The Crocodile Huntress Bindi Irwin Recreates a Special Photo-Op for Her Late Father

I love animals, and I was obsessed with The Crocodile Hunter back in the day.

While I was recovering from a difficult surgery, Steve Irwin’s “Danger, danger, danger,” was the fastest way to make me smile.

So of course I follow his daughter Bindi’s Instagram to keep up-to-date on what’s happening in the Irwin lives and at Australia Zoo.

Bindi and her family post a lot of great pictures to Instagram.

Whether they are pictures of the family helping animals, traveling, or just hanging out at home, they are always delightful and sure to please, like this group photo she posted recently:

It features her mom Terri, brother Robert, husband Chandler, and showcases Bindi’s baby bump.

Bindi and Robert are so much like their parents that it’s scary sometimes.

Steve definitely did an amazing job in the short time he had, to pass down his love of wildlife and his passion for conservation.

Like her parents, Bindi met her future husband during a tour of the family’s zoo.

After a years-long, intercontinental courtship, Chandler finally popped the question in 2019.

Now he’s part of the Australia Zoo family too, and honestly, I’m not sure there’s a more welcoming place on earth.

In many ways, Chandler is a lot like Steve-o.

That post, featuring an Australian Carpet Python, sure does remind me of a famous picture of Steve.
(And the UPS commercials where he used to pretend to get bitten.)

Unfortunately in the spring of 2020, Bindi and Chandler’s wedding plans had to be modified due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

But that didn’t stop them from enjoying the gorgeous day with family and close friends.

You can’t help but think that Steve would have been thrilled.

Especially later in the year when they made their very special announcement.

Once they found out she was pregnant, I bet Bindi couldn’t wait to recreate her family’s iconic photo.

Neither could her followers! The post has been favorited over 1 million times!

Just like Steve and Terri, it is obvious that Bindi and Chandler will be great parents.

And the world will be better off for the new Wildlife Warrior they are bringing into it.

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Do You Think Fish is Meat? People Debated This Big Question.

I have a friend who told me that he was going vegetarian for a while to see how he liked it.

We were chatting a little while after he started his new diet and I asked him what he was making for dinner that night. His answer: salmon.

I was a bit confused and I asked him why he wasn’t a vegetarian anymore. He replied, “fish isn’t meat.”

Hmmmm…I’m pretty sure that it is…but maybe I’ve been wrong on this one the whole time?

So what do you think? If fish meat?

AskReddit users weighed in with their opinions.

1. I don’t get it…

“I don’t understand why people say that fish is not meat.

Meat is defined as “the flesh of an animal as food.” Why isn’t fish considered a meat then?! Why do religions act like it is not meat? Why is the flesh of a fish not considered meat?

It literally makes no sense to me. I understand it is food from the sea, hence seafood, but seafood is just meat from the “sea.””

2. It stuck.

““Fish is not meat” comes from the Catholic/Christian tradition of fasting (not eating) meat during Friday’s and during Lent. Depriving oneself of a luxury to remind yourself of Jesus’ sacrifice.

Fish was a common and inexpensive food in the area earlier christians lived. Hence it was not a luxury and didn’t need to be avoided while fasting.

That turned into “fish doesn’t count as meat” because it wasn’t part of the fast.

Of course fish is animal flesh, but that wasn’t the point. It’s kind of stuck since.”

3. It’s a mindset.

“In the modern day English speaking world, eg the US because it’s so large, a culture filled with “red meat”, fish is often perceived as less hearty, lighter.

In other words “meat” is often synonymous with “red meat”(primarily beef in an array of cuts and preparations(roast, steak, ribs, hamburger, etc), with most other animal flesh less common, many falling either into delicacies or inedible. Pork, fish, and poultry are more common than, say, shrimp or venison but are still less proliferate than beef for much of the nation.

It may have started with religion, but it continues in the US heavily because that’s what’s readily available and/or what the culture focuses on.”

4. It’s an animal.

“I have to say this to everyone who says, “can you eat fish” when I say I’m a vegetarian.

My mother in law does this all the time. No. Fish is meat. It’s an animal. It’s flesh.

I don’t understand how a fish can be considered not meat.”

5. Blame it on them.

“I think that’s more because over the years so many pescatarians said they were vegetarian.

And because no one knew what a pescatarian was and it was just easier to tell people you were vegetarian, but ate fish.”

6. LOL.

“This reminds me of one of the three jokes that I think of when someone says “tell a joke”.

What do you call a vegetarian who eats fish?

A liar.

It’s not a good joke, and the one time I posted it on Facebook 10 years ago someone pointed out that they’re pescatarian and just don’t know that word.”

7. No doubt about it.

“It’s meat.

It’s an animal that was living and breathing.

Therefore, it’s meat.”

8. It’s clean.

“It’s because we are not supposed to eat blood, and red meats are considered to be a lot closer to that and hence considered less “clean”.

Fish is “white meat” (despite some fish such as the salminidaes being orange and such), along with poultry. I also don’t think fish ISN’T considered meat, it’s just not improper to eat under different circumstances.

Another important thing too is that Fish is considered to be a much lower quality/cheaper item that is “easily replenishable without having to farm them”. On the other hand red meat is more of a luxury item (especially beef and lamb).

Fish IS considered meat by literally everyone. It’s just considered edible and pure to eat while the other meats aren’t across different religions.”

9. Good comparison.

“Same reason alcohol is usually considered separate from other drugs, I assume.

Maybe not in a literal sense, but the constant distinction of “Drugs and alcohol” always annoys me.

Kind of implies alcohol isn’t a drug…Yeah it is.”

10. Where’s the line?

“”I’m a vegetarian, but I eat fish.”

This has always upset me. Like. Fish are animals, why would you consider them differently? Honestly fish are dope. They’re super pretty, have homes where they spawn for generations, they can jump up waterfalls and grow swords out of their faces.

Fish are truly incredible and someone out there is like nah, f*ck them fish. They’re not animals. They’re just an addition to my veggies.

I just don’t understand where the line is drawn.”

11. Here’s another view.

“The reason Catholics are permitted to eat fish on what Catholics call “days of abstinence” is not because fish are not meat, but because fish are cold blooded. (so this means alligator would be fine as well).

This originated from a Jewish tradition where any cold blooded animal was associated with death, ex, snakes, lizards and so on. (hence the devil being referred to as a “serpent”).

On the other hand. Warm blooded animals were associated with life, ex lamb, goats, and cattle. In remembrance of Jesus being crucified as a “sacrificial lamb” Catholics are asked to observe days of abstinence on certain days.

Fish are indeed meat and the Catholic Church doesn’t actually claim that they aren’t.”

What do you think about this?

Is fish meat?

Sound off in the comments. We’d love to hear from you!

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Guy Takes Hilarious Photos of Squirrels Interacting With Props

If you didn’t think life in Sweden looked delightful before, I think this article might change your mind. I’m sure this isn’t what it’s really like, but I picture it to be friendly, calm, cold, and with animals just frolicking everywhere…

And the photos that a guy named Geert Weggen takes do nothing to dispel those myths for me.

Weggen creates little scenes on his balcony for squirrels to interact with so he can photograph them and the results are awesome. Sometimes, he combines two photos into one for effect and he said he also sometimes Photoshops out wires, pins, and other things that he uses to keep props in place.

Let’s take a look at his great work!

1. Doing some acrobatics, are we?

I like this little fella!

2. Looks pretty refreshing.

Go ahead, help yourself.

3. Wake up and smell the roses.

Is that working for you?

4. It looks like a party to me.

Also, that camper is pretty awesome.

5. Looks like we have some artistic types on our hands.

You’re doing it all wrong!

6. Big fan of the mushrooms.

Hey, so are we!

7. Time for some deep-sea diving.

What did you find down there?

8. This belongs to me now.

Don’t even think about coming up here…

9. Reach for the sky.

And keep on moving forward, friends!

10. It’s your move.

You better choose carefully.

I’m not gonna lie…I kind of want this guy’s life…

But enough of that, now we want to hear from you!

In the comments, please share some links with us of other folks on social media who interact with animals in unique and funny ways.

Thanks a lot!

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Guy Takes Hilarious Photos of Squirrels Interacting With Props

If you didn’t think life in Sweden looked delightful before, I think this article might change your mind. I’m sure this isn’t what it’s really like, but I picture it to be friendly, calm, cold, and with animals just frolicking everywhere…

And the photos that a guy named Geert Weggen takes do nothing to dispel those myths for me.

Weggen creates little scenes on his balcony for squirrels to interact with so he can photograph them and the results are awesome. Sometimes, he combines two photos into one for effect and he said he also sometimes Photoshops out wires, pins, and other things that he uses to keep props in place.

Let’s take a look at his great work!

1. Doing some acrobatics, are we?

I like this little fella!

2. Looks pretty refreshing.

Go ahead, help yourself.

3. Wake up and smell the roses.

Is that working for you?

4. It looks like a party to me.

Also, that camper is pretty awesome.

5. Looks like we have some artistic types on our hands.

You’re doing it all wrong!

6. Big fan of the mushrooms.

Hey, so are we!

7. Time for some deep-sea diving.

What did you find down there?

8. This belongs to me now.

Don’t even think about coming up here…

9. Reach for the sky.

And keep on moving forward, friends!

10. It’s your move.

You better choose carefully.

I’m not gonna lie…I kind of want this guy’s life…

But enough of that, now we want to hear from you!

In the comments, please share some links with us of other folks on social media who interact with animals in unique and funny ways.

Thanks a lot!

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Fun Facts People Just Learned About Nature

Nature sure is amazing.

It’s amazing that I don’t even believe it half the time. I mean, have you SEEN pictures of those deep sea fish? Or the fossilized imprints of dragonflies with six foot wingspans?

Those things EXIST (or existed) in the real world, and here we are just going about our day pretending it’s fine.

It’s not fine. It’s ridiculous. And somebody oughta do something about it, like, say, take to Twitter and share random facts.

Enjoy these ridiculous nature realizations.

10. Beavers

Don’t let them fool you, it’s all because of their strict Cheeto diet.

9. Cats

This might be why my cat is physically incapable of being sweet.

8. Harvest mice

This phenomenon is what top scientists refer to as “the cutest thing in the entire whole wide world.”

7. Supervolcanoes

The Earth is angry and waiting to strike.

6. Turtles

This almost seems like an inefficient use of space.

5. Owls

The more I learn about these creeps, the less I trust them.

4. Donkeys and lambs

“Lol what?” – lambs, probably

3. Hammerhead Bats

This is the villain in a 90’s kid’s cartoon.

2. Yellow watermelon

Why do I feel like I’m gonna get superpowers if I eat one of these?

1. Eggplants

Letting anything in nature be simple would just be overeasy.

The words have been said before but they’ve never rang more true: crazy how nature do dat.

What’s your fun nature fact? Teach us something fun about the world around us! Please!

If you can, share it with us in the comments. We love learning stuff like that.

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Increase Your Health and Happiness With Biophilic Design

Do you ever wonder why people buy fresh cut flowers for their home? Have you noticed how cultivating potted plants has boomed in popularity since the start of the pandemic?

Interacting with nature makes us happier and healthier. But many of us spend the majority of our lives indoors, so it only makes sense that we would bring nature in along with us.

There’s a word for design dedicated to this practice. No, we’re not talking feng shui, we’re talking biophilic design.

Image Credit: iStock

The concept of biophilic design was introduced by E.O. Wilson, a renowned biologist and professor at Harvard, in his 1984 book Biophilia.

Biophilia means “love of life.”

Living Future describes biophilic design as “the practice of connecting people and nature within our built environments and communities.”

Image Credit: iStock

Constructing our homes and workspaces in a way that incorporates access to sunlight, plants, and views of the natural world isn’t just aesthetically pleasing. It’s better for our overall physical, emotional and mental well-being.

Studies show that interacting with nature is beneficial for human health, whether you’re taking a walk in the woods or feeding birds.

Image Credit: iStock

According to Terrapin Bright Green, by bringing nature into your home or work space, biophilic design can reduce stress, improve cognitive function, and enhance mood and creativity.

Healthier employees are happier employees, and happier employees are productive employees.

Image Credit: iStock

Biophilic design can also be incorporated at home.

One crucial element is sunlight. If you have windows in the home, open the blinds and pull back the curtains to let the sunshine in!

Remember to keep them clean and clear of obstructions.

Image Credit: iStock

Next, add some greenery: potted plants, hanging plants, herb gardens, the more the better. Fresh cut flowers work as well, and come with the added bonus of a pleasant aroma.

You can also incorporate Earth tones and patterns into your interior design, or hanging pictures of natural landscapes on the wall if you don’t have access to natural views.

Image Credit: iStock

You’d be surprised how the simple action of incorporating the elements of nature into your home or workplace can increase your quality of life.

Do you practice biophilic design? Let us know how in the comments!

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An Adorable Gallery of 11 Kittens

Here’s a question: can there be too many cats on the internet?

Answer: how dare you even ask that.

If I had a nickel for every cat picture I’d stared at, I’d use them to buy more cat pictures. I have a problem. But by golly, whether they’re the smolest baby or the biggest murder floof, there’s something magical and derpy about felines.

Let’s check out some now instead of doing work.

11. I juz needz mowr rest pls…

10. There can be only one

9. Things get better with age…

8. “Yeah…we’ll wait.”

Via solarpowers on imgur

7. Twinning!

6. Itty Bitty Kitty Committee

5. No bites please

Via solarpowers on imgur

4. “Your days are numbered, Karen.”

3. Homeward bound

2. Lost in a sea of blankets

Via solarpowers on imgur

1. The cats of the internet belong to us all

Welp, I’ve gotta go foster 11 cats now. Might need to rent a U-Haul.

While I’m doing that, share your cat pics and stories in the comments.

Because I need them.

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Check Out the World’s Surprising Variety of Weird and Wonderful Apples

Most of us have eaten the typical apples, such as Granny Smith. If we’re lucky, we may have also had a few other types of apples as well –Honeycrisp has had a major moment the past few years – but most of us have probably not tried as many kinds as writer William Mullan.

That’s because Mullen is researching as many types of apples as he can get his hands on, and getting photographs of them.

He spoke with Atlas Obscura about his fascination with apples, which began when he was a teenager growing up in the UK and grew into a full-blow obsession when he was forced into a dietary change for health reasons. Now he satisfies his sweet-tooth on apples.

So what’s the big deal? We checked out Mullan’s Instagram, and he’s really onto something.

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Thornberry! Tiny cotton candy bubble gum sweetheart created by Northern California heartbreaker hottie fruit breeder Albert Etter. Etter was particularly taken with the rose-pink European apple called “Surprise”, creating more 30 seedlings on his orchard back in the 1920s, in what is now called Ettersberg in Humboldt County, California. “Surprise” was mostly dismissed by fruit growers; it tended to be sour and was considered a novelty. But Etter saw potential, eventually selling his Pink Pearl to the California Nursery Company in the 1940s. Etter passed away 10 years later, in 1950, leaving his experimental orchard largely abandoned. In the 1970s, the Fishman family began evaluating the surviving apple trees, both on the site itself and on nearby orchards, eventually locating fifteen of Etter’s “Surprise” seedlings, including Thornberry, which they discovered in another abandoned orchard about a mile outside of the town called Whitethorn (which is about 10 miles south of Ettersburg). – Thornberry exhibits traits typical of the Etter “Surprise” seedlings. Most pronounced among those is a distinct “berry” aromatic flavor, which can likely be linked to the anthocyanin compound that makes the flesh pink. It’s almost like a dwarf-sized Pink Pearl, sharing the same translucent skin, bubble-gum pink flesh, and a spry, lively tartness of that aforementioned favorite. That said, I found this Thornberry, kindly sent to me by Chad Frick of @vulture_hill, to be much sweeter than Pearl. It reminds me of all my childhood candy shop fantasies condensed into one little apple. Like those memories, my first and only sample of it has been canonized in my brain.

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In addition to taking beautiful photographs of apples from all over the world, Mullan delves deeply into the apples’ histories, discussing how they’re grown, bred, and what they taste like. His descriptions of apples are gorgeously detailed, and he’s sold books and prints of his images.

Mullan also went into detail about how and why only certain apples make it to consumers’ hands at grocery stores. Big agriculture and market demands are the main reasons.

Some apples truly have their own personalities.

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Rubaiyat! Pinot noir speckled juice rock with splashy strawberry watermelon flesh. Rubaiyat (also known as CV. Etter 8-11) is another ultra-rare Albert Etter (maker of Pink Pearl) red flesh breed that has been trademarked by Greenmantle Nursery, who took over his property. It’s one of many red flesh cultivars Etter made while he was alive, including the previously featured Grenadine and Pink Pearl. It’s aroma and flavor reminds of Ribena, for all you UK folk out there; for all those who haven’t experienced Ribena, think juice box berry (although Ribena comes in plastic). You’re not likely to come across Rubaiyat at a market (Greenmantle forbids growers from selling it), but if you’re lucky, you might meet a friendly orchardist who has it. It’s a shame, because Rubaiyat is delicious and has seemingly good keeping qualities. Side note: Young Albert Etter was hot. Google him. A beautiful man who made beautiful fruit. I got this Rubaiyat courtesy of the nice folks at @redbrydcider 🙏

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Other apples are works of art that stand on their own.

Farmers have avoided certain types of apples because they are more likely to pick up diseases, they come from trees that naturally produce fewer apples, or they have fragile skin.

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Hi! Can you see this trio of fantastic galactic Black Oxford apples? Are you excited for Pomme SZN? Word is that some posts aren’t showing up on the feed. If you would like to see more #PommeCon, plz comment below and the algorithm will love me. A lot of nice folks have DM’ed me for prints and I will be releasing those on IG in the late summer, so if you want to be notified, like, tap, comment, etc etc etc 🙃🙏❤🍎. – On these Maleficent orbs… Black Oxford apples are little soft tannin bombs wrapped in a haunting chic purple-black plum coat. They yield sweet corn and vanilla with time. The Michelle Pfeiffer as Selina Kyle of Apples (post tragic-transformation scene). They’re also known as July Apples because word is they can be kept till July! A Maine native and a favorite of mine. I got very lucky with these very black ones from @scottfarmvt last szn; usually they’re more purple.

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Mullan’s interest has garnered him a steady following. Thanks to his research and photographic work, we get to be exposed to beautiful varieties of apples from all over the world. Click here to check out more of his photographs.

What do you think of Mullan’s work and efforts to introduce the world to more apples? Feel free to comment below so we can read your opinion!

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