In 2010 a homeless man saved a woman from a knife attack in New York. He was stabbed trying to help, yet still chased the assailant before collapsing from his wounds. CCTV cameras captured over 20 people walk past him. Some stared, none helped. He later died on the sidewalk where he fell.
In 1914 Daniel Hess refused to sell the last bit of his property to the city of New York…
In 1914 Daniel Hess refused to sell the last bit of his property to the city of New York after the rest his property had been seized via eminent domain, and today it remains on the sidewalk with a tile that reads “Property of the Hess Estate Which Has Never Been Dedicated For Public Purposes”.
One out of every 21 New Yorkers…
One out of every 21 New Yorkers is a millionaire.