These Are 7 of the Hardest Countries for Americans to Visit

Americans are fortunate to be able to travel most of the globe with minimal restrictions. That said, there are some spots that are less-than-welcoming to people from the States (sometimes, understandably so). Just a warning: you might want to think twice before attempting to stamp your passports in these 7 countries.

7. Iran

The State Department says “There is a very high risk of kidnapping, arrest, and detention of U.S. citizens in Iran.” If you’re dying to visit the Middle East, don’t choose Iraq, either – but Dubai in the United Arab Emirates is totally safe (and has killer authentic Iranian food).

6. Libya

This northern African nation is a hotbed of crime, terrorism, civil unrest, kidnapping, and armed conflict. That’s a trifecta+, so do not go. Nearby Egypt and Morocco are much more popular, but not entirely safe, either.

5. Mali

The State Department says Mali is rife with terrorism, kidnaping, and crime – consider heading to the much safer Senegal, instead.

4. South Sudan

With crime, kidnapping, and armed conflict risks, you should consider the somewhat-safer Ugandan mountain region. Gorillas!

3. Venezuela

Here, you’re looking at the potential for violent crime, like armed robbery, homicide, and carjackings, along with civil unrest, poor healthcare, and arbitrary arrest and detention of U.S. citizens. But there are plenty of beautiful South American countries (almost all the others, in fact) waiting to safely welcome you to their shores.

2. Yemen

With a years-long proxy war being waged between Saudi Arabia and Iran here, there is heightened risk of targeted terrorism, civil unrest, disease, kidnapping, and, of course, getting caught in that. armed conflict. Unless you’re with Doctors Without Borders, there’s really no reason to feel pulled to Yemen – it’s one of the most dangerous places in the world.

Oman is also on the Arabian Sea, and it’s supposed to be lovely, though, so consider that!

1. Central African Republic

More crime, more civil unrest, and risk of being kidnapped wait for you in this land-locked African country. And to make matters more dangerous, it’s sandwiched between other countries that come with warning labels.

You can hang out in the Virunga Mountains of Rwanda, instead – there are gorillas and everything.

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10 Great Facts to Get Your Day Started on the Right Foot

We all need to get our days started in a positive way. Some people exercise, some do yoga, some meditate, some drink two pots of coffee.

Whatever you do, you can add these facts to your morning routine to make your day even better!


1. Some things never change…

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2. I did not know that!

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3. Cool!

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4. Time to reset

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5. That’s tragic.

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6. I always feel like…

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7. That’s not good.

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8. A symbol of friendship.

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9. Makes perfect sense.

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10. Justice warriors.

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We hope you enjoyed those facts!

Have a great day!

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People Share What They Think Are the Toxic Ideas Spread on Reddit

Reddit can be a good site to connect with people and to learn about different topics, but let’s face the facts: there are a lot of people out there with dangerous ideas that spread like wildfire on the Internet.

That’s why it’s important to find your news from reputable sources…which can definitely be hard to do these days.

Folks on AskReddit shared what they think are the toxic and potentially dangerous ideas and beliefs that people share on Reddit. Share your thoughts in the comments.

1. Deviating from the norm.

“Absolutely hating on those that deviate from the norm. Hating on people that conform to society’s norms but not Reddit’s norms. Hating on people trying to have fun or hobbies.”

2. Pure selfishness.

“Glorification of selfishness. I get the impression a ton of people on this site have difficulty asserting themselves, or recognizing or setting their own boundaries, because Reddit is full of advice geared toward people with these problems.

What these posters seem to forget is that not everyone is codependent with self-esteem through the floor. And yet anytime anyone wants to get out of something that someone else wants them to do, Reddit leaps to “no is a complete sentence! Put yourself first! Don’t JADE!” In real life though, maintaining healthy relationships requires sometimes doing things you aren’t thrilled about for others’ sake.”

3. Let’s see the proof.

“Reddit is very much “Guilty until proven innocent”.

They will jump straight down the throat of any alleged criminal with 0 facts, 0 context, and demand they be sentenced to years behind bars, or worse.”

4. Quick to judge.

“Reddit has a tendency to label people “toxic” and encourage relationship advice that isn’t great.”

5. That’s bizarre.

“Worshipping celebrities. 10 year olds don’t need to receive death threats because he’s never heard of a 55 year old actor.”

6. Hostile to the facts.

“Reddit is extremely hostile to actual expertise. If you state outright “I do this professionally and you are wrong” it will send people into an impotent rage. If you don’t say so, they will smugly keep missing the point. There really is no good way to try to correct misconceptions or bad information.”

7. Amen to this one.

“To an extent, Reddit plays a role in the growing anti-intellectualism. There seems to be a large assumption that this is a website of experts and lengthy replies must be credible. I saw a fellow redditor describe it perfectly, “you finally realize how little most redditors know when they start talking about a topic you happen to be well researched in”.

I see this in two places primarily, topics about public education (I am a middle school teacher) and topics such as anti-vaccine. I understand reddit hates anti-vax for good reason, but it is also stuck in the old “anti-vaxxers are just stupid” stereotype. Instead of educating and helping the problem, they just poke fun. This unfortunately drives more anxious parents toward anti-vax communities. A little empathy, understanding, and education would do more to combat ideologies such as anti-vaccines than anything reddit actually does.”

8. Does that mean you can do whatever you want?

“Those people who make introversion out to be an excuse for some pretty terrible antisocial/misanthropic/unacceptable behavior.

I don’t like loud spaces and can feel overwhelmed by crowds of people; I would pay not to go to a concert. I also genuinely love the people in my life and will always make time for anyone who needs me. In my experience this is true for everyone extroverts and introverts alike.”

9. Don’t take this advice.

“Everyone is an armchair psychologist. You post about feeling sad sometimes and inevitably someone is like “thats because you have atypical depression and bipolar disorder” or whatever.”

10. Come on Reddit…

“One example of this….a medical doctor posts a well written comment about the dangers of over prescribing anti biotics. Top comment of the thread. Tons of awards. Later a 2nd year med student posts a similar comment. Still well written but maybe misses a few key points specifying how and why. Again…top comment of the thread. Gilded to the nines.

Later a college freshman bio major writes a pretty bad summary of the situation but it’s part of the Reddit hive mind echo chamber so anyone who bothers to correct him gets misinterpreted and downvoted. And so on and so on until someone LITERALLY TELLS ME they read on Reddit that taking antibiotics is dangerous and will lead to a super disease that will wipe out humanity. Come on Reddit….”

11. Stereotyping.

“Stereotyping, in general, seems rampant. Many comments and posts seem to believe that individuals are incapable of independent thought and just reflect the race/religion/gender/ethnicity/group/nationality/political party/subreddit/culture they belong to.

People are varied even within ideologies. Argue points and issues, not identities.”

12. That’s not good.

“If your partner does anything at all that you dislike, you should dump them, take them to the police, avoid all other partners in the future, etc etc.

Particularly prevalent in Relationships, Relationship Advice, AmITheAsshole and even just AskReddit itself. It’s rather appalling, and it seems to be pushed by people who have no idea what being in a relationship is actually like. It’s not fucking easy basically, you want to love something and be in a completely committed relationship? Prepare to fight for it, because it is not easy.”

13. What about the gray areas?

“Failure to acknowledge any nuance or gray areas. People feel the need to go all in on one side for any issue. I think they feel they’ll look weak or hurt their argument by relenting on any point. Or having a discussion on any point.”

14. Bad advice.

“That whenever someone in your life isn’t behaving perfectly or 100% supporting of you all the freaking time, you need to “cut them out of your life” because they are “abusive” and “toxic”.

I’m curious how many families have been ruined by such destructive advice.”

15. Most people are good people.

“Most Americans I know are nowhere as racist, dumb or fat as reddit makes everyone else think.

A good bunch of them are smart, hardworking people, and are also nowhere as extremist as to be considered far-right, far-left, etc. Reddit might be a huge echo chamber in politics, but, at least the Americans I know, have moderate views and are easy-going people.”

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James Stewart (Republican) and Henry Fonda…

James Stewart (Republican) and Henry Fonda (Democrat) maintained a 50 year friendship by never discussing politics after a political argument reportedly dissolved into a fistfight. Instead they spent their time together building and painting model airplanes.

Economists Say That Forgiving Student Debt Could Give the Economy a Major Boost

I don’t know if anyone in power will take these recommendations seriously, but a headline like this is probably music to the ears of the millions of people out there are struggling to pay off their student loans.

Although different politicians have different ideas and plans about how much student loan debt they would forgive (or not), economists say that forgiving student debt could boost the economy in huge ways while also fighting income inequality.

Economists argue that the debt forgiveness could boost the economy because so many Americans are limiting their life decisions based on their student loans.

A prime example is Laura Greenwood, 30, of Montpelier, Vermont. Greenwood works for the state education agency in Vermont, making $63,000 a year. She said, “I make probably a better salary than a lot of my peers.” But, she added about a major life decision, “Children, it’s not about if you want them. It’s about can you afford them?”

Greenwood said she owes $96,000 in student loans for college and graduate school. She admits that this is a major hindrance to the decision to have kids with her partner. She said, “We’re interested in having kids, but just cost of living and all our other bills and then the student loans, it’s just like the final straw.”

Greenwood added that her debt makes the possibility of having children seem impossible.


Economists argue that if people like Greenwood and others saddled with debt had that anchor removed, more of them would buy houses, have kids, and start businesses.

Lawrence Yun, the National Association of Realtors chief economist, said, “In the short term, it would be very positive for the housing market. Home sales could be, say, 300,000 higher annually if people were not saddled with large student debt.” According to Yun, this would be “a boost to the housing sector as well as the economy.”

William Foster, a vice president with Moody’s, said about total loan forgiveness, “There’ve been some estimates that U.S. real GDP could be boosted on average by $86 billion to $108 billion per year.” He also said, “Student loans are now contributing to what’s perceived as lower economic prospects for younger Americans.”


On the flip side of those seemingly encouraging statements is the fact that loan debt forgiveness would be expensive. Foster said the total for student loan debt is about $1.5 trillion – which is why it’s such a drain on the economy. He claims the federal government would have to give up $85 billion in annual revenue that it collects from these loans, which would result in a wider fiscal deficit (not that it seems to matter these days).

What do you think about this controversial and divisive topic? Should student debt loan be forgiven? Or partially forgiven? Or do you think that these former students need to pay in full?

Let us know what you think in the comments.

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A Town in Austria Is so Sick of Nazis Visiting Hitler’s Birthplace That They’re Turning It into a Police Station

In a small town in Austria on the border of Germany sits a structure with a notorious past. It was here, in a nondescript building downtown called the Braunau am Inn, that Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889.

The building has been used as a school and a library over the years, but it has also been a magnet for neo-Nazis who view it as a shrine to Hitler. People have been coming since all the way back in the 1940s just after World War II ended, when Austrian and German veterans would flock to the house on Hitler’s birthday.

In 1972, the interior ministry of Austria took over the main lease from the family that owned the building so that the government could eventually have the final say about what the building would be used for. In 1984, the Austrian government tried to acquire the building outright from Gerlinde Pommer, who had sole possession of the building, but she refused to sell. Pommer also refused to renovate the structure so the government could not find a good tenant for the property.

Finally, in 2017, the Austrian government seized the building from Pommer and the dispute ended. Authorities have decided to turn Hitler’s birthplace into a police station to hopefully deter neo-Nazis from visiting the site.

In 1989, a stone was put in place in front of the building that reads, “For peace, freedom and democracy. Never again fascism. Millions dead are a warning.”

There will be an international architectural competition to redesign the building for its future police tenants.

Wolfgang Peschorn, the interior minister of Austria, said, “The future use of the house by the police should send an unmistakable signal that the role of this building as a memorial to the Nazis been permanently revoked.”

And it’s about time.

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William the Conquerer Literally Exploded at His Funeral

Yes, History Can Be Both Fun And Interesting!

Some might argue that, given the brutal, bloody way William the Conquerer ruled England, his brutal, stinking, bloody end was more than fitting.

William who-would-be-the-Conquerer was born around 1028 to the Duke of Normandy and a peasant girl. Officially a bastard, William still inherited his father’s titles at the age of 8. Normandy, though, found itself embroiled in a Civil War, and William’s childhood could not be described as idyllic, title or no.


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Whether it came naturally to him or he learned the behavior of brutality, William embraced his legacy as he grew, punishing his defeated foes by chopping off their hands and feet in at least one instance.

In 1066, he won the bloody battle of Hastings and was crowned King of England on Christmas Day the same year.

Though he instituted some constitutional and social reforms and forged close ties with France while ending Viking influence in England, he’s mostly remembered for the way he treated the people that disagreed with and fought against him.


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In 1069, he began a campaign known as “The Harrying of the North,” in which he put down rebellions by burning villages and slaughtering livestock (and sometimes people), leaving those who survived starving to the point of cannibalism.

William, however, grew fatter and fatter until an incident with his horse – an unexpected movement caused the saddle to puncture his intestines – eventually killed him.

It took 6 weeks, and while dying, the king supposedly confessed that he regretted at least some of his atrocities. According to Orderic Vitalis, a Benedictine monk and chronicler of English contemporary life, William spoke from his deathbed:

“I treated the native inhabitants of the kingdom with unreasonable severity, cruelly oppressed high and low, unjustly disinherited many, and caused the death of thousands by starvation and war, especially in Yorkshire …In mad fury I descended on the English of the north like a raging lion, and ordered that their homes and crops with all their equipment and furnishings should be burnt at once and their great flocks and herds of sheep and cattle slaughtered everywhere. So I chastised a great multitude of men and women with the lash of starvation and, alas! was the cruel murderer of many thousands, both young and old, of this fair people.”

He wanted his wealth to be given to churches and the poor upon his death, “so that what I amassed through evil deeds may be assigned to the holy uses of good men.”

A nice speech, though most historians and other experts  – including author David Bates – doubt he ever said it.

“Orderic has William express regret for the terrible bloodshed as a part of his deathbed confession. Although the speech is, as far as we know, entirely Orderic’s invention and an idealized version of what he thought ought to have happened, what he was certainly saying is that he believed William made a good end, as also did Eadmer and William of Malmesbury.”

The fruits of his time on earth caught up with William, and when he finally died, the knights and other noblemen fled, leaving the King’s corpse vulnerable to the peasant class who despised him. Orderic paints a ghastly final scene.

“The lesser attendants, seeing that their superiors had absconded, seized the arms, vessels, clothing, linen, and all the royal furnishings, and hurried away leaving the king’s body almost naked on the floor of the house. …as if he had been a barbarian.”

Only one knight – Herluin – came back to ensure the king would be properly buried. He did this, according to Orderic, because of “his natural goodness,” and “procured at his own expense persons to embalm and carry the body; and hiring a hearse, he caused it to be carried to the port on the Seine; and embarking it on board a vessel, conducted it by water and land to Caen.”


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The 70 mile trip took some time, and by the time the body arrived in Caen, the bacteria in the king’s gut had leaked and begun to decompose the rest of his tissue at an alarming pace. The funeral was further delayed due to a fire in Caen, then again by a “mourner” who claimed he had been robbed of his land by the church. A legal meeting proceeded, and by the time the heckler was compensated and sent on his way, things had begun to get smelly.

The body had overheated and swollen to enormous proportions. He would not fit into his tomb, and while they were trying to decide what to do, his “swollen bowels burst, and an intolerable stench assailed the nostrils of the bystanders and the whole crowd.”

And everyone peaced out because, yeah. Gross.

William the Conquerer hasn’t exactly been undisturbed since – he’s been disinterred 3 times (by the Church, at the hands of the Calvinists, and again during the French Revolution). All that remains of his unlucky corpse is a thigh bone, which is marked by a slab of stone.

If ever there was a guy who was definitely haunting people, it’s William the Conquerer.

Not that I blame him, even if he was a big of a wanker in his prime.

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Record Cold Temperatures Don’t Mean Climate Change Isn’t Taking Place

It’s cold outside! Really cold!

We aren’t even into December yet, but much of the country has already seen frigid temperatures and huge snowstorms this fall.

So, predictably, some climate change deniers and skeptics have rushed out (as they are wont to do) and cried from the rooftops that global warming and climate change don’t really exist. Just look at this cold, snowy weather we’re having…right?

WRONG. These short-term bouts of unusually cold weather don’t really have any effect on long-term temperature averages. Let’s look at the reasons why.


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If you’ll recall, a polar vortex developed in early 2019 and then split apart, sending a swath of cold air to the Great Lakes region. Amy Butler, an atmospheric scientist at the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, explained it this way, “Like a rock in a stream—in this case, the jet stream—[the polar vortex lobe] helped keep the jet stream pushed southward, which encourages cold air to be transported from Canada and the Arctic into mid-latitudes.”

The split polar vortex and other factors combined to create these cold conditions in early 2019, and some experts believed that the cold temperatures wouldn’t last long. And although the frigid conditions were uncomfortable and seemed to last a long time, the average monthly temperatures last December and January were actually above average for that time of year.


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In other words, random cold spells will always take place and weather is chaotic, but that does not mean that climate change isn’t occurring right now as we speak. Zachary Labe, a climate scientist at the University of California, Irvine, said, “The weather frequently changes from day-to-day or even hour-to-hour, while changes in our climate occur in the long-term, such as over 30 year periods. Therefore, we cannot say that one cold outbreak or weather event is evidence for or against climate change.”

And people tend to remember exceptional (read: cold) weather events rather than the normal, average days. But the fact is that winters have been warming. Over the past year, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration recorded 11,404 daily record lows across the globe. But the organization also recorded 21,907 new record HIGH temperatures.


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Bob Henson, meteorologist with Weather Underground, said, “That ratio [of record highs to lows] has been getting bigger over the past few decades. Cold doesn’t go away, it’s just less frequent.”

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Airplanes Aren’t Allowed to Fly Over These 5 Places

You’ve probably heard rumors about places you aren’t allowed to fly over (also, places that the Pope refuses to fly over), but it’s all just been speculation and hearsay for me up until now.

BUT NO LONGER. I did a little research and decided to learn about the actual places airplanes are not allowed to fly over and why, and here we are!

Some of these are probably pretty obvious, but some might just surprise you a little bit…

Here are 5 places in the U.S. that planes are not allowed to fly over. Enjoy!

1. Washington, D.C.


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It makes a lot of sense that there is a no-fly zone over D.C. Think about it: the president, congress, the Supreme Court, the seat of government is all centered in our nation’s capitol.

2. Camp David

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Have a great weekend! ––––– President John F. Kennedy and First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy (both at right) stand with their children, Caroline Kennedy (sitting astride her pony, »Macaroni«) and John F. Kennedy, Jr., at Camp David in Frederick County, Maryland. »Macaroni« is wearing a Moroccan saddle, which was presented as a gift for Caroline by King Hassan II of Morocco during his state visit on March 27, 1963. March 31, 1963 ––––– Photo: ––––– #MuseumTHEKENNEDYS #THEKENNEDYScollection #Kennedyfans #Kennedyfan #MuseumOnTour #JFKLibrary #JohnFKennedy #PresidentKennedy #KennedyFamily #Washington #CarolineKennedy #JackieKennedy #JacquelineKennedy #FirstLady #JohnFKennedyJr #Marocco #Maryland #CampDavid #tgif #HappyFriday #familytime #mylittlepony #November

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Camp David in Maryland is another residence for the president, so naturally it makes sense that the area around it would be a no-fly zone. The country retreat is about 70 miles from the White House.

3. Area 51

One of the most mysterious places in the United States, Area 51 sits in the Nevada desert and is the inspiration behind countless movies, TV shows…and memes. Area 51 is a highly-classified military base, so you know that no planes are going to be flying over this patch of land.

4. Disneyland and Disney World


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Okay, this might be one of the locations that you didn’t expect to see on this list. Why is it a no-fly zone, you ask? During the 1980s and 1990s, the theme parks were bombarded by aerial advertisements flying overhead and officials wanted to get rid of those nuisances. There’s also a safety component, as both parks are among the most significant tourist destinations in the country.

5. Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness


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This area covers over one million acres in Minnesota and was declared a no-fly zone back in 1949 when President Harry Truman signed an executive order. The boundary waters are one of the only few no-fly zones that are purely recreational.

Cool, right?

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10 Strange Things the Government Actually Has the Power to Do

There are tons of conspiracy theories out there, but if you’re someone who rolls your eyes at them, well, you might be surprised that there is something to the idea that the government has unlimited powers.

Okay, fine, not unlimited, but I bet you didn’t know they had the ability to do these 10 strange things, no questions asked.

10. Read your emails.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Under the rationale of obtaining information about potential threats, U.S. Intelligence agencies are allowed to collect your email communications if you’re a foreigner living in the States. The law can, however, extend to all Americans (in theory).

9. Force you to sell your home.

If the government deems the sale of your property necessary, they can claim “eminent domain” and force you to sell. The Fifth Amendment gives them the right, if you’re curious.

8. Hide the truth.

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Any citizen can request access to federal agency records through the Freedom of Information Act…unless those records are protected. Protected records include some law enforcement files, foreign policy details, information regarding bank supervision, trade secrets, and a lot more.

Basically, it’s why we (the people) still don’t know for sure who killed JFK.

7. Seize your assets (without forking over compensation).

Civil asset forfeiture laws let the police take your stuff and keep it indefinitely – all they have to do is say they believe it was involved in a crime. It’s actually a pretty serious problem.

6. Jail you if your kid misses school.

Image Credit: Pixabay

The state of Maryland has a law on the books called the Truancy Law of Maryland, and it lets police toss you in jail if your under-16 cuts class on the regular.

5. Go through your trash.

Attorney Randolph Rice says that this 1988 Supreme Court case proves that your trash – even before its collected – isn’t protected by the Fourth Amendment…so watch what you throw away.

4. Pressure your state to conform.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Sure, states have rights, but the feds can enact a federal law that trumps your state’s decision, and then punish your state for being out of compliance. For example, when the federal drinking age was set to 21, they threatened states with the loss of federal highway funding if they didn’t follow suit and change their laws at the state level as well.

3. Stop you from driving.

If you’ve got a DUI on your record, the authorities could force you to install a device in your car that detects your blood-alcohol level. If you don’t blow in it, or you fail, your car won’t start.

2. Shut down the country.

Image Credit: Pixabay

If Congress and the President can’t agree on a budget the government shuts down, which means national parks, monuments, and museums are (supposed to be) closed. This could affect you even more directly if you’re waiting on something like a passport or a tax return.

1. Remove your right to vote.

In most states, convicted felons aren’t allowed to vote while incarcerated, and a few states carry the law through your time spent on parole or probation, too. If you’re convicted of a federal crime, you could lose the right permanently.

I mean, I’m not off to buy a tinfoil hat (yet), but consider me at least a little bit shook.

Were you aware of these? Are there more? Let us know what you think in the comments!

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