These People Have All Had Their First Names Ruined by Pop Culture

I feel kind of sorry for these people, but my last name is Gilligan, so I don’t feel that sorry for them. Do you know how many times I’ve heard jokes about “The Skipper”?

Yeah, that many.

Let’s all say a little prayer for these folks…

1. She really needs to see the manager.

2. That’s not good.

3. Alexa, I have a question.

4. Ouch, that one hurts.

5. The Legend of…

6. No comment needed.

7. Yes, just like that.

8. A teenage witch?

9. I can hear Homer yelling.

10. You never had a chance.

11. Creepy Carrie! Creepy Carrie!

12. This one is a classic.

13. A double whammy.

14. Yeah, baby, yeah!

15. Could be worse.

Has this happened to you? If so, share your stories with us in the comments!

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433 Men Named ‘Nigel’ Gathered in a British Pub to Honor Their First Name

This is one of my favorite stories of 2019 so far.

Is there any more British name than Nigel? My favorite Nigel is Nigel Planer, who played Neil on the great British TV show The Young Ones.

Recently, 433 men named Nigel came together at a pub called The Fleece Inn in the middle of England to celebrate the heritage of that incredible first name.

Nigels from all over the UK came to the small village of Bretforton for the big bash. One Nigel flew in from Cyprus and one from Texas even crowdfunded a ticket to be able to make it to the event.

The idea was the brainchild of Nigel Smith, the landlord of The Fleece Inn where the festivities took place. Smith said it started off as “a slightly mad idea” and that he thought maybe a couple dozen Nigels would show up to have a few beers.

Smith added, “Nigels were kind of dying out. Those of us who are still around ought to celebrate the fact we are still around and very much comfortable with our Nigelness.”

The night features not only 433 chaps named Nigel, but also special drinks, including the Mad Nigel, Nige Ale, and a cider called Narky Nige.

Even the local MP showed up that night. His name: Nigel Huddleston. Of course.

And Smith is right: the very British name is dying out. Apparently, there were only two British babies named Nigel born in 2016.

I’ve decided I’m going to do my part. If I have a child (or a dog, a cat, or a goldfish), I’m going to name them Nigel. That’s a guarantee!

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Study Finds That Cats Know Their Names as Well as Dogs

Cats and dogs respond very differently to their names. Dogs can be counted on to come running on command, while cats will frequently ignore you completely. But it turns out that cats do recognize and react to their names, according to new research.

Researchers in Japan conducted a series of experiments to study whether cats responded differently to their names as compared to other similar-sounding words.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

For each experiment, a person spoke four different “nouns with the same lengths and accents” as the cat’s actual name. These words habituated the cats to hearing words spoken. Then the person would say the cat’s name.

The researchers found that most cats clearly reacted to their own names. They did so whether the name came from their owner or an unfamiliar person. They also differentiated their names from other cats’ names.

“This is the first experimental evidence showing cats’ ability to understand human verbal utterances,” the researchers wrote.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

The one exception was with cats who lived with others in a cat cafe, who did not distinguish their names from the names of other cats.

It’s unclear whether cats understand that their name represents their identity. They may instead associate the word with rewards like food or petting.

In any case, though, they definitely know their names — which means they just don’t feel the need to come running when you call it. Good to know!

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A Woman Canceled Her Baby Shower After Friends and Family Mocked Baby’s Name

Ahhhhhh, the joys of parenting. The feeling of holding your baby for the first time, or celebrating their first birthday. And of course the unconditional love you will always have for that child.

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. First comes the name. Sooooooo important. Get the name wrong and your child could be facing a lifetime of bullying. For example, Waldo. I mean, kids will be pointing at him screaming, “I Found You” and every birthday they’ll receive a box of white and red striped shirts with matching hats. Ugh.

But get the name right and the stars will align for the little one into adulthood in which they will change mankind for the better….Okay, you get my drift.

That question: “Did you choose the right name?” is on the top of this woman’s mind. She chose the FIRST name of her unborn child to be Squire Sebastian Senator. That’s right. This is the FIRST name only. And her family and friends did not take the news well. So much so, she took to Facebook and canceled the baby shower.

Let’s run down the highlights, shall we?

“His name is Squire Sebastian Senator. That is that. You cannot force me to change his name. This is that name I was meant to give him. No, that is not his full name.”

This is true. It’s her kid. Her business.

“‘Squire Sebastian Senator’ is only his first name. This is how it will be. He will not be allowed to have a nickname, he is to be called by his full and complete first name.”

Sorry to his future friends, but there will be no Squi.

“We come from a long lasting family of both squires and senators. If you look back in our family tree, the survival of this clan is literally rooted in squiredom. We are all related to senators too. This name conveys power. It conveys wealth. It conveys success.”

Ok, lady. I feel ya now. There are history and meaning to the name.

“My baby’s name WILL be a revolution. It will push people to question everything. Why name your baby boring and over-used names like Joshua, Brian, Sam, Nick, Mark, Bella, Marina, etc… when you can name it something special.”

Pump the brakes, Bella is pretty damn special. Just ask Edward.

In the end, it’s none of my business what she names her child. I wish her the best and hope he is loved, cared for, and completely prepared to fill out lengthy bubble exams in school.

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For nominatively challenged…

For nominatively challenged parents, a new company offers help. Future Perfect charges $350 for a personalized list of 10 possible first and middle names for a newborn. For $225, you’ll get a list of first names only, while for $100 they’ll provide “a namestorming session like no other.” And for a mere $75, they’ll also […]

11 Hilarious Examples of Twitter’s “What’s Your Name” Meme

Twitter is my favorite place to go for memes, and the latest one is too funny – it’s called “What’s Your Name?”

It’s pretty self-explanatory really. Just talk about the most common joke/response to your name. Here are 11 of the best:

1. Oh, come on!

2. Well, that was easy enough.

3. Seriously? Frank?

4. … Sure.

5. Not quite, but ok.

6. Like the distance.

7. Mortifying.

8. Say it.

9. Not the soup.

10. LOL!


What’s your name?

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