Woman’s Life-Changing Cereal Box Storage Trick Is Very Handy

Sometimes, you discover something that makes you say, ‘Huh, why didn’t I know about that sooner?’”

Prepare to have your mind blow, because that’s exactly what’s about to happen with this life-changing cereal storage trick.

Becky Holden McGhee discovered after 40 years that she’s been closing her cereal boxes all wrong (and apparently all of us have?).

Luckily, she shared her new-found knowledge with the internet with some helpful photos and a video. Just check it out yourself:

Had to share this!!!It's only taken me 40 years, but I now know the correct way to close a cereal box.Genius. It takes…

Posted by Becky Holden McGhee on Sunday, 10 May 2020

Here’s exactly how to pull this off at home:

Posted by Becky Holden McGhee on Sunday, 10 May 2020

Um, OK, that’s freaking genius. She’s totally right — it’s super annoying when the cereal boxes just won’t close. Then you inevitably end up with stale cereal down the road.

This trick seems to solve both problems at once!

If you think cereal boxes are bad, don’t even get us started on fitted sheets. Luckily, someone’s figured out how to fold these neatly, too:

And how to properly fold a shirt in just a few seconds:

Or how to fold jeans to save space:

Dang, some people are seriously so creative. How do their brains come up with this stuff? Is it just inherent? A lot of trail and error?

Either way, we’re just glad they share their little tips and tricks with the rest of the world. Thanks, internet!

What’s your biggest storage pet peeve? A cluttered pantry? A mishmash linen closet? A mess under the bed?

Let us know in the comments!

The post Woman’s Life-Changing Cereal Box Storage Trick Is Very Handy appeared first on UberFacts.

These Foods Do Not Belong in Your Pantry

Open your pantry doors and you might just realize you have a storage problem.

Stuffed side by side you can often find boxes, jars, cans and everything in between. It’s a mess!

But that’s not what we’re talking about. While your pantry may or may not have sufficient space to store your favorite snacks and cooking staples, that doesn’t mean every item belongs on those shelves.

Here are five foods that should not be stored in your pantry, at least not if you want to maximize their flavor and longevity.


Photo Credit: Free Images

There’s a major difference between a banana that’s perfectly ripe and one that will squish at the slightest touch. Once your bananas are ready to eat, whatever that means to you, store them in the fridge. Leaving them in the dark in your pantry is a recipe for disaster (or perhaps banana bread).

Whole-Grain Flour

Photo Credit: Pixabay

When it comes to whole-grain flour, it deserves different treatment than its all-purpose cousin. This healthier alternative contains bran and wheat germ, and their oils can turn sour rather quickly. The secret to preserving its freshness is to store it in the freezer.

Fresh Herbs

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Incorporating fresh herbs in your cooking can add not only flavor but also health benefits. But while basil is best stored in your pantry, other greens such as rosemary and thyme need to rent room in your refrigerator. Even softer herbs used for garnishes and extra depth, such as dill and parsley, should be stored in plastic bags in the fridge rather than your pantry.

Opened Red Wine

Photo Credit: Pixabay

A glass of red wine after a long week (or day) of work can relax your weary mind and body. But if you don’t manage to finish the bottle in one sitting, the best way to preserve the wine’s flavor is to re-cork it and stick it in the fridge. The cold temperature slows the oxidation process and ensures that your second glass will be just as refreshing as the first (at least, if you get to it quickly enough…wine does spoil).


Photo Credit: Free Images

The next time you buy tortillas for Taco Tuesday, make sure to think ahead about where you’re going to store the leftover wraps. Just like bread, tortillas grow mold rather quickly when left out at room temperature for more than a week. Storing them in the fridge will help ensure your crispy quesadilla satisfies your midnight snack craving.

The post These Foods Do Not Belong in Your Pantry appeared first on UberFacts.