If you’ve seen the show Mad Men, then you know that the advertising business and the fine gentlemen who ran it were really sensitive to the needs and feelings of women. They would never use sexism and your own basic fears about yourself to try and get you to buy something.
So yeah, that was a good laugh!
Snap back to reality and we’ve got some really nutso vintage ads that wouldn’t be allowed in decent conversation these days.
1. You know what’s an asset? Not being a sexist douchebag.
Photo Credit: So Bad So Good
2. I don’t want to know what this man does out of a suit.
Photo Credit: So Bad So Good
3. “Not Recommended For Children Under 6.” WTF was wrong with people!?!
Photo Credit: So Bad So Good
4. For those frustrating days when your shampoo makes you want to shoot yourself in the face. We’ve all been there!
Photo Credit: So Bad So Good
5. No joke, this stuff was actually used to treat malaria.
Photo Credit: So Bad So Good