Enjoy Watching These 15 Dogs Sneeze

Is there anything in the whole wide world cuter than seeing a pooch sneeze their little heart out? The answer is NO!

It’s totally adorable.

Check out these videos and photos of good boys and girls getting their sneeze on!

1. That is amazing.

2. This is what happens when you put your face directly into the plants.

3. A long build-up.

4. How on Earth did she figure this out?

5. Here comes a sneeze attack.

6. Get that dog a Claritin.

7. Don’t take your eyes off the burger.

8. Captured in the middle of it.

9. God bless you!

10. Now you can go back to sleep.

11. Extreme close-up.

12. Get rid of the bad feelings.

13. All dressed up and sneezing his life away.

14. A three-part series.

15. And we have a winner!

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#? The most magnificent puggy sneeze??

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I know a bunch of you out there must have photos and videos like this.

Post them in the comments!

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10 Pics of Dogs and Cats That Had to Wear the Cone of Shame

Now I’m upset…

This is always a sad sight. I remember when our dog Quincy had to have leg surgery, he had a cone around his head for a week or so. It was quite pathetic.

Buuuuuut, you gotta do what you gotta do so your pooch or kitty cat won’t eat the stitches in their body, and they can recover quickly.

Still, it is sad…I think we can agree on that.

1. Got a little helper.

2. He’s not feeling it.

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I do not like the cone of shame??

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3. At least she looks happy.

4. Handling it surprisingly well.

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My sweet, special guy has cancer ?… He stars in his own YouTube movie called “Chinese is Fetching” – and it’s super cute if you want to watch it :)…. he and his siblings also have a YouTube video called “Licking Time” (but sooo many things come up under that so you have to go to my channel “Kerry Lea” or “Kerry Vera” to find it…) (it’s a musical)… I’m absolutely broken hearted that one day this guy won’t be in our lives anymore… BUT— he’s been so brave and courageous… living his life to the fullest and never complaining… he’s teaching me lots of lessons… ❤❤❤… #poorcat #conelife #coneofshame #elizabethancollar #conehead #poorbaby #catsofinstagram #catstagram #bestcatever #mypoorguy #bravecat #catwarrior #kerryveralea #chinesethecat #coneheadcat #myspecialboy #catrescue #cancersucks

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5. Dejected, but will survive.

6. He’s getting through it!

7. Doing it in style.

8. OMG, this is incredible.

9. That thing’s coming off soon!

10. He is NOT pleased.

Now, I know some of you out there have pics of your pets wearing the cone of shame.

Share them with us in the comments!

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A Student Taught Her Pet Rat How to Paint with His Feet—and He’s Pretty Good

The rat’s name is Darius, and he creates little masterpieces with his little feet.

Recently, he and his paintings caught the attention of Tumblr and Twitter users who thought he was both adorable and talented.

His owner and art teacher is a student of animation and digital arts herself in Askim, Norway. Amalie Markota Andersen said his posts have gone viral several times on social media.


According to Anderson on her Tumblr page, Darius created his first watercolor in January, 2018.

Insider reported she dipped his paws in non-toxic watercolors and let him walk back and forth across the paper. She estimated each of his creations took about ten minutes to finish.

She posted images of Darius and his paintings on Tumblr, but she didn’t anticipate how popular they would be. “Darius going viral was very exciting, I was so happy people liked him,” Andersen said. “It is what he deserved!”

Photo Credit: Tumblr

She actually sold several of them and used the money to buy Darius a halter for when she took him outside.

Darius was adopted in 2017 and described as timid but a cuddler. Anderson never knew his real age but assumed he was mature, possibly a senior citizen.

Earlier this year, Darius passed. Though sad, Anderson was grateful for the years they did have together.

Photo Credit: Tumblr

Now, her focus is on her new furry friends, male rats named Gucci and Mango.

Seems as if Mango will soon be following in Darius’ talented footsteps.

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Check out These Hats for Cats Made out of Their Shed Fur

If you’re a kitty owner, you know that you spend a lot of time cleaning up after them as they shed. You’ll find mounds of fur in the corners, under the beds—basically everywhere and anywhere.

Japanese photographer Ryo Yamazaki and his wife Hiromi have come up with an inventive way to use all that fur shed from their three cats, Nyaa, Mar, and Mugi: they take the fur and make  little hats for their kitties to wear around the house.

I love it! And I think you will, too…

1. From high on the perch.

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なんと!? ? サントリー「GREEN DA・KA・RA」( @suntory_greendakara )のCMでお馴染みのダカラちゃんが遊びに来てくれたよ♪??✨ 実は、我が家の三男坊ムギの名前は「やさしい麦茶」のムギちゃん(ダカラちゃんの妹ちゃんです?)からいただいたので、何だか感慨深いものがあります?✨ せっかくなので、ムギちゃんのオカッパヘア&帽子でコスプレして、ダカラちゃんと御対面〜?‍❤️‍? 一緒に写真を撮ったり、猫じゃらしで遊んでもらいました? ダカラちゃん、ありがと〜? . ちっちゃい頃からTVCMで見ていたので、随分大きくなったね〜と親戚のおじさんの様な気持ちで思わず嬉しくなってしまいました♪?? クリクリおめめのダカラちゃん、とっても可愛かった?? . ニャア兄貴は、ダカラちゃんに水滴とちゅ〜るまでもらって終始ご満悦? そしてマル兄貴はというと…案の定ソファ下から1度も出て来ず??‍♂️? . OMG!? Japanese cutest TVCM actress "Green Dakara-chan" came to my home!? . #? #サントリー #グリーンダカラ #やさしい麦茶 #ダカラちゃん #ムギちゃん #抜け毛貯金 #抜け毛貯金 #抜け毛帽子 #抜け毛アート #帽子屋NUKEGE #ねこかぶり #水滴ソムリエ #cat #scottishfold #catstagram #catsofinstagram #instacat #猫 #ねこ #ねこ部 #ふわもこ部 #ペコねこ部 #スコティッシュフォールド #サバトラ #茶トラ #しろねこ #白猫

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2. Sunflower cat in the hat.

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「ねこ休み展 夏 2019 in Gallery AaMo」? 本日をもって無事会期を終えました? 開催中は多くの方にご来場頂き、抜け毛三兄弟より厚く御礼申し上げます??? そして主催のベーコン様、ギャラリーAamoスタッフの方々、出展者の皆様、暑い中長期間に渡って本当にお疲れ様でした?? かつてない程の大きな展示会に参加させて頂き、素敵な夏の思い出となりました? 重ねて感謝申しあげます♪??‍♂️ . Neko break Exhibition in Tokyodomecity just finished.? Thank you for your attendance. I look forward to seeing you again.??? . #抜け毛貯金 #抜け毛貯金 #抜け毛帽子 #抜け毛アート #帽子屋NUKEGE #ねこかぶり #抜け毛ジャビット #東京ドームシティ #GalleryAamo #ねこ休み展 #cat #scottishfold #catstagram #catsofinstagram #instacat #猫 #ねこ #ねこ部 #ふわもこ部 #ペコねこ部 #スコティッシュフォールド #サバトラ #茶トラ #白猫 #しろねこ

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3. Looks very studious.

4. Is there a fire?

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9月1日は防災の日??‍? 近所で大規模な東京都と多摩市の合同総合防災訓練があったので見学してきた? 我が家も猫3匹連れて逃げる時の為に日頃からイメージと備えをしておかねば? . 9.1. Disaster Prevention Day??‍?? . #umatan先生の新作2つ #抜け毛消防ヘルメット #抜け毛ピーポくん #防災訓練 #防災の日 #多摩センター #抜け毛貯金 #抜け毛貯金 #抜け毛帽子 #抜け毛アート #帽子屋NUKEGE #ねこかぶり #cat #scottishfold #catstagram #catsofinstagram #instacat #猫 #ねこ #猫部 #ねこ部 #ふわもこ部 #ペコねこ部 #みんねこ #NEKOくらぶ #もふもふ #スコティッシュフォールド #サバトラ #茶トラ

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5. Kind of looks like a wig. Boris Johnson?

6. A very solid entry. Let’s play ball!

7. Now that is impressive.

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『ねこ休み展 夏 2019 in Gallery AaMo』追加情報⚾ 読売ジャイアンツの人気マスコットキャラクタージャビットくんを三兄弟の抜け毛で再現した「抜け毛ジャビットくん帽子」が東京ドームシティのアーモギャラリー会場に実物展示されます⚾(※オフィシャル公認) 更にrojimanブースでは過去の人気帽子パネルに加え、抜け毛で出来た動物達をテーマにした「抜け毛動物園(Zoo)」を展開します。????? 夏休みのちびっ子達も是非遊びに来てね〜? #読売ジャイアンツ #巨人 #ジャイアンツ #ジャビットくん #抜け毛ジャビット . 開催日時:7/12(金)〜8/25(日) 場所:東京ドームシティ Galley AaMo . The Cat Holiday Exhibition summer 2019 in Tokyo dome City starts soon⚾ . #ねこ休み展 #galleryaamo #抜け毛サロン #抜け毛貯金 #抜け毛帽子 #抜け毛アート #帽子屋NUKEGE #ねこかぶり #cat #scottishfold #catstagram #catsofinstagram #instacat #猫 #ねこ #猫部 #ねこ部 #ふわもこ部 #もふもふ #スコティッシュフォールド #サバトラ #白猫 #しろねこ #茶トラ

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8. Ready to listen to some yacht rock.

9. About to get beamed up to space, perhaps?

10. Emperor of the house.

Adorable, don’t you think? And very creative.

Don’t forget to follow them on Instagram.

Do your pets wear any hats or clothes? Share some pics in the comments!

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Check out These ‘Extremely Dangerous’ Pooches Behind ‘Beware of Dog’ Signs

Be careful around these doggos because they’re obviously vicious killers who will take no mercy on your sorry soul.

And they’re behind those “Beware of Dog” signs for a reason, as you’ll see shortly. You might end up losing a finger or even your whole arm if you try to approach them, so KEEP YOUR DISTANCE.

Good luck.

1. Run! They’re going to maul you!

Beware of the dog from AnimalsBeingDerps

2. Look at that vicious killer.

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#keepout #bewareofdog

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3. Took a while to find this little guy.

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#dogchow #dog #cuidadoconelperro #bewareofdog

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4. He might just want some pets.

Beware of dog! from pics

5. Awwwww. Wait, he’s vicious!


6. Definitely false advertising

7. He looks like a real monster.

Beware of Dog from aww

8. He just wants to play!

9. OMG, this might be the best one.

10. Get a load of this fella.

Beware of the dog from aww

11. A trained killer, no doubt about it.

Beware of Dog! (Because she is soooo vicious!) from pugs

12. Adorable, but a quiet predator.

13. Scaring all the people in the neighborhood.

14. Barely making it through the door.

15. This one is too scary.

BEWARE of DOG from aww

Terrifying junkyard dogs, all of ’em.

Do you have a pooch that’s as vicious as these dogs? Share a pic in the comments!

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Photographer Takes Pictures to Try to Dispel the “Crazy Cat Lady” Stereotype

That “crazy cat lady” stereotype has been around for years. You know the deal: women who own a lot of cats are single, weird, reclusive, and reliant on their feline friends for companionship.

I mean, this goes all the way back to the days when people thought reclusive ladies were witches and cats their familiars.

Well, photographer BriAnne Wills takes snapshots of women with their cats to try to put that age-old stereotype to rest.

And the results are pretty great. Take a look at these ladies with their rescued and adopted kitties.

1. Meatball and friends

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"We also had no idea what an incredible foster cat dad Meatball would turn out to be. We’ve fostered four litters since we adopted him and he becomes a surrogate parent to all of them. The kittens make a beeline for him every time we let them out of the bedroom (we only allow supervised visits with the grown cats) and he'll groom, snuggle and play with them all day. We’ve nicknamed him Mama Meatball because he provides so much love and comfort to these orphaned babies in ways that we humans can’t.⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ Fostering has been one of the most rewarding and meaningful experiences of my life. Not only does it allow me to snuggle kittens all day long but I also get to see our fosters blossom from being fearful and under-socialized to trusting and affectionate. It’s also given us Kit and Meatball, who have brought out the best in each other, even if they forget it sometimes. ⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ It’s not always easy. As my husband likes to say, fostering is 70% sunshine and roses, 20% emotional labor and 10% poop (probably more poop, actually). But it’s one of the best ways to help animals, who might not otherwise have a chance, find loving homes and it helps our hardworking shelters out. I did some math and if just 5% of US households fostered one animal once per year, we could clear the shelters. And who knows, you might also meet the cats of your dreams." @gabioc⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ Gabi O’Connor is a software engineer at Etsy and foster kitten mom with @bfas_ny. Aside from cats, her interests include horror movies, surreal comedy and celebrity gossip. She lives in Brooklyn with her writer husband and two cats. You can follow Mama Meatball and his kittens at @mama.meatball.the.cat⁠⠀

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2. Sage

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"Before Sage, I had never owned a pet of any sort but loved cats and had always wanted one. I had just started graduate school and gotten out of an abusive relationship. It was the start of a new chapter in my life and I felt like I was ready. I spent a lot of time reading GATC posts too! All the pictures and beautiful stories were really inspiring. I was planning to officially begin my search in the spring of 2018 and could not shut up about it⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ A close friend of mine was an adoption counselor at @AnimalHaven in Manhattan and I had talked with her endlessly about what I was looking for and what I felt like I could handle. I was originally going to start looking for a bonded pair of senior cats. Then, one day in December 2017, I got a phone call in the middle of the work day from my friend. She told me she thought the perfect cat had come in, that I would absolutely love her and that she was so sure, she had placed the cat on a soft hold already.⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ I was hesitant. It was early, before I had officially planned to start looking. She was a young cat, only three years old at the time. But as soon as the first picture of her floofy coat and big blue eyes popped up in my messages, I had a feeling my friend was right. I went over to Animal Haven after work and ended up spending two hours lying on the floor in front of her crate, talking to her and petting her. It was really love at first sight and I took her home with me to Bushwick a few days later. In the beginning, I was insanely anxious. I was so worried I had bitten off more than I could chew; I was responsible for another living creature besides myself for the first time in my life. But once we started settling in together, it just felt right and I became a “pet person” faster than I ever expected.⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ Sage is truly the most loving, trusting, sweetest cat I have ever met, despite her frequently pretty grumpy looking, squished face. Having never owned a cat before, I didn't know how much love and joy she would bring into my life. Before I adopted her, I remember being worried about hair everywhere and thinking that I would never let a pet sleep in my bed with me. I’m a changed person." @olivvine⁠⠀

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3. High five

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These photos are from my shoot with @kittenxlady for Girls and Their Cats book. ⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ Did you know Hannah's cats are trained to give high fives? When I learned this, I knew I had to get a shot of it in the book. But I also knew it might be challenging to get the cats to "perform" if they didn't feel comfortable around me. ⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ Lucky for me, Coco and Eloise warmed up to me immediately, and it didn't take too many attempts to get the perfect shot. Swipe to see the cute outtakes!⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ Preorder Girls and Their Cats to see more photos from Hannah's shoot and to read her heartwarming story about Coco & Eloise. ⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ Preorder links in bio.⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ @chroniclebooks⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ #CatLadyRedefined ⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ ⁠⠀

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4. A little family

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"We’re a little family facing the big city together. They bring our lives so much joy and humor. Knowing that I get to come home to two cuddly, loving cats makes life easier. I was diagnosed with chronic depression and anxiety a few years ago. My cats force me to get out of bed and give me something to care for. In return, I have a soothing, purring cat curled up next to me. Ansel sometimes lays on my chest and it’s like medicine when I’m not feeling like myself. His physical weight, warmth, and energy comfort me. Taking them for walks in the stroller is an admittedly ridiculous thing and it makes me belly laugh the entire time. Both Ansel and Hunter have an intuition and soul in their eyes that makes it seem that they truly have empathy."⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ Karly Anderson is a Brooklyn based artist who primarily works in linoleum block print. She spends her free time outdoors, visiting galleries and museums, and enjoying vegan food.

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5. Coming out of the woodwork

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"Another joy of cat ownership is seeing currently petless friends come out of the woodwork as cat lovers. As it turns out, a lot of our friends as kids had house cats of their own, took care of a neighbor’s cat or befriended wandering outdoor kitties. They make special trips to our apartment to visit Maxine, bring her toys and treats, and hoist her up into their arms with enviable cat-confidence.⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ And two recent additions to the cat lover community? Our moms. Both have visited since Maxine’s arrival and find her a total cutie pie. My mom even stayed with us for a weekend, and now proudly describes herself as a cat Yia Yia – Greek for “grandmother.” @emmydavirro⁠ ⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ Emmy DaVirro works in creative advertising and enjoys collecting vintage furniture and trying out as many local ice creameries as possible. A native North Carolinian, she lives in the East Village with her husband, cat Maxine, and their growing plant collection.⁠⠀ ⁠

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6. Cute

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⁠"Last year, I decided Tom (and Amelia) deserved their own gallery wall, seeing as how I enjoy curating my own collection of second-hand and new art. Hung at cat-level are, so far, two works of art lovingly gifted by friend and fellow cat lady, Rose @catsinthewalls.⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ On Fridays, I work from home and he can be found during “office hours” cuddled up on my left arm, with his paws flopping onto the keyboard. My productivity level dramatically decreases, but he. is. worth. it.⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ He’s a heartbreaker. Tom has a little white patch on his black chest, giving him the look of wearing a little tuxedo. So handsome! He’s charmed so many of my friends.⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ A few years ago, Tom had a dental checkup only to learn he needed seven (!!) teeth pulled. One of which was his front fang. So now, when he yawns, instead of being ferocious he gives this adorable lop-sided look.⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ Tom is a talker. If you’re sitting in the living room and haven’t seen him for a while, you’ll hear a confused yowl. Yell “we’re in here, Tom!” and without fail he’ll trot in and rejoin the group.⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ He’s kind of a scaredy cat. Most surprisingly, he is terrified of string or ribbon or a feather on a stick. Try and he’ll just immediately go wide-eyed and run off.⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ He’s a fiend for catnip. Drop a bit on the rug and watch as he rolls and licks and loses his mind.⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ He’s a word-class relaxer. ⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ We have always had very specific nighttime sleeping arrangements in our house. First, it was Amelia up top near the pillow and Tom at your feet. Now that it’s Tom alone, he’s found a new favorite spot to curl up at night: the little nook created by my arm and my right hip. But he doesn’t just lay down, no: he places his two front paws up on my stomach and sits perched, eventually putting his head down and then melting into the bed." @crisapena⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ Cristiana Peña is a lover of architecture and history. Originally from South Dakota, she has been in New York City for 12 years and juggles a handful of projects, from community relations to digital media strategy and management on behalf of clients like @circahouses @nyclgbtsites @makinggayhistory @historicgreenwood and @bkbookfest.⁠⠀

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7. Evie

8. I’m a big fan of this group

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"After bringing Queso home, there was an adjustment period, but Salsa has mellowed out so much. She used to strike fear into the hearts of some friends when they would visit, but now she immediately jumps into people’s laps purring. ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ Salsa is the queen bee, she rules the house. She’s not a huge fan of crazy playful kittens, but you can always find her nearby keeping a watchful eye over them, making sure they don’t cause too much trouble. Sometimes I think she likes them more than she lets on.⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ Queso is the best uncle to all of the foster kittens. He’s a large intimidating cat, weighing in at 15 pounds, but he’s a gentle giant. He cleans, cuddles, and wrangles every litter of kittens for me. I feel totally comfortable leaving for work every day knowing that he will be there to take care of them for me while I’m gone. He’s such a kind cat, even the aloof Salsa likes him." @meowdevin⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ Devin Caskie is a foster mom with @catcafebk and a Senior Product Designer at CNN. Her interests include spending time with her cats and pet bugs, drumming, collecting antiques, being crafty, and all things spooky.⠀⠀

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9. Rescued

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"I have absolutely adored cats for as long as I can remember. I’m not sure where the infatuation started, but I definitely had an imaginary band when I was a kid called “The Egyptian Kitty Cat Sundaes.” My dream was to become a famous rock star and build a mansion filled with homeless cats. I’d welcome all my friends whose family wouldn’t allow cats to visit and pet them. This is still the dream though, but perhaps I missed the boat on becoming a famous rock star…⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ Years ago, I was battling terrible depression. PTSD from past trauma was taking a toll on me to a point where I lost all desire to live. In an effort to take back control of my life, I started fostering as therapy. I knew that when I was depressed, my cat Princess was the reason for living. She loved me and needed me. Fostering gave me a purpose I desperately needed, helping animals and my community. I knew that if I wasn’t there for them then no one would be there to feed them, give them their medicine, or take care of them, and I could never abandon a cat in need. After seeing how much rescuing animals helped me, I figured that for every cat I saved, another sad little girl like me would adopt one of my former fosters, who would give her a reason to live too. It sounds cheesy but I love the slogan “Who rescued who?” because I don’t believe I’ve rescued a single cat, they have all rescued me.⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ My absolute favorite part of fostering is getting to meet such a variety of personalities and watching the progress they make. I worked with a lot of young neonatal kittens that needed round-the-clock care, and feral kittens that required a lot of special one-on-one socializing. It’s incredibly exhausting work, repeatedly putting yourself out there to a scared cat who probably thinks you're trying to kill and eat them lashing back with a fury of howls and scratches. It takes a lot of persistence to keep working with them until they understand you're there to love and help them. I cannot think of a single thing more rewarding than cuddling with a happy, healthy cat who six weeks ago was on their death bed or in constant fear for their life." @babysarahrulz @catcafebk⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ #fosteringsaveslives #kittens

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10. Yam

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"I'm now four months into life with my cat, Yam, AKA my "orange live-in boyfriend" (thanks, Dad). ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ Where do I begin? I am obsessed with Yammy, Yamyam, Yammers, Yamburger, Yambaby. He has silky, ginger fur with soft, hieroglyphic-like patterns. His most distinctive feature is his tongue, which permanently sticks out. The animal shelter told me that this is because of an injury he suffered to his jaw, most likely the result of a car accident. Luckily, he’s in no pain, just requires a diet of wet food.⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ My new roommate is slightly cross-eyed, smaller and scrappier than he looks in photos. The shelter said he was 3 years old, but I suspect he's younger because of his big appetite and the way he springs onto every surface. ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ He is in turns loving and manipulative, sleepy and demanding, wobbly and gazelle-like. Every morning at 6, he head-butts me and runs his slobbery mouth against my chin, crying for breakfast, until I kick him out or give in. He’s the most effective alarm clock I’ve ever owned.⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ Yam spends his day finding new spaces to explore throughout the apartment. He stretches on top of the covered radiator by the window, crouches on top of my subwoofer, and climbs into the sink. Sometimes he sleeps inside a cardboard tent, in my laundry basket, or in a patch of sun, mouth wide open, kicking in his sleep. ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ A piece of spinach is easily Yam’s favorite toy over a laser pointer. He often jumps for the couch, misses, and keeps running. After he poops, he rockets across the apartment from end to end, yowling like a small spooked horse, then quiets down, curls up on my lap, purring, so I can give him a nose kiss and a belly rub while watching Netflix." @maliagriggs @doitfortheyam ⠀⠀

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11. Raymond

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"In 2003, shortly after I moved from Germany to Oregon to go to college, my roommates and I decided to get a cat together. We looked in the classifieds and saw that a cat lady had to give all of her cats away because her family was moving her into assisted living. When we got there, the cat lady’s son told us that he was going to drown any cats that would not be picked up. My three roommates and I were beside ourselves and yelled at him that he better take them to a no-kill shelter. We even offered to take the cats there ourselves. He was pretty shaken up and mumbled something about us not being able to take a joke. Clearly he was a garbage person. But, the good thing that happened was as soon as I set foot in that house, a tiny orange tabby kitten walked right up to me, meowed, and wanted to be pet. He was a tiny, tiny, tiny baby cat — his tail was as big as my little finger. I fell in love with him at first sight and also knew that we had to name him Raymond. My roommates loved Ray but it quickly became obvious that Ray had picked me as his person.⁣⠀ ⁣⠀ I’ve been told that orange tabby cats are the sweetest type of cat and Ray is living up to the myth. Raymond is the most people-loving and friendly cat I know—even dog-people love him, which I think says a lot. When new folks come into our house, he walks right up to them, says hi, gets some pets and then hangs out. He is a real friend and family member. We have gone through all of life’s ups and downs together and have moved more times than I can count, including cross-country from Oregon to New York. Ray has thyroid disease but he’s a trouper and thanks to good vets and meds we’ve been managing it for over 6 years." @theubc⁣ @subwaybookreview

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12. Animal lover

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"All my life I have been a huge animal lover. I grew up riding horses, having bunnies hop around my bedroom, parakeets singing in my living room, and dogs running around in my backyard. However, the one thing my family never had was a cat since my brother was highly allergic. I was always really bummed that we couldn’t adopt one because I was super intrigued with pictures of artists with their cats like Georgia O’Keefe, Frida Khalo, and Patti Smith. Their cats seemed to be their muse, inspiration, and best friend, and I so badly wanted one as my own. When I moved out to NYC for college and to pursue my artistic endeavors, I met my boyfriend who is also a huge animal lover. However, he grew up with only cats, so he really pushed me to adopt one and helped me find Buster.⁣⠀ ⁣⠀ Buster was an abused street cat that was picked up by someone and taken to the ACC and it was thought he wouldn’t be adopted because he was “too shy and scared.” Anjellicle Cats organization rescued him from the ACC and that is where I was first introduced to Buster. When I went to the shelter to meet him, it really felt like everything was so meant to be. When we were petting him, he wouldn’t stop purring and rubbing his head on us. The minute I took my hand away, he actually reached his paw out and placed it on my arm. I always heard that cats chose their owners, but I didn’t believe it till I saw it. I knew that we were meant to be no matter what. When Buster got to my house, he was very nervous and extremely scared, and immediately ran under the bed. I knew that it was going to take a lot of patience and time for him to feel safe and to come out of his shell." @claudiadockery⁣⠀ ⁣

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13. Allergic but in love

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"I’m allergic to cats but love how sassy and snuggly they are, kind of like me. Because of my allergies, I was woefully resigned to never having a kitten baby of my own, doomed to live the life of a cat auntie, and never a cat mom.⁣⠀ ⁣⠀ Then, a couple of years ago when I was living with my sister and another roommate in the same apartment I’m in now, we got rats. Not just casual rats in the walls—which the apartment still has today—but big ol’ subway-style rats that left droppings in the living room and chewed through oatmeal packets. Yeah, we called an exterminator, but the reality is the best way to scare rats away is to solicit the services of a guard-kitten. Within days of the rats’ appearance, my sister adopted two spotted calico sisters we named Oprah and Queen Latifah @queenandoprahthecats. They not only held down the fort, but also won our hearts with their relaxed but assertive demeanors, and sisterly bond.⁣⠀ ⁣⠀ My sister moved out about a year later and took Oprah and Queenie with her. (She didn’t move out because of any conflict between us. Actually, we wanted to try to have “boundaries,” which is pretty ironic considering how often she’s at my place.)⁣⠀ ⁣⠀ With the three sisters gone, I was faced with a pretty easy choice: Do I want uninvited pet rats, or do I want to add another cat to the family? A few days after Oprah and Queenie moved out, my new roommate and I were on the Brooklyn Animal Action site. We instantly fell in love with a tiny black cat with big eyes and a spunky personality who was found on her then foster family’s porch in a cardboard box. My roommate rushed to Brooklyn to adopt her. I wanted to name her Meowcus Garvey because she’s a feisty little black panther, but my roommate was justifiably opposed to naming black cats after Black people. (If you’re in the mood to feel unnerved, go on any cat adoption website and notice the number of black cats that white people name after Black people.) So, we agreed on Lumpy Space Princess after the Adventure Time character that has the same cute, cuddly, lumpy, powerful presence she does." @loveaprilkae

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14. OMG

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"As a child growing up, I never had the responsibility or companionship of pets (aside from fish, who I had to learn not to get emotionally attached to, due their short lifespan). So, providing much needed homes to these furry nuggets has been such a game changer. Not only have I learned to love more unconditionally and work on my patience – seriously though, how many plants can one cat knock down – but it’s also given me and my husband a way to strengthen our relationship by caring for Bubba and Jeff Goldblum together.”⠀@jennifhsieh ⠀ Jen Hsieh is a production manager who currently resides in Astoria, Queens with her two derpy fluff balls and her equally derpy husband.

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15. The trio

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"A friend that flew in to NY brought Bobby with her and when I returned to PR in November to move out of my former flat I took Richie with me. All the stress and change wreaked urinary havoc on Richie, and Bobby had to pay a visit to the hospital in December. But now they are happy go lucky cats with a few glitches. ⠀ ⠀ Since Millo just turned 16 (he´s a Leo) I prefer that he stay home instead of traveling so he can enjoy the kitty pleasures of having a routine. My favorite routine is bedtime. I had to train them to sleep with me at night because I could not have them run around at night with Airbnb guests over. Therefore, they learned that after dinnertime and playtime comes bedtime. I prop my legs against the wall to read and they settle down around me, then I usher them into their beds." @ileanylan⠀ ⠀ Ilean is a writer and project manager deluxe from Puerto Rico that calls Brooklyn home. She is working on a magazine called Tres Gatos and beginning a T/N/R program for community cats in Santurce, Puerto Rico. ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #puertorico #hurricanemaria #catlady #girlsandtheircats⠀

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A Beagle-Shaped Airbnb Gives ‘Dog-Friendly Travel’ a Whole New Meaning

Do you have a pooch Need a hotel? Man, have we got the perfect Airbnb for you!

There is a beagle-shaped house in Cottonwood, Idaho, available on Airbnb for $132 per night. The house was built by Dennis Sullivan and Frances Conklin, artists who live in another (regular-shaped) house on the property. They started by building a 12-foot beagle named Toby in the late 1990s. It became so popular that they built a 30-foot tall beagle named Sweet Willy to use as a guest house, and that drew enough attention that they decided to rent it out to the public.

“Toby got some attention, but Sweet Willy put us into the stratosphere,” Frances told Roadside America.

The house has two bedrooms: one in the beagle’s belly and a loft in the head. The bathroom is located on the dog’s behind, of course. Nearby, there’s a giant fire hydrant to go with the giant beagle, and the property also features a visitor’s center and gift shop. Dennis and Frances live up the hill, and, since the house doesn’t have a kitchen, the couple prepare light breakfast foods for guests. There are also dog-themed books, games and puzzles for the truly dog-obsessed.

The Airbnb is, of course, dog-friendly, as long as canine guests are “responsible” and get along with the couple’s own dog — who is, shockingly, not a beagle, but a canine retriever.

Ready to book?! Sadly, so is everyone else. The Airbnb is completely filled until April 2020. But with endless 5-star reviews, it appears to be worth the wait.

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These 13 Pets Really Don’t Want Their Owners to Ever Leave

You know how your dog or cat’s anxiety can begin the moment they see you drag out your suitcase. They might even try to sit in your suitcase, thinking that you’ll be forced to stay home, or maybe you won’t notice and you’ll just pack around them.

Whatever the reason, these 13 pets are definitely not letting their human go without a fight.

13. Thou shall not pass.

My cat’s new solution to keep me from leaving from aww

12. Okay so you’re mad but at least you’re home!

I tried to leave early for work this morning but Mulder had other ideas… from aww

11. You’d better stay home. I mean, what choice do you have?

My dog wedges his snout between the door when I leave for work so I can’t close it. One time he went the extra mile. from aww

10. Now, hold that pose…

Leaving Bentley is the hardest part of the day from aww

9. You think you’re the only one who can ride this bike, human?

This is how Merlin attempts to prevent my brother from leaving his apartment. from aww

8. This is the best reason to snooze an alarm I’ve ever heard of.

My cat learned that the alarm sound means I wake up, and she snuggles on my chest right after. I’ve been setting my alarm 30 minutes early every day to give her more happy time. from aww

7. That face.

You weren’t planning on leaving the house today, were you? from aww

6. He fits! See?

She thought we were leaving without her from aww

5. Someone’s been watching Puss in Boots.

Every time I leave for work she does this, it’s not fair from aww

4. My heart.

My dog whenever she realizes we are leaving the house from aww

3. He will not be moved.

My dog is smart enough to understand that packing = people leaving bc of how often my parents go on trips. They’re taking him to the beach this week but when he saw them packing he ran out to the back of the car and sat there so they can’t leave without him ? he’s been there for about 40 minutes from aww

2. There’s nothing you can do. Nope.

He cries everyday I leave for work. Today he’s decided he’s coming with me. from aww

1. Let’s see how far you get without these, hmm?

We don’t deserve pets. They’re too pure.

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Are Dogs Colorblind? Here’s the Science Behind What Dogs Can See

A lot of us have been taught that dogs, our four-legged friends, can only see the world in black and white. That they will never be able to see the beautiful colors that exist around us. It’s honestly sad to consider.

But is this true? Or is it just a thing people told their children?

Photo Credit: Pexels, Lum3n.com

Not exactly true, as it turns out.

The myth originated in 1937, per the American Kennel Club:

“It’s likely that all the external world appears to them as varying highlights of black and gray,” Rudy wrote in his 1937 manual, Training the Dog.

The phrase that catches my eye is: “It’s likely…” Okay, so there is some doubt expressed, but let’s dig deeper. The AKC also talks about a 1960 finding that may have supported Rudy’s claim:

“In the 1960s, other researchers hypothesized that the only mammals that can discern color are primates. There was little research to back up this assertion, especially in dogs; nevertheless, it soon became common knowledge that our canine pals are color blind.”

Again there is some doubt: “There was little research to back up this assertion…”

Can Dogs See Color?

The short answer is yes. Sort of.

Dr. Zay Satchu, a Chief Veterinary Officer of Bond Vet, talked with Reader’s digest:

“Yes! Dogs can see color. Both humans and animals have different types of cells in the back of our eyeballs—called rods and cones—that help us see. Rods detect motion and help with nighttime vision, and cones help with color and detail in what we see. Humans have three kinds of cones, meaning we see color and detail very well, while dogs have two kinds, meaning they can still pick up on colors, but probably can’t differentiate between forest and lime green as easily.”

But don’t go getting rid of Fido’s yellow tennis balls just yet! Dogs may not have the spectrum of color like us humans, but they can discern between certain ones.

What Colors Are Visible to Dogs?

Photo Credit: Pexels, Skitterphoto

“Most dogs can’t see much of red or green at all,” says Dr. Satchu. “The other ‘color’ that exists that humans can’t see but dogs can is ultraviolet, meaning ‘beyond violet.’ We’re still evaluating the true purpose of this vision, but we think it has to do with the ability to pick up on the kinds of substances that contain ultraviolet light, like urine and blood, that help with tracking out in the wild.”

He also says that blues and yellows are the showrunners in the rainbow that our canine friends see. Hence, the delight with the yellow tennis balls. Also, how interesting is it that a doggos’ vision goes beyond humans’!

So are you wondering why dog toys are brightly shaded in oranges, purples, and other colors? Well, here’s my take: The toys are eye-catching for humans, not pups. When we stroll down the pet aisle the manufacturers know who they’re selling too.

But as long at those toys make your dog happy, all’s well in dogland.

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A Texas Movie Theater Lets You Bring Your Dog and the Ticket Includes Bottomless Wine

This is what I’m talking about! And I have a feeling I’m not alone.

In fact, I’m willing to bet that armies of millions are lined up behind me in their overwhelming excitement about this news: there’ is now a movie theater where $15 buys you a ticket to the show and you can bring your dog with you. Oh, and you get unlimited wine or four whiskeys with that ticket.


K9 Cinemas in Plano, Texas, is the name of the joint, and it opened in late 2018. There are only three rules people need to follow at the cinema: no more than two dogs per person (it costs $5 to bring an extra pup), you need to bring valid papers from your dog’s vet the first time you visit, and you need to clean up after your best friend. Also, you can buy snacks for yourself (obviously) and treats for your furry friend, too.

Eric Lankford, who founded K9 Cinemas, said, “I can’t believe we are breaking ground with a new niche nobody has done before — dogs and movies! We are excited to spread the smiles across your whole families faces, furry included, at a K9C near you coming soon!”

Lankford said about the business and beloved dog, Bear:

“Little did Bear and I know we would soon be published in every major publication you can name both nationally and worldwide. Turns out when you start a passion project with a decade of experience building businesses and turn that experience on to something you sincerely love, something special happens. I simply want to make other people as happy as Bear makes me. When our customers come through our doors it’s nothing but smiles and laughter.”

The theater doesn’t show first-run films yet, but instead screens one-off movies and hosts theme nights. And, of course, you better believe the theater has hosted Game of Thrones viewing parties.

Genius idea! I smell a franchise brewing…

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