What Fanbase Acts Like a Cult? People Shared Their Thoughts.

Have you ever been to a concert where you weren’t that into the band and you thought to yourself, “wow, these people are fanatical about this group?”

I have…and the band shall remain nameless…for now…

But the fact is that there are a lot of fanbases for bands and other things out there that are INCREDIBLY devoted.

What fanbase do you think acts like a cult?

Here’s what AskReddit users had to say about this…

1. Yup.

“As a long time fan of Tool, Tool.

I mean… yeah, the music is good (kind of disappointed in their last album, though) but the number of people spending forever dissecting every last word of every Tool album and je**ing off over the random time signatures is a bit over the top.”

2. Get fit!


My brother in law is a big time Crossfitter. His whole personality is literally his Wife, kids and Crossfit. Which I’m cool with. He’s really good people.

But he gets all frustrated when they come out to work cows with me and by 4 o clock he’s dragging a** and us out of shape looking cowboys are still rolling along strong. Granted at 4 o’clock we’ve been going for 11 hours.

And to be honest it’s a really good workout program. The BIL talked me into it, and I did it for 2-3 years. I also payed more attention to my diet. I got to where I had a 6 pack and looked ripped. It was cooler n hell.

I’ve kinda fallen off that wagon though. I’m doing traditional weights at home and a 20 minute yoga routine every day. I’m convinced with how I work, coupled with a bit of yoga to stay flexible is what will keep me in the best shape for the longest.”

3. Buy now!

“Cryptocurrency investors. Absolutely cult-like behaviour.

Well… not all of the crypto investors, but the ones who rave about it online are certainly pretty cult-like.”

4. Has an entourage.

“Yandere Dev.

He’s the Chris Chan of game devs, and no sane person wants to associate with him.

Yet he still has an entourage of underaged fans that still believe that he will one day finish the c**ppy game (which btw is infamous for s**ualising teenagers) that’s been in development for 7 years now.”

5. It’s true.

“The Harry Potter fandom.

I’m prepared to get lots of h**e but I’m sure I’ll get agreement too because it’s so true.”

6. Ouch.

“Beyonce and her cancerous fanbase that treat her like this otherworldly being.

She’s got a nice voice but everyone acts like she’s an angel sent from heaven or something.”

7. We get your point.

“Jojo’s bizarre adventure.

As a Jojo fan I can confirm it is at least somewhat like a cult. Once you’re in, you can never leave.

Not that I really want to, but my point still stands.”

8. Weird.

“Jared Leto and 30 Seconds to Mars…I’m pretty sure they think he’s the second coming.

Take a look at the pictures of his extremely expensive trip to a private island with his most devout fans.

Pretty sure it is an openly acknowledged cult.”

9. Part of the club.

“Rick and Morty fans were my first thought.

The show might be funny, but the people who act like liking it is signs of a high IQ or s**t like that make me not want to get into it.”

10. Definitely.

“Most sports teams.

There is always someone who is more passionate/knows more and will make themselves known about it. Alternatively they say you can’t be a real fan because you don’t know x or y.

I enjoy a few sports. I have teams that I support. But I don’t know the ins and outs of everything they do. Doesn’t stop me being a fan but it feels like to some fans you are worse than fans of other clubs.”

11. Totally.

“People on keto diets.

I’ve eaten a ketogenic diet before and looking back I was so annoying. I needed to tell everyone 24/7 that I didn’t eat carbs and how great keto was. And soooo many people are like that about keto. Keto is life, love, and the answer to our eternal questions!!!

Gosh I was so annoying, I’m grateful for every friend who didn’t slap me.”

12. Swifties.

“Taylor Swift Fans AKA Swifties.

I am going to admit that I do post on the sub and do like her music, but god d**n, they want her to constantly drop music all the time.

I’ve been a Brand New fan (and still am even through all the s**t that came out) for years and I know what it’s like to be waiting for new music, but man, these people don’t understand that they just got three album in nine month span.

Also, I don’t get why their so eager to meet their idol. Don’t they understand that you should never meet your heroes?”

What fanbases do you think act like cults?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know.

Please and thank you!

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Take a Look at These Old Pics of Celebrities We Think You’ll Recognize

Even celebrities were young people once!

I wouldn’t go so far as to say they’re actually LIKE us, but we all go through our teenage years in one way or another.

Check out these pics of celebs when they were younger.

We think you’ll love them!

1. Jessica Biel.

She pretty much looks the same.


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A post shared by Jessica Biel (@jessicabiel)

2. Gwen Stefani.

Before she hit it big.


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A post shared by Gwen Stefani (@gwenstefani)

3. Jonah Hill.

What an adorable kid!


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A post shared by Jonah Hill (@jonahhill)

4. Justin Theroux.

Portrait of a bad boy.


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5. John Stamos and the Olsen twins.

A long, long time ago.


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A post shared by John Stamos (@johnstamos)

6. Jennifer Garner.

America’s sweetheart.


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A post shared by Jennifer Garner (@jennifer.garner)

7. Two basketball legends.

Back in the day.


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A post shared by LeBron James (@kingjames)

8. Betty White.

She’s always been awesome.


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A post shared by Betty White (@bettymwhite)

9. Reese Witherspoon.

When she was just a kid.


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A post shared by Reese Witherspoon (@reesewitherspoon)

10. Nicole Richie.

Now she’s a big star!


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A post shared by NICOLE RICHIE (@nicolerichie)

11. Emma Watson and Tom Felton.

Check it out!


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A post shared by Tom Felton (@t22felton)

Now we wanna see what YOU looked like when you were a youngster!

Share a pic with us in the comments.

We can’t wait to see them!

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What’s Considered a Kids’ Movie or Show, but Has Really Dark Moments? People Responded.

I watched The Iron Giant not too long ago.

Are you familiar with this kids’ movie?

I gotta say, I was not expecting it to be that heavy and that sad. I was practically in tears by the end of it!

And it turns out there are a lot of movies and shows like this that are geared toward kids.

What kids’ movies and TV shows are actually pretty disturbing?

AskReddit users shared their thoughts.

1. Now you get it…

“The Last Unicorn.

Wore the VHS out when I was a kid, but didn’t truly appreciate the darker moments until I grew up.”

2. Here’s a secret…

“The Secret of NIMH.

The animal testing scene, scary owls with lamp like eyes, bloody sword fights, and characters being crushed to d**th.”

3. Too upsetting.

“All Dogs Go to Heaven was one of my favourite movies he’s made as a kid.

But it is too upsetting for me to watch after learning about Judith Barsi. RIP.”

4. Not over it.

“Courage the Cowardly Dog.

That was a pure nightmare fuel.”

5. A classic.

“Chicken Run!

The movie that turned my mom into a vegetarian.”

6. Go ahead and cry.

“My Girl.

“He needs his glasses! He can’t see without his glasses!””

7. Cover your eyes.

“The Road to El Dorado is extremely s**ual for a kids movie.

A lot more than I remember it being.”

8. Why, Mom?

“The Dark Crystal.

I remember when I was a kid my mom introduced me to the movie, and all I could think of was “wtf is this movie my mom is trying to show me?”

I was really young when I first watched it and had no idea what was going on, no matter how much my mom tried to explain it.”

9. Scary stuff!

“Return to Oz.

I’m 38 years old and I’m still horrified by the wheelers.”

10. And it’s Disney…

“The Hunchback of Notre Dame is pretty scary for a Disney flick.

The kiddos should consider themselves lucky that they deviated from Hugo’s ending.”


“There was an animated movie of Animal Farm, based off the novel by George Orwell.

I absolutely loved watching it as a kid. I did not understand the symbolism. I saw it when it aired on tv a couple times during the day in the 1990s.

I remember during Christmas I was unwrapping at video tape and saw a pig on the cover. I was so excited! I didn’t know my parents knew I like animal farm. But then I read the title on the vhs and saw it was Charlotte’s Web. A movie I h**ed.

Also, Charlotte’s Web. A movie about a pig that is trying to be k**led for its meat, depends on a spider and other farm animals to come up with words to impress people to not want to eat him.”

12. Dealing with grief.

“The Neverending Story is actually about dealing with grief.

Bastian lost his mother at the start of the movie and depression is causing him to fail in his fathers eyes. In the imaginary world the “nothing” is consuming everything endlessly because Bastian will not confront his loss.

Bastian’s participation at the urging of the Empress, is to confront the loss and participate in the world.”

13. Disturbing.

“Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and Watership Down.

These two are disturbing.”

14. I’m freakin’ out!

“Willy Wonka- are they on a boat ride or an acid trip?

I couldn’t find the clip, but Will Ferrell even lampooned that scene on SNL- he was like “hey, this movie’s for kids?!””

15. This one goes deep.

“The Transformers: The Movie (1986 animated film, not the Michael Baysplosions ones).

Like most of its 1980’s Saturday-morning peers, the purpose of the Transformers cartoon was to make kids want to buy a line of toys. The feature-length movie took everything about the cartoon and kicked it up a notch, including the capitalist motivations.

Hasbro had an entirely new generation of Transformers toys lined up, and the movie was meant to introduce them, and convince kids to buy the new Transformers instead of the existing Transformers they already had.

So how did the accomplish this?

Gratuitously murdering all of the existing characters.

They don’t even wait. Less than ten minutes in, Prowl and Brawn get shot with lazer beams just like they have been dozens of time in the cartoon, but they actually f**king d**. Ironhide, the grandpa who yells at kids from his rocker to get off the lawn, tries to d** with his boots on but suffers what can only be described as a literal execution.

Optimus Prime is a better father than your real dad, and this is what happens to him. This isn’t even the movie’s climax, this is immediately after the opening set-piece. That color of gray will haunt me.

This approach was, in retrospect, a mistake (the crying children in theaters was a tip-off). Hasbro and others have since learned to take different approaches to updating the character line-up in their toy lines and associated cartoons. The modern standard seems to be power-ups and new suits, rather than wholesale slaughter.”

What kids’ movies and shows do you find disturbing?

Let us know what you think in the comments.

Please and thank you!

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Lord of the Rings Fan Offers Unexpected Analysis of Boromir’s Demise

JRR Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings trilogy, along with The Hobbit, have inspired a cult following among readers and movie-goers.

Personally, I enjoyed the movies but never finished the books. (I’m sorry 😬)

And I haven’t joined my mother in semi-annual rewatching events.

So when a Tumblr user wrote an essay about the death of Boromir my first thought was which one was that again? (Don’t stone me 😬)

And my second thought was is he the one that’s in EVERYTHING? (I looked it up. Sean Bean, and yes.)

But a lengthy, viral thread from Tumblr made me want to go back and rewatch, and give Boromir his due.

SPOILER ALERT – Boromir dies. And the topic of this particular essay is the reason why his death gets more meaningful the older we get.

The user @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels believes this is because Boromir is the every man, the character we may not have aligned ourselves to as children, but who we most identify with as adults.

Image credit: Tumblr via Cheezburger

It’s an interesting critical analysis worthy of any film studies or literature class, but the user didn’t stop there.

They explained why life beats you down until you are more aligned with the every man than your hero Aragorn.

Image credit: Tumblr via Cheezburger

The user, @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels, has lived to see some stuff, it seems.

Image credit: Tumblr via Cheezburger

And when it comes to Tolkien, they know their stuff.

Tolkien embraced the archetype. There’s a reason we all love Aragorn, and it’s not just because of Viggo Mortensen and his beautiful face.

Image credit: Tumblr via Cheezburger

But Boromir served an integral part of the story. He has agency.

Without him, as with any great character, the story would have turned out differently, maybe for the better, maybe for the worse.

Image credit: Tumblr via Cheezburger

Then @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels brings it all back into context of modern life.

They explain how like Boromir we tend to be–stuck in cycles of expectation, trying, and failing, and just being human.

Image credit: Tumblr via Cheezburger

But, they also point out, that there is strength in Boromir’s frailty, in his humanity.

Because he admits when he fails. And he tries and he tries and he tries again.

Just like we all do–or should–or strive to.

Image credit: Tumblr via Cheezburger

@letmetellyouaboutmyfeels brings it all full circle, showing how Boromir was instrumental, before his death, in handing things off to Aragorn.

They describe how even in his last act, Boromir–human that he was–ensured the final success of the Fellowship.

Image credit: Tumblr via Cheezburger

They write about the evolution of their heroes, from childhood to teenage-dom to adulthood, and how in adulthood we lose sight of the ideal, and begin to focus on our own humanity and failures.

Image credit: Tumblr via Cheezburger

They point out again, all of the good that Boromir did, and all of the ways that Aragorn and the others might not have succeeded without him.

Although he was his own worst critic, as are we all, Boromir was not a complete failure. He had success too.

Image credit: Tumblr via Cheezburger

And that is why his death might hit much harder now than it did as a child.

As a kid, you were probably thinking “Darn, but thank goodness it wasn’t Aragorn! He can still save the day!”

As an adult, you look at Boromir, and you just might see yourself.

Image credit: Tumblr via Cheezburger

The essay took quite a turn when you realize that it was written by, not someone in their 40s or 50s, but by someone mid 20s who has seen a lot of life.

But there’s a lot of truth in it. What about you? Does Boromir’s death get you every time?

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People Talk the Small Movie Roles That Left a Lasting Impression

When we decide on what movie or TV show to watch next, who’s starring in it will often sway us one way or another. We’re looking for the big names, the faces we recognize, and the talent we depend on to keep us entertained.

That said, it’s often the smaller characters who bring those shows or movies to life, and on rarer occasions, they’re also the ones that keep us coming back – or the ones that stick in our minds going forward.

Here are 15 roles that were meant to be small, but that viewers just couldn’t shake afterward.

15. She doesn’t even need a name to be memorable.

Now that’s really something.

14. Every single character in Mean Girls is perfection.

There is no way to complain about this movie. Full stop.

13. Who could have guessed how iconic this role would become?

Not even Drew Barrymore, I bet.

12. She really nailed this.

And elevated it, honestly.

11. I think we sometimes forget how little screen time he had.

He definitely used it to his full advantage.

10. He’s the best part of many of them.

Which I don’t think is saying a lot, but there you go.

9. The maid in the original version was great, too.

It’s just a fun part, I think.

8. Stockard Channing never lets us down.

She’s literally always the best.

7. A great role in a great series.

We’ll never forget it.

6. There are so many great roles in The Office.

This is one of the most underrated, I think.

5. I just love her.

She’s great in everything she does.

4. In a film full of great performances, she shines.

As usual, of course. Just an emotional punch.

3. Some of the most quotable lines in the film, right?

She just made the most of her time, for sure.

2. We’re all just chanting along, right?

I know I am, because yay!

1. She nailed those ten minutes.

The most memorable part of the movie, I think.

I agree with all of these – characters I’ll never forget, to be sure.

What part would you add to this list? Tell us in the comments!

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Small Movie Roles That All Had a Big Impact

They say there are no small parts, only small actors, and if you’ve ever seen a performance that didn’t take up much screen time but still made an impact, you know that’s true.

There are tons of examples out there – my favorite one, I think, is the Riley character from National Treasure (his comedic timing is just perfect!) – and these 17 people have some pretty great favorites, too!

17. Anyone who loves animals is a shoo in.

Just think about it.

16. She really is unforgettable.

Especially in the second one.

15. That is impressive.

And she definitely makes an impact.

Image Credit: Bored Panda

14. He can break your heart.

And it only takes like three scenes.

13. The Doug Judy episodes were the best.

Don’t @ me, you can’t win this argument.

12. Proof that someone can be the best and the worst.

And you still love them at the same time.

11. Poor Barb.

The fact that we feel for her after so few minutes with her speaks volumes.

10. He’s endlessly quotable.

And also quite a good parent.

Image Credit: Bored Panda

9. Honestly, every character in Pitch Perfect.

They were all written like they were as important as the main character.

Image Credit: Bored Panda

8. These movies would absolutely not be the same without her.

Kind of the definition of amazing, right?

Image Credit: Bored Panda

7. Amy Poehler is always unforgettable.

I don’t care if she has no lines at all.

6. She is a queen.

I love how many animated characters are on this list.

5. When you’re interesting, you’re interesting.

No way around that fact.

4. You’ve probably never realized how much time you spend thinking about him.

But now you do, and you’ll never be able to not.

3. Best parents in a teen film, ever.

This entire cast is amazing, tbh.

2. He really nailed those 3-4 jokes.

That’s how you launch a career, folks.

1. How could we forget this one?

We can’t. No way, no how.

What’s your favorite small part?

Tell us what it is and why down in the comments!

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Pairs of Shoes You Couldn’t Help But Notice on the Big Screen

Movies and celebrities often influence things like fashion and sales, but when it comes to shoes, we might not always notice what’s on people’s feet while watching an intense sort of movie.

In the case of these 10 pairs of shoes, though, there’s no way we could miss them – they’re burned in our brains and connected to the film where we first saw them, so let’s take a trip down memory lane, yeah?

10. Kinky Boots.

I mean, it’s literally in the title.

Image Credit: The Chive

9. You can’t have a list about movie shoes without these.

Arguably the most famous pairs of shoes ever.

Image Credit: The Chive

8. The matching black & white shoes.

I wish these two had worked things out in Lala Land.

Image Credit: The Chive

7. Rose’s shoes in JoJo Rabbit.

Depressing, but you definitely won’t forget them.

Image Credit: The Chive

6. Pretty Woman is iconic everything.

But your can’t forget those thigh-high boots.

Image Credit: The Chive

5. Back to the Future had some great shoes.

Like these amazing Nike Mag’s.

Image Credit: The Chive

4. The shoe phone!

We’d all like to Get Smart with one of these.

Image Credit: The Chive

3. It’s not a real brand…

Or is it? #Jumanji

Image Credit: The Chive

2. These red platform sandals.

One of the many wonderful parts of Taxi Driver.

Image Credit: The Chive

1. The Devil doesn’t just wear Prada.

These boots are Chanel.

Image Credit: The Chive

Ahh, classic cinema. Beautiful.

What’s your favorite pair of movie kicks? If they’re not on this list, put it in the comments!

The post Pairs of Shoes You Couldn’t Help But Notice on the Big Screen appeared first on UberFacts.