. They don’t always land on their feet.

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More often than not, cats do land with all four paws solidly on the ground.

Cats have a great sense of balance, even when they’re falling, and can use their flexible backbone to adjust their bodies in the air.

The can also spread their legs out to “parachute” down, and since they’re small and light-boned, that often means falls won’t be as hard as they would be for another creature.

That said, people shouldn’t go around testing this theory, because the cat could get hurt – it’s not a 100% of the time thing.

18. They spend the majority of their lives asleep.

Image Credit: Pexels

One estimate says that cats spend two-thirds of their lives asleep.

So yeah – the vast majority of their lives are spent sleeping or grooming themselves.

17. America loves Exotics.

Image Credit: catza.net

A 2018 survey found that the most popular cat breed in America was the Exotic – a flat-faced cat that’s basically a short-haired version of a Persian cat.

The second most popular was the Ragdoll, with the British Shorthair coming in 3rd.

Personally, my favorite is “the cat who showed up on my porch and wouldn’t leave.”

16. Some hotels keep cats in their lobby.

Image Credit: The Algonquin Hotel

It’s kitschy, you know?

Bodegas are known for keeping a resident feline, and the Algonquin Hotel, which has graced midtown Manhattan for a century, also has kept a lobby cat since the early 1920s.

The current resident is known as Hamlet. He assumed his post after the passing of Matilda III, who “moved on” in October of 2017.

15. T.S. Eliot thought cats were downright poetic.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

The musical Cats is based on a collection of T.S. Eliot poems called Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats.

Published in 1939, it follows the antics of a group of cats, and originally, a pack of dogs, too.

Eliot cut the dogs, saying that they “don’t seem to lend themselves to verse quite so well, collectively, as cats.”

The rest is, of course, history.

14. Disneyland’s feral cats have a big job.

Image Credit: iStock

Around 200 feral cats call The Happiest Place On Earth home, and they earn their keep by controlling the park’s rodent population.

All of the cats are spayed or neutered, and they also receive medical care and the occasional extra bit of food for their efforts.

13. Your cat might be allergic to you.

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There are a good portion of people who are allergic to cats, but you might be surprised to find the irritation can go both ways.

1 in 200 cats has asthma, a condition that continues to rise among cats who are subjected to smoke, dust, human dandruff, and pollen indoors.

12. They were not made to be letter carriers.

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We know because in the 1870s, the city of Liege, Belgium, tried giving them the job.

Their attempt to train 37 cats to deliver letters in waterproof bags tied to their necks didn’t go all that well – the letters were late when they got to the correct address at all.

Anyone who has ever tried to train a cat is not surprised.

11. In Japan, a cat manages a train station.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

There’s an adorable “stationmaster” in Southeastern Japan – a 7-year-old calico cat named Nitama.

Wakayama City “hired” Nitama in 2015 after losing their previous feline stationmaster, Tama, at the age of 16.

10. Quotation marks are all about cats.

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The Hungarian word for “quotation marks” is macska karom, which literally translates to “cat claws.”

Bet you’ll never look at them in quite the same way again!

9. Cats are fast.

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Dogs, horses, and other breeds might come to mind first when you’re thinking about fast animals, but the fact is that your house cat could probably give some of them a run for their money.

The average running kitty can clock around 30mph, after all, so don’t bother giving chase if one darts away from you.

8. More people in the States have cats than dogs.

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Like college graduates, Americans are more likely to own a cat than a dog.

There are an estimated 85.8 million pet cats in the States, compared to around 78 million dogs.

This could be chalked up to people tending to own more than one cat, don’t you think?

7. It’s true that cats were popular in Ancient Egypt.

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Ancient Egyptians did more than love cats – they revered them.

One of their goddesses was a half-feline named Bastet, even.

Anyone who harmed or made a cat’s life end and was caught faced pretty harsh consequences, one of which was the ultimately mortal penalty.

6. You can tell a lot about a person who says they hate cats.

Image Credit: iStock

Just based on history, I mean.

Napoleon, Julius Caesar, and Genghis Khan all hated cats, too.

Also, that really bad guy in the middle of WWII.


Just sayin’.

5. The myth of the bad-luck black cat is a mystery.

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All across Western civilization, you’ll find the myth that black cats are a bad omen, but no one really knows how it began.

As early as the Middle Ages, superstitions arose surrounding black cats being the reason for the plague pandemic.

Little did anyone know that by expiring cats, they were also getting rid of the best chance they had to get rid of infected rats, who actually carried the disease.

They eventually became associated with witches, because older, single women often adopted alley cats as companions.

4. In some countries, black cats are considered good luck.

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In the United Kingdom and Japan, however, a black cat is a symbol of fortune.

New brides are given black cats to bless their marriages in England, and in Japan, they’re considered particularly lucky for single women.

The Germans throw their beliefs way back to Ancient Rome, when anything that came from the left was ominous – so a black cat crossing from left to right was a bad sign, but if it crossed from right to left, the omen was good.

3. Nyan Cat was based on a real cat.

Image Credit: Know Your Meme

The viral meme of a gray cat with a Pop-Tart body who shoots rainbows from its booty was actually based on a real-life cat named Marty.

Marty was a Russian Blue, owned by Nyan Cat illustrator Chris Torres.

2. Cats can jump up to five times their own height.

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Some cats can jump as high as six times their own length, and not only that, they make it look easy.

Too bad there aren’t cat Olympics, because I would totally watch that!

1. Cats can’t taste sweets.

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It’s sad, but true – if your plate has leftover meat, your cat might want to take a bite, but they’ll leave that piece of cake alone.

With your dog, though, all bets are off.

I’m feeling like I need another cat. Can that be right?

What’s your favorite thing about owning a cat (or being owned by a cat)? Tell us in the comments!

The post Enjoy These 50 Fur-Raising Facts About Cats appeared first on UberFacts.

Get Ready For Your Next Trivia Night With These 50 Amazing Facts

There’s nothing better than a group of friends who enjoys a robust trivia night, right?

The friendly competition, maybe a drink and some snacks, and of course, being the one who knows the most random facts at the end of the night – perfection!

If that sounds like an ideal outcome for you, you’re going to want to take notes on our list below, because you won’t find 50 more amazing facts anywhere you look!

50. There’s a storm rating scale known as the “Waffle House Index.”

Image Credit: Pexels

Waffle House has a reputation for staying open in extreme weather – so much so that FEMA informally  uses the Waffle House Index” to gauge how severe a storm is expected to be.

Like, maybe if Waffle House isn’t closing it’s not all that serious?

49. Why Mr. Rogers always said aloud that he was feeding his fish.

Image Credit: Public Domain

Fred Rogers had a reputation for being kind and inclusive, so when a young, vision-impaired viewer wrote to him with a concern that she couldn’t see the fish to make sure they were ok.

He immediately changed the way he went about his routine.

He always mentioned aloud that he was feeding the fish so that little girl – and anyone else who couldn’t see his visual cues – could be sure his pets were properly cared for.

48. Nerf’s first sales pitch might have been their best.

Image Credit: Public Domain

Nerf revolvers and darts have had many slogans over the years, at least a few of which weren’t bad and managed to do their job of sticking in people’s heads.

“It’s Nerf or never,” and “Nothing but Nerf” come to mind – but if you ask me, their initial thought was probably the one they should have stuck with for the duration,

You just can’t outdo “Nerf: You can’t hurt babies or old people!” in my mind.

47. There is a “League of Extraordinary Communities.”

Image Credit: David Prasad

The funny thing is, it’s a coalition of a bunch of towns that aren’t extraordinary at all – Boring, Oregon, Dull, Scotland, and Bland Shire, Australia.

The sound like super fun places to visit, don’t you think?

46. The manchineel tree is actually deadly.

Image Credit: David Stang

The manchineel tree is found in tropical and sub-tropical climates, usually in brackish, swamp-type water. They’re in Florida, the Caribbean, and all throughout the coastal areas of Central and South America.

You might want to take a good look so you can avoid touching any part of it at all – known as the “Tree of D**th,” touching any part of the tree can leave chemical burns on your skin.

If you decide to take a bite of the fruit you could get seriously injured from the toxins, and burning its bark can cause blindness.

Let’s hope all of the other trees don’t catch on and start eliminating the humans ala The Happening anytime soon.

45. Amelia Earhart and Eleanor Roosevelt were gal pals.

Image Credit: Public Domain

They were also bada$s bi*ches, which you probably know, but if you want receipts, we’ve got them.

They once sneaked out of a White House event together, commandeered an airplane, and took it on a joyride to Baltimore.

I mean, they could have gone somewhere cooler, but I’m still going to write the lesbian fanfic.

44. A portion of Route 66 plays “America the Beautiful.”

Image Credit: David Thornell

A short section of Route 66 – a stretch that traverses part of New Mexico – will play you a rendition of “America the Beautiful” via its rumble strips.

There’s a catch, though: it only works if you’re adhering to the 45 mph speed limit.

43. There’s a word for when you’ve dreamed something before.

Image Credit: Pexels

We all know about the phrase déjà vu, right? It’s the strange feeling that you’ve experienced an event or a conversation or a brief moment in time before?

Did you know there’s a phrase for when you’ve previously experienced an event or a conversation or a brief moment in time before in a dream, though?

There is, and it’s déjà rêvé. Go ahead and use it in a sentence!

42. Russian cosmonauts always pack heat.

I mean, maybe this tidbit doesn’t surprise you, but it’s a little shocking they admit to it.

It’s not just in case they encounter space aliens that need a little Earth discipline, though – it’s in case they land in Siberia on their return and need to teach manners to a bear.

Always be prepared!

41. Moonshiners leave hoofprints in the woods instead of footprints.

Image Credit: Public Domain

During Prohibition in the States, no one was allowed to brew or sell booze while the government was banning its sale and use across the board. There have always been those willing to break the law for the greater good, though.

Bootleggers brewing booze in the woods would cover their shoes with cow hooves in order to make it look like a hoofed animal had been in the woods, not a human. Nothing to see here!

Modern day moonshiners continue the tradition of wearing “cow shoes” in order to avoid being caught by the fuzz.

40. Space has a smell.

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You might think that nothing could have a scent in a vast, cold vacuum, but if you’ve ever turned on your own vacuum and gotten an unpleasant whiff, you should know that’s not true.

Astronauts report that space actually has a very distinct smell of diesel fumes, g*npowder, and barbecue, which NASA scientists believe is created by dying stars.

Sad and poetic, just like space!

39. The 100 folds in a chef’s hat mean something.

Image Credit: Pexels

A chef’s hat, in case you didn’t know, is called a “toque,” and nothing about it is an accident – each of the 100 folds represents one of a hundred ways to cook an egg.

I don’t know about you, but I’m off to Google. And to buy some eggs.

38. The Seven Dwarfs had alternative names.

Image Credit: Disney

Call me old fashioned, or a purist, but Chesty, Tubby, Burpy, Deafy, Hickey, Wheezy, and Awful are, well. Awful.

And also more than a little offensive, honestly.

37. Lots of suds gets lost in a beard.

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Each year in the United Kingdom, more than 93,000 liters of malty beverage are lost in men’s bushy beards.

That’s a dang shame, y’all.

36. Sharks bite fewer people than people do every year.

Image Credit: Pexels

Just in New York, human beings bite 10x more other human beings than sharks bite worldwide.

This is just more proof that you should be more afraid of humans than sharks. This girl already was, though.

35. The Queen could fix your car (probably).

Image Credit: Public Domain

Yes, that Queen – the Queen of England (etc).

Queen Elizabeth II is a trained mechanic, and worked on aircraft during WWII.

She remains the only female royal to have served in the British Armed Forces.

34. Actor Charles Bronson received an inheritance from a fan.

Image Credit: CBS Television

Listen, y’all. If you have money to leave when you die, and don’t have any family or friends who you think deserve the funds, don’t leave it to someone who already has more than enough of their own.

Charles Bronson wasn’t hurting for cash, but that didn’t stop a fan from Louisville, KY, from leaving him around $300k in 1997.

They’d never even met.

33. Volvo could have held the patent on a seatbelt.

Volvo came up with the patent for the revolutionary three-point seat belt in 1962, but instead of monetizing it, chose to give it away for free.

They believed the greater good of saving lives was worth more than money.

And you know. A little free publicity never hurt anyone.

32. Carly Simon is a famous Simon indeed.

Image Credit: Alan Light

Carly Simon is, of course, a famous singer – but it turns out she also comes from wealthy stock.

Her father, Richard L. Simon, is the “Simon” in Simon and Schuster publishers. He co-founded the company.

31. Parrots aren’t the only birds that can carry on a conversation.

Image Credit: Pexels

As if it weren’t enough that one bird could speak human, it turns out that ravens – who are so smart they should scare the heck out of you – can also be taught to talk in captivity.

Better than parrots, they say, and definitely better than my 2yo.

30. Ben & Jerry learned how to make ice cream through the mail.

Image Credit: Dismas

It’s an indisputable fact that Ben & Jerry make the best ice cream money can buy (don’t @ me), but their amazing flavors are even more incredible when you learn how they got into the business in the first place.

They SPLIT a correspondence course on how to make ice cream from Penn State.

It cost a total of $5.

29. Bela Lugosi really identified with his role as Dracula.

Image Credit: Public Domain

Bela Lugosi starred as Dracula in 1931, and the role (and film) became instantly iconic.

So much so that Lugosi himself literally never let it go – he was buried in the full costume, cape and all.

28. The plural of Prius is Prii.

Image Credit: Pixabay

There is a certain (growing) subset of people who love a good Prius, and who definitely needed to know what a bunch of them were called (presumably in anticipation of taking over the world).

After an official online vote in 2011, Toyota announced the winner – it’s a row of Prii, folks.

27. It should be impossible to get lost in Central Park.

Image Credit: Tdorante10

Central Park is a huge and varied swath of nature smack in the middle of the island of Manhattan, and if you’re not a native, it can seen impossible to navigate without an online map or help from a friend.

Luckily, the designers thought of that – just look to the lampposts.

Each one contains a set of four numbers that can help you get out if you’re lost.

The first two indicate the nearest street, and the last two let you know whether you’re closer to the east or west side of the park (even for east, odd for west).

I feel better about wandering now!

26. You shouldn’t actually “shake it like a Polaroid picture.”

It might surprise you to know that you can’t necessarily take advice from singers like OutKast, but Polaroid definitely cautions you against shaking an actual picture.

Their official statement on the matter read that “shaking or waving can actually damage the image.”

25. There is one remaining Blockbuster Video in existence.

Image Credit: Coasterlover1994

I know, I didn’t believe it either, but Bend, Oregon is kind of known for being set in a time warp.

You can visit the only Blockbuster store in the world that’s still operational there – for now, anyway.

24. Only one person has ever earned a Nobel Prize in two different sciences.

Image Credit: Public Domain

In 1903, Marie Curie was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in conjunction with her husband, Pierre, for their work with spontaneous radiation.

In 1911, she was awarded a solo Nobel Prize for Chemistry for her work in radioactivity.

23. If you give blood in Sweden, you’ll know if and when it is used.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Everyone likes to know that their gift is getting good use, right?

The Swedes figure that extends to the gift of donated blood, so they send you a thank you text message when your blood is used to help or save someone else.


22. The Starry Night is Van Gogh’s view from his asylum window.

Image Credit: Public Domain

Vincent Van Gogh created some of the most recognizable art in the world, but he also famously struggled with mental illness for the majority of his life.

In 1888 he cut off his left ear in attempt to silence the voices in his head, gifting it to a female acquaintance.

Following that incident he ended up spending a little more than a year in Saint-Paul-De-Mausole, an asylum in France.

While there, he painted like mad, churning out masterpieces that include The Starry Night, arguably his most well-known work.

21. Rap battles are nothing new.

Between the 5th and 16th centuries in England and Scotland, verbal throw downs called “flyting” were popular.

In them, people exchanged witty and insulting verses (like a rap battle!), so you know.

I don’t think Hamilton was as much of a stretch as some people seem to think.

20. Army ants will follow each into a “d**th spiral”.

Image Credit: Geoff Gallice

No one would accuse ants of being rocket scientists, but they do have a sense of order and commitment that’s hard to doubt.

That goes double for army ants, who can misinterpret scent trails left by other ants and end up marching in circles.

Sometimes, as more and more ants follow the wrong leader, the end up in spirals from which there is no escape.

No escape the ants can see, anyway.

19. In Australia, the trees receive love letters.

Image Credit: ABC

The purpose behind Melbourne assigning email addresses to some of its trees was so that residents could have an accurate reference when reporting issues.

People do report issues, but more of them send letters professing their love for the trees.

18. A solar eclipse once brought about (temporary) peace.

Image Credit: Pexels

There was a solar eclipse in 585 BCE, and of course no one knew it was coming.

People were so surprised when the sky suddenly darkened during a battle between the Lydians and the Medes (in modern Turkey) that the fighters, who had been battling for going on six years, decided it was a sign.

They stopped the battle, but I don’t know how long it was before sh%t started back up again.

17. Some people leave their estate to their dogs.

Image Credit: Pexels

An estimate 1 million dogs just in the United States have been named the primary beneficiary in their owner’s wills.

One man in the UK left $13m to his cat, so I guess they still win.

16. Wendy’s founder Dave Thomas dropped out of high school.

Image Credit: James Davidson

Kids, you should totally stay in school!

That said, the man who founded Wendy’s dropped out – but he did earn his GED (in 1993).

His GED class, likely on a lark, voted him Most Likely to Succeed.

15. The Julian Calendar caused a snafu at the 1908 Olympics.

Image Credit: Asmdemon

The world had transitioned to the Gregorian calendar by 1908, but Russia was holding out.

Their stubborn use of the Julian calendar meant they were 12 days late to the Olympics that year, and likely cost their athletes a few chances at medals.

14. At least two signers of the Declaration of Independence passed on July 4.

Image Credit: Graysick

In an odd twist of fate, both John Adams and Thomas Jefferson moved off this moral plain exactly 50 years after they put their signatures on the Declaration of Independence.

They were also Presidents #2 and #3, respectively.

It was July 4, 1826.

13. In Japan, people ask Sumo wrestlers to make their babies cry.

Image Credit: Nesnad

While most of Western opinion has turned toward not letting babies cry when it can be helped, the 400-year-old Nakizumo Festival in Japan believes the exact opposite.

At the Sensoji Temple in Tokyo, sumo wrestlers hold babies aloft as they wail, so that they will be closer to heaven as their tears ensure good health for years to come.

Parents across Japan consider having a sumo wrestler make your baby cry a good omen for their future.

12. Dogs can understand up to 250 words.

Image Credit: Pexels

Dogs are about as intelligent as the average two-year-old child, and are able to understand around 250 words and gestures made in “human.”

How hard they try to communicate that understanding depends on the breed, but rest assured, your pup knows what you’re saying and what you want, even if they want to act like they don’t.

11. The yellow peanut M&M has a famous voice.

If the yellow peanut M&M sounds familiar to you, that’s because J.K. Simmons has given it its voice since the 1990s.

Btw… if you don’t remember who J.K. Simmons is… he played J. Jonah Jameson in the 2000s Spider-Man movies, and also won an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor in 2015 for his role Whiplash.

10. If you’re planning a long bath, add plenty of bubbles.

Image Credit: Pexels

I love a long, steaming bath – the hotter the better at the end of a long, tough week.

If you do, too, take note: putting bubbles into your bath keeps the water warmer longer.

The soap essentially forms a barrier between your nice, hot water and the cooler air in your house, preventing the heat from escaping too quickly.

9. Sesame Street’s The Count comes by his love of numbers honestly.

Traditional vampire folklore says that vamps have arithmomania, which is a compulsion to count.

Which is just to say, Count von Count would definitely have gotten staked in his shallow grave back in the day.

8. People in Pompeii could have ordered takeout.

Image Credit: Public Domain

Recent evidence found at the buried archeological site of Pompeii suggests the ancient city had our equivalent of take-our restaurants.

At least, until they were all covered in ash.

7. Portland got its name in a coin flip.

Image Credit: Public Domain

Some people just can’t make decisions, so a coin flip is the fastest and least disputed way to go.

That said, when making important choices like the name of a city, most people tend to take a bit more care.

Not those naming Portland, Oregon though – which could have been Boston, Oregon, if that quarter had landed on the other side.

6. Fried chicken isn’t Southern (or American).

Image Credit: Pexels

Scottish immigrants brought fried chicken across the sea, which just doesn’t fit with our image of the delicious dinner treat today, do you think?

That said, my own Scots-Irish grandma could make a mean fried chicken!

5. Winnie the Pooh is named after a real bear.

Image Credit: Pexels

During WWI, a Canadian solider tamed a black bear, bringing her back to London after the conflict.

He named her Winnipeg (Winnie for short) and Winnie remained an adored part of the London Zoological Gardens for decades afterward.

One of her most ardent fans was a boy named Christopher Robin, the son of author A.A. Milne.

He would, of course, go on to write a book about his son’s adventures with his teddy bear, named after the beloved Winnie.

4. There were 48 years between the patent for the tin can and the patent for the can opener.

Image Credit: Pixabay

It was 1810 when Peter Durand patented the tin can, which had to be pried open with chisels and hammers until 1858, when Ezra Warner patented the dedicated can opener.

3. Sleep literally cleans your brain.

Image Credit: Pexels

Every article on being a healthier person includes the demand for good and restful sleep, but did you know your brain is literally being cleaned while your snooze?

While you dream, cerebrospinal fluid flushes through the brain, washing away harmful proteins and toxins that build up during the way.

This is one reason most people tend to be clearer in the head and be more motivated first thing in the morning.

2. Politicians were never very good at predicting the future.

Image Credit: Pexels

A 1965 Senate subcommittee predicted that, by the year 2000, Americans would go to work only 20 hours a week and enjoy 7 weeks of vacation every year.

If only, right? *sobs*

1. Neil Armstrong almost didn’t make it to the moon.

Image Credit: Public Domain

Neil Armstrong has a lot of admirable qualities, but timeliness may not be one of them – he submitted his astronaut application a week past the deadline.

NASA may never have seen it at all had a friend at the hiring office not slipped his form in with all of the others that were submitted on time.

I’m putting all of these in my back pocket, y’all.

What’s your favorite random fact? If it’s not on this list, share it in the comments!

The post Get Ready For Your Next Trivia Night With These 50 Amazing Facts appeared first on UberFacts.

Here’s a Great Product to Remove Irritants/Venom so Bites/Stings Don’t Itch

Obviously bug bites AND stings are VERY common problems we all share, and when either of those situations arise, the vast majority of us turn to creams and ointments that treat the symptoms, not the cause.

Well, now there’s a product that literally gets to the heart of why you itch and scratch after getting bit or stung.

The Bug Bite Thing was created by Florida mom, Kelley Higney (pictured right), who wanted to find a better, drug-free way to help her kids with the bug bites that always irritated their skin.

The way it works is deceptively simple: by suction.

See, when you get bit the insect’s saliva or venom gets under your skin. This causes a reaction and a red, itchy welt is the result.

That’s where the Bug Bite Thing springs into action. You just place it over your skin, pull up on the plunger and let the natural suction do its work.

The company posted this tutorial to show how easy it is…

It’s just that easy. And it’s honestly one of those ideas that make you think, “Why haven’t I thought of that?”

People are so impressed by the product, that they’ve taken to social media to share their stories…

Because this thing is a life-saver…

And it even helps people who have more serious issues with bug bites lead a normal life…

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The reviews on Amazon speak for themselves…

The results are especially good for kids because it’s pain-free and drug-free!

So where can you get one?

The Bug Bite Thing retails on the company’s website for $9.95, and you can also buy it on Amazon.

By the way, fun fact about the company… they were recently on Shark Tank and got funded by inventor & entrepreneur, Lori Greiner!

Here she is talking about how much she loves the product!

LUV Bug Bite Thing sooooo much!! Here's why! www.bugbitething.com #SharkTank #mosquitobites #bugbites #itreallyworks

Posted by Lori Greiner on Sunday, October 20, 2019

They even moved into new offices!

Definitely keep your eye on this company for more amazing ideas to help you lead a healthier, happier life!

The post Here’s a Great Product to Remove Irritants/Venom so Bites/Stings Don’t Itch appeared first on UberFacts.