People Break Down What They Would Search If Their Phone Could Look 5 Years In The Future

They say if you had tomorrow’s newspaper, you’d be a rich man.

But what about a newspaper from a time far beyond tomorrow? Nothing crazy like the year 2080 or some science fiction-style scenario, but just a few years.

Perhaps you’d make some bets, plan for disaster, or even alter your value system.

Redditor beentothefuture recently prompted folks with a poll on the topic.

They asked:

“You can’t time travel, but your phone has the internet from 5 years in the future. What do you search for first?”

One person had three key concerns. 

“Lottery numbers -> stock prices -> my name.”

“You may ask why my name but it’s very simple as I then can learn if I died until then or got caught for some sh** and are still in prison.” — [deleted]

This Redditor went a bit deeper with their scheme.

“I would start a blog on my pc and then switch to my phone to check if it now has updates from the future. If so, my future self could talk to my present self.”

“I could read about my mistakes and try to avoid them. If a post disappears, that would mean that I did it right.” — thezubek

And this Redditor went even deeper than that.

“I would check my mails and message Apps to find out how I’m doing in the future.”

“If the phone continuously updates, so that it always show the internet of in five years. Then I would probably look for scientific breakthroughs like fusion and also for catastrophes. Then I would start writing messages to myself like a diary so I can see them in the present.”

“And also in 2025 I would start copying the messages from then in 5 years and send them to myself so I can see the messages of the next ~100 years assuming I live that long.” — Barti666

And here’s someone who just wants to twist the knife. 

“Nintendo Directs. Then I’ll make ‘predictions’ for a lot of things Nintendo will do, but I’ll phrase it in an increasingly implausible way. After a few Directs, people will hopefully catch on and start believing everything I say.”

“After five years (assuming I can’t look into the future again) I’ll start making random shit up and watch the internet argue about my predictions. Surely this can’t be real… but his track record is impeccable!” — TomAVulpis

This response harkened back to times this sort of thing was already considered. 

“I’d try to be like Bill Murrays character by the end of Ground Hog day. Find out if there’s any needless deaths from preventable accidents that I may be able to change.”

“Obviously I’d have won the lotto too, this would give me plenty of resources and free time to become a local superhero” — Meglamore

This person had one very specific thing on the mind.

“Besides the obvious (lottery, election, myself, etc) I would want to see if opera made a comeback after the pandemic or if the virus was the final nail in the coffin of this art form, which has been slowly headed towards its demise for decades now.” — IoSonCalaf

Another Redditor had a list. 

“queen elizabeth (if there were more searches available)”

“then probably see which countries still exist as they are now,”

“see how covid-19 played out”

“memes so I can make an accurate “this is a meme from the future”

“then see what are the biggest breakthroughs of science in the last 5 years, probably at least medicine and energy”

“also obviously lottery numbers or something” — uhrilahja

One person went full anthropologist.

“If I had unlimited searches I’d probably look up the Reddit frontpage first.”

“There’s a lot of information in there that would give a good general explanation about that timeperiod. And from there on I could search up anything that seems interesting while already having some context.” — juniperzz

Here we have a more personal outlook.

“Win the lotto but not enough to be super rich but enough to settle debts and get started. Also see if there are any major disasters I need to prepare for.”

“And check the obituaries to see if there are any family members I need to see more often/forgive” — neverstayhappy101

This Redditor took a more nuanced approach to “betting.”

“How long does it work for? If it is permanent, lottery numbers once or twice anymore and you would draw attention.then best tech developments and start ups to invest in.”

“Locate the brightest and smartest graduates to come and work for you and enough dirt on politicians to let you get away with what your planning.” — koorcevets

One person had entertainment on the brain. 

“Outcome of sporting events so I can place some bets.”

“Also, I’d look up if my favorite music artists were still alive so if they were to die I could warn them. Wish I could have done this with Adam ‘MCA’ Yauch of the Beastie Boys” — TheA**OfSpock

Here we have an enterprising approach.

“The newest sience break throughs. So i can instead blow everyones minds with my genius” — aeris17471

This contribution was just bleak through and through. 

“End of the Covid pandemic…only to find news articles on the 76th lockdown in 2025, and people still going on about not wearing masks… Q_Q” — Protohype93

One Redditor was tired of broken promises. 

“Cure for type 1 diabetes. Doctors have been saying its five years away for awhile now.” — Surferbro

And plenty of people decided to have some fun with the prompt itself. 

“The internet still exists in five years, so that’s my first worry assuaged…” — welshualegon

“when a youtuber posts so i can truly be first” — Ap_Legendary11

“How many more John Wick films have been made.” — IAmJohnny5ive

“Well, I went to Reddit and found this post. Hello from 2015!” — Refloni

“I’d create a reddit thread asking what people would search for if they had access to internet 5 years ahead of time. Mind blown …” — BradSainty

So in case you thought the lottery idea is where this conversation begins and ends, think again.

People apparently have all sorts of things they can’t help but wonder about.

People Share Their Craziest ‘Wrong Number’ Experiences

The telephone is a miracle of the modern world.

We can speak, instantly, to anyone we’d like no matter the time of day or distance.

A little over a hundred years ago, this would have been considered science fiction.

Of course, not every call placed gets to the intended recipient.

Redditor cowgary decided to find out how strange these misdirected calls could be when they asked:

“What is your strangest wrong number story?”

Some calls were born of good news.

“I got a call at like 6 am, and I was still sleeping so I kind of didn’t understand what was happening- but this person was SO EXCITED to tell me that they got the new job.”

“And they recognized I was still half asleep so they said they’d call me back later, and said ‘I love you’ – I just said ‘I love you too, I’m glad you got the job’.”

“I absolutely did not know that person and they never called back, but I think of that call all the time.”~ boobookittyf*ck28

Maybe it wasn’t a wrong number after all.

“An old friend of mine got a wrong number text from a mother responding to an ad about a used electric wheelchair for her child.”

“For some reason, he used got a lot of wrong number texts. He would usually have a little fun with the sender before telling them they had the wrong number, and share it on social media.”

“But this time, he didn’t mess with her (obviously).”

“He posted it on social media and asked around if anyone knew where to find a used electric wheelchair.”

“The mother couldn’t afford a new one. It got a lot of attention, but nobody could find one for sale.”

“After a couple days of no luck, anonymous donors bought and donated to them a brand-new electric wheelchair.”

“More heart-warming than strange, but a good story either way.” ~ Buckle_Sandwich

A shared moment in time.

“I called a wrong number when I was in high school (I am a male and 43 now) and a teen girl answered.”

“We quickly realized it was a wrong number but started having a little fun banter.”

“She seemed really cool and funny and so we kept talking.”

“I asked her what she was doing and she said she was watching OJ Simpson in a police car chase on TV.”

“I turned it on too and together we talked for an hour and watched the slow-speed chase of OJ in the back of the white Bronco.”

“At the end, we laughed that we had shared that together and then said goodbye. I don’t remember her name or anything but it was a really memorable night.” ~Imaginary_Worth682

Party time! 

“I was home for from college for Christmas break around 2014, and ended up chilling downtown with a few buddies from high school who were also in town for the holidays.”

“While hanging out, I received a group text with a bunch of numbers I didn’t recognize.”

“The message was a group picture with people who were obviously at a Christmas party.”

“I made the only logical choice and immediately sent a selfie back with the message ‘wrong number’.”

“The rest of the people in this text absolutely loved this and responded with ‘hahaha’s’ and ‘you’re kinda cute’ texts until one person said ‘You should come to our Christmas party’!’

“The party was only a few blocks away from where I was hanging out, so I left my friends and went to the party.”

“I find the apartment, walk in, and it had a “record scratch moment’ like from a cheesy 90s movie.”

“Everyone goes silent stares at me: I am the only white person there.”

“After a few seconds the host shatters the silence with the shout: ‘It’s wrong number guy’!’

“We end up doing shots and partying for The next few hours! By far the BEST wrong number experience ever!” ~ monty2

The G-Files.

“Got a call from a government agency, FDA maybe?”

“Anyway the first thing the lady says to me is, ‘We got a call that you have a problem with goats?’ “

“I’m like no, sorry, wrong number.”

” ‘Are you sure you don’t have a goat problem?’ Nope. ‘Ok thanks, sorry about the confusion’.” ~ Thac0_is_Zero

Behold the power of Snacks.

“So… I got this group text about a break room installation. It showed snacks, coffee, etc. It looked beautiful.”

“I responded with a text of my office break room. It was sad sight. No coffee or snacks.”

“I got a response about how it was a company who does that service. We scheduled a visit to my office to sample the snacks and coffee.”

“The branch manager LOVED the coffee. He ordered a completed redo of our break room; snacks, coffee, etc.”

“I don’t work their anymore but… “~ Askirby

A grim coincidence.

“Years ago, while I was living at home, I got a phone line for my computer (yeah, I’m old), but also had a phone connected to it, because phones are cheap.”

“My parents’ room was all the way across the house and upstairs, so they’d call me sometimes instead of walking all that way.”

“One day, in our sleepy little town, some guy killed his wife, shot his kid, and drove into town shooting at random people and buildings.”

“He was killed in a shootout with police at the main intersection in town.”

“He happened to have the same first name as me. At some point during the investigation, they contacted my mom, because she’d made a call to his house shortly before he went on his rampage.”

“As it turns out, his phone number was the same as mine, but with the last two digits reversed.”

“My mom called him that day, and just said ‘<First Name>, get up here, I need help.’ then she hung up.”

“Since I never showed up, she got my brother to help her with whatever it was and forgot about it until the cops showed up asking how she knew the crazy guy.” ~ Wadsworth_McStumpy

Extra crispy.

“Not me but a friend of mine.”

“Gets a text one day that simply says ‘Dan I burnt the chicken.’ Alongside a picture of an almost comically huge fire with a burnt chicken in the center, shoved into a pan that was way too small.”

“This was followed by a stream of increasingly panicked texts about the chicken.” ~ Chancellor_Valorum82

Phone number reincarnation.

“Bought a cell phone you pay by the month.”

“Basically a burner phone, but I only had that one.”

“Bought it at a BestBuy when I was out of town. 3 hours away from home. Same state.”

“2 days later I get a random text from a friend on the new number. I didn’t give anyone my new number yet.”

“Turns out the number I had was a recently old number from a mutual friend. So all my friends had my number already. Just had to update the name. Weird sh*t.” ~ newtizzle

And lastly, the spice must flow.

“Had someone text me for meth.. I think.. They called it ‘cream’ which returned meth in google.”

“Anyway, I didn’t really care but I couldn’t assist them. I responded with a random cop selfie & the message ‘wrong number.. don’t do drugs’.” ~ Mr_Beemer

The telephone is a miracle of the modern world, sure.

But sometimes the real miracle is ever getting in contact with the person you were trying to reach in the first place!

Be sure to check the number and dial again.

Though, clearly, some wrong numbers are just the start of fantastic adventures.

Things People Probably Shouldn’t Have Texted to Their Boss

There are pros and cons to living in our connected world. With greater ease of instant communication comes more of a chance that we’re going to accidentally misuse it; like, say, sending your boss a text ABOUT your boss that you MEANT to send to your girlfriend and now you’re not sure if you’re still going to have a job tomorrow. Oops.

I need some kind of app that asks me if I’m ABSOLUTELY SURE I meant to send my message to certain contacts. We all need it.

Here are 13 examples of exactly why we all need it.

12. Can’t handle it

Why would you text this to your boss?

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11. Love is love

Clearly someone hasn’t read the handbook on office romance.

10. A reasonable request

Did you mean to say that?

9. Sass

I’m gonna need some popcorn to watch whatever happens after this.

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Texts from my boss. #bosstexts

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8. Sick of your crap

Some details maybe don’t need to be shared with anyone at all.

7. Don’t show weakness

Look we’re all thinking it but don’t say it out loud.

6. Texts from last night

Texting your boss should require a breathalyzer.

5. Self-evaluation

It’s always worse when there are pictures involved.

4. An adorable mess

Who could possibly be offended by this?

3. Happy birthday?

I don’t know who’s in the wrong here but it’s all-around miserable.

2. Party time

Hold on, why does your boss call you “Peewee?”

1. Behind your back

I wouldn’t count on that vacation.

Let this be a cautionary tale to us all. Maybe change your boss’ name in your contacts to just “CAREFUL!”

Have you ever done something like this?

Tell us about it in the comments.

The post Things People Probably Shouldn’t Have Texted to Their Boss appeared first on UberFacts.

10+ Things That Introverts Absolutely Love

Are you an introvert or an extrovert? We’re all a mix of both, but everyone tends to be more dominantly one or the other.

An easy way to figure it out is to think about your preferred way of spending time on a Friday night. Do you want to go out until the wee hours and party, party, party, or would you rather stay in with a good book and/or just a few close friends?

No matter what type of introvert you are, these tweets are sure to turn you on.

1. Endless possibilities.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @Anythingpork

2. Finally…

Photo Credit: Twitter: @Frogerta

3. When the roomies are out of town.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @TKComedy2013

4. A wave is worth 1,000 words.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @HeyJake____

5. The three best words in the English language.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @ohhsquirrel

6. No one to steal your seat.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @Brinettieee

7. You feel like a genius.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @Brinettieee

8. Oh, boy. This list has us all hot and bothered.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @GoldenGirls85

9. It’s like it just magically appears.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @Anythingpork

10. Anything is just a click away.

11. Truly meditative.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @ToniQueene

12. Party of one, please.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @LackingStock

13. I’m undefeated.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @AminamAmbien

Ok, that’s all the excitement I can take for today. Time to go be alone for a while.

The post 10+ Things That Introverts Absolutely Love appeared first on UberFacts.

10+ Photos That People With Clubbed Thumbs Will Definitely Understand

If you’ve got normal thumbs, you may not realize how good you have it. Clubbed thumbs can definitely cause a lot of headaches throughout the day, but luckily those who have them have formed a tight support group online (a “club,” if you will!). Check out these 12 encouraging posts to see what we mean!

1. Your thumb is constantly going through an identity crisis.

Photo Credit: Instagram: skopuningurin

2. There are Facebook groups for people just like you.

Photo Credit: Instagram: gonzaaerro

3. People want to see your thumbs.

Photo Credit: Instagram: smcfarfar

4. And then, you know, compare theirs.

Photo Credit: Instagram: origami67

5. You might feel self-conscious if you Instagram a picture of you holding something.

6. Polishing your nails is a bit more challenging.

Photo Credit: Instagram: baymaxbaeby

7. You stick together with other members of the “club!”

Photo Credit: Instagram: asteffy

8. Autocorrect is your best friend.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @itssmeg

9. They need custom gloves.

10. People always think you jammed your thumb when you were little.

11. Deep down in your heart, you are proud of your unique features.

12. So you give the universe a thumbs up!

Here’s to all the thumbs out there!

The post 10+ Photos That People With Clubbed Thumbs Will Definitely Understand appeared first on UberFacts.