People Discuss the Movie Plot Holes That Bother Them the Most

One of the bad parts of learning about writing and story structure, whether through formal education in the subject, self-research, or just ingesting and paying attention to a ton of stories, is that you start to see the holes everywhere.

Truth be told, it’s hard to tell an entertaining story without weaving in nonsense some step of the way. But some of these bits stand out more than others…

What movie plothole still bothers you to this day? from AskReddit

Here are some movies that, according to the film scholars at Reddit, unforgettably messed up.

1. Limitless (2011)


You’re telling me, that essentially the smartest person in the world. That took a 50k loan from some mafia, and then turned that into millions, in like a few days through some crazy investing scheme. Was unable to have the foresight, to pay back the loan shark on time.

It was explained in the movie, “He was just too focused on making money, and he forgot.”

Yeah, okay. The dude remembering a random book he glanced at 20 years ago, simply forgot to pay a loan he took out a few weeks ago.

– anooblol

2. Bigfoot Family (2020)

Just watched the Bigfoot cartoon movie on Netflix.

The kid says he inherited the ability to run very fast and talk to animals due to being Bigfoot’s son.

However, Bigfoot was originally a human scientist that was changed into Bigfoot after a science experiment went wrong.

His kid was already born when this happened… so no way did he inherit powers.

Bothered me more than it should for a kids movie.

– Pharm-Poet

3. Back to the Future Part II (1989)

Back to the Future II is one of my all time favorite movies but the entire plot doesn’t make sense.

Why would they need to go into the future to prevent Marty Jr. from doing the horrible thing he does?

When they go back to their present it’s going to undo it anyway.

Why wouldn’t they just wait and then try to prevent him from doing it when the time comes?

– ChimpBzkit

4. The Polar Express (2004)

In Polar Express, the kid who almost misses the train never gets gifts from “Santa” for Christmas presumably because his parents can’t afford presents, meaning either

A. Santa isn’t real or

B. Santa hates poor people?

But at the end of the movie the main kid gets the bell from Santa directly so canonically Santa said f*ck that kid in particular I guess.

This has haunted me for decades.

– olivedream

5. Batman Begins (2005)

Ras Al Ghul standing next to a microwave emitter, explaining it turns the water in pipes 100 feet away into steam, but apparently isn’t strong enough to turn the water in his body into steam when he’s standing 10 inches away.

– Aksius14

6. The Purge (2013)

The purge always annoys me because you can literally just leave the country or do fraud to get richer, but instead people just turn into serial killers!

– Throwawayam10

7. Ant Man (2015)

In Ant Man, they claim that mass stays the same, and only the distance between atoms changes, yet he is quite obviously much lighter when smaller

And he wouldn’t be able to throw punches when that small, he wouldn’t have enough leverage to do so, his muscles would be to small, and even if he could exert enough force to throw them back like with a normal punch, his tiny little hands would just punch through their flesh like stabbing someone with a pencil

– Willis644

8. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)

At the beginning of the third Harry Potter movie it shows him practicing “lumos”.

Is he or is he not doing magic outside of school which is expressly banned?!? And mentioned time and time again?

(I never got around to reading the books)

– Rozlun_The_Monster

9. Saw (2004)

At the end of Saw, Cary Elwes’ character tries desperately to grab the ringing mobile phone which is only centimetres out of reach.

When he realises he can’t, he takes of his shirt to use as a tourniquet to cut off his foot, instead of using his shirt to reach the godd*m phone.

– CheezyMcWang

10. Reservoir Dogs (1992)

It’s always kind of bothered me that Mr Blonde, a very loyal soldier to Joe and Nice Guy Eddie. Who actually did significant jail time for them and didn’t rat just completely loses his sh*t during the diamond heist and the aftermath.

– Rik78

11. Suicide Squad (2016)

In the Suicide Squad movies, the whole premise is that they need to have leverage over a team of super-folk to counter Superman (or a villain with similar powers) should he ever go bad.

So they put together a team of people who would be 100% helpless against Superman.

A guy who is really good with guns, which can’t harm Supes. A guy who can do fire stuff, which also can’t do anything. Throw in a guy who can get lizard skin and a guy who is good at throwing things. Oh, and a girl in booty shorts whose power is… being unstable? I’m not even sure.

And to top it all off, the team’s ultimate mission is to deliver an explosive… It’s almost like the US has the most well equipped and trained military in the world and their primary function is precision delivery of explosives.

– Phacemelter

12. Mean Girls (2004)

Mean Girls: How and why did Janis never receive any of the blame for what went down at North Shore? Cady wound up with all the heat, and while Cady does resolve to stop talking about people behind their backs… the whole d*mn “infiltrate and destroy the Plastics” thing was Janis’s idea! She confesses to it at the godd*mn workshop they hold in the gymnasium (showing no remorse), and everyone cheers for her, but Cady gets shunned? Because she was friends with the girls who wrote the Burn Book?

It just seems so backwards.

Plus, Karen was one of the nicest girls in the movie, and Damien and Janis rip on her for being so dumb. But it’s okay when they do it?

Just seems like they get away with sh*t they condemn others for, because they’re the outcasts in school.

– SimCityCrackhouse

13. The Nightmare Before Christmas (

In The Nightmare Before Christmas, in the song “What’s This”, Jack says “there’s white things in the air” meaning he doesn’t know what snow is, but then like five lines later, he says “there’s children throwing snowballs instead of throwing heads” meaning he DOES know what snow is

– Masterhearts_XIII

14. Super 8 (2011)

Super 8.

A beat up old pickup truck across the train tracks derails the train going full speed in a straight line with like 10 fully loaded train cars.

The truck barely even moves.

– areyouamish

15. By all accounts it doesn’t make sense…

How did Yzma and Kronk get back to the palace first?

– MooKids

At least the Emperor’s New Groove had the decency to lampshade it.

What other plot holes stick out to you?

Tell us in the comments.

The post People Discuss the Movie Plot Holes That Bother Them the Most appeared first on UberFacts.

12+ Real-Life Plot Twists That Rocked People’s Worlds

Real life can be pretty boring, huh? Most of us fall into routines that make us comfortable but don’t pack a lot of excitement. So when something out of the ordinary comes along, we usually can’t help but let the whole world know.

These 15 people on Reddit shared the biggest real-life plot twists they’ve ever experienced, and the answers are pretty jaw-dropping. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if Hollywood tried to adapt some of these into movies.

1. Bedridden Cheater

When I was young, I dated a boy from another church, about two hours away. We dated all through high school, his short stint in the military, I graduated and moved closer to him, then back home for work, all of that. We got engaged. One day, I got a frantic call that he was in the ICU with spinal meningitis and the doctors weren’t sure if he would make it. I frantically called out of work, begged a friend for transportation, and drove to stand by his side. Well, on the other side of the plastic surrounding him. There were lots of tears and promises.

My friend and I were invited to stay at his parents’ house; they super nice folks and thought I was awesome. I slept in his bedroom. All over his desk, laying open, were letters from another girl. Apparently, she had been saving him from the horrors I inflicted on his poor soul. I was just about everything bad in a person you could think of, according to him.

I was heartbroken, angry, embarrassed, and sick. I scooped up all of the letters, put them in a shoebox, along with my ring, and the next day went to the hospital to see him, beaming at me with a huge smile… which turned to confusion, realization, then dread when I poured out the box outside the plastic house. I turned and walked out and drove home. Sadly, he survived. Amusingly, he went on to become a stellar member of society, with multiple arrests/wives/kids.

2. Livin’ Large

I was late to catch a flight and hadn’t checked in. Discovered when I reached the airport that I actually came to the wrong airport. Had to travel about 30 minutes to reach the other airport. Went to check in about 20 minutes before my flight. They didn’t have any seats so updated me to business class. Best flight of my life, so far.

3. Two Paths Collide

A guy I knew in high school was talking one winter day about how he was late to school because someone hit his mailbox. His folks made him fix it up before he went to school, he missed his ride, and had to walk instead, but the school staff was cool about it and didn’t punish him.

A few minutes later, another girl comes into class and she’s talking about how her morning sucked, she lost control going down a hill and hit someone’s mailbox. She freaked out and drove off before anyone witnessed it and described a few details of the house.

Mailbox guy puts 2 and 2 together and blurts out “you hit MY mailbox!” He wasn’t super mad about it and she turned beet red. It was hilarious at the time the way they both reacted.

4. Long-Lost Family

In primary school, we had a WWI memorial lesson and we were asked if anyone had any relatives who fought at the time.

My friend brought in a picture of his great-great-grandfather with his wife.

A girl also brought in a picture of her great-great-grandfather with his wife.

The teacher said they looked similar. She put them side by side and looked shocked. We gathered around and it was the same man who had kept his two wives a secret. Both had been married privately.

They were cousins and didn’t know.

5. Father Figure

I was adopted from South America to the U.S. when I was a toddler and have no memory of my birth parents. I had an older friend/mentor I met in college. I knew him as Mike. When I learned that my birth mother passed away, I got a few of her belongings including some pictures. Who was in these pictures? Mike. He was my birth father.

6. When God closes a door…

I got laid off from a company I had worked at for over 20 years. I went in for my exit interview and the HR lady said: “Dwayne, from a site 3 states away, wants to hire you.” I said, “I’m not moving that far.” She said, “You can just work from home.”

Now, where I was working was a 130-mile round-trip commute. I got laid off and ended up with a commute that was from my bedroom to my den. Kept doing it for over 4 more years.

7. Mom?

I used to work with a guy in his early 20s that at the time of the story was getting ready to go with his family for his first trip abroad. He was pretty dang excited and we were getting the play-by-play of all the things — where they were staying, what they were going to do, etc.

He needed to get a passport, but his birth certificate had been lost. When the replacement one arrived, “mom’s” name isn’t the woman he’s called mom his whole life, it’s his “sister.” Turns out, his “sister” had him super young, and his grandparents basically took him on and raised them as their son and no one ever told him the truth. So, Sister was actually Mom and Mom and Dad was actually Grandpa and Grandma. The real dad is unknown.

He took a few days off work to sort himself out, still went on the trip, still apparently had a blast.

8. Oh sh*t

A friend of mine apparently was sneaking out for a trip outside the city with his friends since his parents didn’t let him go. They were on motorbikes, already on their way outside of the city when suddenly he got into an accident with another bike. It was his dad he crashed into.

9. Uh-oh.

I once went on a date with a girl. She was nice, but not really my type. I did not call her after the first date.

One month later, I got a new job. The first day I show up at my office, my boss introduces me to the person who will be training me.

Lo and behold, it was this girl. We became friends later so it wasn’t too bad.

10. Bittersweet.

My mom died in a car accident when I was really young, so I was raised by my grandma because my dad wasn’t really in the picture. As it turns out, this guy isn’t my dad like my mom had led everyone to believe. She had told one person the truth and he finally came forward after 20 years. My real dad was another guy who had also died in a car accident on the same road (close to the same location) about 1 year before she did. No one knows why she kept this secret, but DNA testing confirmed it and my family doubled in size that year.

11. Small world.

I used to play a game called Ragnarok Online on private servers. One of these servers was housed somewhere in Europe with a mostly Dutch population playing, but I met one guy named Leo who was a native English speaker. It turned out he lived in the same city as me, maybe 10 miles down the road, and knew some of my friends already. Wow, crazy!

Ten years later when I got married, my wife mentioned a guy off-hand who used to play Ragnarok Online a ton. I ask, and it turns out it was her best friend growing up. Well, that best friend happened to be Leo, this person I met on this far-off private server.

12. Sister sister…

This happened to my friend.

She moved away for university and was randomly matched up as roommates with this other girl.

They got to know each other for a few weeks and ended up adding each other on Facebook.

Turns out they’re half-sisters, they have the same dad. Neither of them knew about each other.

The sad part is, he doesn’t speak to or see my friend but is apparently a good dad to this other girl.

13. Hello…neighbor?

I had been working at a new office for about 4 months, and my boss and I were in a car with another co-worker getting a lift home from an office party thing.

We get to my house and I say goodbye and get out. My boss also gets out, which weirded me out. Then she walks to my next-door neighbor’s house (we share a connected house) and goes inside.

Turns out she was my next-door neighbor. Had been for around 10 years. I honestly had no clue.

14. Well, that escalated quickly

Older friends of parents. Had no kids then suddenly the wife announces she’s pregnant. The husband announces he had a vasectomy in his early 20s, never told anyone, and is filing for divorce …and apparently had the papers to prove it all.

15. Bully’s Address

Someone I know toilet papered a bully’s house with his friends a couple times a year. The weird part was, it was always cleaned up by 8 a.m. Came to find out several years later that he had been toilet papering an elderly couple’s house the whole time. They ended up leaving a huge gift basket as an apology though.

The post 12+ Real-Life Plot Twists That Rocked People’s Worlds appeared first on UberFacts.