One of the Soviet space dogs’ puppy…

One of the Soviet space dogs’ puppy, Pushinka, was given by Khrushchev to Kennedy as a gift. One of Kennedy’s dog, Charlie, took a liking to Pushinka, resulting in the birth of four pups referred jokingly by Kennedy as “pupniks”. 60

A small town in West Virginia asked…

A small town in West Virginia asked the Soviet Union and East Germany for help with replacing a bridge after being ignored by the West Virginian goverment. The Soviets sent a journalist to investigate and within one hour the state finally agreed to pay for it. 00

Mark Twain initially supported American Imperialism…

Mark Twain initially supported American Imperialism, but, after discovering America’s true motives in the Philippine–American War by reading the Treaty of Paris, he changed his position, saying “And so I am an anti-imperialist. I am opposed to having the eagle put its talons on any other land.” 00

Hypnosis and politics

Nick Belluso, while running for governor of Georgia in 1978, came up with the idea of hypnotizing the voters to vote for him. So he hired a hypnotist and created a TV ad. Candidate: This is Nick Belluso. In the next ten seconds you will be hit with a tremendously hypnotic force. You may wish […]