Notes Left By People Who are Doing Parenting the Right Way

In the age of texting, it may seem weird that parents would even still bother with leaving notes around. After all, if you’ve sent it right to someone’s phone, they’re definitely gonna see it, and shooting off a text certainly takes less time than, say, printing and cutting out instructions.

But then again, there’s something so much more personal and tactile about the actual note. It lets your kids know that you care, and more importantly, it gives a sense of foreboding, like they’re really there in the room with you, even if they’re not.

Watching. Judging. Expecting.

That’s why these notes from parents are the best.

10. Is that you, Alf?

Even I’m too young to be making Alf references, what’s wrong with me?

My parent went out of town, he left me a note.

9. Oh, baby

Look your life is your business but I ain’t taking care of no grandkids right now.

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8. Three in one

That’s pretty optimistic, dad.

7. Towel off

It’s not that funking hurd.

6. Compare and contrast

Something tells me Eric will very much be smoking the stank and hoodlum-doing.

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5. Get Daniel at 6

I love how this shifts from a note of concern to a burn on a dime.

4. Spoiler alert

Spark notes is getting lazier and lazier.

3. That summer breeze

Or terribly wrong, I don’t know.

2. Bean thing

The best part of waking up is probably not this.

1. The connection games

True innovation right here.

clever motherhood

I guess modern problems do call for modern solutions.

What’s the best note you’ve written/received?

Tell us in the comments, fam!


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People Share “Passive-Aggressive” Things That Take Life to a Whole New Level

Hi, there!

Wikipedia defines passive-aggressive behavior as “a pattern of passive hostility and an avoidance of direct communication.”

In other words, it’s when you need to go on the attack without actually confronting anyone. It’s petty, it’s sly, and if you’re just observing rather than being on the receiving end, it can be downright hilarious.

Here are ten incredible examples from the wide world of Twitter.

10. Drive on by

What in the hell kind of roadside madness is this?

9. It’s time to stop

This is an alien trying to disguise itself as an Earth sign and you can’t convince me otherwise.

8. I must confess

This is why Protestants just skipped the middle man.

7. The s**t is bananas

I don’t find this behavior appealing in the slightest.

6. The terrible twos

Psh. You call THAT a pothole?

5. Over the line

Timmy Turtle says “Use your damn eyes.”

4. High art

Is this Banksy?

3. Bed side manner

You’re in double trouble because your side is trapped against the dang wall.

2. Sick burn

You ever see something and just say to yourself “Glad I’m not in that relationship?”

1. He’s my witness

When even the robot in your pocket gets tired of trying to make you live right.

Remember, conflict is best resolved through direct and level-headed communication. But that’s also way less funny so if you’re gonna be slick, take pictures. Come on, don’t be selfish, we wanna get in on this.

Have you been the writer/receiver of any passive-aggressive nonsense lately?

Dish it out in the comments.

The post People Share “Passive-Aggressive” Things That Take Life to a Whole New Level appeared first on UberFacts.