A Poor Person Explained What Invisible Poverty Looks like to His Wealthy Friend

Do you know what this term means? “Invisible Poverty” is something that seems to slip through the cracks in American society – many people don’t even know it exists.

It’s not only an unknown phenomenon to many Americans, but it’s also not easy to explain to people who haven’t experienced it firsthand.

A Tumblr user wrote an important post about their conversation with a wealthy friend concerning how hard it is to escape poverty and why it goes so unnoticed by so many.

The post is lengthy, but read the whole thing and pay attention, because the words are powerful.

Photo Credit: Tumblr

People were moved by the Tumblr post and weighed in with their own thoughts on the subject.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Photo Credit: Reddit

Photo Credit: Reddit

Photo Credit: Reddit

Photo Credit: Reddit

However “Invisible Poverty” is defined, there’s no doubt that many, many Americans have struggled and continue to struggle with it day in and day out.

Share your own experiences in the comments below.

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A Twitter Thread Explained Why Raising the Price of Junk Food Might Hurt as Many Kids as It Helps

There’s no way around it: eating healthy is expensive. You could easily pop over to a fast food joint or buy a giant bag of say, pizza rolls, and fill your belly to the brim for the same price (or less) than you could make a salad at home or keep an assortment of fresh fruit on hand for a healthy snack.

That said, childhood obesity is also a real and growing health problem across the Western world.

Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver has created what he calls his #AdEnough campaign to try to fight it by changing the way junk food is advertised to children, which includes lobbying for a sugar tax that would increase the prices for fatty, sugary, junky food.

“This is a tax for good; this is a tax for love; this is designed to protect and give to the most disadvantaged communities,” he said in a statement.

That said, many people are calling him out for a couple of things.

First, Oliver has a Cookies and Cream drink that’s served in a chocolate cup and contains 46 teaspoons of sugar (6x the daily recommended allowance for a child).

Second, as pointed out in this brilliant thread by Twitter user Ketty Hopkins, the tax would not help “the most disadvantaged communities” at all, since those are the exact same people who need cheap food in order to survive.

Things got pretty bad for her and her family…

Like really, insanely, horribly bad…

Hopkins grew up in a low-income family, and explained, based on her own experience, why eating healthy sometimes (most of the time) wasn’t really an option.

But they weren’t lazy. Her father was emotionally devastated and completely overwhelmed.

This next part is just… wow.

Instead of making bad food cost more, Ketty has some pretty good insights – and suggestions – on how to help families and children currently struggling to make ends meet.

Being healthy takes effort, and her father simply didn’t have the energy.

She also reminds people that judging others for what they’re eating isn’t any more helpful than it is nice – it’s more often than not money, not laziness, that’s at issue.

After all, she points out, if her father had not bought cheap, unhealthy food, their family wouldn’t have been able to afford food at all.

Better to change the system that keeps people at a disadvantage than to try to keep all food out of their reach, price-wise, in the meantime.

It’s hard to disagree with her logic, though I’m sure some will!

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Poor Person Perfectly Explains to Rich Friend Why Poverty is So Hard to Escape

“Invisible Poverty” is a term that many people don’t even know exists, but it actually describes a very real problem faced by a surprisingly large number of Americans. Unfortunately, it falls through the cracks of our awareness and understanding because it’s so tricky to explain to those who haven’t experienced it firsthand.

A Tumblr user wrote an important post about their conversation with a wealthy friend concerning how hard it is to escape poverty and why it goes so unnoticed by so many.

The post is lengthy, but read the whole thing and pay attention, because the words are powerful.

Photo Credit: Tumblr

People were moved by the Tumblr post and weighed in with their own thoughts on the subject.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Photo Credit: Reddit

Photo Credit: Reddit

Photo Credit: Reddit

Photo Credit: Reddit

However “Invisible Poverty” is defined, there’s no doubt that many, many Americans have struggled and continue to struggle with it day in and day out.

Share your own experiences in the comments below.

The post Poor Person Perfectly Explains to Rich Friend Why Poverty is So Hard to Escape appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Stories of Times They Got the Help They Needed, and We Can All Learn from Them

While the narrative of the “self-made man” is one that’s been pushed a lot over the last few decades, the fact of the matter is that everyone needs a helping hand now and then. Even the world’s most powerful CEO is helpless if his sports car breaks down on a remote country road. There’s no shame in it, and it’s important that we give people the help they need when they need it, because you never know how much it might mean to the person you’re helping.

These 10 Twitter users shared their personal stories about when they were in dire straits and received a helping hand that they haven’t ever forgotten about.

1. “It is never wrong to help someone.”

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. It gets better.

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. Everyone deserves a chance. 

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. A little goes a long way…

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. “…more than many will ever know.”

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. “Quite well” ain’t too shabby.

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. Teach your children well.

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. “You can’t teach a hungry child.”

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. Pay it back x 100.

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. Hard work.

Photo Credit: Twitter

This is why it is important to never assume anything about anyone, because you never really know where they’ve been and what they are going through unless you’ve walked in their shoes. And if you know someone is in need, help them out in any way you can. Paying it forward is real.

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One of the richest woman…

One of the richest woman in China was born in extreme poverty in a remote mountain village. She got her wealth by selling her chili sauce, lao gan ma, which she originally made for her noodle stand.

14+ People Reveal What Poor People Buy That Ordinary People Know Nothing About

It can sometimes seem as if there is a veil separating poor people from the rest of society, and the only way to begin to bridge it is for the middle and upper classes to understand what life is like on the other side.

These 15 people try to do just that by sharing things they buy that would be mysteries to their richer counterparts.

15. Nothing goes to waste

“I was so poor once that I would go to Long John Silvers and order a water and crunchies (which used to be free) then sit there and watch the people that would dine in.

It was amazing how little they ate. And then they would leave without dumping their tray off in the trash.

Fries, hushpuppies, chicken, fish… all untouched. No I didn’t eat a piece that was bitten off of.

I once saw a woman order a 2 piece fish and more for her kid, that ate 1 hushpuppy and a few fries, and then left the rest of it there. It was the best I had eaten in weeks.

Glad that’s behind me now.”

14. Generic Spam

“The generic version of Spam is called Treet. You learn that sorta thing as a kid.”

13. Tricks of the trade

“Learning the times of the day when meat, bakery, fish, vegetable and misc. items are reduced to 75% at the local supermarket.

I’ve been learning for years, but it’s a good day when you find 400g of fresh mince for 99p, and you have warm filling food that you used to take for granted when living with parents.

One thing Ive noticed about being poor is that you become almost vegetarian because meat just costs too damn much. Frozen or fresh.

Another thing would be buying the cheapest large container of yoghurt, and mixing in jam for fruity yoghurt. But that’s not about being poor, that’s just a good idea.”

12. Animal medicine

“I knew a guy that would go to a livestock feed store and buy antibiotics and some other meds there that were meant for farm animals when he got sick. There was another med he’d get at pet stores too. He’d just cut the pills into smaller pieces to try to guess what the proper mg amount was. It’s apparently crazy cheap for certain meds and doesn’t require a prescription or govt. oversight like it would at a normal pharmacy.”

11. Grocery store castoffs

“Rotten bananas, stale bread, gray meat, and anything else the grocery is about to toss in the garbage. Giant bags of rice, beans, grain, or flour. Canned vegetables. Dried milk.”

10. No such thing as a free ride

“Growing up my family had it’s moments of struggle. Our public transport system at the time had tickets which were simply hole-punched with the date and month, not the year. So we’d save them and store them neatly in envelopes marked by month and concession or full fare. After a few years of saving tickets we pretty much had free train and bus travel for the next 10 years… until they changed the ticketing system to electronically stamped tickets with bar codes.”

9. Super Dad

“Lots of school systems do free lunches for kids under 18 during the summer. When I was a kid I remember my dad taking us to get lunch at the school then go play disc golf, soccer, or do something else free and fun, it was a blast and I had no clue it was because we were poor.

Dollar theaters, and sometimes they have a free afternoon/evening show for kids with the purchase of a parent ticket. Many movies were seen by the three of us for $4 with a shared popcorn and coke.

My dad was amazing at making us feel rich on basically nothing.”

8. They pay more

“I have been both very poor and very comfortable. A lot of very true statements already posted here, but here’s what I have noticed. When you are broke, you can’t plan ahead or shop sales or buy in bulk. Poor people wait to buy something until they absolutely need it, so they have to pay whatever the going price is at that moment. If ten-packs of paper towels are on sale for half price, that’s great, but you can only afford one roll anyway. In this way, poor people actually pay more than others for common staple goods. Edit: Holy cats! Thank you for the gold!”

7. Home surgery

“At home surgery. Used a pair of needle nose pliers, a razor blade and some anti septic super glue to remove a cyst on my forehead. The secret is to cut it in a “cat’s eye” shape, quickly push the skin back after you pull the cyst out (don’t let it pop) and get the glue on fast. Burn like ten bitches on a bitch boat, but it bleeds a lot and you have to get it on quick to stop the bleeding.”

6. Another racket

“Rent-to-own furniture.”

5. They should be free

“My office only has a unisex bathroom so it has the facilities for men and women. Naturally there’s a tampon machine, and tampons are only 5 cents. Once a month I’ll work late, get a roll of nickels and fill up a grocery sack with tampons for my wife.”

4. A mother’s love

“When I was child, Burger King ran a special kids meal where it was two mini Burgers that were attached to each other like a weird conjoined burger experiment. Sometimes we would go. My dinner was 1.5 of the mini burgers, my moms dinner was the half I didn’t eat and she would fill up on the free refills of soda.”

3. Not what it looks like

“Sold so much plasma in college folks thought I had track marks from drugs.”

2. It comes in powder?

“powdered milk. I once worked in a call centre and an old lady called almost in tears that cable went up by $1.50. Her line that she repeated more than once was that she couldn’t afford fresh milk and had to buy powdered milk. Unless it’s due to a lack of refrigeration available or some sort of allergy, only the very poor would buy powdered over fresh milk.”

1. Potatoes are the perfect food

“In university I used to buy a 10-20lbs bags of potatoes, freeze dried chives, and gravy mix in bulk (not the supermarket packs which are $1 for 2 cups of gravy, restaurant sized packs that make 8 liters)

That was often dinner, usually at the end of the month when money got tight. Sometimes I had even saved enough that I could have mashed potatoes made with some sort of dairy, or bacon grease.

I also had a cheap tub of protein power for weight lifters, it was gross. But I would blend it up, usually with water hold my nose and gulp it down. It was actual protein, and slightly more healthy then a week long diet of potatoes.”

h/t: Reddit

The post 14+ People Reveal What Poor People Buy That Ordinary People Know Nothing About appeared first on UberFacts.