In 2012 wanting a dad was the tenth highest requested Christmas gift by children in the UK.
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In 2012 wanting a dad was the tenth highest requested Christmas gift by children in the UK.
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It has come to our attention that in most places it is NOT, in fact, illegal to have your vehicle’s interior cabin light on at night.
It’s just really distracting and annoying.
Some day some parents decided it was just easier to say it was illegal and it kind of stuck since then. Parents have just been out here telling kids half-truths like it’s literal law.
“What’s a fact that was hidden from you as a child?”
I know I just said half-truths, but some of these are outright lies—and outright brilliant.
“It is actually not the official policy of Wonderland (large amusement park near where I grew up) that you are only allowed to visit once per year.”
“I’m not mad, I actually think it was hilarious that my parents convinced us of this.”
– pm-a-surprise
“My parents let us believe that you were only allowed to go to Chuck E Cheese on your birthday (or your sister’s birthday, I guess).”
– kaleidoverse
“As a parent who had to pay for Wonderland…. this is amazing.”
– QueenA68
“There isn’t a trade-in program to bring in old legos to get new ones. Some f*cker just stole all my legos from our parked car and my parents told me this so I would not be sad.”
“I hope he experienced the small parts choking hazard himself, the c*nt.”
– Buroda
“I know they’re expensive, but there has to be a special place in hell for someone who steals Legos.”
“You have to know you’re stealing from a child. What a piece of sh*t…”
– JADW27
“Birthday Suits are not real suits.”
“Growing up in a household where the attire was a cross between business attire and church clothes, I always assumed the term Birthday Suit was a special tailored suit that was given to you on your birthday.”
– brokenturle
“Yeah. I made this mistake, except I made it when I was older and working.”
“I was so excited about going out for my 21st birthday with my brand new outfit. I told everyone I was going to wear my birthday suit.”
“A coworker had to pull me aside and tell me what it was. He was almost in tears from laughing so hard at me.”
“I still say it though because it’s funny and a great memory.”
– WeHaveGuns
“That playing around with the interior lights while in a moving vehicle is actually legal… It’s just annoying.”
– Atomic_Chad
“I thought this was illegal until even after college.”
“Thanks, Mom and Dad. So many times it would have been helpful to turn the inside light on while I’ve been in the car in the dark!”
– Kartash
“My whole life is a lie!!!”
– ABotchedVasectomy
“My parents were the same. They would freak out if I turned it on.”
“I found out after turning 16 that it was because the windshield of our van became a f*cking mirror when a light was turned on inside while it dark outside.”
“Couldn’t see a f*cking thing.”
– gslwbfianf
“I grew up thinking I had a 6th sibling—a stillborn brother named Steve.”
“My older brothers told me about ‘Steve’ when I was about five, and I didn’t believe them, so I went to verify this information with my mother.”
“My mother has run a tutoring business out of our house for as long as I’ve been alive. She’s usually exceptionally busy; I think she had about eight students when I went to ask her.”
“My mom had five young kids. We were poor. She was always hustling and exceptionally busy.”
“She didn’t have time to deal with our crap while she was tutoring, and we mostly just asked her if we could get food and she would usually respond yes.”
“So I ask her whether I had a sixth sibling named Steve. She doesn’t even look up.”
“She just says something like “Yeah, yeah, now go play somewhere else.”
“I, of course, take this as unequivocal proof that Steve existed and that he was dead. It came from my mother’s own mouth, after all.”
“I believe this for the next decade. I only think about poor stillborn Steve once in a while on his supposed birthday, and I don’t bring it up again for eleven years.”
“I was at a debate tournament with my brother, hanging out with all my closest friends, when we start talking about dead family members.”
“Somebody’s grandmother is dead. Somebody lost their brother. I mention I have a dead brother, too. His name was Steve.”
“And then this uncomfortable exchange happens in front of everyone.”
“‘Who’s Steve?’ my brother asks.”
“‘Our stillborn brother, remember?’”
“‘You told me about him when I was five?’”
“A slow grin spreads across my brother’s face. I know this grin. Everyone in my family calls it his Chinese Devil Grin because it means trouble.”
“‘Wait,’ he says. ‘You’ve believed that for eleven years!? We made that up’.”
“‘But mom confirmed it!’”
“‘Nope. Totally made up. I can’t believe you actually thought that for eleven years!’”
“I’m not going to explain what happened afterward, but people called me ‘Steve’ for weeks. Also, I double-checked with my mother. There was no Steve.”
“So the fact that I DIDN’T have a brother named Steve was hidden from me as a child, I guess.”
– Thomhobbes
“My parents were gardeners.”
“We were pretty poor, so we did subsistence gardening and ate out of that garden most of the summer, and fished for protein.”
“BUT they also grew this herb, which looked a lot like tomato plants.”
“That’s what I thought it was—except it never grew tomatoes and was kept in a separate garden.”
“I did finally catch on, but it took a while.”
“Young mary jane plants look a lot like young tomato plants. My folks were hippies who had a very decent crop, which I now understand in retrospect.”
– calcaneus
“We had a huge garden, but my father always kept one tomato plant growing in a lighted box in the basement closet.”
– Rosyshortcake
“The funny thing is it kind of smells like tomato plants, too. Oh, and they also have nearly identical nutritional requirements.”
– Capt_Hawkeye_Pierce
“My dad had a 45rpm of the Ghostbusters theme song. He would play it for my brothers and I, and then say that he was magic and he would make the words disappear.”
“He would pick the record up, shake it around, say some magic words, and put it back on the record player.”
“Lo and behold, when the song started playing again, there were no vocals.”
“It blew our minds! Our dad really knew a magic trick!”
“Then I forgot about it for 15 years.”
“My dad decides he wants to get rid of most of his record collection, and asks me if I wanted any before he gave them away.”
“So, I’m sorting through the stack of 45s and there it is; The Ghostbusters theme! I excitedly hold it up, and remember the magic trick.”
“Then I flip it over and see that the B-Side was the instrumental version.”
“Of course I burst into laughter at the realization that I fell for such a simple trick. But I still had to confront Dad.”
“So, I bust into the kitchen all serious and toss him the disc.”
“I said accusingly: ‘what’s this!?’”
“‘Uh….The Ghostbusters theme song?’”
“‘Yeah, and what’s the B-Side?’”
“‘The instrumental version?’”
“‘Magic words my ass!’”
“The memory suddenly clicked and he started laughing hysterically. I guess it was something we had all forgotten.”
– ChuckZombie
So now that you’ve had some time to recover from the shock of that whole interior light thing, and you’ve read through what Reddit has to say, it’s your turn at the mic.
What truths did your family hide from you as a kid?
In 1997 a Danish woman visiting New York City was arrested and strip-searched for leaving her baby in a stroller outside a restaurant while she and the baby’s father dined inside, a common practice in Denmark. She later sued the city and was awarded $66,000.
The post In 1997 a Danish woman visiting… appeared first on Crazy Facts.
I can’t imagine how hard it must to be a single parent in this world, especially if you don’t already have, like, a buttload of money stashed away so you can hire a bunch of help.
On top of that, many LGBTQ+ people in this world still face a lot of stigma and difficulty on that front. So try and put yourself in the shoes of someone standing at the crossroads of both identities.
Here are ten anonymous confessions from lesbian women who have found themselves in the position of being single moms.
Well, that’s a good start. You do you.
Source: Whisper
That’s a pretty childish understanding of how things work, people.
Source: Whisper
Being in an environment in which you’re not comfortable being yourself is very trying.
Source: Whisper
Enter the dating world, it’s totally fine.
Source: Whisper
Good for you!
Source: Whisper
*Cue that heartbreaking song from Fievel Goes West.*
Source: Whisper
But the truth will find its way out eventually.
Source: Whisper
Did you check underneath the couch or like behind the fridge?
Source: Whisper
Oh. Well. That’s um…complicated?
Source: Whisper
I’ll bet ya don’t though.
Source: Whisper
To all the single parents out there of all stripes – we salute you. You’re doing some really tough work, that will hopefully prove quite rewarding in the long run.
Have you had experiences with this type of dynamic?
Tell us about it in the comments.
The post Women Discuss What it’s Like Being a Single Lesbian Mom appeared first on UberFacts.
It seems like the world of parenting has changed so much since social media came along.
Some parents think they have a lot to live up to and they do things that might not necessarily be good for their kids. At all.
And there seems to be a lot of these examples out there.
What “parenting tricks” can actually mess up kids? Here’s what folks on AskReddit users had to say.
“Pretending to call the police when you’ve done something bad.
Did you know that there are YouTube videos with fake police calls, including a voice for the police officer, and they are always made to be intimidating?
One of them even said something along the lines of “If they have not stopped crying, we will send them to the military camp.” Or something like that. It is messed up.”
“I think this is obvious, but apparently not to a handful of parents I’ve met. Snooping through your children’s stuff and making it everybody’s business to know what you find.
Bonus points for being encouraging of your other children to invade their privacy as well. This happened to me when I was in foster care. I was already f**ked up and this took away few of my only coping mechanisms.”
“Putting down your child to “motivate” them.
My parents never gave me positive reinforcement, they’d be quick to jump all over my mistakes and they even told me that I was faking my grades when I got the straight A’s they wanted.
It didn’t do anything except sow the seeds of self-doubt that I still have to this day.”
“Not letting the child go to any party or meet friends after school?
Well, this is how you get an adult with no social skills!”
“”Next time” promises to make the child not complain, but are never fulfilled.
It only leads to trust issues.”
“Giving kids the Silent Treatment when they’re in trouble
It honestly teaches them to shut down when things get difficult rather than talk things through.
I am personally unlearning that behavior to this day because of how often my mom did that.”
“Scare tactics. My mom was always telling me horrible stories to scare me not to do things.
Like yes I get it, I won’t play by the train tracks or the canal but it seemed like everything I wanted to do had a scary story to go with it. Even when I was going to college and trying to decide on a career.
Oh you don’t want to do that because so and so did that and are now homeless, divorced, depressed, etc.”
“Cleaning your room as a punishment or something to hold over your kid if they want to do something fun.
This will give your kid the impression cleaning their room is a bad thing. Treat it as something you both can do together, encourage them to do it because they want to.
I’ve decided that I will always help my kid clean his room solely to achieve the goal of a clean room, that’s it.”
“Not allowing kids to have their own boundaries.
Forcing them to hug, kiss or be touched by relatives if when they don’t want to or ask for it to stop.”
“Stop telling your kids they wont be mad if they tell the truth, then get mad when they do.
It taught me how to make a d**n good lie, hell, you don’t even know if I’m lying right now.”
“Forcing kids to share everything with everyone – even a kid they just met.
Ownership is a thing. Respecting ownership is a thing. Belongings have a value.
You don’t see adults randomly coming up and asking to “share” your iPhone because they want to play Candy Crush too. (And if they do, most sane people are going to say “no.”).”
“Thinking that you should always keep your kid happy.
Always trying to keep your kid happy, always giving them what they want and always distract away any negative emotions will lead to them never learning emotional regulation, acceptance of boundaries, recilience in uphill battles, admitting wrongdoing and learning from mistakes, self esteem, communication skills…
Just the whole shebang.Everything in moderation, even happiness.”
“My parents would ignore any medical issue and say that I was lazy or it was because I ate poorly (???you buy the food?????) Nothing happened until at 17 I fell into a myxedema coma.
Turns out I had many many untreated autoimmune conditions that have caused permanent issues because they were ignored.
My parents still, as an adult, gaslight me when I say I have anything wrong or still outright deny I’m chronically ill.”
“”I’m your parent, I’m always right.”
“You need to listen and just say okay to what I tell you to do!”
Cut to me as a 25 year old who always has an anxiety attack whenever I stand up for myself…”
Do you have any “parenting tricks” to add to this conversation?
Talk to us in the comments.
Thanks in advance!
The post People Share Parenting Tricks That Can Actually Mess up Children appeared first on UberFacts.
If you ever give someone parenting advice, you know there’s gonna be some conflict.
And I get it! Because no one wants to be told that they’re doing a bad job being a mom or a dad.
This person shared a story about some harsh words they had for a mother and now they want to know if they acted like an a**hole.
Check it out.
AITA for getting harsh with a mother whose child had gone missing?
“Got home from work last night, threw some food on and went to take my dog out.
Its somewhere between 7pm-8pm (not yet dark but will be in about an hour). While I’m standing out there I see this kid walking by barefoot, completely sobbing and calling out the name “Susan” over and over. He couldn’t have been more than 8 years old.
Instantly I’m worried and go over and ask him if he’s okay, if he’s lost or trying to find someone (I live in an apartment complex). This kid then breaks my heart. Between desperate sobs he tells me his two year old sister Susan is missing.
That he didn’t mean it, they were playing on the stairs and he had thought his mom was watching her when he went over to say hi to a friend that was walking by. Apparently she wasnt and his sister had wandered off.
I spring into action right away and tell this poor to let’s go find her. I ask if anyone has called the authorities or if he wants me to make a phone call for some help. The kid looks scared and says no, his mom is also looking. It was almost like he was afraid to get in trouble. So I spend the next hour with this kid looking high and low for his sister.
It starts getting dark so I tell the boy I should take him home and his mom needs to call the proper authorities if she hasn’t, but her 8 year old son should not be wandering around alone in the dark. We dont want people hunting for 2 missing kids.
So as were heading back to his apartment and he’s still sobbing and calling her name, this guy sitting out on his patio goes “Oh, if you’re still looking for that girl, they found almost an hour ago. She’s home safe.”
While there was relief, there was also fury in me. This mother had left her 8 year old son wandering around alone is desperation for the last hour. Almost the whole time I was with him, so I know there was no attempt to find him.
I get him to his apartment and knock and the mother answers the door. She goes “Oh there you are Joey. I was waiting for you to come back. Susan is fine, no need to worry. It was just a mistake. I know you wont make it again.” The boy is still sobbing.
Unable to help myself I look straight at the lady and say (in front of the boy). “Its a mistake you wont make again. This was your fault, not his. You didn’t even bother to come find him while he was out there trying to clean up your mess and your lucky you didn’t end up with two missing kids. I’m glad your daughter is home and safe, and now your son as well.”
Of course she’s start yelling at me, telling me I’m q horrible person to say that, and in front of her child and that I have no idea how scary and stressful it is to loose a child and that I have no idea what she went through after her son had told her Susan was missing. I just shrugged and said “It was a bad mistake, dont worry, I’m sure it wont happen again.” And walked off.
I feel like i might have been to harsh on a woman that obviously had a rough night and put her down in front of her child. I was just so angry at what she put that boy through.
And here’s what people had to say about it.
This reader said that this person was not an a**hole at all and that the mom in question acted inappropriately.
Photo Credit: Reddit
Another Reddit user said that young kids should not have this kind of responsibility and this is actually dangerous.
Photo Credit: Reddit
Another person argued that the mom’s expectations from this young boy were way over the top.
Photo Credit: Reddit
This individual said that young kids don’t have the wherewithal to be taking care of another child…especially one that young.
Photo Credit: Reddit
And lastly, another person said that the individual who wrote the post shouldn’t hesitate to call Child Protective Services in the future.
Photo Credit: Reddit
What do you think about what went down here?
Talk to us in the comments and let us know.
We’d love to hear from you!
The post This Person Got Into an Argument With a Mother Whose Child Went Missing. Were They Wrong? appeared first on UberFacts.
When I was a kid, I was at the house of a couple of my best friends and we had a great idea.
There was this long, fairly steep staircase that went from the kitchen to the basement, see, and also, there was a sled in the garage.
Inpatient for the snows of winter, we grabbed the sled and started taking turns riding it down the stairs and crashing into makeshift piles of pillows to prevent us from hitting the concrete wall.
When discovered and told to stop immediately, I protested, as I hadn’t had enough turns.
Raising boys is wild. Here are some memes to prove it.
Hey, at least they’re talking to ya.
Via: The Chive
We can’t know. There’s just no way to know.
Via: The Chive
It can go on like this for an eternity, scientists think.
Via: The Chive
“And then this one ALSO played Fornite!”
Via: The Chive
And they looked presentable just seconds ago.
Via: The Chive
Aaaand this is why we’re doing this.
Via: The Chive
Looks can be deceiving.
Via: The Chive
See? It’s what always always happens.
Via: The Chive
And then let’s scream real loud about how bad it hurts.
Via: The Chive
I straight up thought for a second that this kid had no bottom half.
Via: The Chive
Boys will be boys, I guess.
What’s your experience raising kids?
Tell us about it in the comments.
The post Memes for Everyone Who Needs a Break from Raising and Parenting Boys appeared first on UberFacts.
As a child Rihanna used to get headaches so frequent and severe that she had multiple CT scans and doctors thought she had a tumor. The headaches went away once her parents divorced.
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You never really know what’s gonna happen when dogs are around children.
That’s why both parties need to be responsible to make sure no one gets hurt. The most loving dog in the world might snap for some reason and bite a kid.
Or a child might do something to harm the animal. You just never know…
And a young woman took to Reddit’s “Am I The A**hole?” page to ask readers if they thought she was in the wrong regarding an incident with her dog and a child.
Let’s take a look.
AITA for letting my dog push over a toddler?
“I (20f) have an 8 month old puppy.
He’s generally very well behaved, we’ve been going to a trainer with him since he was 4 months but he’s still an excitable puppy. I have him around young kids pretty often but I have them greet him properly first so they can play safely.
I take him for two walks a day which double as training sessions since he gets really hyped up outside and pulls/jumps which we’d like to stop even though he’s not particularly big and that means we’re frequently stopping and starting.
Today he started pulling near a local daycare, I stopped and he corrected himself so I gave him a treat and we went to head on when two young girls (2f, 4f) rushed over.
I knew them, they’re my neighbours and I generally get along with them so I paused to say hi, letting them know that my dog was okay to pat if they’d let me settle him down first since he gets a little excited and I didn’t want him jumping on them in case they got hurt. The girls seemed to understand but their dad came over and told them to “hurry up and pet the dog so we can go home”.
I tried to explain to him that I needed them to wait a second since he loves kids and if they wanted to pet him I just need to grab his collar and have him sit since he was still in training but he wouldn’t listen and told the girls again to “just pet him”.
So they did and my dog who was getting increasingly more excited about all these people immediately did what I warned and jumped up. The older one didn’t mind to much and let him lick her but the other fell over and immediately started screaming.
She didn’t seem hurt, just startled, but the dad immediately went off at me for having a “feral, untrained mutt” and told me I should never have my dog near kids before stormed off with his kids.
I did try and warn them but I love little kids and I feel awful about her being knocked over, especially since I probably could have grabbed him if I was paying more attention to my dog and less to the dad.
AITA for what happened?”
Here’s how people reacted on Reddit.
This reader said that the other dad in this situation is definitely to blame and that the guy is, quite simply, a d**k.
Photo Credit: Reddit
Another person said this boils down to one thing: entitlement from the dad in this story.
Photo Credit: Reddit
And this individual pointed out that the person who wrote the post tried but the father put his kids in danger by acting like this.
Photo Credit: Reddit
Finally, this Reddit user said that the person who wrote the story was trying to do the right thing and he did everything he could in this situation.
Photo Credit: Reddit
Do you think this woman acted irresponsibly?
Or did she teach this parent a lesson?
Tell us what you think in the comments!
The post Was a Woman Wrong for Letting Her Dog Push Over a Young Child? People Shared Their Thoughts. appeared first on UberFacts.
In 2018, a middle school in Dallas organized an event called “Breakfast with Dads,” but saw that not all of the students have fathers or father figures to attend the event with. So, they put up a post on Facebook seeking around 50 volunteers. On the day of the event, 600 men showed up to […]
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