Awkward Stuff That Phone Store Employees Have Seen on a Customer’s Device

Any job that involves working with customers is bound to come part and parcel with awkward moments. People are weird, people are coming from all sorts of walks of life, and if people need something from you, there’s no telling what kind of attitude you’re going to encounter.

People who work at stores like Verizon, Cricket, or Apple, though, have the sometimes awkward, always interesting bonus of having access to people’s private devices, though, and they’ve got some pretty good stories out of it.

16. There is no part of this that isn’t a horror show.

I used to be a Specialist at an Apple Store. My favorite story was when I was asked to help out this grizzled taxi driver whose Mac was “slow.” His ENTIRE desktop was covered in naked jpgs of young-to-underage-looking nude asian women.

The driver absolutely did not give a shit that I was seeing all this. All traces of shame left this man years ago (along with many of his teeth). He had no concept of using folders to store his porn, or to organize them in iPhoto. Just covered his desktop in loose icons that were layers thick.

He also showed me the machete he keeps in his coat, because he’s been held up multiple times.

15. Aww, reach out!

I work at a phone dealer so I deal with the same problem. Lots of ass cracks, only one dick, tons of confused faces. However..

I went to wipe one phone one day and it had a picture of my best friend from junior high as the wallpaper. I haven’t seen or talked to him in like 7 years as I’m in a different city and we pretty much lost touch due to different interests etc. I was completely shocked seeing as I was there all day and did not see him and he must not of seen me.

I mean, everyone has a dick or an a$$crack to put on a phone. I had one best friend and there he was on the phone that I happened to stumble across to wipe.

I still haven’t gotten in touch with him to tell him how oddly coincidental that was. Maybe this will happen again and I will see him at a ping pong show in Bangkok in 25 years. Who knows.

14. This is horrifying on so many levels.

Came in one morning to see the opening manager kind of freaking out. I was the opening inventory guy, so there wasn’t really anyone else there other than him and I. He tells me to check out the Genius Room (where the techs work on shit). I walk over, open the door.

The entire place is flooded. Turns out the movie theatre upstairs had an issue with their waste water. A few hundred gallons of literal shit water rained down in the room where all the customer’s exposed electronics are.

Management’s plan for this clusterf*ck?

Have employees clean it up, throw out damaged parts and test all the customer equipment. If the customers computer was hosed, replace it and tell them we couldn’t repair it. If it worked, give it back to them and say nothing. They put notes on the repairs in the system to replace the computer if it ever came back, for any reason.

They then thought it would be ok to send back all the affected parts, without even notifying the receiving warehouse of the fact these parts were covered in waste water.

One of the dozens of reasons I hated working for that company.

13. I feel like this could have been worse.

Likely too late, but I’ve been on the other side of the fence. I had a DVD in my laptop that was an “instructional” video… I was trying to learn some new moves to please my (then) boyfriend.

It’s just my laptop so I leave the DVD in there for days, and one day my computer suddenly shuts off and a puff of smoke appears. Well that can’t be good.

When I take it in they say they have to send it out to get fixed (under warranty). I forgot the DVD was still in there. I return a week later and this poor girl brings out my laptop, goes through the whole boot up thing to make sure it works and then at the very end hands me an envelope and whispers “I believe there was a movie in there as well so this is your property”.

I just said “YUP, there was”. And hightailed it out of there. So embarrassed.

12. That’s…impressive.

It was just a typical Sunday afternoon at the Apple Store. Busy as hell, kids running around, and way too many people demanding my help all at the same time. I was helping someone with something, when suddenly, I hear a sound that sounds like nails on a chalkboard… No. Louder.

My ears had never heard such an unpleasant noise in my life.The whole store – probably 200 people, went from deafening to silent in a second.

I turned around to see what was happening when I see an old man who looked like he was in a WWI trench in his youth, screeching in on a walker with no tennis balls, with his back at about a 90 degree angle.

He ever so slowly made his was to the back of the store at the genius bar. The effect was so permanent it left two trail marks in the custom stone floors from the cutting of his walker legs.

Obviously, this man had to leave, which he did. Only to come back a few days later – welcomed by the same horror and silence.

I decided I needed to see what was going on. So I excused myself and walked to the corner of the genius bar where this man was stationed. He had a white iMac that seemed to be in the process of a data transfer drop off. Okay, normal enough. As I walk by to go into the back I capture a glance at his finder tab – only to find 267GB of the most well categorized pornography I’ve ever seen.

I mean thinks like ratings with stars, actor tags, genre EVERYTHING.

A few days later, the man vanished. Never to be seen again.

11. Sometimes people are awesome.

The other night we got “Nick Caged”.

Every iPad in the store had a different wallpaper photo of that bastard.

Can’t be unseen.

10. What could they say?

Another old couple comes in for a personal setup. They’d already bought their iPad but wanted to come back and have me show them a quick session. Okay.

So I’m going through all the main features of the iPad when I end up with “and here’s safari” where I press the safari icon. What opens up is something like “HORNYMILFCOUGARSXXX.THISISAVIRUS.COM” with some cougar squirting on the camera. I immediately closed it and ended with “well, it seems you’re well acquainted with safari”. They said nothing.

9. That was not a good day for that employee.

One day I was browsing /r/cringe on my iPod and came across a post about a neo-Nazi. In the comments someone linked to the guy’s profile on a weird Nazi forum. I clicked through some of his posts there just out of curiosity to see what kind of shit was there.

Soon after that, my home button quit working so I had to take in my iPod for a replacement.

Some poor Apple employee probably had to see 30+ pages of crazy Nazi fringe material in my Safari history.

8. That would have been the day I quit.

Some kid projectile vomited on an iPad.

Someone had to literally wipe that.

7. I actually didn’t need to know this.

I worked as a specialist in a Flagship store in NYC for about a year. Every night we actually physically wiped down every product with alcohol wipes so that they would be sanitary the next day. I sh%t you not when I say we wore rubber gloves to do this.

The amount of people we had come into the store; many of which were homeless or just plain dirty was astounding. The white keyboards on the desktops weren’t always white by the end of the day.

And on the ipads, you could actually see the layout of the keyboard because of all the finger prints on the screen.

6. I feel like someone narrowly dodged a bullet.

This couple in their late 60’s comes in on a really busy day. I was showing them iPads and such. The man was looking around on Safari – but he was looking up really, REALLY, weird shit. Things like Yucca Valley nuclear sites, the Al Queada homepage – just weird shit.

So anyways, he tells me he wants a 64GB Black Verizon iPad. Well shit, we sold every single one and that was the only one we didn’t have. He was pretty pissed off because he exclaimed he called in ahead of time. I think what happened was the person on phones assumed we had it and didn’t check. So for some reason he insists on calling the store to ask her again, as if that would make them magically appear. Well, too bad, because there are 16 people in the line ahead of him and only one girl on phones (typical weekend). So after awhile I just sell him a different one and go on my way. About 20 minutes later hes still on the phone so he WALKS INTO THE BACK, through the cracked door, THROUGH THE BACK OF HOUSE, and ends up standing behind the girl on phones chair – breathing over her shoulder, without anyone noticing (phone still to ear).

It was crazy, the manager saw and almost didn’t know what to do except say, “uhm, sorry, you really can’t be back here”.

5. Of course she did.

I work at Geek Squad, and as bad a reputation as some of these stores have I think we have a pretty good confident group.

Weirdest thing I have seen was a man using the display computers as an internet cafe machine to bid on a car on eBay and getting annoyed because they reset every 10 or so minutes so as to stop this type of tomfoolery. But after three identical complaints I walked over and opened up the same exact eBay auction for the car and told him he would never outbid me because I have the p/w to keep the computer working ( not exactly true )

He shot me a very disturbed and confused look and exited the store after 2 hours of trying to purchase some old car off of eBay.

But as for porn I had a girl come in with a webpage open and say there is something wrong with my desktop background. When we closed the webpage there was an open folder of approximately 200+ photos she was submitting to Playboy and Penthouse. I really hope they got published. They were well shot and she was absolutely gorgeous.

She totally knew what she was doing and I am pretty sure she liked our reactions.

4. Why are so many people peeing on their phones?

I worked at Vodafone, I have had to deal with:

A man corrupted a brand new laptop within an hour of purchase from viewing bestiality sites

I made a woman cry because we worked out that her phone bill was higher because her husband was cheating on her. Sad.

Dozens of moisture damaged phones. After checking them for faults then casually being informed they had been pissed on.

Probably three times a week “lads” showing me their girlfriend naked.

And finally my favorite after 6 years of service…. a girl filling up her phone memory full with self porn and then offering to pay an employee to sit for about an hour to transfer them all to another phone (years before easy sync etc)

3. Some rules for the road.

I don’t work at an Apple Store, but I’ve been selling phones for 4 years. People have all kinds of weird sh%t on their phones.

I once had this girl who kept coming back with issues, and every single time both screens on her phone would have wallpapers of her f*cking. I’m not even joking. It was a keybo, and had one little screen and one big one. Do the f*ckees know?

If you’re going to ask me to fix your browser, please don’t leave the porn open

One time I had to back up this woman’s phone (she was probably about 50) to one of the store computers. She had about 5 videos of some guy who was definitely drunk singing and doing hula-hoops

A lot of nudes. Everyone has nudes. I have nudes. You have nudes. I don’t want to see your nudes though.

This isn’t really weird, but I think that the 13-year-olds who password protect their phones and their “kissing my boytoy” wallpapers are hilarious. They always seem so cheeky.

2. I am not shocked.

Not an apple employee, but I wiped data on phones for ModusLink, and saw between 300-350 phones a day. While I occasionally saw nudes, the vast majority of pictures were of two things.

In 2nd place, babies…usually newborns. Sometimes they were with their mother who had clearly just delivered them and I felt strange, like I was in the room on this very intimate event.

But in 1st place by a mile, was pictures of pets. People fill their phones with pictures of their pets doing the most mundane shit. One phone in particular belonged housed at least 200 photos of the same cat just sitting there in the same pose (or lack thereof) not doing sh%t, just sitting there.

As it turns out, people really like cats…who would’ve guessed?

1. So is this like a thing?

Some guy who we have never caught comes in every other week or so and puts nic cage’s face on every iPad and iPad Mini in the store…

I don’t know who he is and I hate him for making my job harder…

But damn I respect him.

I mean, I figured most of the answers would have to with porn, but sheesh. Come on, people.

If you’ve worked somewhere like this, share your own best story with us in the comments!

The post Awkward Stuff That Phone Store Employees Have Seen on a Customer’s Device appeared first on UberFacts.

Phone Store Employees Recall the Weirdest Thing They Saw on a Customer’s Phone

Every job has it’s oddities, I suppose, and sometimes, those could maybe be viewed as perks.

If you’re someone who works for a cell phone company, in a store all day where a lot of your time is spent repairing or troubleshooting customer’s phones, it’s a blessing and a curse to be able to see what’s on them.

These 18 employees are scrolling and telling about the weirdest thing they ever encountered on a customer’s phone.

18. He was proud of that.

one more – a male elementary school teacher who was also a nudist. wanted to learn how to bookmark pages in safari – so i click on safari and its a picture of him skinny dipping into a lake.

no big deal, i close that window and open a new one…


17. Because it couldn’t be him!

Former employee here. Did data transfers a bit, and it’s remarkable the amount of people (not young, mind you) have naked pics of themselves in their iPhoto library. We weren’t supposed go through them, and we didn’t, unless the customer explicitly stated they wanted us to check and make sure every photo transferred. Keep that crap in a separate folder so your friends/children don’t see it.

Once had someone from a site similar to suicide girls come in, and was big on promoting herself and showing off her photos.

And then there was always the random wife who found their husbands porn stash after a transfer and wanted to accuse us of putting it there.

16. That title though.

Genius here, once had to get a disk out of a failed optical drive.

Old Grannies, Young Panties IV

15. What is wrong with people?

My old room-mate was a genius…

He offered to sync some lady’s photostream to her phone… as he did… pictures started popping up from her husband’s photo album of him fucking all these other women…

left in tears…. he called me all bummed… felt so bad.

14. Wow people have zero shame when they’re desperate.

Worked in several different positions at an apple store. All the demo products are on a schedule and wipe every time they restart. Though I have seen people add their business as the homepage. Also seen people pull up that product at best buy or another site.

Since working as a tech I’ve seen a lot of porn, a lot of it self made. Weirdest was a picture on this girls desktop of her on a dog cage wearing only a dog collar.

Weird interaction with the guy who kept asking me how to go to porn sites without getting on their mailing lists. Another with the middle aged guy who had a problem importing pictures, some of them were of him with other guys. (He had the decency to cover my eyes and say “you’re too young to see this”)

Or the guy who swore his phone was broken because he couldn’t stream his porn. (Sorry man, that site uses flash. Was not a good enough explanation)

13. Spoiler alert: your girlfriend doesn’t want to see it.

Worked at best buy and I got a picture of this girl’s boyfriend’s dick over text while I was transferring her contacts.

She wouldn’t stop apologizing.

12. I’m not surprised.

Not Apple, but Verizon.

People would leave their phones and go to do other shopping while we transferred data and such.

I had a co-worker who had 100% accuracy when guessing if someone would have naked pictures of themselves.

It became a game fairly quickly.

11. Someone’s idea of a joke.

I work at an apple store! We see a lot of weird shit. Once when I was a specialist, I went to go demo an iPad mini to someone.

Turn on the screen and BAM, penis as the lock screen wallpaper. They did not end up buying the iPad mini.

10. So much porn.

Once, one of the Experts had a guy come in wanting help with an iMovie project. Not exactly part of their expertise, but Expert (female) wanted to help and no Family Room people were available so she said sure. The guy had 5 hours worth of home made porn that he wanted to edit together into his own home porno.

Another Genius told me that he had a guy come in for his iPad because his data wasn’t working anymore. After a bunch of troubleshooting, it seems the problem lay with his carrier and his outstanding $6000+ bill he had in going over his data limits. What was he doing with all his data? All the gay porn.

And of course, all the obligatory dick, vag and boob pics of SOs while they are standing right there.

9. I guess the daughter doesn’t need to come out now.

I worked as a specialist and was good friends with some people at the genius bar. One time a mother came to pick up her daughters laptop from the genius bar after a data transfer from her old computer.

When the genius’s brought the computer out from the back room she rudely insisted that she goes through the computer while still at the genius bar to make sure everything was transferred.

They started going through the photos and the mother stumbled upon a photo album of a her daughter with 3 or 4 other girls in a lesbian orgy. She immediately closed the computer and left the apple store in tears.

8. The biggest downside of the internet.

I don’t work in an apple store, but I went through the iMessages on one of the store iPhones.

Someone was sending really nasty, mean texts to someone they obviously didn’t like with an anonymous number.

If you’re going to be an asshole, at least own up to it.

7. Noooo worst day of work.

I’ve got some Apple store stories.

I used to be a Genius for a few years and a man came in with a non-functioning iPhone. When I asked him what was wrong he said “I don’t know man, just woke up and it won’t turn on.” Upon further questioning it came up that he had been drinking the night before, and it might have had something to do with his problem.

I started to check for liquid damage thinking he might have spilled a drink on it inadvertently, and that’s when the stench hit me…(as a side note, you need to get your face really close to the phone to look at the liquid damage sensors in an iPhone). What I had only now began to smell was the odor of stale piss.

This dude had somehow soaked his phone in urine and gave it to me to try to get replaced. Needless to say he did not get a new phone. Ruined my day.

6. Folks…why?

I manage a Cricket store. Had a guy come in to pay a bill, turns out I was in the same clinic with him in Virginia a few years back when I was ill. I lingered by the iPhones as he left and he just said, deadpan: “oh hey bruh you might want to wipe that man, I Googled the word “nutsack” on there.”

He was at that phone for 10 seconds, tops. No pictures, he just said hello, walked over to the phone, Googled the word “nutsack” and closed the screen and walked away.

5. Why would she bring her mom?

Former employee. A girl brought in her own laptop because it was running real slow. Hard drive was basically full with all sorts of animal porn.

This girl was like 16 years old, we live in a pretty wealthy area outside New York City. When she returned to pick up the computer, she brought her mother with her. One of those real snooty upper class types.

My friend was actually the genius that worked on her computer and he originally planned to be straight with this girl and tell her she had way too much porn on the ol’ iBook, but with mommy dearest around he just had to tell her that there were “a lot of pictures on the hard drive” along with other issues.

4. What an accomplishment.

Not at Apple, but I work for Sprint. Some guy managed to take a picture of himself without his shirt on with a store phone. He didn’t send it, he took it. Somehow we didn’t notice, but I know it was taken there because the rest of the store was in the background

3. Man that is random.

I’ve seen some weird shit before.

One time someone FaceTimed one of the iPads I was cleaning. Another specialist and I answered it. It was a very large hispanic lady with a shirt not quite covering all of her belly. i informed her that she called a demo iPad (someone clearly logged in with their Apple ID). She asked if we still wanted to talk. We didn’t.

Also, various people who don’t belong on demo backgrounds.

2. Probably a common tale.

I used to work as a specialist in a mall store. One time a man came in, and said that the internet wasn’t working on his phone.

So I said the ol’ “Let’s find out together” line, and I open the dude’s phone. The guy was like a 60-ish aged white guy, I’m a late 20s-aged gal…

I open his Safari, and go to a website. He just didn’t know how to do it. Then he asks me how to search, and the ONLY thing in his history is “interracial porn.”

I looked at his Asian wife, looked at him, he looked at me, and it was the longest 10 seconds of all of our lives.

1. I…have nothing to say.

creative of 7 years, recently promoted to full time customer. my job was to train old people how to use macs, one hour at a time. one lady in particular comes to mind, her husband had recently passed so she came in weekly for lessons, but also maybe to make her mind off things?

A few weeks in a row however, she would bring up iphoto and find a picture of her late husband and start crying. this happened for a few weeks – until one week it was pictures of her and her husband naked in bed – but someone else was taking pictures.

This time it was tears of joy as she explained that it was her SON TAKING THE PICTURES because he thought they looked beautiful.

I am rolling!

I’m also checking the histories and photos on my phone. Just in case.

The post Phone Store Employees Recall the Weirdest Thing They Saw on a Customer’s Phone appeared first on UberFacts.