10 Hacks That Are Guaranteed to Simplify Your Life

We’re all looking for ways to simplify our lives these days, and these 10 hacks are simple but useful – and guaranteed to work!

#10. Clean your toilet without scrubbing

Photo Credit: Brightside

Dump in a can of Coke and let it sit overnight. Then just give the bowl a quick swipe and flush!

#9. Waterproof your shoes

Photo Credit: Brightside

Melt beeswax on your shoes with a hair dryer until it’s no longer visible. Voila!

#8. Unclog your drains without a plumber (Liquid or otherwise)

Photo Credit: Wikimedia

All you need is baking soda (1cup) followed by vinegar (1 cup) and some hot water. Save time AND money!

#7. Dry your clothes more efficiently

Photo Credit: Brightside

Roll clothes inside a dry towel, then wring it out and hang them to dry. You save the energy of the dryer and keep your clothes in better shape, besides!

#6. Clean your shower head (and faucets)

Photo Credit: The NY Melrose Family

All you need is some white vinegar in a plastic baggie, and a rubber band to secure it in place. Let it sit overnight, then the metal will be as good as new!

#5. De-smellify your shoes

Photo Credit: Brightside

If they’re just stinky, put a tea bag inside them to soak up the stench (try something good-smelling, like peppermint!). If they’re wet, too, put baking soda and rice inside and leave them for a few days.

#4. Kill body odor

Photo Credit: Brightside

Who among us hasn’t run out the door without deodorant (more than we’d like to admit)? If you’ve got an orange (or other citrus fruit) in your lunch bag, rub some of it one your skin. No more smell!

#3. Stretch out your shoes

Photo Credit: Pixabay

We’ve all bought a pair of shoes on a whim because they’re super cute, only to admit after a single wear that they’re too tight. Instead of relegating them to the back of the closet, try shoving wet newspapers inside and waiting for them to dry.

#2. Keep your cooler cold longer

Photo Credit: Flickr

Just add salt to the ice, and you’ll have cold beer and soda longer than before.

#1. Start a fire in a pinch

Photo Credit: Hackable

Use your chips – they’re excellent sources of fat, oil, and chemicals (all necessary to make a fire).

h/t: Brightside

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Here Are 10 Hilariously Bad Opening Lines from Novels

Ah, novels. In this day and age, everyone seems to think they can write one, and there’s a self-perpetuating myth out there that everyone has at least one hiding inside them, waiting to be written. The truth is that writing fiction is hard, and an opening line can either make or break the rest of your manuscript.

These 10 authors definitely could have used a bit more tweaking.


Photo Credit: adamcadre.ac


Photo Credit: adamcadre.ac


Photo Credit: adamcadre.ac


Photo Credit: adamcadre.ac


Photo Credit: adamcadre.ac


Photo Credit: adamcadre.ac


Photo Credit: adamcadre.ac


Photo Credit: adamcadre.ac


Photo Credit: adamcadre.ac


Photo Credit: adamcadre.ac

h/t: Bored Panda

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This Cat Has Never Been Outside Before and His Expressions Are Everything

4-year-old Nuka had never been outside before a few days ago, and his owner gives us a quick explanation as to why.

Photo Credit: Instagram

“He has never been an outdoors cat and even if it would be an option here, he’s literally terrified of everything. He’s a scaredy-cat.”

Photo Credit: Instagram

She thought the balcony seemed like a perfect way to test the waters, though, and for Nuka to get a new experience without being in danger.

Photo Credit: Instagram

“The apartment complex I live in is going to have balcony windows installed. As long as I am with him on the balcony, he’s fine.”

Photo Credit: Instagram

Some people saw the pictures and worried that the cat’s expression could be caused by a medical condition, but Nuka’s owner has already had him checked out.

Photo Credit: Instagram

“He has trouble with his motor skills like jumping. He runs into walls a lot, but they couldn’t find anything wrong with him. He’s living a normal kitty life and is a happy derp.”

Photo Credit: Instagram

Indeed. And you know these pictures made you a happy derp, too!

h/t: Bored Panda

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10+ People Reveal the Scariest Thing to Happen to Them as Children

Hold onto your hats and make sure the lights are on, because some of these will give you the straight-up willies.

12. Close call

“Someone once tried to kidnap me and a friend at our brother’s baseball game. We wandered off on our own for a while, when this guy came out of nowhere and tried to get us to come with him, and after multiple refusals from us, lunged at us and tried to grab us.”

11. So many creeps

“When I was 10 or 11, a guy came up to me and my friend in a park and said he was a gymnastics coach. We were sitting on the monkey bars, and he offered to “help” us flip up onto the top via grabbing our butts. He told us to meet him the next day and he’d take us to the Y on the other side of the city. We didn’t go, thankfully. A girl the same age as us was kidnapped from the same area shortly after, and her body was found near that Y. Was it the same guy? Can’t say for sure, but he was never caught, and the location similarities have creeped me out for decades. (And yes, I reported what happened to me and my friend)”

10. Psychotic stepfather

“My stepfather drove me into some secluded woods with a chain saw, ax, trash bags, and gloves in the trunk and told me the only reason he wasn’t killing me then and there was because my mom asked him to wait two weeks.

Then he essentially said if my dad got custody he would kill us all, took me to McDonald’s then took me to school late. Told the counselor I had been making good grades so he rewarded me by letting me sleep in.

Dad definitely got custody.”

9. Thought it was popsicles

“Saw red popsicles in the road at the bus stop. When I got closer I realized it was a freshly run over cat with it’s bones sticking out.”

8. Domestic abuse leaves scars

“My dad tried to throw my mum down the stairs. She was screaming at him, it was terrifying.”

7. Boys should definitely not be boys

“The hillbilly neighbors tried to run me over with a truck. They thought it would be funny to hear me scream. I was 4 years old. Their dad was cop so nothing was done. “boys just having a lil fun” F*ckers. it’s been 40 years and i still see that Orange pickup in my nightmares.”

6. Lessons about bull riding

“I saw a man die during rodeo while bull riding when I was 8. My parents were real big into bull riding and the dude just got thrown off and rag dolled when he hit the ground. The clowns scared off the bull and he just wouldn’t move, the EMS dudes came along and put him on a stretcher and carted him away, and as he was being carted we could see his head was turned the wrong way and everyone knew then he was dead.”

5. Beware the cyclists

“I mean, I was a pretty ballsy child and I was not easily scared, but one thing has stuck with me even over the years: I saw a young man on a bicycle being hit by a car, when I was maybe 7 or so.

It really sort of happened almost in slow motion, or at least in my memory. he smashed against the wind shield, then kind of…slid off, and collapsed as a rag doll.

I never knew if he survived.

To this day, as an adult who drives, I’m really, really careful about watching cyclists.”

4. Witness to a tragic accident

“I was about 7. I was waiting for the school bus one morning and about 50 yards away a mother was riding her bike with her child strapped in a bike seat behind her. She cycled in between the curb and a speed bump and fell. Her baby’s head hit a peice of rebar that was sticking out of the speedbump. She got up and ran with the child screaming, “MY BABY!!” a few houses down where cops and an ambulance were handling another situation.

Don’t know what happened to the child. The mothers screams were the most haunting thing I’ve ever heard to this day.”

3. Superhero mama

“We were moving, had our house packed up and we were driving cross country. We pulled into a gas station and I decided to stay in the truck because we hadn’t been on the road long and I had video game magazines to read.

Someone else pulled into the gas station, pumped his gas and ran into the store and tossed money on the counter for the cashier. He came back out, in a bit of a rush, and left the hose in his truck when he drove off. This caused a phenomena known as “Holy sh*t everything is on fire.”

My mom started trying to rip me out of the seat, but I was buckled in and then she also realized “F*ck a lot of our stuff is in this truck.” so she changed strategies. She jumped into the car so fast that she had a bruise on her knee for the next week from the shifter, and took us off down the road, somewhat ironically leaving my brother at the now-really-super-on-fire gas station. But she got me to safety while my aunts got my brother out of there.

From my perspective I finally got a minute to myself, heard a KTCH-TUNK FLOOM and then a 100 pound woman was screaming at me and trying to dislocate my shoulder, and then we were doing 60 miles an hour with a much ghostier version of that same woman driving the vehicle.

Never got my soda though so 4/10 experience.”

2. Sleepover fears

“When I was a smallish, awkward kid (6-7, also only child at the time), I went to my first sleepover with my “friend” and her older and younger sister. It was alright until the mom told us to go to sleep/lights-out. Then my “friend” and her older sister punched me in the ribs/stomach a few times and told me repeatedly that my parents were never going to come back for me, that they didn’t love me, and that they probably died on the way to the restaurant they were planning on going to that night.

I kept trying to be strong but after probably 30 minutes I started crying/probably full-on anxiety attack. Their mom came and took me to the couch and tried to “calm me down” by yelling at me to stop or else I would throw up on her carpet/furniture. I remember crying more and getting confused, do people actually throw up when they’re freaked out and crying? Then at some point I fell asleep (I think), and I woke up in my parent’s apartments.

My mom said my “friend’s” mom was so nice for carrying me home, but took my side after I told her what happened.

It was the most traumatizing thing of my childhood, and it messed me up for quite a while. I never really made friends after that, and had a rough time ever going to a sleepover again.”

1. Near drowning

“I nearly drowned in a recreational swimming pool. Think I was around 6 years old and not much of a swimming talent. My parents had my older sisters look after me while they were swimming around with my uncle and aunt.

At some point I went under and swallowed some water which made me cough badly. I couldn’t stay afloat anymore and was waving my arms all over the place trying to get someone’s attention to help me.My sister saw me and she did something I still give her a hard time over. She.. waved back at me. That’s all she did, she waved back. I thought to myself “I’m dying”.

Luckily a lifeguard saw me and pulled me out in time. Still not comfortable whenever I go swimming now.”

h/t: Reddit

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15 Dead-On Tweets About Raising Daughters

Raising all kids is hard. As the mother of a boy, I have to believe that people who say boys are easier have either never had one or aren’t doing it right. That said, I definitely believe there are unique challenges to raising daughters as opposed to sons, and these 15 tweets capture those differences to a T.

#15. And don’t you dare interrupt!

Photo Credit: Twitter

#14. Everyone needs a coping mechanism

Photo Credit: Twitter

#13. Joke’s on you this time, kid!

Photo Credit: Twitter

#12. Sick burn

Photo Credit: Twitter

#11. Real talk

Photo Credit: Twitter

#10. One day

Photo Credit: Twitter

#9. When you start to long for the days you’re supposed to dread…

Photo Credit: Twitter

#8. Both valid qualities

Photo Credit: Twitter

#7. Definitely ice cream

Photo Credit: Twitter

#6. Consider your answer carefully

Photo Credit: Twitter

#5. A real overachiever

Photo Credit: Twitter

#4. Magical cheese

Photo Credit: Twitter

#3. How chic and modern!

Photo Credit: Twitter

#2. Emotions are valid at any age

Photo Credit: Twitter

#1. That’s why you clean out their room while they’re at Grandma’s house

Photo Credit: Twitter

h/t: ScaryMommy

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14 People Admit the Worst Thing Anyone Ever Said to Them

Some of these are real rough, y’all. Be prepared.

14. Not-so-sweet nothings

“He called me his wife’s name. I did not know he was married.”

13. No crooning, please

“I once drunkenly hooked up with a guy I’d been friends with for a couple of years. We were at a party at his place and the music was loud enough to be heard from the bedroom so we didn’t turn any on when we started fooling around. Everything was going great, we had moved onto the actual sex, when he starts…softly singing. It’s not the song that’s playing out in the living room either, he just decided to start singing, and he’s getting louder and louder until he’s really belting it out – “BYYYYE BYE MISS AMERICAN PIE, DROVE MY CHEVY TO THE LEVEE BUT THE LEVEE WAS DRY!” It was…it was odd.

Edit: fixed the spelling you Chevy fans.”

12. Yikes

“I want to see your bones drying in the desert sun. Wish I was kidding.”

11. Ummm

“I’ll do you so hard, you’ll walk with a gimp the rest of your life.”

10. Maybe that’s a good thing

“Put his hand over my mouth and said: “Shhhh. Every time you talk, it goes down.”

9. Ouch

“That was my hip.”

I apparently dislocated her hip.

That put an end to the evenings festivities.”

8. Not friends

“Not during sex, during foreplay. Was with a girl I was interested in, it was our second “date” (really, just the second time we hung out) and we ended up parked in a secluded spot. We hopped into the back seat and started getting frisky. After a bit she stripped completely naked, and made clear she wanted to have sex. Thought I’d go in for a bit of muff-diving before the main event, I enjoy it, and usually girls do too. So I started heading south, and just before I got to it she pulls my head up and says “no, please, I only let my friends do that”.


I mean, if you don’t want cunnilingus fine, just tell me, but the absurdity of the “I only let my friends do that” just killed the mood and I couldn’t get back into it. We talked a few more times after, but that was essentially it for us….”

7. Run away

“Don’t worry. It’s been over a week since my last outbreak.”

6. Just say no

“He yelled out, “Who’s your daddy?” I was going to ignore that he said that but he then said, “F*cking tell me, who’s your daddy?” I had to answer that he was.

I have no issues with my father. He’s a normal dad. So… that was really uncomfortable.”

5. Awkward level: George Costanza

One time things were getting hot and heavy with my girlfriend, she whispers my name into my ear, and, for some reason, I still don’t know why, I proceed to whisper my own name back into her ear. Extremely sensually.

Needless to say, no sex was had that night.

4. Wrong answer

“I said this to a girl once on accident but she probably doesn’t use this site so oh well. She was a bigger girl but I didn’t mind at all. We were going at it with foreplay and such for a little before I started f*cking her from behind and while I did I grabbed her love handles for support. Well apparently she wasn’t pleased that I did because she looks back at me and tells me not to grab her fat and sadly the only thing I thought to say was “That doesn’t leave me much to work with”.

Edit: Well I just quadrupled my comment karma for being a thoughtless ass hole. I guess being yourself really pays off”

3. Honesty is some kind of policy

“Let me know when you cum so I can fake an orgasm at the same time”

2. Leviathan!

“One time during sex my husband was getting close but didn’t want to finish yet. So, he decides to quote Supernatural. Season 7 episode 1 where Castiel is trying to hold back the Leviathans. My husband says “I can’t hold them back” in a gravely Castiel voice. I start giggling and then he yells “LEVIATHAN!” Super loud and we both crack up laughing. It takes us a couple minutes to get back into the swing of things but that makes me laugh every time I think about it.”

1. Just why

“I hope this helps my period come, I’ve never been this late”

h/t: Reddit

The post 14 People Admit the Worst Thing Anyone Ever Said to Them appeared first on UberFacts.

This Irish Traveler Shares the 15 Things That Surprised Her About America

We read a lot about Americans traveling the world – sometimes their experiences are great, and sometimes they’re amazed at how disliked we can be in other cultures. It’s rarer to read what travelers from other countries might think about us…and Irish writer/traveler Benny Lewis doesn’t pull any punches!

Caveat: This person spent a good amount of time (nearly a year total) in various cities, but almost all of them were a) large urban areas and b) on one coast or another. So, I guess if you live in flyover country, you can assume this might not apply.

#15. Why is tipping a thing?

Photo Credit: Pixabay

“Instead of getting tipped they earn a wage like everyone else — and do their job, and if they do it bad enough, they’ll get fired. But apparently not pestering you every minute and not smiling like you are in a Ms. World competition means you are “rude.”

#14. Wasteful consumerism

Photo Credit: Pixabay

“What makes it worse is that these people sometimes claim to not have much money, and Apple products are added to their “necessities” list. The person I bought my iPad from sighed when I told him what I do, and he said he wished he had the money to travel. I wish he had the common sense to realize that if he stopped wasting his money, he’d have plenty left over.”

#13. You want to see my what?

Photo Credit: Pixabay

“I’ve even seen 60-year-olds get ID’d. Nowhere else in the world do they ID me now that I’m clearly in my 30s. A few times I haven’t had my passport (the most important document I own that I really don’t want to get beer spilled over) in my jeans pocket and have simply been refused entry.”

#12. The rat race

Photo Credit: Pixabay

“Despite all the false positivity, I find Americans to be generally the most stressed and unhappiest people on the planet. Despite all the resources, and all the money they have, they are sadder than people I know who can barely make ends meet in other countries but still know how to live in the moment.

This rush to the finish line or to have a million dollars in your bank account or to get that promotion, and to have that consume your life, is something I find really sad.”

#11. Assuming America is the best

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

“America is indeed a better place with a higher standard of living than most of the world, but free speech and tolerance for all is the norm in the Western world as a rule, not just in America.

There is no best country.

I think patriotism is an excellent quality to have, and we should all be proud of where we were born. But nationalism (believing other countries are inferior) is a terrible quality.”

#10. The word ‘awesome’

Photo Credit: Workopolis

“I really hate the word awesome. It used to mean “that which inspires awe,” but in the states it means nothing! It doesn’t even mean good — it’s just a word — a filler, like “um” or “y’know.”

#9. Tax not included

Photo Credit: Compliance Signs

“I don’t give a flying toss how much YOU get — I want to know how much I have to pay! How much money … do you want me … to hand to you? Do I really have to spell this out?”

#8. Stereotypes are not cool

Photo Credit: Rappler

“A few others I’ve gotten include:

How was the boat ride over here? (Surprised that we have airports in Ireland — I must have arrived in rags in New York’s harbor of course.)
Too many people insisting Ireland was part of the UK. They actually argued it with me!
Did I have to check my car for IRA bombs when I was growing up? (Uuuugh … so many things wrong with this!)
Surprised I knew more about technology than they did. Aren’t we all potato farmers in Ireland?”

#7. The Jesus thing

Photo Credit: The Eggplant

“Even if I’m not religious, it’s up to everyone to decide what to believe. I find religious people in Europe to be NORMAL — it’s a spiritual thing, or something they tend to keep to themselves and are very modern people with a great balance of religion and modernism.

But I can’t stand certain Christian affiliations of religious Americans. It’s Jesus this and Jesus that all the bloody time. You really can’t have a normal conversation with them. It’s in-your-facereligion.”

#6. Mo’ money, mo’ problems

Photo Credit: Pixabay

“I met far too many people who were more interested in their bank balance than in their quality of life. People richer than I can possibly imagine who are depressed. More money seems to be the only way they understand how to solve problems. They don’t travel because they think they need tens of thousands of dollars (which is just simply not true, as you can read it in this post here), and they don’t enjoy their day because they may miss out on a business opportunity.”

#5. What does a smile mean, actually?

Photo Credit: Pixabay

“When you smile all the time in public it means nothing. Apparently a smile releases endorphins, but if your face is stuck that way, I’m sure your dreams of a natural high will fade soon. I’d rather focus on trying to make my life better and have reasons to smile than lie to myself and the world.”

#4. Dear God, the advertising

Photo Credit: Topanga Chamber

“I feel like scraping out my eyes with toothpicks when I’m forced to endure advertising in America. Make it stop.”

#3. The obsession with ancestry

Photo Credit: Smarter Hobby

“Every American you meet is not actually American. They are a fourth Polish, three-seventeenths Italian, 10 other random countries, and then of course half Irish. Since Ireland is more homogeneous, it’s hard for me to appreciate this, so honestly I don’t really care if your great grandfather’s dog walker’s best friend’s roommate was Irish. I really don’t.”

#2. No pedestrian crossing

Photo Credit: Smithsonian Mag

“You can’t do anything without a car in most cases. With rare exceptions (like San Francisco or New York), all shops, affordable restaurants, supermarkets, electronics, etc. are miles away.”

#1. Crazy portion sizes

Photo Credit: Business Insider UK

Any time I ordered even a small portion I’d be totally full. Small means something different to me than it does to Americans. If you sit down in most places and order anything but an appetizer or a salad, you will eat more than you should.”

h/t: Business Insider

The post This Irish Traveler Shares the 15 Things That Surprised Her About America appeared first on UberFacts.