Older Folks Who Are Still Working Out How to Use Social Media

I know it’s funny to post the gaffes of our parents and grandparents on social media, but listen – I give them major props for trying to figure out the technical and social aspects of the internet at all.

I’m a late GenXer, and as someone who grew up both without the internet and with the internet, I think some days it would have been better had not figured it out at all.

These 11 people are trying, bless their hearts, and we thank them for making us laugh.

11. Some things you just can’t ask about.

It would ruin the magic.

Woke up this morning with a text from Grandma from oldpeoplefacebook

10. Where does one even find that background?

I need to know. For reasons.

Good job from oldpeoplefacebook

9. Just say they look nice.

You monster.

Me and my grand children from oldpeoplefacebook

8. You could have called.

Come on, grandson.

Wholesome Sue from oldpeoplefacebook

7. They definitely need some kind of Jesus.

I hope this helped.

BLESS YOU WALMART from oldpeoplefacebook

6. He definitely doesn’t deserve her.

Bless her heart.

We don’t deserve Debra from oldpeoplefacebook

5. It tells you everything you need to know about him, honestly.

So that’s a great use of social media I guess.

My great Uncles profile pic lol from oldpeoplefacebook

4. I bet the people at Walgreens have some stories.

I want to hear them.

My mom had this printed from oldpeoplefacebook

3. When you feel like you’ve entered the Twilight Zone.

It’s probably because you’re talking to someone who saw the original Twilight Zone.

Found in a Facebook group from oldpeoplefacebook

2. You could believe either one.

That’s on you.

On a review of an eye doctor’s office from oldpeoplefacebook

1. Don’t ask why she can’t do it herself.

It will take less time to just do it yourself.

how my mom shops online from oldpeoplefacebook

Hug a Boomer today, y’all. They might be about to find themselves on a list like this one.

What’s the funniest text or post you’ve gotten from an older friend or relative? Tell us about it in the comments!

The post Older Folks Who Are Still Working Out How to Use Social Media appeared first on UberFacts.

15 Times Older People on Facebook Were Totally Hilarious

Older folks and social media can be a really hilarious combination. It often seems like they don’t necessarily understand how to use Facebook or Instagram correctly – because why would they? – and major humor ensues.

I think you’ll see exactly what I mean when you scroll through these posts.

Get it together, senior citizens!

1. Perfect placement, don’t you think?

Found this on facebook marketplace and cant stop thinking about it from oldpeoplefacebook

2. You asked for it.

Name this plant from oldpeoplefacebook

3. That pretty much sums up old folks.

ITS ON MY COMPUTER SO ITS MY PAGE! from oldpeoplefacebook

4. An epic announcement.

Good job from oldpeoplefacebook

5. Don’t bother correcting that.

Abdomen I meant ottoman from oldpeoplefacebook

6. Hahahaha, this is good.

Please not the attorney general from oldpeoplefacebook

7. Probably not the best place for that.

That’s a bit of a bombshell from oldpeoplefacebook

8. He looks confused.

A voyage into voice dictation from oldpeoplefacebook

9. Thank you for sharing.

My Aunt giving everyone a heads up from oldpeoplefacebook

10. Murray needs water.

water from oldpeoplefacebook

11. She’s really asking for it.

Recipes for cream of corn from oldpeoplefacebook

12. Epic biography.

a small biography of charles from oldpeoplefacebook

13. I need a down loaf.

Free down loaf from oldpeoplefacebook

14. Yes, I really do.

I LIKE YOUR DOG from oldpeoplefacebook

15. A master photographer.

Pet groups are where grandma shows off her photo skills from oldpeoplefacebook

That’s humor, baby!

Never gets old…

Do you have any funny examples of your parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. doing this kind of stuff on social media? If so, share some pics in the comments!

The post 15 Times Older People on Facebook Were Totally Hilarious appeared first on UberFacts.