People Share Their Favorite Nostalgic Memories From the 2000s

The 2000’s. You really just had to be there. And if you weren’t there, I guess that means you can’t even like, drive yet, so most of this is definitely not gonna make sense to you.

But for those of us who saw that glorious dawning of a new millennium, especially those of us who came of age in it, there’s just a certain patina that will never wash off.

Let’s take a stroll through memory lane with these tweets, shall we?

10. Came in like a wrecking ball

Then: oh man, she’s so hot!


9. It was lit

I worked at Blockbuster just before they went out of business.

Favorite day job I’ve ever had in my life.

8. That’s a stretch

If it was bright and moved around weird, it was in high demand.

7. The parachute

Providing seconds upon seconds of non-panicked fun.

6. Dystopian young-adult fiction

One of the most weirdly specific genres to ever emerge.

5. You’re watching Disney

And you’re probably never gonna stop.

4. Don’t talk back

The app that was in some ways ahead of its time, and in others just a disaster.

3. It’s called fashion, sweaty

I can smell all of this.

2. Living the dream

Those full keyboard PDA’s seemed like such a natural choice but in retrospect were kinda garbage.

1. Living in images

Wait, how old is The Fault in Our Stars?


…my God.

Man, I’m practically bursting with memories now. I should probably see a doctor about that.

What’s your favorite memory of the 2000’s?

Tell us in the comments.

The post People Share Their Favorite Nostalgic Memories From the 2000s appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Their Beautifully Awkward Photos of Yesteryear

Growing up can be really hard. And our various stages of development are just – let’s face it – super awkward and weird.

But you never really get a true appreciation of that until you’re looking at it all in hindsight. It’s not until you’ve had a little distance between you and the thing that you can pick up the photos and other perfect records of the past and say “Wait…what was going on with me?”

The good news is that this is a more or less universal experience and thus there’s no sense getting all shy about it. Instead, celebrate your strange past, and even spread it around the internet, if you wish, like these denizens of Reddit did.

10. Many talents

Do you think the person creating that page layout knew what was up?

I was so proud when I made the yearbook. When I got home and showed my mom she said I would regret that later in life. from blunderyears

9. Super cool

Smoking kills, kids. Don’t do it.

My super cool 15 year old self skipping school to smoke on a playground.. year must be 2010 i think from blunderyears

8. Blow that horn

I’m not sure why, but I can just hear the cicadas in the background of this photo.

14 or so self circa 1995 playing an outdoor concert for family. I could really toot my own horn… from blunderyears

7. She bangs, she bangs

Hey, better than adult me could do. Good job.

1989… I cut my own bangs for picture day from blunderyears

6. A historic moment

If you actually ate that entire thing I am really proud of you, kid.

Bless my Dad for capturing this historic moment. from blunderyears

5. Christian Granny Goth

Do you have a moment to have some tea and talk about our lord and savior Nosferatu?

I call this look “Christian Granny Goth” and it was pretty bold for a 12 year old in 1995 from blunderyears

4. Look out

Eh, you’ll grow into ’em.

Hi my name is Jacob and when I was a kid, I didn’t have to look both ways before crossing the street. from blunderyears

3. All the way done

This kid is about to go write some VERY intense and also illegible things in her diary.

I was 100% done with life at the age of 4. from blunderyears

2. Signs of things to come

Well that’s just downright weird.

My now husband and me circa 2004, a year or two before we would meet. from blunderyears

1. Spiral perms and shoulder pads

I don’t know why it was a thing for a while for women to have pretend broad shoulders, but it was.
And it’ll probably come back, because, fashion.

The year was 1990. Spiral perms and shoulder pads. from blunderyears

Ah. Good times.

What were your awkward years like?

Tell us in the comments.

The post People Share Their Beautifully Awkward Photos of Yesteryear appeared first on UberFacts.

Wonderfully Awkward Photos, Shared Without Regret

Photography – the process by which light is filtered through a lens onto some photosensitive element and subsequently turned into a still record of whatever it captured – didn’t come about until the 1800’s. And at first it was exceedingly difficult to pull off, and certainly not available to most people.

It’s only been with us for about two centuries. Which of course means there’s no one alive today who was born before it, but also that in terms of humanity, it’s way brand new. Humans have been around for at least 100,000 years, and until very recently, none of us had any means of looking back on these perfect snapshots of our candid past.

It makes me wonder – did people before photography idealize their childhood selves? Did they assume they’d always looked pretty cool?

Because we certainly don’t have that luxury, as these people of Reddit will attest.

10. Traumatised

Wasn’t that a movie with Steve Carell?

I just got traumatised when looking for a picture on my fathers facebook page. No, was not a 40 year old librarian, I was just an 11 year old boy. from blunderyears

9. Not a phase!


It’s not a phase, mom! from blunderyears

8. Shave and a haircut

But you look like you’re totally owning it here and that’s what counts.

At 15, I thought if I shaved my eyebrows off it would be easier to make them symmetrical. For this heinous act, I am sorry. from blunderyears

7. No regrets

As well there shouldn’t be.

This is how my (now wife) and I went to prom. No regrets, 2008 from blunderyears

6. The turtleneck combo

You were one of a kind and you were happy, good on you.

1995, age 10. I loved that dress and turtleneck combo and wore it everywhere. My mom cut my hair with a Flowbee at home. from blunderyears

5. Turn up the volume

This is as big as it gets.

I could never replicate the volume my hair had after 7th grade gym class and a chi straightener from blunderyears

4. High school vibes

There’s just so much being communicated by that face.

My 2003 High School senior picture! from blunderyears

3. Jimmy Neutron

Can’t wait for your Nickelodeon show!

Not terrible, but I spent 4th grade cosplaying as Jimmy Neutron with that helmet of hair. I’m a girl btw. from blunderyears

2. Vans and vans

Mom looks pretty down for it herself.

Me and friends before a Disturbed concert in 2006. We’re so cool posing in front of Mom and the van. 😈 from blunderyears

1. Following directions

They didn’t say what to do with my teeth, though.

Photographer said shoulders back, head forward, and I delivered. from blunderyears

God bless our past selves. Without them, we wouldn’t be here today.

What was your awkward phase like?

Tell us about it in the comments.

The post Wonderfully Awkward Photos, Shared Without Regret appeared first on UberFacts.

People Discuss Things That Were Around 10 Years Ago That Don’t Exist Anymore

I remember when I got Nintendo.

My brother and I BEGGED my parents for it for a few months and boom! There it was under the tree on Christmas day.

And you know what? I never, ever upgraded. I never got another gaming system ever again in my whole life. Which was fine with me, because I loved (and still love) the original Nintendo.

But everyone else I knew seemed to forget about it and moved on to other systems in a hurry…

I guess some things just fall by the wayside…

What was around 10 years ago that doesn’t exist anymore?

Here’s what folks on AskReddit had to say.

1. Remember when?


I mean, it still exists but when the Russians bought it everyone bailed.”

2. Cool animation.

“Flash animation on youtube before YouTube’s copyright went on steroids.

There were some really funny and good animations on there with music that you can’t use now in your videos. A lot of these flash animations started on newgrounds and moved to youtube to only die out.

So many good artists who made these got screwed over thanks to the bs copyright strikes.”

3. Not fun anymore.

“Fun pop music.

Nowadays it’s all sad gloomy stuff that just floats and doesn’t go anywhere with overproduced trap beats.”

4. What did you stumble upon?

“Man I would spend hours on StumbleUpon back in the day.

Found a ton of awesome sites and resources.”

5. All of these.



Kizi Games

Borne Games

My favorite game personally was sly and fox, it captivated me as a kid.”

6. Too spread out now.

“Netflix streaming that had everything in one godd*mn place.

I can’t wait for all these streaming services to start making deals and bundling with each other, effectively just reinventing a moderately better version of cable.”

7. A good spot.

“RadioShack is the ONLY place I can ever think of when people come into my work looking for fuses that we don’t carry, or can’t get.

I honestly don’t know where to refer them to anymore. RadioShack was THE place to go for that stuff.”

8. What did I do?!?!

“Pressing internet button on your phone accidentally then spending 2 minutes frantically pressing the back button for fear of charging your parents what felt like hundreds of dollars to load google.”

9. That’s crazy.

“The median house price in Sydney is $1.68 million.

Australian house prices have compounded at 7% for 30 years, wages have increased 3%.

If your parents aren’t rich you can’t afford a house.”

10. The phone game.

“Blackberry smartphones. The real ones, not the fake ones they kind of have now.

The old school BlackBerry with brick breaker is hands down the best phone I ever had.

I miss it so much.”

11. What happened to them?

“Do you guys remember those snap bracelets that you would snap on your wrist?

I swear I haven’t seen one of those since like 2010/2011.”

12. I miss mine!

“Flip phones.

I had 2 over the years.

Loved those phones.”

13. This is sad.

“My three adult son’s sweet childhood days.

Oh, how I LOVED being a mom to little boys, having a purpose, how much fun we had, how much we laughed, always having a house full of kids, love, the wonderful chaos of three little boys, brothers, childhood, becoming a teenager, and young men. I adored them.

They are grown now, and not one of them speaks to me. Two I haven’t seen in over two years. I recently moved to a new home about a half hour away, not one helped during the move, and not one has come to visit, even though I bought it in a place I know they’d love to come.

I don’t expect anything different anymore. The Loneliness is Deadening. My grief profound. My heart numb. Never in a million years did I see this coming. I miss my children’s love. I miss it so much.”

What are some more things that were around 10 years ago that aren’t around anymore?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know!

Thanks in advance!

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What Will People Be Nostalgic for in 40 Years? Here’s What People Had to Say.

After the crazy year all of us just lived through, I’m really hoping that humanity and society are only headed in an upward trajectory, but I guess you never really know, right?

And that’s why this conversation will be interesting because it’s kind of hard to imagine any of us being nostalgic for a whole lot of anything from right now…

So, what will people be nostalgic for four decades from now?

Here’s what folks on AskReddit had to say.

1. This!

“Physical media so you don’t have to micropay for every movie you feel like watching.

When the DVDs and Blu-Rays are no longer in the stores, there will be no reason for streaming services to charge a flat rate.”

2. New classics.

“So many of the amazing movies made in the 2000s.

Lord of the Rings, The Matrix, many of the Cristopher Nolan movies.

I’m convinced these newer classics will be enjoyed for decades to come.”

3. Coming faster than we think?

“Paper and metal currency.

Virtual money, wire transfers, alternative finance models, blockchain money will be a norm I anticipate.

It is coming faster than we think.”

4. Oh, great…

“The golden days before covid-25 when you just had to wear a mask instead of a full Hazmat suit.”

5. Sounds kinda scary.

“Contemporary weather patterns and jet streams.

Lack of maa migration and climate change refugees.

Clean beaches.

Peace in India.”

6. We’ll see…


Cars will be 100% automated and it will be illegal to drive your own car on roadways unless you have a special license, because it will be so dangerous.”

There will be amusement parks where you can drive a car all by yourself.

7. The end of privacy.


Nothing would be private. No one would be able to run away, go rogue. You’ll be traced everywhere by cameras, by sensors, by people.

Enjoy privacy while it lasts.”

8. I sure hope not…

“Breathable air.

Swimmable water.

Polar bears and whales.”

9. Strange days…

“Corporations will look back fondly on the days when they do whatever with little to no consequences, besides financial

Targeted advertisements and content is in it’s infancy now, 20 years from now it will be a grown up. Picture Minority Report, where ads are calling your name as you walk down the street.”

10. You’re wrong! I hope…

“The days when we could go to huge concerts and walk around without masks.”

11. Last of the V8s.

“I honestly fell it’ll be V8 vehicles.

I’m not talking about those crazy luxurious ones, but as a German car lover I noticed many of those V8 Benz, BMW, Audi swap out for V6 turbos.

Cars like E92, next gen C63, 2016 and prior RS5.”

12. It’s a rite of passage.

“Learning how to drive.

I saw an ad for a self-driving car service that worked kinda like Uber, from what I can tell.

Eventually everyone’s gonna have self-driving cars and learning to do it yourself will probably the present-day equivalent of learning to ride a horse-drawn carriage.”

13. That’s too bad.


They were already slowly being replaced by self checkouts, and now covid has put a rush on it.”

14. Very sad.

“Large animals. Rhinos, elephants, orangutans, giraffes.

I have little faith that we won’t destroy the world. Looking at the old onesies from our kids pajamas that we packed in a box showing safari animals will become as extinct as dinosaurs.

But more painful.”

Have you thought about what you might be nostalgic for 40 years from now?

If so, please fill us in in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post What Will People Be Nostalgic for in 40 Years? Here’s What People Had to Say. appeared first on UberFacts.

What Things From the 2000s Need to Come Back? Here’s What People Said.

It’s hard to believe that we’re already in the 2020s…

I feel like only yesterday it was 2005…or maybe 2010…

But here we are!

And we’re getting to that time when we’re starting to miss stuff from the 2000s.

What things from the early 2000s need to make big comebacks?

Here’s what folks on AskReddit had to say about this.

1. See through.

“See through casing for our technology.

See through phones, game boys, computers, they were the sh*t!”

2. Bring it on!

“Sidekick phone.

I can afford one now.

My parents can’t say no anymore.”

3. A positive era.

“I really miss the Wild West feeling of the internet and how it felt like it was full of people’s personal passion projects, sh*tty garish websites all about their hobby or niche interest.

We weren’t ruled by online life or connectivity, but you did have the advantage of being reachable if needed. Mobiles were great once we persuaded elderly relatives to get one in case they had a fall, but no-one was on them all the time because we weren’t really using them to access the internet.

And the internet was something you connected to and disconnected from, and wasn’t as central to our lives or as commercialised as now, but it was comprehensive enough that we already had the ‘information superhighway’ where you could find out so much information.

I actually liked some of the fashion too, and it just felt more ‘fun’ than serious.

The early 2000s were a positive era. As someone else said, it felt like the only way to go was up.”

4. Lookin’ cool.


I wasn’t allowed to have them as a kid, so I’d love to normalize it as a method of travel as opposed to something like hover boards, especially since you don’t have to figure out where to put them when you reach your destination—they just be chillin in your shoes.

Also, entirely human powered, no electricity, so much better environmental footprint.”

5. Great comedies.

“I wish as many good big comedy movies came out now as in the 2000s.”

6. That’s crazy.

“Being anonymous online.

Back in the day you wouldn’t put any personal information out there.

My friend is trying to date online and he’s been told multiple times it’s a red flag that he has no social media.

It’s all crazy.”

7. Yes we can!

“Just the energy of the early 2000s.

I don’t know why, but it seemed like back then we had a lot more people and companies with the “because we can” attitude.”

8. Through the roof.

“House prices.

The housing market in 2020s is way too pricey, and renting is no longer a viable option because those prices raised too!”

9. Where did it go?


It seems like every Emo and Pop-Punk band from 2005 have turned into electronic pop artist.

I miss the days when you could actually hear a guitar on the radio.”

10. Both of these things.

“MySpace. They didn’t sell our information.

Also, Pop Music that’s fun instead of trying too hard to be edgy and depressing.”

11. Put on your blades!


I remember I stopped watching the Xgames once they removed Blading. Skiing is the closest thing to it still popular these days.

Is just so smooth and stylish and I feel like it needs a fair shake so people can see how far it has come.

It can definitely hold its own next to skateboarding and BMX.”

12. Revolution rock.

“System of a Down.

There’s so much social and political cr*p going on.

I really want Serj and Daron to sing and scream about it in a simultaneously very serious and very silly way.”

13. You need that separation.

“I miss when workplaces recognized the separation of work and home life.

As in, if I posted a dumb video of me trying to do a kick flip on a skateboard, my workplace won’t try to take action against me for doing so.

I agree with workplaces getting involved on some level, but ultimately, just stop stalking the cr*p out of me.”

What do you think needs to make a comeback from the early 2000s?

Talk to us in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post What Things From the 2000s Need to Come Back? Here’s What People Said. appeared first on UberFacts.

Really Wonderful Cringey Looks Back in Time

As a kid I was kind of obsessed with recording things. I was into multimedia endeavors in a big way. I had my tape recorders, my family’s giant camcorder, and some fairly primitive software to play around with as well.

The upside of this is that I have a TON of preserved record of my childhood with all of my tastes and attempts at expression.

The downside of this is that I have a TON of preserved record of my childhood with all of my tastes and attempts at expression.

Most of it is, how do I put this, the cringiest cringe that ever cringed. And I’m genuinely torn between burning it all in a fire and backing it up forever because of my previously mentioned obsession with all things multimedia.

Maybe I should just dump it all on r/blunderyears like these Reddit people did.

14. Apology accepted

“My name is Kate and I’m here to say /
I’m unwittingly problematic in a major way…”

I’m sorry guys, I was like 9 and loved rap. I truly apologize. from blunderyears

13. Baby bat

Hey, at least it looks like you’re having fun.

Baby bat me was something else huh… from blunderyears

12. Mood swinging

What really sells this is the editing.

I have no words to explain my younger self from blunderyears

11. Ashlee Simpson phase

Yo, you had a blitz phone?

At a sleepover with my blitz phone during my Ashlee Simpson phase circa 2008 from blunderyears

10. The death of MySpace

Wait? What’s Stickam? [Googling intensifies.]

My last MySpace photo, probably getting ready to login into Stickam. The streaks are plastic hair clip ins. from blunderyears

9. Official Campion

You’re the real winner here, friend.

Feeling confident AF in my Reign Man sneakers, official Champion Charlotte Hornets game shorts, and a polo shirt for added grown-up sophistication from blunderyears

8. Grunge phase

“Yeah, I’ve seen some stuff. Like water. And rocks. And picturesque pastel riverlines.”

I went through my grunge phase when I was 7 from blunderyears

7. Absolutely br00tal

Stay away from this kid, he WILL hit you with that guitar.
Because he can’t see a f*ckin’ thing.

br00tal ’09 core kid reporting for duty from blunderyears

6. The whole package

Hollister at ya boy.

Circa 2006 – freshman year of high school. Hollister shirt, Hollister necklace, and I would straighten my hair. from blunderyears


5. Hottest cowgirl fashion

Yeehaw to you, young lady!

The year is 1993, I am fresh from the salon with the $50 perm I begged my mom for, and JCPennys hottest cowgirl fashion (look it up sweaty). from blunderyears

4. Ride it

They’re both just like “Who is this? Why is this happening?”

Me and flo rida. I did not listen to flo rida. from blunderyears

3. Embrace it

You look like a character in a Fry & Laurie sketch, my guy.

I had embraced my nerdy outcast status and went to school like this, sadly the trench coat was soon banned after ’99 from blunderyears

2. Recent developments

This kid crawled so that Insta selfies could run.

Got a disposable camera as a child and decided to take a selfie. I was very pleased with it after getting it developed. from blunderyears

1. Totally subline

Rock on!

Sublime shirt: check. Bandana: check. Self awareness: not found from blunderyears

In the end, the only thing we have to cringe is cringe itself.

What was your past self like?

Tell us about ’em in the comments.

The post Really Wonderful Cringey Looks Back in Time appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Photos From Their Very Awkward Pasts

For a generation that’s as nostalgic as mine is, we rarely actually wanna look at what we were like back in the day.

Because the past, by and large, is not pretty. Though it is frequently hilarious.

Enter a fascinating rabbit hole on Reddit called r/blunderyears, where people voluntarily post relics of their own cringey past that they may be mourned and celebrated communally.

Let us enter the zone now, and try to survive.

13. Guess who?

I’ll tell ya who still probably didn’t know: that boy.

Guess which boy I liked from blunderyears

12. Choice

Look,, we all make choices.

15yo me, I thought this outfit was choice. from blunderyears

11. Done

“I’m just old for my age, you wouldn’t understand.”

I was 100% done with life at the age of 4. from blunderyears

10. Phase out

Got some serious rawr XD energy going on here.

Thankfully, it WAS a phase mom. from blunderyears

9. Bang bang

Nevermind that, the rest of your hair is trying to escape.

1989… I cut my own bangs for picture day from blunderyears

8. What a performance!

Who doesn’t love the utility of a good fanny pack?

1992, the peak of my theatre kid years. from blunderyears

7. Beat that

If that kid wasn’t drowning in ladies I’d be shocked.

Every year my mom would photoshop my Valentine’s Day cards for me to hand out in school. (Circa 2006) from blunderyears

6. Sticking together

Ah yes, I remember these.

Duct tape prom, why did I think this was a good idea from blunderyears

5. Danger zone!

It’s hardly fair, there’s one of me, and yet only four of me.

Four times the danger…. from blunderyears

4. Taste the difference

Why does he look like he just caught those drums from horseback?

The days when I was a performing Pepsi can. from blunderyears

3. Blunderbuss

Hanson in a very alternate reality.

My three brothers. Three times the blunder. from blunderyears

2. Eye see you

“Nice try God, I’ll take it from here.”

At 15, I thought if I shaved my eyebrows off it would be easier to make them symmetrical. For this heinous act, I am sorry. from blunderyears


1. Oh brother

I…kind of need to hear this immediately.

Found this at a friends house. Her little brothers made a rap album when they were younger from blunderyears

If heartwarming cringe could be converted to electricity, this page could power a city.

What were your blunder years like? What did you wear? What did you do for fun?

Tell us all about them in the comments.

The post People Share Photos From Their Very Awkward Pasts appeared first on UberFacts.

Some Signs You Were Living Your Best Life in the 2010s

Trends may come and go, but the ones we encounter in our formative years are the ones that stick with us forever.

If you were coming up in the 2010’s and got into the Tumblr/Instagram scene, you might have fallen into one particular group of girls that’s hard to name but instantly recognizable.

Let us demonstrate what we mean. You know you’re in this group if…

15. You had this owl necklace

Where did it come from? Why was it everywhere? No one knows.

14. You shared inspirational quotes on pictures of nature

How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren’t real?

13. You had (or posed with) a very old camera

And took a picture of it with a very new camera that actually worked.

12. You shared lots of flower pics

Hey, you gotta stop and smell ’em once in a while.

11. You broke lots of car safety laws

Get them gams for the grams.

10. You had or desperately wanted an old typewriter

Surely THAT’S the only thing standing between me and writing that novel…

9. You made all your stuff pink

It is Wednesday, my dudes.

8. Coffee was never just coffee

When you get so caffeinated you start seeing stars.

7. You had very intricate nails

Which were chipped almost immediately.

6. Your Harry Potter house sort of defined you

Hey, it makes more sense than astrology.

5. You pulled off this look

Or tried your damndest.

4. You showed the world your Starbucks

It’s a compulsion. You just gotta.

3. You had at least one hand holding pic

Bonus points for the “follow me” pose.

2. You photographed your stuff like you were Wes Anderson

Life is a beautiful diorama.

1. You got into moustaches

Was it high art? Was it a big joke? There’s no way to know.

Ah, memories. So very recent and yet worlds away. I wouldn’t mind the return of most of these trends, though I’m fairly happy we all stopped taking pictures of every cup of coffee we ever drank. What was up with that?

What will be your fondest 2010’s memory?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Some Signs You Were Living Your Best Life in the 2010s appeared first on UberFacts.

Things That 1990’s Kids Remember Doing at One Point and Never Again

So, let’s have some real talk… this one hit me right in the feels because I am very much a 90s kid and I remember ALL of these.

Remember Blockbuster? Remember Nokia phones? Remember ALL THE GREAT THINGS!?!

Here are fifteen things you unwittingly did for the last time and never even thought twice about.

1. Used your T9.

I legit still miss those Nokias.

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

2. Watching the news to see that cancellation…

The only time I watched the news as a kid.

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

3. Tune in TV…

Man… we actually had to be in front of the TV at a certain time!

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

4. Those balls… gotta clean ’em…

This was oddly satisfying.

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

5. Make sure you had batteries for that CD player…

You gotta make sure ya got your tunes!

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

6. Physical media was bae!

Pour one out for our physical media…

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

7. Oh man… not crying… a lot…

I mean… this is going to happen to anybody… so I consider this emotional blackmail!

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

8. How’s your SIM family doing…

You all doing okay?

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

9. Blockbuster… RIP.

I am so gutted by this.

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

10. Oh snap! There were movie times in papers!

I remember the day these left and it was a bad day.

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

11. Remember digital cameras?

Do people even have these anymore?

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

12. AIM logging in with that modem sound…

Ahhhh…. the memories…

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

13. Cassettes had lyrics inside of them…

I REALLY miss this.

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

14. Directions on paper?

My grandmother still does this, though, so…

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

15. Illegal song downloads.

Did you all really think this was gonna last? Borrowing? HAHAHAHAHA… you f**king people…

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

How many of these did you do back in the day? Oh, all of them? Of course you did!

Share some bit of nostalgia in the comments. We love to read that stuff.

Thanks, fam!

The post Things That 1990’s Kids Remember Doing at One Point and Never Again appeared first on UberFacts.