Lawyers Break Down The Pettiest Reasons They’ve Ever Seen A Couple Divorce

It’s by now common knowledge a profoundly high amount of marriages end in divorce in the United States.

Bearing that upsetting news in mind, we’d like to think each of those relationships meet their end for a worthy reason, full of movie-like passion and the strong convictions of both partners.

But a recent Reddit thread squashed those lofty hopes.

To bring us all back down to earth, Redditor KarysMR asked:

“Lawyers of Reddit, what is the pettiest reason you’ve ever seen for divorce?”

Many lawyers interpreted “petty” to mean “mind-bogglingly trivial.”

“Definitely the fridge Story!! A woman filed for divorce because her husband would eat everything he can find in their fridge whenever the wife was out for work.”

“So she came back to a basically empty fridge each night.”

“He also cheated on her but she was less angry about that. The fridge was what pushed her to the point she wanted a divorce.” — wrenisanecklace

“the husband kept putting wet/used towel on their bed.” — automind

“Wife wanted divorce like 2 months into marriage because the husband would squeeze the toothpaste from the top and not bottom.”

“She claims to have told him a millions times over to stop. Would have been easier to get 2 toothpastes i thought.” — Infamous-Offer6342

“Not a lawyer- but apparently my brother divorced his wife when McDonald’s forgot to put bbq sauce in with her chicken nuggets at the drive through and she asked him to go back and get some.”

“He didn’t and then I guess she started smashing up food and throwing it at him/out the window….. so yeah…. McDonalds how could you ruin a marriage 😅…….” — WITCH_glitch_I-hex-u

“Not a lawyer: My Mom’s coworker divorced over dishes in the dishwasher.”

“The wife would get so frustrated over the husband (coworker) not rinsing dishes before he loads them in the dishwasher.”

“To compromise, they bought a super nice, top of the line dishwasher. Solves the problem, right?”

“She yelled about the dishes that night. He filed for divorce the next day.” — weberster

“Not a lawyer but this happened to my wife’s cousin.”

“Her husband came home one day asking her to give a higher financial contribution on the groceries, because she, as a lady, was using more toilet paper than him.”

“She took it as a joke and had a good laugh. He got mad, and asked for divorce.”

“Worth mentioning that his salary was 3 times higher than hers.” — Yashky

Many people witnessed bizarre breaking points.

“Nobody ever believes me about this one, but it’s true.”

“A man wanted a divorce from his wife because – and he gave this example as the ‘last straw’ – his wife ate those nasty pumpkin Halloween candies, like candy corn but pumpkin shaped.”

“He had been looking forward to them all day and when he got home, she had eaten them all. He snapped.”

“Swear on my life this story is true.” — Brkiri

“My father-in-law and mother-in-law’s breaking point was when he threw a breadcrumb at her from across the kitchen.”

“The divorce took 4 years to settle.” — ITS_JUST_LOW_T

One Redditor offered up another version of that story.

“My ex thinks I divorced him because my friends told me to.”

“What actually happened was I was bitching about him to a friend and she said ‘you know, he really is a passive aggressive piece of garbage. He does this all the time’.”

“And then I started thinking about how he really did pull that crap all the time and how I wasn’t actually depressed, I just hated living with him.”

“She opened my eyes, but I divorced him because he treated me like crap, not because my friend told me to.” — scaly_friends_4me

Other times, the divorce was prompted by a surprise discovery.

“I remember one episode of a TV show here in my country, similar to Jerry Springer, the woman didn’t know her husband used dentures until marrying and living together.”

“She said she couldn’t handle anymore, she was disgusted.”

“They both cried, she said a lot of ‘I’m sorry’ but she couldn’t go on. They were married for a few months.”

“Don’t know if it was true though.” — nerdy_latino

“The weirdest I’ve ever seen is a coworker of mine.”

“His wife saw a picture of him at a pool when he was in high school and really athletic. Toned, muscular, tan and so on.”

“Over the 10 years after high school he stopped lifting and lost his muscle tone and just became skinny.”

She told him she wanted him to get back to working out because she really liked the way he once looked and he said it was something he missed doing and agreed to get a gym membership.”

“He was going to the gym four days a week but was only really working out for two of them. On the days he didn’t work out he would sit in the sauna to get sweaty, watch Netflix and then go home.”

“When she asked about him going to the gym and accidentally let it slip that he was fudging workouts twice a week. She apparently found that to be a deal breaker and filed for divorce.” — SafewordisJohnCandy

“A woman came in wanting to divorce her husband. He had just gotten a new job and a pretty big raise.”

“It turned out that this new job of his also required that he work from home but he was working in an office before.”

“She was having an affair with their next-door neighbor and him being home more meant that she couldn’t cheat on her husband easily.”

“That was definitely a twist. I was expecting something like him being the one having the affair but nope!” — red_duke117

“A teacher I had in HS got divorced because his wife didnt like how much sex he had before they had been married.”

“To put in context how petty of a reason that was, they had been married for 12 yrs and had three kids together.”

“She had also met him a few years into his teaching career which didn’t start till he was 32.”

“But to say both sides of the argument, he did have a staggering large amount of sex, he was an Olympian and had been going to the Olympics to compete since he was 18.”

“He was the best teacher to ever have as a homeroom teacher as the stories he could tell were just surreal.” — TarvidD12

So there you have it.

Even if you find yourself in the throes of a dying marriage destined for failure for the least legitimate reason possible, you will not be alone.

I guess there’s some comfort in that, right?

People Share the Petty Yet Effective Power Moves They’ve Pulled at Work

Certain jobs can really make employees turn against each other. Maybe it’s the boss, maybe it’s just the culture of the place.

But either way, sometimes employees have to get down, dirty, and PETTY to get ahead or get revenge on their co-workers. Hey, it’s a dog-eat-dog world out there…

Let’s check out some stories from AskReddit users who pulled petty, yet very effective power moves at work.

1. Reassigned.

“Our assistant manager has changed the schedule several times without notice, then happily tries to get us written up for being late, not showing up. I religiously document the schedule by photographing the screen, since we can’t access it at home.

After having to come in to HR twice on my day off to prove the schedule had changed, I began writing her up for every single time change without notification. She is let off the hook because I’m just a peon, but she still had to walk to HR to dispute them.

A few other people started doing the same. When she had to answer for five instances of it in a week, she was reassigned back to floor nursing on another unit.”

2. “He hated that.”

“When I worked at a grocery store I was in the meat dept. We closed the counter at 8 and cleaned until 9. My dept manager said if we finished cleaning early we could head out. But he was 9-5 so he wasn’t around.

I worked there for some years, and as the years went on one of the front end managers that did closing didn’t like us leaving early. It wasn’t up to them. They were not my boss. At some point they implemented a policy where we had to call the front desk and they had to come verify cleaning was done and sign off on it.

The manager that didn’t like us leaving early would say he was coming when we called, but then he just wouldn’t come til 9 to verify so that he could keep us there the whole time.

So my solution was, after I finished cleaning I would just walk to the front desk and find him, and tell him I was ready. He would say “OK, be right there.” And I would say “OK, I’ll wait.” And I would just stand right next to him until he went to check. He hated that.”

3. Against company policy.

“I worked in a call center that had a Keycard security entry at all outside doors. My team supervisor was a tool who would penalize the smallest deviation from any rules yet he ignored them when it suited him.

One day when entering I realized too late that I had forgotten my Keycard at home. A friend swiped me in. I was ripped a new one and told everyone had to swipe their own card or they weren’t allowed entry. Under any circumstances.

Fast forward about three weeks later. Supervisor went outside to smoke on break, and left his Keycard on his desk. It was heavily snowing and probably 5 below with wind chill.

I went to the break room past the door he was banging on and ignored him. About 45 minutes later he finally entered the building and called me to his office and asked me why I didn’t let him in. I half-*ss apologized and said unfortunately that was against company policy.”

4. Faceoff.

“My director had minimal respect for me, but our corporate office insisted I be a part of the management team.

Meetings are held at a rectangular table. I knew he’d sit at the “head”, so I arrived early and sat at the other “head”. He had to face me during every meeting.”

5. Last day.

“Last day at a job, been at the place for 5 years. Going round, last chat with different folks in different areas.

One guy who always tried to get a reaction from me, I walked up to him and said I never bothered to learn your name. Walked off happy.”

6. A toxic bully.

“I learned that my manager hated me and wanted to fire me but I was so good at my job and well liked by the rest of the company that HR wouldn’t let her.

I showed up on time every day and completely ignored her. I would take smoke breaks and chum it up with the other department heads. When I finally got a better job and could escape her I gave her flowers.

She was such a toxic bully Ive never encountered someone so deliberately malicious and to this day I don’t know exactly why she decided I was the main target of her scorn. I think it might be because I requested a day off to go to a wedding the second month I worked for her.

After I left 7 others quit within a month 4 on the same day.

And then the new group didn’t last 3 months. And then she got fired.”

7. My wife.

“When my wife was first hired there were three receptionists at her job, and it was about 40 hrs per week. Then they fired the oldest and hardest working one over some bullsh*t accusation of stealing or something.

So now two people are receptionists for the job that requires two and is six days a week. She was working 55 hrs/ week now and had much more work than before. This is also while being chastised by the sh*tty office manager/ owner.

So she and the other receptionist made talks of quitting, got everything lined up and quit 2 days apart. So then they had no receptionist and the sh*tty office manager had to do all the work herself until they could find a replacement.”

8. Whoa.

“I was an MA for a very wealthy, pretty arrogant doctor. They’d regularly not finish or even properly code charts, which means we don’t get paid for anything we did, yet they never knew why we were losing money.

They’d let the unfinished charts pile up into the hundreds and then task us with going through the notes ON OUR DAYS OFF while they sat at home, cruised on their yacht, or, my favorite, left the country entirely for a vacation.

And, they were a jerk to me and the rest of their overworked, underpaid staff. I was doing charts on their computer one day when I got curious and Googled, “Medicare fraud.” They didn’t like turning off computers in the office, so evidently either I forgot to close the window or they checked their search history, because they seemed to notice this.

For the rest of the time I worked there we never had to code a chart independently again and they were extremely nice to me.

Now that I’m studying medicine, I realize that what they were doing was legitimately Medicare fraud and I just didn’t know.”

9. Nepotism.

“Lost out on a promotion to leading hand (construction) to nepotism.

Nevertheless tried to give the guy some advice when seeing some rookie mistakes popping up, which he promptly pulled rank and told me to follow orders.

So me and the team complied with instructions to the letter, resulting in $500k damage and the communications for a whole town cut off and the company nearly going under.”

10. I’m going to a funeral.

“I had a manager try to twist me into working on a day that I’d booked off for a family funeral.

It was not a direct relative and I didn’t bother checking the official policy about what I was entitled to, but I did mention when I booked it off that it was for a funeral. Nothing was asked about who it was or if I was ok, but I didn’t offer any details.

Anyway, manager fed me some crap about ‘Friday not being ideal for time off’ and asked if I could work anyway. I said no, it was for a funeral. He pushed and I said I’d let them know by the end of the day.

I went back to my desk, looked up the policy and emailed it to him. I said I’d be off Friday as well as Monday, as per the bereavement policy (which was two days if it was family, 5 if it was a direct relative).”

11. Tried to screw you over.

“My old business partner tried to enforce a non-compete even though I was only doing residential work with the business I started.

We had previously had long email discussions and arguments where he refused to do residential work and was very clear he was only ever going to do B2B.

The non-compete got thrown out 5 seconds into arbitration (sadly, I never got to use the emails I had saved). After we left the courthouse I sat in my car calling every single customer I served when we were partners. Over 75% of them preferred my service over his and transitioned to my new business.

I then called the only employee he had that actually knew what he was doing and worked hard and made an offer for what he was actually worth (his pay went from $15/hr under old partner to $25/hr+monthly bonus+paid training under me).

The best part is that I had brought most of those customers on board his business, took all their calls, and did all the work for them. I didn’t even think of calling them until he put the idea in my head when he was arguing with the arbitrator that I was “trying to steal his business” and thought “motherf*cker, I was the one who built that entire part of your business”.

I wouldn’t have ever called them if he didn’t try to screw me.”

12. Felt great.

“I regularly butt heads with the sales team so when I saw the sales director at the front door fumbling to get his access card out, instead of opening the door for him, I stood there and watched him struggle.

It’s a glass door so he could see me standing 3 feet away, enjoying my coffee.

Looked him dead in the eyes and smiled. Man that felt great.”

13. Karma.

“One of my former manager’s hated me because I was a “robot” who did their job and didn’t want to attend pointless meetings everyday to listen to her talk about weddings and babies when I had sh*t tons of work to do (that she’d ironically demanded of me).

Anyway, few months down the line I caught wind that she’d asked HR for pay raises for the other 2 members of our team who did the same job as me. I thought this a little odd as I’d out-performed them consistently for over 6 months but it was personal for her.

Knowing how incompetent and, quite frankly, dumb my manager was, I figured I’d be able to catch her out quite easily.

As predicted, with a bit of digging around, I found an unprotected ‘manager’ folder on a shared network drive accessible by the entire company (lol) that contained a range of juicy documents including 1-2-1 meeting notes between myself and my manager, as well as my manager and other employees. The notes on me were ridiculously negative with zero basis.

I discovered pay rise request documents and other sensitive employee pay material, which resulted in a data protection breach.

Fast forwarding a few months, after I won a tribunal case against the company (because they naively chose to try to protect her) and big payout, I found out that she had been demoted and is now working alongside the people she used to manage. I guess karma can be a b*tch.

The sad part is, I just wanted her to leave me alone and let me focus on my job.”

Now those are pretty good! And petty!

How about you?

Now we want to hear your stories of power moves at work!

Tell us your stories in the comments!

The post People Share the Petty Yet Effective Power Moves They’ve Pulled at Work appeared first on UberFacts.

15 Photos of Extremely Petty People

Sometimes, you know you’re being petty about a scenario or situation, but as hard as you try, you can’t make yourself care. Most of us try to avoid those moments and be the bigger person (when possible) – go high when they go low and all of that – but it can be hard.

These 15 people definitely did not overcome.

#15. Exploited loophole ftw.

Photo Credit: Reddit

#14. Somebody doesn’t want any lovin’ tonight.

Photo Credit: Reddit

#13. Do you have a “green” vehicle or a green vehicle? Because…

Photo Credit: Reddit

#12. When your husband asks what name you’d like on your 10k run tag…and then turns it in verbatim. #hopeshelaughed #idid

Photo Credit: Reddit

#11. #Neighbors

Photo Credit: Reddit

#10. When you deserve the smartass response you got.

Photo Credit: Reddit

#9. LOL skirting that legal obligation

Photo Credit: Reddit

#8. +1. Lol.

Photo Credit: Reddit

#7. When you do as you’re told and nothing more. What’s the problem?

Photo Credit: Reddit

#6. The teacher’s response is the best.

Photo Credit: Reddit

#5. “Put the pillowcases on the pillows.”

Photo Credit: Reddit

#4. No license agreement accepted here!

Photo Credit: Reddit

#3. When your neighbors complaints force you to put up a privacy fence, this is really your only option.

Photo Credit: Reddit

#2. When your girlfriend asks you to shovel a path, and you get a little whimsical with it.

Photo Credit: Reddit

#1. You know the person who did this snickered the entire time, even knowing they’d probably get written up.

Photo Credit: Reddit

To those sneaky, petty little bastards – good on ya!

The post 15 Photos of Extremely Petty People appeared first on UberFacts.

19 of the Most Satisfying Revenge Stories of All Time

Sometimes, people are rude. And rude people are just asking for petty vengeance. I know some of these 19 AskReddit tales of trifling retribution might seem over the top, but rudeness is simply not to be borne – not in civil society, anyway. In my experience, the only way a rude person learns to dial back the sass is by facing consequences. So I cheered as I read these stories, cheered for the cause of justice!

1. He wanted water…

Kid stole my water bottle. I opened it up and left it inside his backpack.

2. *GASP*

My sister posted a very anti-LGBT article on Facebook when the North Carolina bathroom bill was passed. She claimed she “no longer felt safe” shopping at Target if she might “be forced to use a bathroom” with a trans person. (The horror!)

So for her wedding the following month, I got her a Target gift card.


Your very gay brother ♥

3. That’s only fair

Someone in my office would always crush lunches with his gigantic lunch box. Either he ate bricks or lead, I don’t know, but I always came to the office fridge and found that my lunch was in pieces.

So, after three bouts of this, and numerous notes from myself and other colleagues, I carefully removed his lunch box, emptied the contents (a gigantic sandwich, a Twinkie, chips, some vegetable pieces, and a few other bits), and ran over them with my car. I carefully packed it back in, and put it back.

He kept his lunch in a cooler by his cube from then on.

4. lol, nice

My Ex cheated with a married man. He now lives with her. He is a POS.. but anyway, I still have login for her DVR. I logged in, erased all her shows, then recorded only the show “Cheaters.” Petty, but it makes me laugh.

5. Pop pop!

When I was a kid I got the Sabrina the Teenage Witch “Handbook” – it was full of kiddie experiments and stuff and was pretty fun.

My older sister had upset or annoyed me about something, so I tried out one of the ‘tricks’ from the book.

You fill a cup with water and some corn kernels, put some tinfoil on top of the cup, the kernels eventually pop and it makes noise against the tinfoil.

I put it under her bed, it takes a few days to “work”, so I completely forgot about it, until one night I woke up to my two sisters whispering – it had popped in the middle of the night and she thought there was a rat under her bed.

6. Mild irritation is the most fun level

My wife is very picky about the mugs she has for different hot drinks: Tall mugs for coffee, wide mugs for tea, dainty cups for fruit teas.

When she’s being irritating and asks for a cuppa she gets very plain, boring builders mugs and I delight at the mild irritation it brings.

7. Hello, Jim from The Office

Speeding up a coworker’s double click speed and watch him squirm when his normal double clicking speed isn’t working.

8. That’s a good point to stop

I once had a colleague I didn’t appreciate, so I put an extra Bluetooth receiver in his computer for a computer mouse and kept the mouse in my drawer. I would just open my drawer and it would mess his curser right up. Kept it going for like 2 months. He was about to murder the world when I thought I better stop.

9. Eff that guy

I had a guy in school who would always skip class and then ask for my notes. We had a group project worth almost 40% of our grade and he did zero work, and the prof told me tough luck.

Instead of just saying no the next time he asked for notes, I took the low road and began giving him edited versions.

I would leave items out of lists, incorrectly define things or just straight up write stuff that makes no sense.

An example of the crap I would put in: To calculate return on investment, subtract your yearly earnings from your current bank balance, then multiply by Echer’s factorial (4.22).

If he had even once bothered to crack the text he would have figured it out, but that apparently would have been too much effort for him.

He retook that class.

10. What’d he do to you??

Listing a Playstation 4 as brand new on multiple second hand goods websites, for $50. I used my old landlord’s phone number as the contact number, ‘cos that guy was malicious.

He had to change numbers.

11. These are…genius. You’re a genius.

I have two with a previous landlord / property management company.

I signed a lease on a townhouse while in college that “included high speed internet” … the setup was basically one awful router for 14x townhouses (so like 28 people). Needless to say it was crap, and the location of our unit vs. the router made it worse. We made some calls to try and get them to add a router or hardwire us in so we could add our own. No dice.

Eventually I paid to get my own service and added 2x routers in our unit. I changed the SSID to match what the “free” router was, and kept the passwords the same… so to the residents it looked like there was better coverage.

After about two weeks I changed one router’s password and just disconnected the other. So some residents could use the “free” router, some had a bad password, and some could connect but couldn’t reach the outside world. They must have been flooded with calls because within 24 hours they had someone out and added 3x new routers to help with coverage.

The other was after a huge snowfall (~24″ in 24 hours) …. the property management company hadn’t touched the snow in our parking lot for days … after day 3 I called to mention we were sort of trapped and they needed to send trucks / snow blowers / etc to take care of things… the response I got was basically “Sorry, we’ll get to it sooner or later”.

… side note – years ago if you opened a yahoo email, you could add a second email for recovery without confirming it.

I created a new @yahoo email address and used their general @Xpropertymanagement as the alternate email. I had it copy every email to both. I then signed up for alerts for every time there was an ebay listing for “snow plow” “snow blower” “snow shovel” or there was a “sale on X snow removal” gear…. it took a matter of hours before thousands of emails were sent. Ended up crashing their email server.

They responded to all residents with a very nice email explaining they get the frustration, and they’re working on it…. so I paused the alerts. 24 hours later, still nothing, alerts back on. Another email, another pause, another day of nothing, repeat. Eventually we got the driveway plowed and life was good.

12. That’s crappy! 

We had a guy in our office take a crap in the bathroom every day after lunch and it would stink up the whole office. The manager asked everyone who needed to vacate their bowels to please use the lobby bathroom since our office was small and we only had the one bathroom. He didn’t listen. Fortunately, he was like clockwork so 5 minutes before he went in I took all the toilet paper…. that’s right. I forced the man to live with a dirty bottom.

13. Playing with Himself

I used to work as a sound tech part-time at a nearby bar when studying for my computer science degree. It was great fun and even kinda relevant to my degree (and gave me a great excuse to binge on audiophile equipment).

So basically every Friday night we would give a slot to a band from the college to perform for an hour or so, and this rich guy’s son would always turn up in some band or another. He had all the fanciest gear (Fender Strat, distortion pedals, etc.) but his technique sucked. But to anyone who would listen, he was the next Jimi Hendrix blah blah.

One thing about this guy was that he loved to pump his volume through the roof and play these crunchy chords with the distortion amped to the max, in the process drowning out the rest of his band members.

So instead of hooking up to the mixer and then through to the PA system, I just routed his signal through to his in-ear monitors, and every time he performed his “solo” he would gyrate around the stage for no apparent reason.

Really the most petty thing I’ve ever done, but revenge is sweet. (I heard he still plays amateur guitar through the grapevine)

14. Brat

My boyfriend’s uncle and 7 year old cousin live upstairs from us. His cousin has a tendency to be a little brat. I was holding her yorkie when she came over and yanked her from my arms.

No more than 20 minutes later I went out and bought some dog treats. Everyday when I come home I give the dog a treat. Now the dog waits by our door instead of her’s.

15. That’s gotta be detention!

This dude in my accounting class in high school used to ask me for answers to questions, only to spout them to the teacher like he’d worked them out, thereby looking like a genius and getting credit for my work.

One day our teacher comes into class with a pierced tongue and is talking sort of funny. Terry, as his name is, proceeds to use it as a point of conversation. “Hey miss, do you have any other piercings, like your ear?” “No,”, she responds, thinking he’s making inane conversation. “Would you get your nose pierced?” He keeps asking, just to prolong the time before class starts.

As usual, he leans over asking for help. “What are some other good things to ask her?” I was annoyed that he always asked for my help to benefit him, so I thought I’d have some fun. “Labia, ask if she’s going to get her labia pierced.” “What is a labia?” he says. “Oh, sorry, it means eyebrow, that’s like the piercing name for it. Like how a tragus is that nose piercing, yeah?” “Oh cool! Hey miss, are you going to get your labia pierced next?”

Every girl, and especially the teacher, in the class looked at him like he was trash, and he tried blaming me, but I brushed it off gracefully.

16. Wrecked

Back when I was studying engineering, it occurred to me to try and find an app on my iphone for those Panasonic projectors in lecture rooms. So I get the app and it just let me connect to the one in the class without a password or anything. I have a friend who is one of those perpetual pranksters, you can’t leave your pc or bag or food/drink unattended when he’s around.

So I beam a picture of him onto the projector, so the lecturer is just talking away and this goofy picture of my mate is on the screen. Lecturer doesn’t realise yet, people in the lecture start waking up and giggling a bit. Now I use the pen function and draw a penis on the picture too. Mate was red in the face and trying to hide. Lecturer finally noticed and says “Michael why is there a picture of you on the screen?”

Finally for a fleeting moment I actually wrecked that dude.

17. …pretty sketchy boss

I had a 6 month school internship at a mobile phone store. The boss was a total jerk that treated his school-interns like full paid workers (even gave me some concerning money-responsibilities).

A while after the internship he called to tell me I would have to give a statement at court.

He had a problem with some customer and a shipment and he planned to tell the court that he explained me everything concerning shippings precisely. Of course he didn’t. And of course I didn’t lie in front of the judge. My boss’ attorney gave me a look I will never forget when he realized his stupid plans didn’t work out. Few weeks later my now ex-boss tried to call me again. I didn’t pick up.

18. Good, that guy sounds like a jerk.

Work related- My co-worker was always complaining and always lazy with his work, yet he got recognition for the simplest thing he would actually do. He also took credit for a full days work that was pretty much all me. I always got ignored. So one day, I came in early and I unplugged his Ethernet jack just barley to the point it looked like it was still plugged into his computer. For 4 hours he couldn’t do any work. Meanwhile, I got my work done, and he couldn’t take any credit for it since everyone knew he didn’t have Internet access. Half way through the day, he left on break, I plugged it back in and bam, just like this it was working. By then, he couldn’t claim my work, and I begun to get noticed more.


When I was about 13, I was snooping around my older brother’s room and found a stack of 20 dollar bills stashed away. He was saving up from his high school job to buy a car. Hundreds of dollars. To 13-year old me it was a fortune, and I figured he wouldn’t notice if I stole just one 20 — still a lot of money to me. So I did.

For years I would remember it every once and a while and feel guilty. The worst part was, when I took the 20, he was also a teenage kid and probably knew exactly how much money was there. He probably knew I took one but let me get away with it because he figured I needed it. That made me feel much worse.

15 years later, I’m hanging around with him on the holidays. I see that he left his wallet on the counter, and he’s upstairs. I sneak into his wallet, see there’s a few 20s, and I slide an extra one in there. Got him!

The post 19 of the Most Satisfying Revenge Stories of All Time appeared first on UberFacts.

12 Times People Did Petty Things to Get Back at Someone

When people are petty, it’s entertaining for us all. Isn’t that right?

Buzzfeed asked their community to tell them about all those petty things they’ve done, and these folks delivered BIG time.

1. Trust officially broken…

“My ex cheated on me, then had the nerve to say that he didn’t trust me.

So I waited until he was at work then took his phone, dumped all his cologne onto his bed, kicked his air conditioner out of the window, and gave his dog away.

He didn’t have a reason not to trust me so I gave him one.”

2. Ass if…

“After years of treating me terribly, my so-called ‘best friend’ was riding my ass about a cheap dress I’d borrowed from her that I hadn’t returned yet, and I just snapped and ended our friendship.

But not before wiping my ass with the dress, putting it in a plastic bag, and giving it to her dad to return to her. To this day, I wonder if she ever caught pink eye from that.

I would never do anything like that again…but fuck that bitch, seriously.”

3. Petty sex

“A college friend was having a small party and invited a guy that she thought was really cute.

Well, that cute guy took a liking to me and kept hanging around me that night, even though I wasn’t really into him. But my friend was still upset that he was paying me so much attention, so she SPRAYED HER CIDER ALL OVER ME with a simple ‘oops.’

After the party ended, the cute guy asked me to crash on the couch with him, but my friend insisted that I sleep in her room instead or else she would totally cut ties with me. I turned her down nicely, and she slammed the door in my face.

So I had sex with the guy on her couch.

I regret nothing.”

4. Mother of the year

“My ex was in prison at the time, and he pissed me off right before Father’s Day. So I bought a card for my daughter to send him that said, ‘I may not be a perfect child, but look on the bright side…at least I’m not mailing this from prison.

Happy Father’s Day!”

5. Screams of displeasure

“My roommate and her boyfriend were having really loud sex against the wall between our bedrooms when they knew I was trying to take a nap.

So I put my speaker right next to the wall and blasted a series of shrill, screaming reaction videos from the internet.

It very effectively killed the mood.”

6. The log of lies

“When I was younger, I would keep a log of all the times my sister lied to my parents.

Then one day, she really pissed me off, so I gave the compilation of years of lies to my mom.

My sister got in so much trouble that my mom still brings it up.”

7. Fun with photoshop…

“I went on a beach trip with my friends and a girl that I don’t like was invited.

So before posting all our pics to social media, I edited the photos to correct blemishes and thin out everyone’s faces,

except hers…which I widened.”

8. Cancel the marriage. It’s done!

“My (now ex) husband would always wake me up to yell at me for leaving a cabinet door open, so one day I waited until he was asleep in his recliner then I went in the kitchen and OPENED EVERY CABINET, all of the drawers, the oven, the dishwasher, and the microwave.

Then, knowing he’d have to cross the kitchen to get to our bedroom, I crawled back in bed and waited.

As soon as I heard him swearing I felt so much glee. That’s when I realized our marriage was over.”

9. Like petty mother, like petty daughter

“My dad pissed me and my mom off one day, so we teamed up and ate his Jimmy John’s tuna sandwich and replaced it with a regular white bread sandwich filled with dry canned tuna.

And hey — my mom wanted to put wet dog food in there instead!

Clearly, the petty apple does not fall far from the petty tree.”

10. When pettiness pays off!

“There was a girl who bullied me in high school and made my life hell.

Well, when I found out that she didn’t get accepted to her dream school, I applied out of spite to see if I could get in.

Not only did I get in with a scholarship, I ended up attending and even made the Dean’s List.”

11. Paging the adult daycare center… we have a petty child for you!

“My mom remarried a few years after my dad died, and I really hate her husband.

So whenever I visit them, I take one of his belongings and I hide it.

Yep — I’m 37 years old and petty AF!”

12. When you don’t makeup

“After a fight with my sister, I secretly dumped her makeup setting spray and filled the bottle with water.

For months, I watched with evil satisfaction as she sprayed water on her face and wondered why it didn’t work.”

Ohhhh, these were so very petty.

Love it!

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People of Twitter Share Their Pettiest Grudges with Celebrities. These Are Hilarious

It started with this tweet…

This woman’s mom is NOT having Queen Latifah over for dinner anytime soon…

And yeah, the Twitternet wanted to share.

Brian McKnight just forgot to bring a gift?!

Olivia ain’t going to the candy shop with this former fan…

Eddie Murphy has some people who hate him…

Because he was apparently not so nice…

But thankfully he does know how to apologize…

Damn LL… you done messed up!

Somebody hates Danny Glover?!

Earth, Wind and Fire Her! is more like it…

Bruno! Clean yo dishes!

Some of this shit even happens on Twitter? Shocker…

Well, this isn’t common, is it Common?

Brandy need to CALM DOWN!

Patrick Ewing using kindergarten tactics!

Listen, everybody has bad days. It happens. We can’t say these interactions represent who these people are.

Except Eddie Murphy. We can now definitely say Eddie Murphy is a dick.

At least in the ’80s…

The post People of Twitter Share Their Pettiest Grudges with Celebrities. These Are Hilarious appeared first on UberFacts.

Mom Shares the Petty Revenge Her 9-Year-Old Got on a ‘Fake Friend’, and It’s GOLD

I’ve always believed that it’s so important to have good parents who help you understand the difference between right and wrong, and who have your back when things get rough.

That’s what happened when this Redditor was called into her daughter’s school after an incident. While she was ready to defend her baby tooth and nail, it turns out the young lady had already handled her problem in a rather admirable way.

Here’s the full story:

Photo Credit: Reddit

Oh snap! That is priceless!

Naturally, other Redditors delighted in the way the little girl handled the situation.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Others also pointed out that the principal’s handling of the situation left a lot to be desired.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Have you ever had a situation like this? How did you handle it?

The post Mom Shares the Petty Revenge Her 9-Year-Old Got on a ‘Fake Friend’, and It’s GOLD appeared first on UberFacts.