Is there anyone who doesn’t find penguins fascinating? One of the most well-known features about penguins is their hilarious waddles, cute appearance, and entertaining behaviors. But behind this cute image, there is a lot of interesting information about these birds that show their history, evolution, and surprising quirkiness. The following are some amazing penguin facts … Continue reading 7 Unusual Penguin Facts: What Makes These Birds So Fascinating
People Break Down The Most Random Animal Facts They Know
Did you know that the blue-and-yellow macaw can live between 65 and 70 years? To put it simply: it will likely outlive a bunch of you (including me). It can also talk and bond very closely with humans.
It’s a pretty striking and fascinating animal. They’re also pretty readily available. I ran into a woman in the park the other day who had one perched on her shoulder!
But guess what? That’s just one of the multitudes of animals on this planet, and each one is cooler than the last.
That’s what we were so kindly reminded about after Redditor SerialNarcissist asked the online community:
“What random animal fact should everyone know?”
“If you’re camping…”
“If you’re camping and you hear an animal moving around, it’s probably a skunk or a beaver or a porcupine. Bears, moose, and other large animals are surprisingly sneaky.” ~ TypicalCricket
“The ones who don’t make it…”
“A Tasmanian Devil gives birth to dozens of babies, however, the mother only has four nipples. So it’s a race for those babies to reach one of them. The ones who don’t make it are then eaten by the mother.” ~ downvotecitybitch
“Dragonfly nymphs…”
“Dragonfly nymphs are aquatic and can launch their lower jaw like a grappling hook. They use this for hunting other pond-dwelling creatures before they leave the water. Probably the most badass thing in nature for a set of wings.
“That said they have a ridiculous hunt success rate, somewhere above 90%, so you best watch out if you’re a fly just enjoying your day.” ~ TheMadMellom
“You can tell which one…”
“Elephants can be left tusked or right tusked, similar to how humans are right or left-handed. You can tell which one an elephant is by the shorter tusk, if it’s a short right tusk then they’re right tusked and vice versa.” ~ CubsFan30
“A drone bee dies…”
“A drone bee dies immediately after mating with a queen due to powerful ejaculation, causing his penis to eject from his abdomen. He dies having the best orgasm of his life.” ~ insideoutcollar
“If a male clownfish loses his partner…”
“If a male clownfish loses his partner, he will develop female reproductive parts and mate with his male offspring.” ~ [deleted]
“An owl’s eyes…”
“An owl’s eyes are so large that they are immobile, they never develop any muscles for moving their eyes inside their sockets. Instead, they move their entire head.” ~ i-throw-socks-at-a-cat
“Penguins have a gland…”
“Penguins have a gland behind their eye that converts salt water into freshwater.” ~ Ozymandias200
“Leave them alone.”
“A moose will kill you. Like… Leave it alone.”
“It will gore you. It will kick you. It will headbutt you until you’re just a shredded corpse hanging from its antlers.”
“It will kill you in your car. It will kill you in a forest. It will kill you in a swamp.”
“You can’t just run one over with your car if it’s on the road. You can’t run away once it’s spotted you.”
“They are not nice, calm, or gentle creatures. They are massive, terrifying beasts. Leave them alone.” ~ [deleted]
“If you get bitten by a cat…”
“Cat bites are way more dangerous than most people think. A cat bite might not look like much from the outside, but their long, pointy teeth penetrate deep and are much more likely to cause an infection than a dog bite.”
“If you get bitten by a cat (like when trying to pet their tummy), always disinfect the wound, even if it doesn’t look bad.” ~ WarKiel
“They are part of a group of birds…”
“European magpies are the only non-mammal species able to recognize themselves in a mirror test.”
“They are part of a group of birds called Corvids which is basically the crow family, birds such as crows, ravens, rooks, magpies, jays, and jackdaws. Corvids are the most intelligent of all the birds and some of the most intelligent animals on earth.”
“Studies are revealing more and more about this amazing group of birds and their cognitive power easily rivals apes and monkeys –– if not surpasses them. Go check out some documentaries or read up on them… it’s fascinating!” ~ Spawkee
“Orcas hunt out of boredom…”
“Orcas hunt out of boredom and will often toss the dead body of a seal around as if it was just a ball.” ~ IDAbaffal
“Some species of shark…”
“Some species of shark, like the grey nurse shark, eat their siblings (or the egg cells that would have become their siblings) while still in the uterus, meaning they become cannibals before they’re even born.” ~ Poorly-Drawn-Beagle
“They don’t even have feet…”
“Maggots can climb walls. Those don’t even have feet but god damn they hustle around the room.” ~ iremovebrains
“Call ducks were bred…”
“Call ducks were bred to aid their owners in hunting. They make loud noises to lure predators.”
“They’re cheeky, scared cutie-pies. They waggle their tail when they’re happy. They have oil from their butt which they use to clean themselves and keep themselves dry.”
“In some areas, it is illegal to own only one call duck because they’re a very social bird. They’re the cutest pets with personalities of their own.” ~ cteduck
“They are fertile only…”
“Female pandas ovulate only once a year. They are fertile only two or three days of the year.” ~ awesomecutepandas
“CATS DO NOT DRINK ENOUGH WATER!!! Generally, cats don’t drink enough water to keep themselves properly hydrated.”
“In addition to the fact that their tongues aren’t designed to scoop water like dog tongues, it’s also possible for them to feel too anxious to drink from their bowl.”
“Cats in the wild derive most of their water intake from the moisture in their food. If all you feed is kibble, your cat is in a perpetual state of dehydration, which can lead to an overwhelming amount of health issues for them.” ~ OhBee86
How many of these awesome animal facts did you know?
All of them?
None of them?
Few of them?
The world is a fascinating place, isn’t it? We truly take it for granted.
We should probably stop that, especially if we want others to enjoy the wonders of the animal kingdom for years to come.
In the Falklands, an abandoned minefield…
In the Falklands, an abandoned minefield has accidentally become a penguin sanctuary. The mines were set in the Falklands conflict and have remained there since, keeping humans away. The local Magellanic penguins are too small to set them off and have thrived in the area.
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Penguins Roamed Around an Empty Art Museum While We Were in Lockdown
What do you do when you’re a penguin and you have nothing to do because all of the humans that usually come see you are in lockdown?
Why, take a trip to the art museum, of course! Because there are no people there either!
Hey, birds need a little art and culture every once in a while, too. These penguins from the Kansas City Zoo took a little field trip to the nearby Nelson-Atkins Museum.
You can see how much they thoroughly appreciated the fine art exhibits in the video below:
These cute little tuxedo guys are Humboldt penguins, and their names are Bubbles, Maggie and Berkley.
“Humboldt penguins in human care can live well into their thirties. In the wild, Humboldt penguins are facing habitat loss and suffering from overfishing which depletes their food sources,” a Kansas City Zoo spokesperson said. “Unfortunately, our penguins can’t speak for themselves, but we think they found the experience at the museum very enriching!”
After the penguins went back home to the zoo, museum staffers got curious and went looking for any penguin-themed art in the museum’s collection.
They found at least one painting they could have shown the little birds, but somehow I doubt the penguins would have recognized their feathered brethren in this dark painting.
After our little visitors from the Kansas City Zoo, we thought we'd uncover whether we have any penguin-related art in…
Posted by The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art on Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Art and penguins really seem to be the perfect match. Although someone at the art museum did probably have to clean up a few “messes” here and there after the visit. Oh well — no pain, no gain.
What’s your favorite zoo animal?
Let us know in the comments!
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An Aquarium’s Naughty Penguin of the Month Award Winners Have Committed Some Hilarious Crimes
These penguins are definitely up to no good.
The National Aquarium of New Zealand has taken drastic measures in an attempt to get their penguin population to shape up – they’ve started a running list of the naughtiest penguins of the bunch and post them on Facebook.
No public shaming would be complete without a list of crimes, but let’s face it – telling the world that the water birds are pushing each other from the pier, stealing food, or just bugging the crap out of each other isn’t going to improve their behavior.
Honestly though…do you really want it to?
Below are 10 of my favorite penguins, so bad they’re actually the best.
10. Don’t get in the way of a hungry lady!
It's a mother/daughter duo this month!Good Penguin of the Month – PepperShe's…
Posted by National Aquarium of New Zealand on Wednesday, February 6, 2019
9. He’s definitely not winning boyfriend of the month, either.
GOOD PENGUIN: DoraDora was such a trooper at our regular health checks this month. She waddled straight over to the…
Posted by National Aquarium of New Zealand on Wednesday, August 7, 2019
8. I mean he was fine.
Here we go *Penguin of the Month*Naughty Penguin – Flip abandoned her boyfriend and their baby for an entire week!!!!!Good Penguin – Mr Mac ate during a public encounter ( normally snobs them)
Posted by National Aquarium of New Zealand on Tuesday, January 8, 2019
7. I mean maybe he’s just trying to keep everyone on their toes?
Good Penguin: ELMOElmo, our oldest resident, has been waddling out of her burrow to eat….
Posted by National Aquarium of New Zealand on Sunday, July 7, 2019
6. There’s nothing to be ashamed of, Mo.
Here we go everybody our Naughty and Good Penguins for the month of December!Naughty Penguin- Mo… for hiding in the…
Posted by National Aquarium of New Zealand on Wednesday, December 12, 2018
7. Okay so Mo might be my Patronus.
Penguin of the Month – June 2019
NAUGHTY – MoMo has been a lay-about over the last few weeks! Has sleep ins, and…
Posted by National Aquarium of New Zealand on Sunday, June 9, 2019
4. Apparently no one likes getting weighed.
“This is it” You have all been waiting for the penguin update!Naughty Penguin Flip… managed to evade the keepers on…
Posted by National Aquarium of New Zealand on Monday, July 2, 2018
3. He’s just having a bit of harmless fun.
Penguin of the Month – May 2019
NAUGHTY – DaveDave just can’t get it together and stay off the naughty list! We…
Posted by National Aquarium of New Zealand on Sunday, May 5, 2019
2. Dave again!
NAUGHTY (kind of!): Because Dave has been partially hand raised,…
Posted by National Aquarium of New Zealand on Tuesday, March 5, 2019
1. Variety is the spice of life.
NAUGHTY – Martin Martin is new to our Penguin Cove (rescued after a predator…
Posted by National Aquarium of New Zealand on Wednesday, April 3, 2019
Just more proof that the penguins are the best animal in the zoo.
Or anywhere, really.
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Remains of a human-sized penguin…
Remains of a human-sized penguin have been discovered in New Zealand. The penguin was more than 5 feet tall and weighed more than 170 pounds.
These Penguins Disobeyed Police and Returned to Invade a Sushi Shop Twice
I don’t know about you, but I LOVE THIS STORY.
Meet the cutest criminals in perhaps the whole world.
Two penguins in New Zealand disobeyed police and hid under a sushi stand.
On the one hand, penguins have NO business being in or near a sushi shop. But on the other hand, penguins mainly eat fish, so…
You can see how they’d be tempted.
The little blue penguins hid underneath a sushi stand, Sushi Bi, across from a railway station in Wellington. Police “temporarily detained” the pair before releasing them back into Wellington Harbor, according to Radio New Zealand.
These little blue penguins had to be removed from under a sushi store near the Wgtn railway station, not once – but twice.
The two little kororā showed a complete disregard for police authority after being removed from under a food truck, and returning later in the
— First Up (@FirstUpRNZ) July 15, 2019
These birds seemingly have no respect for police authority! Even though they’d been returned to the harbor, they snuck across busy lanes of traffic to get from the station to the sushi bar a second time. At that point, the Department of Conservation was called to remove them.
You know – escalate to a higher authority.
These penguins are apparently common in Wellington Harbor, and at this time of year, they pair up and look for a spot to lay their eggs.
These two penguins just happened to choose the sushi shop, which is a first. They’ll likely try to attempt to return to the same site to nest over and over again, despite the every attempt to remove them.
It's a good sign that the sushi is fresh, what better indorsement than Penguin approved !
— Father Edward (@fatheredward46) July 15, 2019
“It’s a natural characteristic of the penguins – they will always return to where they possibly were nesting,” explained Mike Rumble, a volunteer with the DOC.
Jack Mace of the DOC says that people should keep their distance from the penguins because they can bite. They are cute, but not harmless.
If anyone wants to start a petition to let the penguins nest under the sushi shop, though, I’ll definitely sign it!
The post These Penguins Disobeyed Police and Returned to Invade a Sushi Shop Twice appeared first on UberFacts.
Four years ago a 71 year old man cared for and nursed…
Four years ago a 71 year old man cared for and nursed a beached penguin back to health and now the bird consistently travels 2,000+ miles every few months to revisit his caregiver.
Seals have been known to have sex…
Seals have been known to have sex with penguins.
In order to discover that penguins sleep more deeply…
In order to discover that penguins sleep more deeply in the afternoon, scientists crept up on sleeping king penguins at different times of the day and poked them with a stick until they woke up. It took around nine pokes to rouse a bird from an afternoon nap – five to wake one sleeping in the morning.