Does Anyone Really Buy These Fake Moments in Movies?

I really love movies, but I find myself rolling my eyes at least a few times when I’m watching anything that was made in Hollywood.

A lot of the plot points are absurdly unrealistic.

Despite being so hard to believe and physically impossible, a lot of these incorrect cliches appear over and over again in the movies.

Here are 18 people who also call B.S. on these false cliches in movies.

1. Are movie couches made of bulletproof vests?

Are people shooting at you?

Take cover behind… anything!

Car doors, drywall, couches, tables, cardboard boxes, it doesn’t matter!

EVERYTHING is bulletproof!

2. What cashier can afford THAT apartment?

The fresh out of college student scoring a great apartment in a swanky part of town while working minimum wage job for themselves.

In reality, you’d have 4 roommates for such a place, or you’re living in a dump in a bad part of town.

3. Does anyone buy this?

That everyone in a Tom Cruise movie is the same height or shorter than him…

4. Who else yells at the screen?

Whenever some idiot is running on foot while being chased by a car that’s trying to run them down, they without fail ALWAYS run straight down the middle of the street.

All they have to do is simply run off to the side where there’s trees and lamp-posts and plenty of other sh*t to block them from getting hit.

In that case, I always root for whoever’s driving.

5. I get blisters looking at pics of the sun.

Fire, Lava, etc. has no heat- people can be suspended over a volcano.

Or in the case of The Hobbit, SURF ON MOLTEN METAL and no one gets so much as a blister.

6. Martyrs

The member of the group that sacrifices themselves for no reason.

7. My ventriloquist skills could come in handy

Acting like an easily removable piece of duct tape silences someone.

8. Those hackers have some kind of superpower

Hackers in movies:

*enters a few keystrokes*

“I’m in!”

9. Why does stalking = life partner? Ugh

Guys who get rejected and then stalk the girl and win her over at the end of the movie.

10. I mean, I’m not a doctor, but…

Drowning revivals.

Victim is pulled, blue, from the water.

Couple of chest compressions, hero through gritted teeth says “don’t you die on me goddammit”,

Small arc of water shoots from the mouth of the victim as they cough twice and immediately regain consciousness, sit up and ask what happened.


11. Movie characters have no manners.

No one ever says goodbye on the phone.

12. Maybe some movie viewers have a slurping fetish, Karen!

When a character gets a full cup of a drink with a straw and they sip and it makes a slurping noise.

Drinking through a straw doesn’t make a slurping sound until the near end of the drink.

13. If I got shot in the leg I’d be crying and asking to be carried!

When getting shot, stabbed, bones broken and beaten seems to have no physical detriment on a character.

Get shot in the leg? Still able to run.

Stabbed in the back? Still able to finish a fight.


14. I never trust anyone who leaves without finishing their pizza!

People order food or drink in a restaurant, get the food, never touch it and decide it’s time to go.

15. For me it’s like two minutes.

Standing under the shower head when you turn on the shower.

Dat sh*t way too cold.

16. If I didn’t restrain my cowlick it would land on my eyeball!

Women in action movies/sequences always wearing their hair down.

Trust me: if there is any running, jumping, climbing trees, we’re putting that sh*t up in a ponytail.

17. Nobody at school never noticed my late ’90s sparkly frosted eye shadow

Nerdy girl starts wearing makeup EVERYONE notices it the next day.

18. Well, it gives me time to make popcorn before I come back

The last 30 seconds on the bomb timer lasts 5 minutes or more.

It’s good to know that a lot of people who watch movies have enough common sense to know this stuff is ridiculous, but at least it’s entertaining!

What fake movie moments drive you up the wall? Leave us a comment!

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People Discuss the One Thing Movies Do That Drives Them Nuts

All of us have our quirks. Our pet peeves. The things that get under our skin – and often, those are also things that other people don’t even notice.

So, there’s a chance that what bugs these 18 people when they see it done in a movie won’t even register as annoying to you, but still….maybe they will.

Let’s take a look!

18. Much easier to win that way.

Fight scenes with multiple attackers.

They’re all so polite, waiting for their friends to get their ass kicked before engaging.

In reality you get jumped by everyone at the same time.

17. You’re going to be hungry later!

When people order food in a restaurant and then leave before it arrives.

At least get it to go.

16. The apple. Ha!

College professor here. Pet peeves about how college is depicted:

Every class is in a medieval European-style amphitheater classroom

Professors are all living in giant 6,000 sq ft houses, even if they teach literature or sociology

Professors only address students by their last names, and all students call professors “sir”

Students or professors strolling down the quad with a leather courier bag worth a month’s pay, for some reason always eating an apple


15. Got off lucky.

In fires nobody dies of smoke inhalation.

They’ll be in there for ages, merrily chatting away, coughing, miraculous escape (lifting a burning beam out the way maybe), they get outside and are fine!

Maybe a smudge of soot on the face and a cough then on their merry way.

14. Do not try this at home.

Someone being hit in the head, loses consciousness, and two minutes later getting up as if nothing happened.

13. Don’t we all have bulletproof couches?

Good guy jumps behind some furniture and the bad guys unloads 1000 rounds into it and none of them go through.

What the fuck is that couch made of!?

12. I really don’t think it’s that easy. Thank goodness.

Snapping peoples necks with a quick twisting motion at the jaw.

11. Those guys need better training!

10 trained soldiers with automatic weapons, a couple of snipers and a helicopter gunship are all shooting at the fleeing heroes.

The only thing they manage to hit is the ground just behind their feet.

10. You won’t find me in an air duct.

Gunfire indoors or inside cars and everyone can hear fine afterwards

Big explosions that throw people around but have no shrapnel

Windows that can be jumped through without shredding your skin

People traversing through air ducts

9. I don’t think so.

“I’ve got a plan”

“Great. What is it?”

“No time. Just trust me.”

8. No pancake left behind.

Big breakfasts that no one eats because the characters are in a hurry and running out the door.

Me personally, I’ll be late to whatever for some pancakes/waffles.

7. Tell the story in case you’re about to die.

A: “I have something important to tell you. It’s about the Jones case.”

B: “What’s up? What’d you find?”

A: “Can’t talk now. Meet me tomorrow at 9.”

B: “A! Tell me what’s going on!”

A: “No, not now. Tomorrow at 9.”

A is found murdered the next morning, B is haunted by conversation. Sets off on worldwide mission to solve the murder and uncover the cover-up.

6. There are no other tools.

I think Hollywood only has two sound effects for mechanics shops.

Air impact guns buzzing like a nascar pit stop and some hand ratchets clicking.

In Hollywood you could get a scene of someone working on the international space station and the back ground noise would be a nascar pit stop air gun.

5. Yeah that’s not a thing.

Doctors doing everything in medical settings. Scanning the patient, setting up IV’s, interpreting brain MRI’s.

Nurses who?

Radiographers what?

4. It’s really setting the rest of us up to feel like failures.

Clean houses where there are 3 to 4 chaotic children.

Living spaces in tv and movies are always spotless. That is, unless there’s a plot- or character-specific reason why it’s not.

And they’re usually decorated very well no matter how poor they are.

3. Wild how that happens.

Action movies where the good guy’s car gets rammed or gets in bad wreck and it’s still drivable and the airbag doesn’t deploy.

2. Nerds can’t do that.

Cop looking at blurry CCTV image

Cop: “Can you clean up the image?”

Nerd: “Sure, computer enhance sector theta 6”

crystal clear image appears on screen

Cop: “Oh my god”

1. Are you sure you just don’t have the right guns.

you don’t have unlimited ammo.

Someone must’ve turned on sv_cheats and forgot to turn it off

Some of these I definitely get! Different strokes for different folks.

What would you add to this list? Tell us in the comments!

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Hate Listening to People Chew? You May Have a Medical Condition Called “Misophonia”

One of life’s great annoyances is being in the presence of a loud chewer. Someone just sitting there, the sound of their mastication steadily growing in your mind until it becomes almost earsplitting.

If you feel that way about pretty much everyone’s chewing noises, to the point of having emotional reactions to them, you may have a condition is called “misophonia.”

One 18-year-old girl, Ellie Rapp of Pittsburgh, has been aware of having misophonia since middle school. But she’d been dealing with the condition since she was a toddler. When Ellie hears her family chewing their food at dinner, her “heart starts to pound.”

“I go one of two ways. I either start to cry or I just get really intensely angry. It’s really intense. I mean, it’s as if you’re going to die,” she told NPR.

Photo Credit: iStock

Ellie’s mom, Kathy, spent years trying to figure out how to handle Ellie’s reaction to sounds. She found an article online about misophonia.

“And I read it and I said, ‘This is what I have. This is it,’” Ellie said.

Misophonia is not just a reaction to chewing. It also happens in response to other ordinary sounds that other people make, like clearing their throat or clicking their pen. Mouth stuff is a very common trigger.

Photo Credit: iStock

Misophonia is basically the extreme version of what many people experience – an aversion to other people’s random noises. But it can be difficult to cope with, and there’s still a lot of work to be done in recognizing and treating the condition. It’s not listed in the DSM-5, and many doctors have never heard of it.

“It sounds bizarre, but it’s very real,” Kathy said.

And it honestly sounds terrible.

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People Share Their Biggest Pet Peeves and We Can All Relate

We all have our pet peeves. I know I certainly do. Some of the things I’m petty about are, admittedly, pretty stupid – like my hatred of large tablespoons. I hate the way they feel in my mouth. I’m #TeamSmallerSpoons all day.

With that in mind, let’s have a look at the seemingly inconsequential things that really annoy the hell out of other people, shall we?

This tweet got the ball rolling:

Photo Credit: Twitter

1. What even is that

Photo Credit: Twitter


Photo Credit: Twitter

3. Sidewalk hogs

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. Drives me nuts

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. Doesn’t work like that

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. Relax, buddy

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. Grammar patrol

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. What would the south think?

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. That’s what it means

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. The least you could do

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. STOP

Photo Credit: Twitter

12. Mobile etiquette

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. Yeah, so anyway…

Photo Credit: Twitter


Photo Credit: Twitter

15. Just wrong

Photo Credit: Twitter

16. *Rips hair out*

Photo Credit: Twitter

17. Hmmmm

Photo Credit: Twitter

18. Oh lord, yes

Photo Credit: Twitter

19. Please clear. PLEASE.

Photo Credit: Twitter

20. Don’t get her started

Photo Credit: Twitter

I don’t know about you, but I see myself in some of these tweets.

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15 People Reveal the Piece of Conventional Wisdom They Think Is Total Crap

My personal pet peeve is the saying that “In the end it will be okay – if it’s not okay, it’s not the end,” largely because it’s total crap. But there are plenty of pieces of wisdom or common sayings that drive people mad.

Here are 15 people who shared the ones they think are complete baloney.

#15. Outdated advice.

“Starve a fever.

You need energy to power your immune response, don’t rely on 14 century medicinal advice.”

#14. Incorrect.

“There’s no such thing as bad publicity.”

Yes, there is. The notion that there isn’t is just a self-serving publicists’ lie; a way of saying that everything can be spun if you just hire the right publicist. But it’s just not true. Bad publicity can wreck careers, tank companies, cause bank runs, prompt suicides and murders.

No publicist in the world is going to get Harvey Weinstein’s career back on track; Theranos will never recover from Carreyrou’s pieces in the Wall Street Journal.

I think most people know that it’s not really true, but for some reason I keep hearing it said as though it were genuinely an axiomatic truth—as though being universally loathed were genuinely better than being unknown.”

#13. Not a good piece of advice.

“Live every day like it is your last one.” That is just not a good piece of advice”

#12. How many times.

“listen to your heart.”

No no no. Think things through rationally and do the right thing no matter how you ‘feel’. You know how many times I’ve had to get up to go to work or go for a run when my heart was telling me to go back to bed or eat chocolate in front of the TV?”

#11. Sometimes.

“‘Violence never solves/solved anything.’

Yeah, tell that to history.

Sometimes, a good swift ass-kicking is the only response on the table.”

#10. Do what you love.

“Do what you love, and the money will follow.” This is not true most of the time.”

#9. Not anymore.

“He only picks on you, because he likes you.”

#8. How about that?

“Finish your plate”. How about “stop eating when you’re full”.”

#7. Go get it.

“Good things come to those who wait.”

Bullsh*t, go get it.”

#6. The universe conspires.

“Everything happens for a reason. Well technically it does but that reason could be chance, mistake etc. Sometimes the universe conspires to collectively fuck you.”

#5. Idiocy.

“Most of the bullshit that comes from advice on dealing with ‘bullies’ at school.

Usually from people that clearly have never had to deal with bullying in any form. Some of the ridiculous ones I’ve seen have been along the lines of “Laugh with your bully, they’ll have no reason to bully you and leave you alone!”


#4. No means no.

“Don’t take no for an answer.”

#3. Except when you’re tired.

“Never go to bed angry.” Not all problems can be solved before bedtime and you aren’t required to accept someone’s b.s. because it’s bedtime.”

#2. Pyramid scheme.

“The US food pyramid.”

#1. Ok, so no.

“ignore the bully”

Ok, so no.

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