These Parents Know the Best Way to Handle a Tantrum Is by Laughing

If there’s one thing that bonds the parents of toddlers together, it’s our experience handling meltdowns that make zero sense, and always occur when we have the least amount of time to devote to the crazy.

These 11 parents do their best to laugh at the whole sh%tshow, though, and I’ve gotta say, I think they’re onto something.

11. What kind of monster buys the kind without meatballs?

I mean. It’s hard to blame the kid here.

10. Getting a little closer every day.

Bless his heart.

9. This is a whole mood.

Life’s hard, kid.

8. The man is an expert.

Years of observation and experience.

7. Sophie’s Choice.

There’s no right answer. It all depends on the day.

6. God don’t like ugly.

Man, my kids are going to hate that phrase as much as I did.

5. He’s set a new record.

I bet his wife gave him a high-five.

4. Just take her mirrors away.

You’re not going to stop her sticking her tongue out.

3. Could have gone with her gut.

But you know. It would have gone bad either way.

2. No explanations necessary.

Let that be a lesson for everyone else, as well.

1. At least he’s honest.

And curious, too!

Laughter is, I think, one of the best tools in a parent’s emergency box. And if you don’t have laughter, well, raising a kid is going to be A LOT of tedious work that’s no fun. And nobody likes NOT having fun.

Tell us in the comments the funniest place your child has pitched a fit!

Do it now!

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Parents Who Were Tough Enough to Laugh in the Face of Tantrums

No one likes it when their kid throws a tantrum, but listen – it’s inevitable, and it’s not your fault, no matter what sort of judgmental stares you get in the line at the grocery store.

Learning to manage emotions is a normal and healthy part of childhood, so there’s no reason to feel embarrassed.

An excellent lesson, but if you can go one step further and learn to laugh about it, you’ll be on your way to being as chill as these 10 parents.

10. It’s a short list.

Non-existent actually.

9. A miracle is one word for it.

I guess it depends how much you love dealing with yourself.

8. Well that’s a conversation.

Yet another one you probably never imagined having.

7. Probably time for one last call of your own.

You’re gonna need it to get through bedtime.

6. Who could stay mad at this face?

No one in their right mind.

5. Seconded and carried.

How could it be any other way?

4. And again at 5 am.

Or any other time of the day, randomly.

3. He’s just worn out from the water park.

Not that it helps you now.

2. Enjoy her not being able to spell while it lasts.

Then again, she probably wouldn’t care anyway.

1. Just in case you missed it.

It’s hilarious how they think we’re deaf.


I think whether or not you’re able to laugh depends on the day. Like, today, I wasn’t able to laugh that much. Because my kids were being monsters.

But Fridays… oh yes… that’s my laughing day.

Tell us your secrets for navigating a public tantrum down in the comments – we need tools!

The post Parents Who Were Tough Enough to Laugh in the Face of Tantrums appeared first on UberFacts.