15+ People Who Are Not Sorry At All, Thank You Very Much!

Sometimes you do something and you really regret it.

Not these 18 people! They do not regret a thing, and it’s wonderful to read. Because when you’re truly wronged, you deserve a little retribution.

Or if you want a plum… go get the plum!

You’ll see…

1. Slowly…

Slowing down when someone is tailing me.

I only do this in the slow lane, I typically move if I’m in the fast lane.

2. This aunt needs to get her priorities straight!

My aunt was about to get married to this one rich scumbag who apparently treated her “right”. My brother and I did some investigating over the fact that he had lots and I mean LOTS of female friends.

A lot of sht went on, but in the end, we found out that he was a sleeping with and is a sugardaddy to some of of them. It was just three days before the actual wedding that we found out.

Told our aunt about it, wedding was cancelled, aunt was upset with us as well for some reason, and we regret nothing.

3. The right thing to do!

Sneaking pictures of my aunt into her fathers funeral slideshow behind her sisters back.

The two never got along and one sister was in charge of the funeral. She was adamant about leaving out any photo with her sister in it. My aunt (the victim in this case) was very close with her father. So I lied to my other aunt that the slideshow was done and I downloaded a secret folder of pictures onto the slideshow. She’s so bad with technology that she didn’t notice.

Not sorry.

My other aunt gave me a teary hug after the funeral and thanked me, she knew I had been the one to slip them in. She died last month of a sudden aneurism. I’d do it again, even if my other aunt never talked to me again. I sure miss her.

4. Be kind to yourself!

I’m not sorry for focusing on me and my needs. I used to be so concerned with taking care of all my friends and family to the point that I was I was sacrificing my needs for a lot of people who would not do the same for me. I’ve learned to cut toxic people out of my life and focus on my true close friends and family rather than trying to care for everyone.

Being liked by everyone used to be so important to me and honestly it’s so exhausting. I’m not sorry if people don’t like me anymore. It’s impossible to make everyone happy.

As long as you’re not being a complete asshole, you need to take your needs into consideration as well.

5. Time to grow up kid!

I love my daughter to death, but at 25, I had to cut her off financially.

I support everything she is passionate about, but if your passion is working for non-profits and wilderness retreats, maybe you should adjust your lifestyle so you can afford your bills.

6. Bully… watch your back…

In Elementary School, a kid named Patrick was my bully and he’d do shit like “accidentally” bump into me and spill my lunch and step on the backs of my shoes.

So one day, he was coming out of the cafeteria and I stuck my leg out and watched him trip face forward into the ground. We both got sent to the Principal’s Office, and he got whatever the Elementary School version of an In-School Suspension was for his repetitive bullying while I got a slap on the wrist.

Absolutely not sorry.

7. Completely fair!

Eating the snacks that my wife has forgotten about.

8. Facebook is not real life, people!

Quitting FB and having people complain that they don’t know what I’m up to. Fucking ask me!

9. Oh, this is a really good idea…

Cutting out my dad’s side of the family from my life.

They made my life a living hell while I was growing up. I was the youngest of the cousins so I would regularly get beat up or locked in rooms (my dad worked nights). They would smash furniture and TVs then blame me. As a young adult all they did was cause more drama by still break things in my dad’s apartment, or try to start physical fights. I’ve had so many fist fights with my cousin from defending my property to protecting my cat (no one messes with my kitty).

Once I moved out of my dad’s I cut all contact with them. I maybe see them once a year when my dad tricks me into seeing them (he has the mentality of always forgive family).

They know nothing of my adult life and I know nothing of theirs and I’m going to keep it that way.

10. Charities shouldn’t pressure like this…

I refused to give money to charity. Okay, but hear me out on this.

There was a lady who was claiming to represent a charity, but acted really shady. This was at a concert in a cafe/bar. She had a clipboard and was approaching people by saying “I’m taking donations for (whatever charity). Just write down whether you’re giving $5, $10, or $20.”

She didn’t ask if you’d donate, just told you to choose how much you were giving her.

I told her I prefer giving to charities I’ve researched, because some of them only spend a low percentage of donation money on the cause (Susan B. Komen ಠ_ಠ ). The lady got angry and raised her voice at me. She tried shaming and bullying me into giving her money, and we seriously fought about it.

Eventually she turned to my friend and started pressuring him lol. He said “Yeah uh…like my friend said…” and she stormed off. You have to trust me, there was something off about her. Plus, she waited until people were buzzed at a concert before approaching to tell them to give her money.

11. Fire in the hole!

Laughing at my friend in high school who stuffed her bra with tissue and then dropped a cigarette down her cleavage and she thought the tissue was going to catch on fire and dumped a beer on herself. I refused to stuff my bra and she said I was chicken, this was her karma. I felt bad when her parents smelled the beer and grounded her for drinking though.

12. YES!

Leaving my abusive ex.

13. Hey, it’s your wedding!

Not inviting my needy aunt to go wedding dress shopping with me. She’s begged me already and has been dropping hints for months, but I’m not budging.

This is the one time in my life that something really is only about me, and I’m not going to deal with her drama that day.

14. RIP Fido *sniff*

Creating a small “pet cemetery” in our parents’ back yard, despite my father forbidding it.

It felt like the right thing to do – no regrets.

15. Plums!

Eating the plums from the icebox.

They were delicious.

So sweet, and so cold.

16. Tips ARE NOT mandatory…

I’m normally a big tipper as I worked in the industry a long time but last week I left zero tip for my server that did a horrible job.

17. Don’t be a dick to the customers, please!

When we were in high school, my friends and I would always go to the same diner.

About 85% of the time we’d get sat with this awful woman who’d treat us like shit. She’d smile and be polite with grown ups, but the smile would disappear the second she got to us. She’d leave our food on the counter for 5-10 minutes while she talked to other tables, never refill a single drink, and roll her eyes if you asked for anything.

The first few times I just figured she wasn’t trying because she thought teenagers would tip like shit, so I tipped her really well. But the shitty service continued, and eventually I just tipped her $0.

Only time I’ve ever done that, but she really earned that $0.

18. Sometimes, this is necessary.

Telling the parents of a special needs child (think similar to Down’s Syndrome) that their daughter was struggling a lot with normal schooling (even with her IEP and own lesson plans) and she would be better off in a special needs school sooner rather than later.

They said to be honest with them and I was.

Sorry, not sorry!

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20 Women Who Asked out Their Crushes and Shared the Responses Online

Recently, British relationship blogger Oloni encouraged her female readers to take the leap – ask out that guy (or girl) you’ve been crushing on forever. For extra funsies, she wanted them to screenshot the responses and share them with #datechallenge (presumably to encourage others to carpe diem and all of that).

Photo Credit: Twitter

She may not have been prepared for the number of funny and/or downright insulting no responses that came in along the way, but we (as in, the internet) thank her and the women who participated.


#1. Okay, but he used the wrong “you’re?” So…

Photo Credit:Twitter

#2. IDK about having to cook, though.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#3. What an arse.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#4. Wow is right.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#5. So…no?

Photo Credit: Twitter

#6. Yeah, buddy!

Photo Credit: Twitter

#7. This made me laugh so hard.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#8. For some reason this is super duper cute.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#9. Awwww.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#10. Smiley face!

Photo Credit: Twitter

#11. My stomach dropped, too!

Photo Credit: Twitter

#12. Both?

Photo Credit: Twitter

#13. Keeper!

Photo Credit: Twitter

#14. Yikes!

Photo Credit: Twitter

#15. I’d take that as a nope.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#16. Well, that was uncalled for. Cripes.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#17. Busted.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#18. “I miss you.” *melts*

Photo Credit: Twitter

#19. I like a man who’s to the point.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#20. Cop. Out.

Photo Credit: Twitter

We know you can choose a lot of sites to read, but we want you to know that we’re thankful you chose Did You Know.

You rock! Thanks for reading!

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15 People Ponder How Much Damage Someone Can Take Without Dying

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, right? In video games, the most damage you could take before it’s “Game Over” is right around 99HP (maybe 98, if that particular game’s health bar tops out at 99 points).

These 15 people muse on what, if any, real-life equivalent exists.

#1. Terrifying.


They’re god damn terrifying

Edit: I’ve read a number of your stories. They all prove my point.

#2. Your life flashes before your eyes.

Missing a step while going down the stairs. And when you think you finished, but that last step came out of nowhere and now your life flash before your eyes


#3. My daughter was going to die.

Being told your child is going to die.

I’ve been told on three separate occasions that my daughter was going to die. As I write this, she’s upstairs asleep and she’s fine, but let me tell you – when you look into a Doctor’s eyes and they tell you your child is not long for this world ……-99HP

This blew up a bit, and thanks for all the well wishes. She has navigated a bunch of open heart surgeries with various complications from them but is doing great and has a great future prognosis.

#4. Is it game over?

Choking on food when no one is around belongs here as well, will I be completely fine in 15 seconds or Is game over for me?

#5. In the middle.

A car crash in the middle seat

#6. To the ankle.

taking a scooter to the ankle.

#7. My left everything.

I got T-Boned by a Semi.

Provided that you can’t recover from 0hp, it was a solid 99.9

Since somebody asked: Semi blew a red light as I was pulling out of the hospital I worked at. The ED crew ran out, shoveled me off the asphalt, and ran me inside. If it had been anywhere else I’d have bled out before an ambulance arrived. It broke my left everything, including ten ribs, many if which wound up in my lung, one of which is still unaccounted for. I was fortunate enough not to suffer any spinal damage, but I did lose my left leg below the knee. I’ve made a mostly full recovery, less the.leg and significant lung functionality.

Obligatory: I got spread across the road like so much red paint and all I got was this lousy silver gold showered with internet riches <3 <3 <3

#8. Loser, you.

Pinky toe versus the corner of the bed in the night.

#9. Short and sweet.

Nut shot.

#10. Severely compromised.

A severely compromised immune system.

#11. Giving birth.

I almost died giving birth. 3 years later and I’m only now back to where I started. We almost didn’t make it a few times during the pregnancy, but we got to term, and then a few major organs decided it was time to ntfo. During emergency surgery, I woke up twice and after, they forgot to drug me at all. I screamed and blacked out for an entire day. Mysteriously, I woke up to the nurse changing my iv in the night. But did it kill me? Nope!

#12. But barely.

This guy jumped on two grenades at the same time and lived, but barely. I think that qualifies.

#13. You’re still alive.

Shot in the head but you’re still alive.

#14. Betrayal.

You bite a pizza and the cheese slides off and burns your chin.

#15. The ability to create new memories.

Terry Wallis want into a coma in 1984 and woke up in 2003. He’s completely paralysed, brain damaged and thinks it’s still 1984. He’s lost the ability to create new memories.


I hope I never have to find out for real!

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Garfield Phones Have Been Washing up on a French Beach for 30 Years. We Finally Know Why.

If you’re a person of a certain age (ahem), then you, like me, might have owned a Garfield phone during the halcyon days of your youth. It had Garfield’s trademark bored/sardonic smile (no lasagna in sight, I guess) and the receiver was a fatty, curved part of his spine.

You remember.

Well, since the mid-1980s, broken pieces of the phone have been washing up on the shores in Brittany, France. No one knew or could find out where they were coming from – and with nearly 200 pieces found in the span of a year, the seemingly endless supply troubled environmentalists.

They, like locals, suspected that there might be a lost, sunken shipping container somewhere offshore, but no one had ever been able to find it. And the environmental group Ar Viltansou, along with its president, Claire Simonin-Le Meur, have been searching:

“We were looking for it, but we had no precise idea of where it could be. We thought it was under the sea. We asked people who were divers to look for it. We get a lot of submarines in the area, too – it’s a military area. But they said it was not possible the container could be there and nobody saw it.”

Then, Simonin-Le Mur caught a break – a local farmer approached to explain that 30 years ago he’d spotted a cave filled with phones while out exploring. Excited, the environmentalist and a group of journalists ventured out to the cave, where they solved the mystery!

Inside were more pieces of the phones and a broken, empty shipping container.

“I saw Garfield and container pieces all over the cave. But the bulk of the phones are already gone, the sea has done its job for thirty years. We arrived after the battle,” she told Le Monde.

While it seems the majority of Garfield phone pieces have already been washed away, Simonin-Le Mur hopes the story will generate interest in cleaning the oceans around the world. According to the Ocean Conservancy, 8 million metric tons of plastics find their way to the oceans every year, in addition to the estimated 150 million metric tons of material that’s currently circulating through aquatic habitats.

I miss my phone. I sure hope it didn’t end up in the ocean.

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Fans Share the Moment They Were Disappointed by Meeting a Celebrity They Admired

They say you should never meet your heroes, because you’ll end up disappointed. That’s because we tend to build up the people we admire to lofty heights that they probably won’t live up to. They’re only people, after all, and they can be total jerks just like anyone else.

Here are a few fans who decided to share their bad celebrity encounters online:

Tommy Lee Jones

“I used to work at Starbucks in San Antonio and Tommy Lee Jones has a home there. He strolled into my store one day. He was a dick. He argued with us about a syrup charge and then complained about his drink. We offered to remake it, but he left grumbling and being an overall dick.

I know he has that reputation, but I honestly didn’t really believe it until I interacted with him. One of the customers asked for his autograph and he told her to fuck herself.”

George Lopez



“I met Rhianna while I was stationed in Japan on the US George Washington (aircraft carrier). I was actually assigned to follow her group around, take pictures and provide assistance for anything. She wasn’t miserable really, just sort of disinterested and snobby the whole time and blatantly ignored the poor officer who was trying to lead her tour and give her the info on the ship.

She didn’t even perform for us so I have no idea why she was there. She signed autographs lazily on the mess decks for about 30 minutes and then left. Later she tweeted about how dirty our ship was…”


“deadmau5 once gave me a solid cussing when I refused to let him into the vip area at a major festival.

Why? He was carrying a lot of expensive photography equipment, wanting to enter a restricted area without an escort from the press team.

Also, I didn’t know what he looked like without the helmet. So most of the cussing was in the line of “don’t you know who the fuck I am?!” and “I’m your motherfucking headline artist.”

Rob Gronkowski

“I was on a family vacation and Rob Gronkowski would not stop hitting on me. He had a hurt leg and was in a cast so I went from the pool area to the beach area and he actually asked my mother where I was. She convinced him not to follow me onto the beach, but gave him my room number. Of course he called.

I didn’t know who he really was at the time or what an idiot he is, but we met up in a public area. He actually used “Are you from Ireland, ’cause you’ve got me Dublin?” on me and that’s when I said I had a family dinner.”

Toby Keith

“Toby Keith. I think he’s a fuckwad.

I was in the Marine Corps (infantry) and deployed to Iraq for the majority of the year in 2006, in the Al Anbar province, and our company was in a smaller town for a base/FOB – we were nowhere near the amenities of an air base. 2nd deployment for me, never had a USO visit or celebrity meeting, they usually don’t like to get out to the nasty parts of the country. Well, we end up getting Toby Keith coming in to where our Battalion HQ is, so the day of a lot of the patrols get rerouted to the base he was going to fly into, which was joint Marines/Navy (Navy had some boats that they would occasionally take up and down the Euphrates or on the lake above the dam (no reason for that, there weren’t any issues up there, it was just joyriding).

Anyway, the people who actually wanted to meet him/get an autograph are all waiting, I’m assigned to help direct the entourage from the helipad when it comes in. We’ve got an hour once he lands, and I can hear my company XO trying to get it organized so that everyone can meet him, shake his hand, get an autograph. Then one of the Navy higher ups asks if he wants to go for a ride on the lake in a SURC (Small unit riverine craft) boat, and he says sure. So all of the sudden the XO gets told to group everyone in groups of 5 and they basically do an assembly line where Toby gets in the middle for one picture, then on to the next group. Doesn’t meet a single person, doesn’t shake a hand, doesn’t sign anything.

Spends 30 minutes of his hour riding a fucking boat with field grade officers, then leaves.

While I was pissed at the leadership of the Navy for deciding to spend half his trip on a boat ride with maybe 10 service members while the rest just went back to what they were doing, I was and still am far more livid at Toby Keith.

That piece of shit made his millions with that stupid boot in your ass song and profits with how much he supports the military, but when it can down to it, he decided to accept a boat ride invitation instead of spending any time at all with the enlisted guys in the combat zone.
FUCK Toby Keith.”

Drew Carey

“I was a Drew Carey fan, now I think Drew Carey is a dick.
I was born and raised in Toledo, Ohio. After graduating college I moved to the “big city” of Cleveland, Ohio. This was around the height of popularity for The Drew Carey show. He did a great job portraying himself as this Midwest, holsome, good guy rube. There were all these stories about him showing up in Cleveland bars and buying the entire place drinks, etc,etc. everyone in that city Loved him (Or at least his image)and his tv show.

About this time he booked a stint doing a stand up routine in Vegas . The local radio stations were all over promoting the local “hero’s” act.. Part of all this promotion was giving a lucky caller round trip airfair, hotel and tickets to the Vegas show complete with a meet and greet. I was the lucky caller! The entire trip was great except for that “meet and greet” part.

Someone should have told me the rules! I was unaware that introducing yourself to a celebrity at a meet and greet was a faux pas ..
Let me set the scene. An entire Bar was rented out for his cast and crew along with a couple “winners” like me. Nice place, very dark and trendy. I was in my early 20’s and oddly enough, a little nervous about meeting a celebrity and more looking forward to hanging out after enjoying way too many free drinks and pretty girls.

I brought a gift for Drew, because I’m from Ohio and that’s what we do. So I walk into this club with a custom made glass paperweight that encapsulated a 24k gold Cleveland coin.. and who is the first person I see? You guessed it.. Drew Carey sitting at the first table .. I don’t know if I was star struck or what because I didn’t notice his company or anything else really, at first.. so in my mind I just thought “let’s say hello, give him his gift and get on with the party! I walked right up to Drew and introduced myself, told him I won the contest, loved his show and presented him a gift and thanked him…. That’s when the stuff got weird.. my introduction and comments were literally less than 30 seconds and I turned to walk away toward the bar.. I began to hear and notice things as I turned.. I noticed Drew was with what appeared to be 4 prostitutes, there are things on the table that I recognized from my fraternity house and I hear some of the staff saying “he Didn’t talk to Drew!!” Behind me .. was his entire persona bullcrap? I look back and see Drew throwing the paperweight and yelling to his mussel guys “That one!!” That was it, 3 minutes into my Vegas night of free drinks and trying to hook up with C list celebrities, I was thrown out on my ass.. he even had the people that talked to me thrown out for good measure! What a dick.

It was years ago, but I still can’t stand to see him on television.”

Sylvester Stallone

“I worked as a waiter at the Pacific Grill restaurant at the Four Seasons Maui in 1993ish -1996ish. At the time, the hotel was voted by Condé Nast magazine as the #1 hotel in the world. We regularly had celebrities as guests.

A real ass. Much shorter and tinier in person than I expected. His entourage were rude jerks as well, very demanding, entitled asses. When I tried to take his order, one of his cronies butted in and acted as if I broke a rule by speaking directly to him. They made several unusual food requests and had the attitude of ‘you know who we are, right?’ I felt like they did their best to make sure I felt like it was such an honor to serve him and I was lucky to be demeaned by them. Heard a rumor after he checked out that he left a turd in the shower of his hotel room. I was a fan of his movies and never viewed them the same after.”

Anthony Daniels

“My father was a curator in Edinburgh (Scotland, UK) when I was growing up and I was fortunate to meet a few ‘celebs’ who opened exhibitions for him.

The absolute worst was Anthony Daniels, a.k.a. C3PO from Star Wars. He opened an exhibition called ‘The Art of Star Wars’ and was a rude, egotistical prima donna.

When my father tried introducing us to him he flat-out refused on the grounds that he was “preparing for his performance” (i.e. reading a very short speech) and virtually shoved us out of the room. Later, once this scintillating and arduous ‘performance’ was over, he declared it was “Time for [the official] photos!” and clapped his hands at the guests like he was a school teacher and we were rowdy pupils. He herded us into place and physically repositioned some people, quite literally pushing them around. We were all holding little exhibition guides that had his image on the cover and he walked around adjusting each and every one so that his face was visible. Only then could the photos proceed.
What an utter arse! I’m a huge Star Wars fan and now every time C3PO is on screen all I can think is “wanker.” 🙁

My father theorised that because Daniels is seldom recognised, what with the full-body robot costume, he acts like a complete prima donna to compensate. I think there’s something in that.

Funnily enough, a few years earlier my father had an exhibition on Star Trekthat was opened by Mr ‘Scotty’ Scott himself, James Doohan (as well as the lady who played Deeanna Troy in The Next Generation). Mr Doohan could not have been more polite, gracious and kind. A really lovely man, a proper gentleman. Funny too.

To put Mr Daniels’ behaviour into perspective, my father has met and worked with a lot of famous people over the years, from Joni Mitchell and Sean Connery to ex-British Prime Ministers Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, the Princess Royal Princess Anne (who according to his colleagues was quite taken with him), Her Majesty the Queen (who’s regularly drafted in to open things) and the Dalai Lama. He says that without a doubt the most difficult and obnoxious person he ever had to deal with was Anthony Daniels.”

Lauren Hutton

“I grew up in NYC (Manhattan), so I saw and met and hung out with a lot of famous people. But the worst was LAUREN HUTTON. She was a model / wannabe actress. I was working at a Godiva store that had a small cafe with cake and ice cream. My dad had a crush on her, so I was extra nice. I don’t ask for autographs, but I figured as she was done I’d ask for my dad.
She ordered a hot chocolate. Easy, right? I made it and brought it to her table. Not good enough — she wanted it literally boiling when I put it down. I smiled, apologized, heated it and brought it back with heat bubbles on top.
Again, not good enough. I boiled the damn thing until it literally burned my hand boiling over and finally, FINALLY, it was ok.
I took care of my 2nd degree burn until I had to ring her up (she had to wait a while for the hot chocolate to cool before drinking it, which drove me nuts. Why did she need it brought boiling only to wait while it cooled? This was long before cellphones and she didn’t have a book, simply stared out the window).
I don’t remember the exact amount, but she had me break a hundred dollar bill and there were coins, a few singles, and a five, plus some twenties. She dropped the coins on my burned hand and left. I wanted to punch her by that point.
So, instead of her autograph, I had a burn on my hand which, over 20 years later, is faded but still there. Thanks, LAUREN HUTTON.”

Ron Perlman

“The first movie I ever saw Ron Perlman in was his role as Hellboy.
I absolutely loved that movie and thought Ron was the shit.
One day, my parents and I were taking a vacation, and we decided to spend the day at Santa Monica pier in Los Angeles. What to our surprise, we were in one of the parking lots, getting ready to go to the pier, when my dad spies Mr. Perlman standing next to a car.
My dad was also a huge fan of Ron, and decided he would brave a confrontation to ask for a simple picture and maybe an autograph from him.

As my dad approached, Mr. Perlman’s face screwed up into a powerful scowl, eyeballing my dad as he snaked past a few cars. My dad approached Mr. Perlman and asked him for his autograph.
Mr. Perlman simply lowered his shades to look my dad right in the eye and said two simple words:

“Fuck off.”

That was it. He then turned around and went back to doing whatever it was he was doing before my dad approached.

Now, I get that celebrities are often hassled, berated, and approached by fans all the time for photos and autographs and what have you, and this can get tiresome and irritating; I get it. But it’s also kind of something you generally have to expect from being a celebrity.

But that does not call for rudeness. A simple “Hey, I’m sorry, but notnow, I’m kind of busy” would have sufficed.

This guy was huge to me and my dad. We both loved him for the roles he played, we thought he was a fantastic actor.

Now I guess we know why most of his characters are jack-asses. Because he himself is one.”

Matthew Broderick

“Yes, Matthew Broderick .

I had seen him in Nice Work if You Can Get It, and upon leaving the theater? An adorable, very small boy (who must’ve been about seven) very politely asked him to sign his program …as “Ferris Bueller, please”.

Broderick gave that child such a cold, blow off dismissal , and THEN turned his back on him, shouting “no”!

Every parent there was SO offended… and about a third of the fans hoping for an autograph?

Simply dropped their programs, and walked off ….shaking their heads Broderick’s revolting rude behavior.

Also: I ran into Ken Follet once, at a castle hotel in Ireland. I love his books, but??

Well….omg, he’s the most self absorbed, loud , rude boor… when he is drunk ! He made the waiters loose their minds! He behaved like an emperor!

And the whole castle was blabbing about it for days afterwards….”

Bruce Willis

“Bruce Willis. Ugh! What a jackass that man is.

The movie Hostage was being filmed in several locations of Azusa Canyon. I was a member of a non-profit charity organization that had a sizable, gated lot at the base of the canyon. Our location was perfect for many production crews, as they could leave all of their equipment safely stored overnight. The lot was rented quite often for that purpose.

During filming, Mr. Willis would come and go through the lot, where his trailer was also located. Occasionally, a member of the organization would approach him to greet him or ask for a quick pic. Each and every time, without fail, Mr. Willis would stare the person down and, quite often, say something to them that included his obviously well-rehearsed f-bombs.

One instance in particular: I was arriving with one of the senior members of the organization for an early morning meeting. We, after clearing the massive security detail to get into our own lot, parked the car and proceeded to walk towards the entrance of the building. Like any normal human being in a social situation, we wished a good morning to people that we happened to be passing. Honestly, I didn’t even realize who it was until he turned his head in our direction and said “Fuck you!”

Obviously, someone peed in his Wheaties. With that attitude, I’m not surprised they did.”

Chris Brown

“Second-hand story: Singer Chris Brown is really as bad as the media stories you’ve heard (battery, for example). He’s from Tappahanock in the, roughly, Richmond, Virginia, area (Richmond is the closest airport as well). When our daughter and her friend were little they ran across him while he was shooting hoops with his cousin. She said Chris Brown treated them rudely and was a total jerk.

A few years later when she was older and able to fly on her own, she said she was in the TSA line behind Chris Brown and commented he was still a jerk. I have no respect for the self-entitled or bullies—ESPECIALLY people who are both. If I find we are in the same space, I’ll push back, and push back hard. I’m not going to take anyone’s bullshit. I don’t treat people that way: I won’t give ANYONE permission to treat me that way either. And watch out if I see you treating someone else that way and I’m within earshot.

I ask them WTF are you doing speaking to them/treating them that way? How about you try to treat me that way? Or how about if I treat YOU that way. MF. They bring out the Xena, Warrior Princess in me. My motto: May you ever be the benevolent ruler of your domain that is your life: Allow no other to rule over it. (See what happens when you get me started on bullies!

I have NO patience for them after having put up for decades—but no longer—from a parent who is—still, and always will be—one.) “The meek shall inherit the earth is really “The not self-entitled shall” … it doesn’t mean we have to put up and shut up when someone’s abusing our kindness, consideration and generosity. PFFT!!”

Wesley Snipes

“I used to wait tables at Planet Hollywood in Orlando. One day Wesley Snipes and his family came in. The manager told me and another waiter to serve just him and his family, no other customers. There was like 10 of them, kids, grandma, etc….

Anyway, we served them for about 2 hours, they got their meal fully comped so they didn’t pay anything for the food, and left me and the other waiter a massive tip. Guess how much…. ZERO. Nothing, not one dollar, and they got well over $200 of free food.”

Emma Roberts

“I was an extra in a movie starring Emma Roberts. She’s incredibly immature and childish. The whole time on set she clung to the male actors and spewed out drivel. She sounded like an 11 year old girl attempting to talk like how she imagined a sorority girl would talk.
Before filming, I ran into her in the back while looking for the bathroom.

She walked out of a door and I didn’t know who she was, just thought it was some blonde extra. I asked her if she knew where the bathroom was and she looked at me in disgust and said “I don’t know…” And rolled her eyes. The door to the bathroom ended up being on the other side of the door she just came out of. I’ll never forgive you Emma Roberts.”


“Used to work for a limo company and we’ve driven many celebrities. Beyoncé was a total bitch to our driver; he asked her and her mom “so how was your stay in Alaska?” To which her mom cleared her throat and said “ha uh yeah she doesn’t speak to the help”. She’s not even that talented I don’t know where she gets her sense of entitlement from.”

Sarah Michelle Gellar


Justin Bieber

“This is super obvious, but both in my acting career and working a side job in entertainment news, Bieber was the worst. Travels in a pack of bodyguards, never speaks to anyone but them. I literally had a conversation with that little prick through his bodyguard as a translator. I would say something to him, bodyguard would repeat it to bieber, bieber would answer to his bodyguard, and the bodyguard would repeat it to me. ALL IN ENGLISH. What a big loose cunt.”

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Woman Threatens Breastfeeding Moms on Facebook is Immediately Roasted by EVERYONE

Oh, Carly, Carly, Carly.

Why’d you have to go and do something so stupid?

Photo Credit: Fatherly

Did she post a threat of physical violence against any woman she saw breastfeeding in public?

“I’m not sorry – the next female that tries to whip her boob out to breastfeed in front of my kids will get a black eye, move that baby [because] I’ll punch it too #zerocare #why #inpublicletsjustshowkidsboobs #notmine.”

Yep, Carly did that.

And it turns out that women who breastfeed (or women in general) don’t like to be threatened online or anywhere else for feeding their children. Crazy, right?!

Yeah, this went viral very, very quickly.

Photo Credit: Carol Freeman/Facebook

Because moms have to stick up for themselves.

Carly’s response?

She was defiant, and followed up on her Facebook post with this comment which, honestly, doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.

Photo Credit: Kim Riendeau/Facebook

What Carly doesn’t seem to realize is that women aren’t just pulling their boobs out just to pull their boobs out. We’re in the late 2010s. Things have changed Carly. They’ve changed!!!

This was hinted at earlier in the article, but people could see her profile and found out where she worked…

Photo Credit: Cafe Mom

And yeah, you know what’s coming next…

Photo Credit: Cafe Mom

Here’s the thing folks, if you want to post something like this on Facebook, you should probably select a very, very small group of people to share it with. Rant all you want, but rant to close friends. Don’t make things like this public, or else you are bound to suffer the consequences.

Or here’s a crazy thought… don’t put something this toxic online in the first place. Right it down on a piece of paper and throw it the garbage where it belongs.

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This Epic Group Chat Absolutely Crushed The Emoji Challenge

Hey kids! 🧒 👦 Do you love emojis? 😂 🤣

Don’t even lie, you know you do! 🤝👍

You may have heard of the Emoji Challenge, one of the latest trends to hit social media. Basically, you take a photo of yourself doing your best impression of an emoji.

Photo Credit: Twitter/iamjeyonce

Jeydah Weydah and his friends did one in his group chat and it was pure fucking 🔥🔥🔥

Check it out 👓 🔍 🔬

Naturally this sparked more people to share their group chats…

And, honestly, they’re all 💯

Yes! 🙌👏

Have you done the challenge with your friends yet? If not, try it out! Call it a group bonding experience that you can do completely alone! 😂😂😂

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10+ Millennials Remember the Things They Miss Most About the 90s

Nostalgia is a pretty universal aspect of the human condition. Every generation has looked back at their own childhood and thought “Ahhh, those were the days!”

Well, millennials who grew up during the 90s are no different. If you’re one of them (or just love the 90s) then these 15 memories are probably going to spark more than a few of your own.

#1. Basic necessities

“Honestly, I miss life before the internet and cell phones/texting became basic necessities.”

#2. A bit carried away

“Climbing trees, making dens in the woods, knocking on your friends door on a Saturday morning without phoning first, ‘are you playing out?’ Summer holidays spent in the half sunny alleys and fields behind the cul de sac. Asking my dad to record my tv shows onto vcr and him always getting the audio wrong from not turning the volume up on the cable box. Those little blue chocolate wafers my Nan had and the way she made toast. My parents watching Inspector Morse after I went to bed and how the radio was always on in the kitchen. The plum tree outside my bedroom window when it blossomed. School mornings getting colder and how my Mum got the car warmed up in the winter before we left. Our dog. My home. My self when I was young and the world was still magical.

Sorry I got a bit carried away.”

#3. Most of all

“8bit graphics, rainbow windbreakers, roller rinks still being cool, AOL, Nickelodeon. But most of all, just being a carefree kid.”

#4. A sense of innocence

“Amazing music, comfy clothes, cheap gasoline and a sense of innocence and optimism about the future.

Also being around my high school classmates seven hours a day, five days a week September through June could be a mixed blessing then, but I sure miss them now.”

#5. The good stuff

90s cartoons!

#6. When you got home

“I miss being safe from bullies when you got home. Like when I was in school I would get shit from someone, but once I got home that stopped. With the way we are all connected now through the internet and social media, I probably wouldn’t have escaped it like I used to be able to. I feel bad for kids that are bullied in school nowadays because they can’t escape the bullying by going home if they have any sort of presence on the internet.”

#7. The highest virtue

“Vintage clothes were the epitome of cool. It’s still weird to me that now it’s cool to wear expensive clothes, much less ones with obvious labels.

Also related, the idea of “not selling out” as the highest virtue. The idea that the coolest people of the 2010s are influencers with sponsored posts couldn’t be more anti-90s.”

#8. I didn’t appreciate it enough

“I spent the 90s on college and grad school, mostly. I miss having a life where my job was just to think, learn and mature. I didn’t appreciate it enough.”

#9. Some sort of game

“Starting high school in 1990. Good music. Rap rock and even pop. Getting outside. Calling people on an actual house phone to set up the weekend. Meeting girls by actually meeting and talking to them in person. You actually had to have some sort of game to even get a number. We worked hard and played hard. People weren’t so sensitive.”

#10. The news wasn’t 24/7

“Stop watching the news. I stopped a couple of years ago and I’m happier. Most of it is irrelevant anyway. Think about it this way. What have you learned from the news in the past year that has directly affected your life? Of those things, what’s the likelyhood of you finding out about it through other means. If the answer is high, just stop watching.”

#11. Instant win

“Instant win contests.

You could buy a bottle of Coke, win another bottle of Coke and immediately turn around to get another one for free.

Now you have to go online, enter some code somewhere and it sucks.”

#12. Like I was at an Irish funeral

“When I would be sitting in my living room apartment and looking at my CD shelf and seeing my Pink Floyd Pulse disk blinking that beautiful red blink. I always wondered when the exact time and date it stopped was because I would have popped that disc in and proceed to drink like I was at an Irish funeral.”

#13. All you had to do

“All you had to do was just go outside. We always found something to do and had a blast. My kids never go outside unless they have a specific activity planned ahead.”


#14. Improvised WWF

“Improvised WWF (it was still the WWF back then) matches on my trampoline with buddies.

Also NOT having the internet for every little thing made stuff like Pokemon game glitches the stuff of legend.”

#15. Having all my hair

“The music. The sense the world was improving. Having all my hair.”

Let me know when they invent a time machine, okay?!

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This Woman Silenced Her Bullies in the Best Possible Way

The world can be so cruel to anyone who seems a little different, and the internet has only made it easier for hateful cowards to hide behind their keyboards as they spew their vitriol everywhere.

That’s what was happening when a young Sikh girl named Balpreet found a snapshot of herself online along with some negative comments about her appearance – particularly her facial hair.

However, her response, thoughtful and affecting, is what ended up garnering attention. Her self-confidence, self-awareness, and grace in the face of ruthless bullying is a thing of beauty. It is something we could all aspire to reach.


You go, girl. You go.


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15 People Discuss the Worst Movie They’ve Ever Seen

For every great movie out there, you’d better believe that there are just as many (if not way, way more) bad ones out there. What’s the absolute worst film you ever recall seeing?

While I won’t bore you with a lengthy diatribe about my pick for that (dis)honor, these AskReddit users felt no such need to hold back!

Share yours in the comments!

1. Sounds traumatic

“Gotti starring John Travolta. I took a girl on a second date as she wanted to see it due to her love for mob/mafia movies. I think I witnessed part of her soul die that night.

There was no third date.”

2. Not a fan

“Slenderman. F*ck that movie.”

3. Won’t be seeing that

“House of the Dead. Worst mesh of game and movie integration I have ever seen. Terrible directing with terrible actors in an incoherent plot.”

4. Not a good viewing experience

“Ahh there was a Ted Bundy movie that came out in the late 90s/early 2000s. I was sleeping over my cousins’ house and my uncle went to Blockbuster and asked for a “scary” movie, but I guess he didn’t specify that we were all like 12-15. We watched the whole thing. It was so so awful, and it wasn’t only because it was traumatic.”

5. Two doozies

“I’ll only focus on full budget, studio productions. Small-time movies are hard and I hardly blame people for messing those up.

Battlefield Earth – OK, so this is funny if you think of it as a comedy, but they clearly intended for it to be a real scifi movie. This is a movie that is 1000 years in the future and they find our fighter jets….in a hangar…..with fuel in them…..that still work when you turn them on….and are able to learn to fly them and shoot missiles with them(which also still work).

Highlander 2 – So the immortals we learned about….come from a planet….a planet where you die in normal time….but our two leads are punished by being sent to earth…..where they will be immortal….until the villain go to earth later himself…..not having aged even though he was back on the other planet.”

6. Hahahaha

“Gigli. My girlfriend at the time made me take her to see it. We broke up later that week.”

7. Heard some things about this…

“Fantastic Four (2015)

An awful movie that becomes completely incoherent in the 2nd half.”

8. Sounds incredible

“A little gem called Airplane vs Volcano. It’s on Amazon Prime. It stars Dean Cain. It’s about an airplane with about 6 passengers that gets stuck inside an emerging ring of volcanos off the coast of Hawaii. The pilots die due to… Don’t think about it.

And the airplane has an emergency auto-pilot that makes the plane fly in circles. You know! To avoid another 9/11. Now it’s up to Dean Cain and some other passengers to push past the volcanoes’ ash clouds. They have to survive… Meteors?

That always hit the wings of the plane. And a psycho who thinks Dead Cain is not doing his best, so he wants to form a mutiny and basically kill everyone. The Army is there, and they can help, except the general doesn’t want to because of reasons. So he waits until the final moment to send a squad of fighter jets, to fight volcanoes mind you, and get all the passengers to safety.

Dean Cain gets hit by… I have no fucking clue… But he decides to sacrifice himself by crashing the plane (which is now filled with bombs) into the Big Boss Volcano. Even though everyone was evacuated and he can be evacuated as well and get medical help, he goes though with it saying “You’re a big bitch” as he crashed into the big volcano.

Seriously 0/10 but it’s worth to watch.”

9. I need to check this out


With Gary Oldman, in the role of a lifetime…”

10. Atrocious

“After Earth.

The acting was atrocious and the story barely made any sense. I mean who’s idea was it to have Will Smith and Jayden Smith talk in shitty psuedo-english accents during the movie??? I mean I know it’s supposed to be “how english will sound like in the future,” but that seems somehow even more stupid.”

11. A Nic Cage delight

“The Wicker Man with Nic Cage. So awful I couldn’t leave the theater, crying laughing. Trying to create suspense by bicycling quickly through the countryside. So bad.”

12. Sounds decent

“Birdemic. It was so bad it was hilarious.”

13. Childhood = Ruined

“Dragonball Evolution. It was like watching a drunk guy vomit all over my childhood.”

14. What a load…

“Human Centipede 3. Not like I thought it would be anything more than a bad horror flick, but man what a load of annoying shit.”

15. Just terrible…

“That Adam Sandler movie ‘Jack & Jill’. It was terrible.”

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