People Share Their Favorite “Poverty Meals” They Love No Matter How Much Money They Have

Do you have a favorite “poverty meal” that has stuck with you regardless of how much cash you had in your pocket?

Maybe it’s peanut butter and jelly, maybe it’s plain tuna fish out of the can, or maybe it’s good old fashioned SPAM.

Whatever your preference, most of us do indeed have these culinary delights that stick with us through the bad times and the good ones.

AskReddit users shared their favorite poverty meals.

1. Some good ones.

“Lentil stew

Boiled potatoes with salt and a couple of slices of herring

Cabbage soup and crackers

Tea and toast

Steamed rice with furikake.”

2. Do it the old way.

“Pizza in Italy was originally only eaten by poor people who couldn’t afford proper meals, and so they used the basics of flour, tomatoes and other cheap items to come up with pizza.

However, instead of the meat and other things on modern pizza, the basic vegetables make the pizza just as tasty and I always enjoy eating it.”

3. An Indian dish.

“There’s a south indian dish called Kanji, which is pretty much just rice put in water and cooked for a really long time.

Sort of like rice porridge.Then you put different food items and curries inside for flavor.

I still make it all the time, especially when I’m sick.”

4. Give them a shot.

“Lentils! Great cheap protein and can be used so many ways. Lentils with curry and whatever cheap veg is around, usually spinach or cauliflower.

Also a baked plantain for a super cheap and filling snack.”

5. Nice and easy.

“Fried egg with rice and beans.

I was a missionary in Brazil for a few years and when I would eat at peoples homes they would apologize for that being the only thing they could afford.

I could not convince them that it was one of my favorite meals.”

6. Really cheap.

“Yellow pea soup.

500g yellow peas. Soak over night

1 onion. Halve.

Boil together until peas start to fall apart.

Add salt, thyme and marjoram.

Enjoy with mustard.

About 1 buck will give you ten servings. And gas.

But it’s one of my all-time favorite meals.”

7. I love these!

“English muffin pizza.

A jar of pasta sauce, English muffins, mozzarella and toppings of your choice. Fresh produce is dirt cheap.

The pasta sauce is the most expensive part, and if you make it, and the English muffins at home, each mini pizza is like 30 cents.”

8. Sign of the times.


Made a huge comeback in my house at the beginning of pandemic when we were scared, unemployed, and feeling sorry for ourselves.”

9. Listen to this person.

“I’m a chef. I own a restaurant.

I’ve eaten some of the finest foods on this planet.

Very few things taste better than box Mac and cheese with cut up hot dogs.”

10. A classic.

“Cuban style rice and black beans.

Sure, I’ll toss in some avocado now I can afford to, but the base dish stays the same.”

11. A delight.

“Peanut butter and honey sandwiches. Containers of both last forever.

Last year, we lost power for 13 days in the rural area I was living in and lost all food. I lived off those sandwiches on rye bread for those two weeks and bottled water. Never got sick of them at all lol.

I lost 12 pounds.”

12. Yum!

“In Ireland (specifically Dublin) we have a dish called coddle. It’s a salty white stew from the days of the poor tenements.

It’s made with leftover sausages, bacon, potatoes and variable other veggies and grain such as barley.

It is an ugly dish to look at but it is so tasty, wholesome and filling.”

13. The good stuff.

“Buttered Noodles!

Any pasta, a scoop of butter, and a dash of salt.”

14. Good idea!

“A gas station slushie mixed with gas station wine.

Poor man’s daiquiri.”

Now we want to hear from you.

What are some of your favorite cheap meals that you enjoy?

Tell us all about them in the comments!

The post People Share Their Favorite “Poverty Meals” They Love No Matter How Much Money They Have appeared first on UberFacts.

People Admit Their Go-To “Poverty Meals” They Enjoy No Matter How Much Money They Have

Whether you have $5 in your pocket or $5,000, there are some meals that stick with you and that you still enjoy from when times were lean and you had to do everything in your life on the cheap.

I think my go-to cheap meal is just a plain cheese quesadilla. Cheese and flour tortillas, that’s all you need.

And they still taste great and I still make them to this day!

Let’s dig into some cheap meals with folks on AskReddit and see what they had to say.

1. Lessons from Mom.

“Grew up poor, but my mom sure knew how to stretch a dollar.

She would make steak fingers out of the cheapest cuts she could find. Tenderize, fry them up make gravy out of the drippings and serve with mashed potatoes.

The whole meal probably cost less than 5 bucks in ’70s dollars, and I’m telling you nothing tasted better. I made it for my kids when they were growing up and they still ask me for it sometimes.

She would be 94 today. Love you miss you mom.”

2. Potato time!

“Put some red skin potatoes, fresh green beans, chicken stock, and seasonings in a pot (or slow cooker) and simmer it for an hour or more.

Use a slotted spoon to put some in a bowl, then add a bit of stock and plenty of butter.

It’s heaven.”

3. Pretty simple.

“We used to eat squash and eggs growing up.

Grew the squash and eggs are cheap enough, or trade with the neighbors. You just cut the squash into thin round and cook in a pan with a little oil until they’re just soft. Scramble the eggs with the squash, add a bunch of pepper, some salt.

Sometimes we ate it over noodles or rice.”

4. Yummy.

“Oven-baked potatoes with salt and margarine. Cheap ingredients found in almost every home and easy to make.

Also, the starch in potatoes makes you feel full for pretty long.”

5. Here’s the deal.

“Steamed white rice, crack a raw egg in it while it’s scorching hot, stir aggressively and dash with soy sauce. I

f I have some, put roasted seaweed in. Super cheap breakfast but oh man is it filling/delicious.”

6. The best!

“Grilled cheese is great pretending to be bougie food too.

My brother and I used to go to the store together and splurge on fancy-ish cheese (i.e. still the precut stuff in plastic in the dairy section, not the high end stuff in the deli section or the fancy cheese cooler) and see who could come up with the best combination of cheeses and bread from the bakery section.

I think we settled on sourdough, smoked gouda, havarti, and cream cheese.”

7. So good!

“I had a PB&J recently and felt like a fool!

Why did I stop eating these when I became an adult? Society lead me to believe this was the way.

It is not! Been having PB&J a couple nights a week since. I refuse to let societies unenlightened views dictate my dinner choices!

PB&J is a top tier dish for any occasion.”

8. Mix it up.

“Make some pasta and add in whatever you can find in the fridge or cabinets.

Cheese, lunch meat, Spam, spices, etc.

No two meals were ever the same.”

9. Sounds good.

“Peanut butter and sliced banana on toast.

Now that I’m better off financially, I’ll add real honey and ground cinnamon because I’m fancy now.”

10. Struggle nachos.

“I still regularly eat my struggle nachos, tortilla chips with slices of American cheese on top and microwaved.

Now that I can afford it I’ll throw taco meat on top every now and again but still very much enjoy just the chips and cheese.”

11. Keep it simple.

“Quesadillas (with hot sauce if there is any)

I think a lot of people have different ideas of what a quesadilla is. My version is strictly a single tortilla with whatever cheese I have lying around (usually dollar packs of singles).

That means no meat, beans, lettuce, tomato, etc. And I definitely don’t use a Foreman to make mine”

12. Every day.

“Toast with a fried egg for breakfast.

Been eating that for probably 6 years now and still look forward to it every morning.”

13. There you go.


Cook a pound of ground beef with a packet of taco seasoning. Make a box of Kraft Mac n’ Cheese. Mix together.

Also, that’s your salt quota for the week.”

Do you have some go-to cheap meals that you enjoy no matter where you’re at financially?

Tell us all about them in the comments!

We’d love to hear from you!

The post People Admit Their Go-To “Poverty Meals” They Enjoy No Matter How Much Money They Have appeared first on UberFacts.