People Break Down The Most Savage Backhanded Compliments They’ve Ever Heard

We are, to our knowledge, the only species on earth that uses complex language and as such the only species on the planet that uses insults.

Can’t really go around just insulting everyone who gets on our nerves though, so we developed a work-around that saves face while also taunting someone else.

According to people have been using backhanded (or left-handed) compliments since the late 1800’s.

Good to know we’re a consistent species.

Some people just want to use a compliment to get past the defenses we naturally erect around ourselves. Others just want to be mean.

Of course, not every suspect compliment comes from a negative place—often it’s just a matter of poor word choice or bad timing.

Complimenting someone’s hair just after they failed to get it the way they wanted it can hit a bad nerve real fast. No, we don’t speak from experience, why would you think that?

There are times, though, when a compliment working double-duty as an insult is the only way to get someone’s attention—to call attention to poor behavior for example.

Redditor cybersans wanted to see the best ones, so he asked Reddit:

“What’s a compliment but an insult at the same time?”

Age comes for us all?

“You must have been beautiful when you were young” ~905marianne

“You look good for your age.” ~ superspud0408

Judging people by their looks is always complimentary, right?

“You’re actually not as dumb as you might appear” ~ TrumpHairedHarambe

“You’re beautiful in your own way.” ~ CIoud_Wolf

“You’re much prettier in person.” ~ plutoforprez


“You move well for someone of your size. ~ ReesieVA

“You don’t sweat much for a fat lass.” ~ Novack_and_good


“Wow you’re so brave going out in public like that! I would’t be able to do that if Iooked like that, I am not strong like you!” ~ oursider

Not wrong.

“You clearly don’t care about what the haters say” ~ Helpful-Meringue-735

“A girl I used to work with looked at me one day and said, ‘I love how you’re not embarrassed by your laugh’.” ~ Redditor

Timing is everything.

“This happened to me! I’m very slim.”

“One day I was about to hook up with a guy and we were getting undressed when he started giving me tips on what I should eat to put on weight.”

“When he saw my reaction, he tried to dig himself out of the hole by saying ‘don’t worry, I like you for your personality’.”

“He was so surprised when I put my clothes back on and asked him to leave!”

“He later texted me he was just trying to be nice and wanted to give me advice about my diet because he works as a fitness trainer and knows a lot about nutrition 🙈.”

“He also said I was too sensitive 😆” ~ Economy-Vanilla-967

Nothing beats the south for polite insults.

” ‘Bless your heart’.”

“The ultimate Southern compliment and insult in one package.”~ GALINDO_Karl1

There’s nothing wrong with comfort.

“Your clothes look comfortable.” ~ observantpariah

Some people got into the meaning behind the “compliment.” 

I just got a Master’s degree in Physics.”

“I wear makeup when I go out and dress cute girly.”

“A lot of people tell me that they couldn’t believe I was doing physics. ‘Oh, you’ve got beauty and brains’ They basically mean two things:”

“People who do STEM subjects are supposed to look bland and unattractive.”

“They assumed I must be dumb just because I look girly/feminine.”

“Ugh!” ~sriracha_97

Others were confused. 

“ ‘You look so pretty for a lesbian!’ ”

“The f*ck is that supposed to mean?“~introverted_lesbian

Sometimes, it’s not the words but the context.

“‘Ohh, you’re/she’s/he’s very pretty’ when someone is doing/saying something stupid” ~ Impenetrabletoad

Fashion is the highest form of bravery.

“You’re brave for wearing that.” ~ Big-Ambitions-8258

What would a compliment be without casual racism?

” ‘you’re pretty for a black girl’ “ ~ chivalrousninjaz

I guess she’s supposed to say thank you?

“You know, you aren’t the type of girl I usually go for”~ Kritisk_

“Wow, you really clean up nice.” ~ cactusbishh

Subverting expectations often leads to some poor word choices. 

“Lol, this reminds me of a conversation with a coworker I once had.”

“He’s a real muscle-head and is always hitting the gym, whereas I’m the opposite.”

“I’m average height and was just under 300lbs(at that time).”

“Somehow we got to talking about weight, can’t remember what his was but he was shocked at mine!”

“His words after hearing I was close to 300lbs….”B*llsh*t! I’ve never seen a 300 pound person move like that!”. I couldn’t help but laugh.”

“The thing is, he’d seen me casually hop off 4-5 foot high loading decks with ease.”

“And I never had much issues keeping up with him.”

“Since then I’ve started working on my weight (totally unrelated to this exchange) and have lost about 50 lbs. Slow progress, but progress nonetheless.” ~ RedBeardedMex

It would’ve been fine if they’d just stopped talking.

“An old ‘friend’ once said to me ‘your hair looks nice…for once’ “

“I cut her out a few months later for being a shitty person” ~ theginger_buffalo

“You’re really cool. Not at all how I thought you’d be when I first met you.” ~ leese216

Several Redditors even provided a handy template.

“Anything that goes by the standard:”

“You are [insert compliment] but you are also [insert insult]. Should do the trick” ~ YikesMaAssFellOff

“You’re *insert a compliment* for a *insert race*” ~ BastardousHuman

“Phrases like ‘with all due respect’.” ~ Prestigious_Skill_20

Backhanded compliments are often a way for people to save face while also putting another person down.

Of course, the compliment isn’t always meant as a sly insult, sometimes the words just come out wrong, or the meaning gets lost along the way.

Always be aware of what you’re saying to the people you care about, but also be mindful of the way in which you say it.

Compliments can do wonders for someone’s self-image or as a way to pick up their day – but a misspoken word or some hesitation in the wrong place can do just as much damage.

A turn of a phrase can move someone to excitement or dash their hopes.

The proper phrasing can ease someone’s mind or cause them to panic.

Enjoy These Hilariously Passive Aggressive Exchanges That Went Viral

We all have times when we can be passive aggressive. I’m not proud of it.

I think it’s sort of a natural extension of being told all our lives that we need to be nice, or to hide our feelings, to avoid conflict at all costs. There has to be an outlet somewhere, and so the snark makes it way out as passive aggression.

Sometimes it’s an attempt to be funny, to make a point while smoothing over conflict. Other times, laughter may not be the intention, but it’s good when the rest of us can see the humor in it anyway.

Here’s a roundup of some of the best passive aggressive moments out there.

1. The bumper sticker: a reliable classic

I used to think that it would be a good idea if we could easily put scrolling messages on the front or back of our cars. You know, to tell people their gas tank is open or thank them for letting you into traffic. In retrospect, it’s probably better that we don’t.

2. People really can say a lot with their cars

It’s definitely a favored form of passive aggression. Or even just outright aggression.

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3. The bathroom sign

Not to be confused with the writing inside the stall. Those messages may or may not be passive aggressive.

4. Or this other amazing bathroom sign

We had some of these at a place that I worked.

I’m having flashbacks.


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5. The office break room

I think people are at their most passive aggressive at work.

You can’t outright go at someone because you still have to work together.


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6. But sometimes things just have to be said

I kind of like it when people think outside the box.

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7. Sometimes businesses take matters into their own hands

They definitely know their clientele.

8. Just remember that the customer is ALWAYS right

And they might decide to get even in the end.

9. And sometimes it’s just a matter of protecting your home turf

Whether you rent and have shared facilities or not…


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10. Homeowners can be especially tetchy

I don’t actually MIND that people turn around in my driveway so much…

But it does feel like we’re the chosen ones and I don’t understand WHY.

11. It’s hard to know how to talk to your neighbors

You just never know how they’ll react.

12. Don’t forget about spouses

I bet almost no one is as passive aggressive as a spouse. You think you’re doing a good thing by avoiding a fight…

13. Or anyway, you’re making your point

That’s definitely one way of doing it. If the other person actually CARES that the bed isn’t made.

14. Living with other people is just hard

It helps to get creative and add a touch of humor. But did they DO the dishes?

15. Hopefully you can laugh about it

Because the humor takes the sting out of the conversations we’re not having. This one is next-level though.

16. Just remember, the kids are watching and learning

They hear what you say and they see what you do, and then they repeat it and it’s hilarious.

My dad found my passive aggressive note that I wrote the toothfairy. It was better than I remembered.

These are all so amazingly passive aggressive that I almost feel sad not to work in an office with people anymore.

Did we miss any great opportunities or responses? Leave them in the comments.

The post Enjoy These Hilariously Passive Aggressive Exchanges That Went Viral appeared first on UberFacts.