Memes for the Game-Obsessed Folks Out There

There are a lot of great mental benefits to playing games. They increase your reflexes, enhance your strategic thinking, engage your memory, encourage cooperation, etc. At least that’s what I kept telling my mom when she would come into my room all “concerned” that I “hadn’t left it” in “several weeks.”

Playing games is a big part of our lives. And unsurprisingly, it’s also a big part of meme culture.

Let’s check out ten memes for the game addicted right now.

10. MY craft?

But I was so young and foolish back then, you can’t hold that against me.

9. Plot twists

Aw come on man, that was half the reason I was even playing this thing.

8. Running on steam

Sleep is for the weak, I answer to a higher calling.

7. Pause for reflection

This is gonna be bricked pretty soon.

6. Game on

When you gotta gamify everything, including your snacks.

5. Everything in balance

Some god you turned out to be.

4. Later, gator

Well, you’ve got a vivid imagination, I’ll give you that.

3. Pass/fail

I don’t like this test.

2. You wood

Oh the sheer indignity of it all.

1. Flatline

But how am I to check in on my various leagues?

And now that that’s done, I gotta get back to Hyrule. This Kingdom ain’t gonna save itself.

What’s your favorite game pastime?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Memes for the Game-Obsessed Folks Out There appeared first on UberFacts.

A Collection of the Best 1990s Memes

Growing up in the 1990s didn’t make us special. I’m not mad at these “damn kids today” because they don’t know what dial-up is. I’m thrilled for them. It was horrible. Nobody deserves that.

Nevertheless, it hits some sweet, sweet spot in the brain to let memes transport us back to a time in our history that seems to have been curated entirely by that orange Nickelodeon blob guy.

I wonder what he’s up to. I hope he’s found work. Let’s reminisce with some 90’s memes in his honor.

15. I didn’t even have cable, so even this felt like luxury

14. Nobody ever bought these, they just sort of appeared

13. Seeing this meme is how I learned there’s a Rugrats reboot coming

12. The higher the hair the closer to God

11. This was broken 10 minutes in

10. Back when things were “on” at a “certain time”

9. Give your little brother the bad controller

8. I had two sisters and these were scattered everywhere

7. My heart literally just skipped a beat

6. Then DVDs came along and you’d end up returning them because “they had the black bars”

5. I mean, the world was slightly less on fire

4. It’s impossible to explain now why we thought these would be valuable


2. Bottom right still gives me anxiety

1. Who could forget “tent pants”

Well, realizing how long ago all of this happened makes me think I should probably go join AARP.

While I’m gone, tell me in the comments what your favorite distinctly 90’s thing was.

The post A Collection of the Best 1990s Memes appeared first on UberFacts.