A Mom Went Viral for Teaching Her Five Daughters That Virginity Is a Myth

All of us want to be good role models for our kids. But sometimes it’s hard to know exactly the right thing to say or do.

That’s why one mom, Nevada Shareef, made a TikTok video asking other parents to name things about the way they raised their kids that others might find strange or surprising.

Cayce LaCorte, a writer and fellow TikTok user from South Carolina, answered the call with a surprising piece of advice on chastity that she shares with her five daughters, ages seven to sixteen.

She describes herself on her Instagram page as “Actually a bunch of opinions in a trench coat,” which is a marvelously accurate description. In the video, Cayce states:

I’m going to get a lot of s**t for this, but what’re you going to do? I’ve been raising my five daughters to believe that there is no such thing as virginity.

That statement on it’s own probably would have been enough to make her go viral.

In the video, which racked up 2.7 million views in about six weeks, she goes on to explain:

“It is a patriarchal concept used to control women and serves no purpose — other than making women feel bad about ourselves. Just because some guy randomly sticks his penis in you at some point in your life does not change your worth, it does not change who you are, it doesn’t do anything other than it happened.

S*x is important. It’s a big deal. It should always be a big deal. It has nothing to do with your first time…it’s just ridiculous. The whole concept is ridiculous,

Cayce also says that she’s not worried about this particular point of view leading to promiscuity.

She’s still teaching her daughters right and wrong and how to be good people.

Cayce’s hot take on women’s bodies lit up social media across multiple platforms.

Her video especially resonated with victims of assault, as Cayce explained to Buzzfeed:

“We all have our own ‘rape/assault/pressured into doing something I didn’t want’ story. We can all empathize. For an entire society to tell you that your worth is tied to your virginity or purity, then have someone take that from you?! It’s heartbreaking and infuriating and makes me want to smash things.

We are so f**king angry about all of this, and if I can make a single survivor feel better about themselves, then I’ve already succeeded.”

The popularity of her video may seem surprising, but it just shows that women are tired of living by a set of double standards.

“Purity culture is toxic at its core. Women are treated vastly different than men because its roots are steeped in a history of women being property.

Can you imagine what the world would look like if society put half as much effort into making the world a safer place for women, instead of worrying that she’s not a virgin for her husband?”

But of course, not everyone agrees with her.

Some comments even argued physiology with Cayce, but she wasn’t having it, as she explained in this (explicit) response:


Reply to @rachelhill200 Respectfully…you’re wrong. #science #thehymenaintshit virginityisamyth #googleit

♬ original sound – Cayce

Cayce’s goal is to help other parents reframe the conversations that they have with their children about s*x.

She told Buzzfeed:

“It’s about the way we force arbitrary rules on ourselves and our kids and miss the big picture. Instead, we could focus on education about pregnancy, STDs, self-worth. How about, instead of making the first time special, make sure it’s always special because that’s the bare minimum you deserve.”

Going viral clearly has its ups and downs, but it looks like more ups than downs for Cayce.

And now, in addition to her blog, where readers can follow her publishing adventures, she has set up a webpage where you can track her progress on a parenting book and YouTube channel.

Cayce has a lot of advice to share about raising strong, independent daughters who know the meaning of consent.

Check out the full video!


♬ original sound – Cayce

Now, let us know if you agree with her no-nonsense approach in the comments!

Thanks, fam!

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Memes You Should Share With Your Friends With Kids

I think the words “tired” and “parents” go together almost all of the time, but with the year we’ve all had, there’s no question that it does now.

We’ve had a lot of togetherness, very little leaving the house, and are all trying to juggle work along with everything else.

We could use a laugh, is what I’m saying – and these 12 memes are an excellent reminder that not only is it good to laugh at our lives sometimes, but also that we’re not alone in the madness.

12. Snacks are obviously better than dinner.

Kids have a death wish.

Image Credit: Someecards

11. I am definitely making this face, too.

And no one is getting laid tonight.

Image Credit: Someecards

10. If you ever find just the cap…

*shudder* I can’t think about it.

Image Credit: Someecards

9. It is truly a good thing they are cute.

They would not survive otherwise.

8. There is such a thing as too much of a good thing.

Kids will teach you this lesson almost every day.

Image Credit: Someecards

7. It is just delightful.

You can actually smell the freedom.

Image Credit: Someecards

6. They seem to pick and choose.

Based on my own observations.

Image Credit: Someecards

5. Sometimes they have to be disappointed.

At least she’ll be mad at you and not Santa.

Image Credit: Someecards

4. Bless the parents who enjoy that stuff.

I am not one of them, and it takes all kinds.

Image Credit: Someecards

3. This might be the most accurate image I’ve ever seen.

It’s like someone took a picture of me.

Image Credit: Someecards

2. Unless you count heartburn as complaining.


1. Routines make the world go ’round.

Yes, I am that mom, and I make no apologies.

Image Credit: Someecards

The reminder that we’re all in this together is so welcome on some days, don’t you think?

In that spirit, which of these memes have you already shared with a friend?

Tell us down in the comments!

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People Discuss Whether Kids Under 12 Should Have Access to the Internet

Well, this promises to be interesting…

Kids and their access to the Internet has been a pretty divisive issue among parents for quite a long time now and I don’t think it’s going anywhere…because the Internet sure isn’t!

AskReddit users debated whether young kids should have access to the Internet. Let’s see how it went.

1. No reason for it.

“They have no reason to have access to internet.

They will find information that will destroy their innocence

They will start being influenced by d*ckheads on the internet, e.g. Jake Paul.

Which will lead to a bunch of other problems.”

2. Limited access.

“They should have limited access.

When I was like 10-11 my parents monitored me but still let me have fun. Because of that I got to get into gaming, acting (online videos inspired me) and drawing (art you tubers).

Of course I found some edgy offensive humor and s*x jokes but kids still found out about those at that age before the internet.”

3. Depends on the kid.

“I think that’s because really it depends on the child, how they were raised and how naturally vigilant they are. (meaning a lot of active internet people disagree because they turned out fine)

You can’t just say all children need to be monitored, but it may be good to check on ‘em now and again just to be on the safe side.

However it is doubtful you will successfully protect a 11-13 year old from losing their ‘innocence’. This is the age where children start to get curious end will look for stuff whether the parent likes it or not.

Really I believe it’s better to provide a safe environment where they feel they aren’t patronized, but you can be sure nothing really bad happens. The alternative being them sating their curiosity will mean being forced to look for it elsewhere and god knows what they will be exposed to.”

4. Keep an eye on them.

“We monitor our kids fairly closely, and my six year old watches a ton of videos on science and nature.

He probably knows more than me about some topic because of it and it’s really made him even more interested in space, geography, etc.

He also watches videos about video games, but the good has definitely outweighed the time wasting.”

5. Has to be more specific.

“I wouldn’t agree that that is the right way to think of it. It’s like saying that kids shouldn’t read books because some books are not the correct content.

What I would agree with would be more specific. Certain material should be off limits which can be done quite easily with certain programs or firewalls etc. K9 web protection is maybe a good example.

I get what you are saying though.

But I don’t agree with cutting off their ability to watch Netflix (internet) maybe even Google cookie recipes (internet) say they like playing fireboy and watergirl (internet).”

6. Parental controls.

“I suggest parental controls/monitoring your child – it’s kind of hard to block or monitor everything. Like YouTube, there’s everything from children’s cartoons to violence.

I’m not a parent so I don’t know how much it takes to monitor a child on a device, I’m sure it’s not easy though.”

7. Gotta be careful.

“Good luck finding parents that will monitor their children by watching along with them.

Jake Paul is a famous d*ckhead that will get into your child’s head.

The classmates will try to make your kid watch his videos and in the end your kid will start to rebel you by seeing you as an overprotective chopper parent.”

8. Can be amazing.

“Watching my 9 year old son research how to mod Minecraft was amazing.

He literally uses computers and does research more effectively than many baby boomers I know.

He learned way more from that about research than he did at school.”

9. They don’t need it.

“I don’t possibly have the time to monitor their every internet usage.

Also, I don’t want or need to learn all the techno crap involved in blocking them from internet bad stuff.

I didn’t have internet at 12, they don’t need it either.”

10. Times have changed.

“I would’ve agreed with this 15 years ago when the internet was much newer.

But nowadays a lot of schools are even use the internet for learning and teaching. There’s a lot of important content that they may need to have access to.

And honestly, the internet has become a part of our daily lives like electricity is. It’s no longer a luxury or this crazy new thing.”

11. A fine line.

“Overprotectiveness can end in negative outcomes too. Teach your child what is internet, how to use it as a tool and only as a tool.

Internet is a means to an end. It gives you basically 70-80% of human knowledge at the end of your fingertips. Helps you keep in touch with people who are tens or hundreds kilometers away.

Can give you entertainment. But it can also show you things toxic, or be used as a weapon.”

12. As simple as that.

“Children should just be monitored by their parents. It’s really that simple.

There are many tools at a parents disposal to monitor child usage of a computer and of a web browser. If the parents are doing their job then the child won’t have access to anything detrimental to their psyche.

My child has learned so much that I am not capable of teaching him through monitored use of the internet.”

What do you think about this issue?

Sound off in the comments!

We’d love to hear from you!

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Tweets That Parents Will Absolutely Understand

I grew up with two sisters and my memory of the early years is a little hazy but I’m fairly sure we were all absolute terrors.

At the time it was easy to look at my parents as killjoys who wanted nothing in this world but to engender my perpetual disappointment, but in retrospect, I think we’re lucky they didn’t sell us to a passing circus or something. Because kids can be…a lot.

To illustrate what I’m talking about, here are ten tweets from parents who know the struggle all too well.

10. Once upon a time…

And they never heard from her again.

9. Tips and tricks

“Clean enough” might as well be the name of my autobiography.

8. Beat the spread

For instance, my patience.

7. Get this bread

He wants to be a part of the upper crust.

6. Clean up your language

How about YOU do that.

5. A simple request

Oh well, guess we’ll try again tomorrow.

4. For the record

Plague be damned, no one can endure this sort of torment.

3. Killing time

Life before the internet was somehow weirder than life before the internet.

2. Coffee break

Come on in, pull up a shirt.

1. Making the rounds

When God opens a window, he also loses a lid.

To the parents out there dealing with the joys and pains of raising a kid, I salute you. From my bed. Where I can nap. Because I don’t have kids. Good luck!

Do you have kids? What’s the experience been like?

Tell us in the comments.

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Parents With Multiple Kids: These Funny Tweets Are for You

Parents with more than one kid, we feel your pain, and we want to provide you with some comic relief.

You’ve been putting up with a helluva lot this year and we believe that is our duty to give you a break and make you laugh.

Let me paint a picture for you and you tell me if this sounds familiar: your house has become a war zone, with the kids fighting, which leads to you fighting with your partner, which leads to the entire household becoming a bubbling cauldron that is just waiting to explode!

Does that describe your household?

That’s what I thought!

So take a break from the madness and laugh at some funny tweets!

Let’s go!

1. Isn’t that adorable?

They really love each other!

2. It’s just not the same.

Parents, does this look familiar?

3. Don’t act like you’re shocked.

We know about the old days…

4. That’s a good plan.

But it could backfire…

5. Kids and dieting.

Some of the lessons are interchangeable.

6. Have you read the manual?

It’s all in there!

7. Sometimes, you have to pretend.

But you’re really impressed.

8. Oh, it’s on.

Who will get there first?!?!

9. Not really the same…

But keep telling yourself that…

10. Not looking good.

These kids are pretty smart…

11. A good tip.

Pay attention to this one!

12. Sick burn!

Feel free to use it.

13. This sums it up.

You fight just BECAUSE, okay?

Okay, now we want to hear from all the readers out there who have kids!

How are you holding up? Are you about to lose your marbles during these crazy times?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know what’s up!

The post Parents With Multiple Kids: These Funny Tweets Are for You appeared first on UberFacts.

Enjoy These Funny Tweets About the Realities of Parenting Siblings

Oh, moms and dads…we can only imagine the trials and tribulations that you’re experiencing right now.

Especially if you have MORE THAN ONE KIDDO to look after during these unprecedented and turbulent times.

You’re trapped in the house with no escape and, as you can probably guess, the kids are at each others’ throats…and then that spills over to the parents who then lose their minds and turn on each other, etc.

The whole thing is just a huge fiasco!

But, at least you can laugh with some of these funny tweets from parents who are parenting siblings…let’s take a look.

1. Yeah, pretty much.

You know it’s gonna end badly…

2. You know that’s the truth!

We’ve all been there before.

3. This is gonna get ugly.

Let the crying commence.

4. Back and forth.

It’s a non-stop tug of war.

5. Please, stop! It’s gonna be okay!

Stop before Mom gets here!

6. An offer you can’t refuse.

I’d like to know the outcome of this.

7. You don’t have a choice.

You’ll do it and you’ll like it!

8. Maybe in the shin?

This is a tough one…

9. That doesn’t really help…

And that’s not what I meant.

10. Sounds delicious!

And delightful!

11. We’ll be back.

But let’s try to save time, okay?

12. Just stop it!

Didn’t really see that coming…

13. Fight to the death.

Just like the WWE.

14. Ain’t that the truth?

Happens every single time.

How about you, moms and dads?

Are your kids driving you a little bit nuts right now?

Talk to us in the comments and tell us how it’s going!

The post Enjoy These Funny Tweets About the Realities of Parenting Siblings appeared first on UberFacts.

Funny Tweets About Parenting Siblings

As someone who grew up in a house with four siblings, I can only imagine the daily hell that we put our parents through, now that I’m older and a little bit wiser.

There were certain days where all five of us kids were fighting, screaming, and threatening to run away. Good times! And I’m sure that my mom and dad were just delighted to be dealing with that kind of BS after working all day to put a roof over our heads and food on the table.

Mom and dad, I apologize and I’m still trying to make it up to you…and yes, I’m still the best child of the bunch.

Parents with multiple kids, these tweets are for you…enjoy.

1. That’s a long story.

Because we love them more than you…

2. It was an accident!

I swear!

3. Let all of them play.

Gonna need to talk to the city about this.

4. Stop it!

You are crossing the line.

5. Middle child gets it again.

It’s the “Jan Brady” syndrome.

6. It’s all mine now.

But I swear it was an accident.

7. Learn from your mistakes.

I mean…your gifts…

8. Not strange anymore.

Never thought you’d be here, did you?

9. All the small things.

Those can really set them off.

10. You’re just not ready yet.

But keep working at it!

11. Honesty is the best policy.

But still…

12. We’ll find him eventually.

Just don’t worry about it, okay?

13. I cannot tell a lie.

Well, they got you there.

Okay, parents, now we want to hear from YOU.

In the comments, tell us how it’s been going since the lockdown started with your kiddos.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

The post Funny Tweets About Parenting Siblings appeared first on UberFacts.

Parenting Tweets for All the Moms and Dads Out There Who Need a Break

Hey, moms and dads, how are you doing?

Does this never-ending lockdown and the learning-from-home thing have you at the end of your rope? Or are you dealing with it just fine?

Either way you look at it, parenting is a tough gig and moms and dads all over the place know that those little angels have a tendency to drive you up the wall…even when they put on their sweetest face.

Parents, we have a feeling that these tweets will look very familiar to you…let’s take a look.

1. Let’s stop playing the Guessing Game.

At least for a few hours, please?

2. It’s like Maximum Overdrive.

The machines are rising up against us!

3. He’s catching on really fast.

You’re doing a great job!

4. Thank you, Captain Obvious.

Smart kid, right there.

5. It’s not working.

Time to figure out a new technique.

6. What a cute name!

This is why you don’t let kids name ANYTHING.

7. Things are about to get LOUD.

You need to stop this before it starts.

8. It’s all going in there, baby!

It really doesn’t matter anymore.

9. It’s way too early to deal with you.

Come back in a few hours.

10. That sounds awesome!

Aren’t you having a blast?!?!

11. We are all this baby right now.

Oh, what a year it’s been…

12. A creepy whisper.

Just give him what he wants.

13. What kind of sandwich, though?

That makes all the difference.

Okay, moms and dads, now we want to hear from you. Yeah, you!

In the comments, please tell us how it’s going in your household right now.

Are your kids driving you nuts or are you currently involved in an uneasy truce?

We can’t wait to hear from you!

The post Parenting Tweets for All the Moms and Dads Out There Who Need a Break appeared first on UberFacts.