Social Media Influencers Have Been Taking Pics with a Toxic Lake in Russia

So is “social media influencer” like, a job?

It is, unfortunately. And apparently finding the perfect background is an important part of being the best in your field.

Which is why so many influencers have taken a liking to the picturesque lake in the city of Novosibirsk, in Russia.

The waters are as turquoise as a tropical sea, and contrasted against the surrounding Siberian forest, well…there’s really no arguing that the scenery is Instagram-worthy.

Except for one this: It’s not actually a lake, but the containment pond a power plant uses as an ash dump. The Siberian Generating Company, who runs the plant, has put out a warning against swimming in the lake, which gets its beautiful color from  calcium salts and other metal oxides being pumped into the fairly shallow (3-6 feet deep) body of water.

Now, the lake isn’t radioactive or deadly – at least according to the power plant – but the cocktail of substances definitely certainly isn’t something you’d want in your bath water. It could lead to allergic reactions, among other unknown outcomes.

Not only that, but the bottom of the lake is muddy with ash deposits, meaning anyone walking in it could get stuck and require professional help to get out.

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OBSESE RUSKÝCH INSTAGRAMERŮ? #NovosibirskéMaledivy působí na první pohled jako místo, které je ideální pro návštěvu během letní dovolené. Pohádkově modrá voda přímo vybízí ke koupání a ruští instagrameři se u tohoto jezera rádi zvěčňují takovým způsobem, jako kdyby se právě nacházeli na luxusní dovolené. Realita je pak o něco horší. Příčinou azurově modré vody jsou totiž chemikálie a popel, které do vody proudí z nedaleké uhelné továrny. Jakkoliv může místo vybízet ke koupání, lidé by se k němu podle vydaných varování nejlépe neměli vůbec přibližovat, natož v něm plavat, protože tamní voda je zdraví škodlivá. Navzdory tomu místo denně navštěvují houfy lidí, aby si pořídily stylovou fotku… A kam letos pojedete na dovolenou vy? 🏝#russia #novosibirsk #novosibirskmaldives #lake #instagram #summer #blog #factory #trend #blogger #influencer #photo #blue #water

A post shared by Ironická blondýna (@ironickablondyna) on

Just something to think about before you go wading into random bodies of water, pretty or not.

The post Social Media Influencers Have Been Taking Pics with a Toxic Lake in Russia appeared first on UberFacts.

Social Media Influencers Have Been Taking Pics with a Toxic Lake in Russia

So is “social media influencer” like, a job?

It is, unfortunately. And apparently finding the perfect background is an important part of being the best in your field.

Which is why so many influencers have taken a liking to the picturesque lake in the city of Novosibirsk, in Russia.

The waters are as turquoise as a tropical sea, and contrasted against the surrounding Siberian forest, well…there’s really no arguing that the scenery is Instagram-worthy.

Except for one this: It’s not actually a lake, but the containment pond a power plant uses as an ash dump. The Siberian Generating Company, who runs the plant, has put out a warning against swimming in the lake, which gets its beautiful color from  calcium salts and other metal oxides being pumped into the fairly shallow (3-6 feet deep) body of water.

Now, the lake isn’t radioactive or deadly – at least according to the power plant – but the cocktail of substances definitely certainly isn’t something you’d want in your bath water. It could lead to allergic reactions, among other unknown outcomes.

Not only that, but the bottom of the lake is muddy with ash deposits, meaning anyone walking in it could get stuck and require professional help to get out.

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OBSESE RUSKÝCH INSTAGRAMERŮ? #NovosibirskéMaledivy působí na první pohled jako místo, které je ideální pro návštěvu během letní dovolené. Pohádkově modrá voda přímo vybízí ke koupání a ruští instagrameři se u tohoto jezera rádi zvěčňují takovým způsobem, jako kdyby se právě nacházeli na luxusní dovolené. Realita je pak o něco horší. Příčinou azurově modré vody jsou totiž chemikálie a popel, které do vody proudí z nedaleké uhelné továrny. Jakkoliv může místo vybízet ke koupání, lidé by se k němu podle vydaných varování nejlépe neměli vůbec přibližovat, natož v něm plavat, protože tamní voda je zdraví škodlivá. Navzdory tomu místo denně navštěvují houfy lidí, aby si pořídily stylovou fotku… A kam letos pojedete na dovolenou vy? 🏝#russia #novosibirsk #novosibirskmaldives #lake #instagram #summer #blog #factory #trend #blogger #influencer #photo #blue #water

A post shared by Ironická blondýna (@ironickablondyna) on

Just something to think about before you go wading into random bodies of water, pretty or not.

The post Social Media Influencers Have Been Taking Pics with a Toxic Lake in Russia appeared first on UberFacts.

The Popular Sugar Substitute Xylitol Is Deadly Poison for Your Pets

Xylitol is a sugar alcohol and is found in many food items, including sugar-free candies, puddings and even in some peanut butters. It is also used in mouthwash and toothpaste. Recently, the FDA reported that Xylitol is dangerous for dogs to ingest.

Photo Credit: Unsplash

Although xylitol is totally safe for humans, it causes a massive insulin dump from the pancreas into the bloodstream for dogs. This can cause them to have dangerously low blood sugar levels and other symptoms such as weakness, trembling and seizures.

This could happen if, for instance, your pup eats a packet of sugar-free gum.

If you think your dog has eaten a product containing xylitol, call your veterinarian or animal poison control center immediately.

Photo Credit:

Gum is the most common source of xylitol poisoning in dogs, followed by “skinny” ice-cream. Poisonings can also occur when dog owners give their pets treats or medicine with a bit of peanut butter, so make sure to check the label on the jar before doing this.

To be clear: Xylitol does not have the same effect for people. People with diabetes often have it in bulk amounts at home to bake and sweeten with. Many homes contain store-bought products sweetened with xylitol, so, again, if you have a dog, be sure to check labels – especially if the product is branded as sugar-free or low-sugar.

Photo Credit: FDA

You don’t really have to worry about your cat because they aren’t big on sweet stuff. But your big, floppy doggo is always surfing for your gum, flavored toothpaste or box of “skinny” cookies. Put the yummies safely away – maybe with the chocolate – and, one more time, check labels before doling out the treats or meds.

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5 Flowers That Are As Deadly As They Are Beautiful

Everybody loves flowers right? They’re pretty, they smell good and they liven up our living spaces.

Well, some of them definitely don’t love us back. In fact, they can be absolutely deadly.

Recently we looked at 5 Flowers That Would Straight up Kill You If They Had a Chance. Guess what? We’ve found five more.

So spend some time learning about this quintet of bad-ass blossoms so they don’t put you in an early grave.

1. Lilies

Photo Credit: iStock

Lilies originated in Japan and are a wildly popular flower across the world. Because of that popularity, they not only come in many different varieties, but some flowers that are called lilies actually aren’t. Like daylily, water lily, and calla lily.

Not all varieties of the lily are poisonous, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be cautious. And while some types can cause symptoms as minor as skin irritation, if you ingest something like the Zigadenus fremontii (star lily; pictured below) it can be fatal.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

In general, lilies are more toxic to house pets like cats, so you’ll want to check before you bring a blossom into your house.

2. Oleander

Photo Credit: iStock

Here’s a weird, wonderful fact about white oleander. It can cause your heart to slow down, but it can also be used to prevent heart failure. And it actually treats a variety of serious conditions like epilepsy and malaria.

But let’s just say you decide to go grab a handful of white oleander, stuff in your mouth and swallow – not a good idea, but let’s say it happens. What you should expect next are stomach pains, fainting, irregular heartbeat, stomach pain and complete disorientation.

So yeah, don’t do that. Because there are more than 300 varieties of oleander out there, and you just don’t need that trouble in your life.

3. Mistletoe

Photo Credit: iStock

So how did kissing underneath a toxic collection of berries become a thing? Blame the Greeks – the ancient Greeks. During the festival of Saturnalia, people kissed under the mistletoe because they believed it helped with fertility. The tradition was later carried into marriage ceremonies and then on to the rest of us.

The good news is that mistletoe is rarely fatal. The bad news is you still need to seek medical attention. Because symptoms like blurred vision, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain and extreme drowsiness can and will occur.

4. Wisteria

Photo Credit: iStock

Ahhh Wisteria. It kind of looks like lilac’s evil, sexier cousin. It originated in China, Korea and Japan, slowly made its way to the U.S., and now can be found blooming all over the east coast in pink, purple, white or blue flowers.

So what happens if you eat it? Bad things. Especially if you munch on the super poisonous seeds.

Abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting are on the menu for starters. Then comes the depression of the central nervous system. And this is one plant you want to keep far away from cats and dogs, because every plant in the genus will fuck up your furry friends.

5. Belladonna

Photo Credit: iStock

This one originated in Europe, Southwest Asia, and Northwest Africa and goes by many names: Atropa belladonna, deadly nightshade, Devil’s cherries, or, quite simply, belladonna.

Naturally, if it’s on this list, it is not to be messed with because it’s absolutely filled with toxins. Eat just a few of the berries and you’ll start to get really thirsty, experience dry mouth and rashes will begin popping up.

And then the fun really starts.

Delirium sets in, your pupils dilate and your nerve endings will be paralyzed in the involuntary muscles of your body. That’s very bad because the involuntary muscles are the ones that are supposed to just function on their own. Like our stomach and intestines. And our blood vessels. And our heart.


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