Guy Replaces People in Famous Movie Scenes With His Dogs

Looking for something fun to do while you’re stuck at home during this whole shitshow that’s going on around the world?

Well, perhaps you’ll be inspired by a guy who lives in Perth, Australia who Photoshops his dogs, Summer and Apollo, into famous movie scenes. Think you’re about to see Princess Leia? Think again, that’s Summer…or maybe it’s Apollo, I’m not really sure.

The point is that these photos are quite hilarious and we think you’ll get a kick out of them. This is called using your time wisely, people!


1. Jurassic Park.

Which animals are more vicious?

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The taming of the shoobs. #jurassicpark #velociraptors

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2. Harry Potter.

Who wore it better?

3. Love Actually.

You are perfect.

4. Aladdin for the win!

Under the moon.

5. For all the Star Wars fanatics out there.

I hope you don’t think this is blasphemy.

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May the Fourth be with you! #starwarsday #lukeandleia

A post shared by Summer & Apollo (@miloki_samoyeds) on

6. The Temple of Doom.

Dr. Jones!!!!!!

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Indiana Jones and the Temple of Shoobs

A post shared by Summer & Apollo (@miloki_samoyeds) on

7. The Hangover.

Gives the movie a new storyline.

8. Dirty Dancing.

Nobody puts Baby in a corner.

9. E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial.

About to take flight!

10. Lady and the Tramp.

A very famous scene.

11. I’ll be back.

This is amazing.

12. Gettin’ sexy in Ghost.

This scene was such a huge deal. Those were the days…

Those are great! And I don’t think I’ll ever look at Titanic the same way again.

Have you been doing anything creative since you’ve been locked inside your house?

If so, please tell us all about it in the comments.

And share some photos with us, too!

We’d love to see what all of you are up to!

The post Guy Replaces People in Famous Movie Scenes With His Dogs appeared first on UberFacts.

Movie Fans Talk About the Villains and Evil Characters Made Them Turn Against the Hero

Sometimes you root for the bad guy in a movie.

I used to think I was maybe the only person who did this, but it looks like I’m in good company with a bunch of folks who occasionally get enamored with the villains in movies and forget about the good guys and gals.

Do you do this, too?

AskReddit users weighed in on the movie villains that made them forget all about the heroes.

1. Interesting…

“Rumpelstiltskin in the “Once Upon a Time” TV series.

Depending on your viewpoint, his plans failed because 1) In that universe, Good Guys Always Win™ or 2) suckage of writers.

He was smart, tricky, beautifully manipulative, had a solid backstory that justified almost all of his actions (except for a few bits due to reason #2), and was one of the few who saw through the massive BS built around the show and its characters and could plan around it, only to have his plans fall through at the last minute, usually because of a hand-of-God last minute random thing (again, reason #2).

He should’ve been able to get everything he wanted and live happily ever after; he certainly worked harder than anyone else in that show.”

2. Oh yeah…

“Shere Khan in the live action Disney remake.

He wants to murder Mowgli because he’s afraid Mowgli will burn the jungle down. Mowgli then burns the jungle down.”

3. Hook.

“Captain Hook in the movie Hook, particularly at the end when he tries to get the kid to stay instead of going home with Peter Pan.

Like, I get it, dudes a bad guy and he’s just trying to steal the kid away when he says, “Remember how your father was never there? Look at all the things I’ve done for you.”

I came from a very neglectful home, and in rewatching this movie I remember how I would have wanted to stay with Hook so bad as a kid. In fact, if we didn’t know Hook was a villain, he looks like a much better father figure than Peter Pan until that point.”

4. This might cause some debate.

“Top Gun, Ice Man.

He’s right, Maverick is dangerous.

As I’ve gotten older…the more Maverick looks like a villain.”

5. The witch.

“Wicked Witch of the West.

We hate her cause she looks a bit gothy. But ditzy Dorothy killed her sister and went on to meddle stuff that’s none of her business. I’d be annoyed too.”

6. A great movie.

“Roy Batty in Blade Runner.

Batty wanted to gain his freedom and lead the other Nexus-6 models to safety. Instead, his dwindling ranks were hunted like rats. Although the Nexus-6 Replicants had a pretty bad reputation, Batty never gave any clues that he meant harm to the human race.

There may have been blood on his hands, but Batty only went for those directly involved with the Replicants or that were pursuing him. At the end of the day, he was just looking for answers from his creator.”

7. Poor guy.

“King Kong.

Dude’s minding his own business, living on a tropical island, and men show up, capture, and enslave him.

Fuckers deserved everything they got.”

8. A different take.

“Dinosaurs in Jurrasic Park.

The villain of Jurassic Park isn’t the dinosaurs; they’re just nature doing what comes natural. The villains are the creators, who put desire for profit and accomplishment above others’ safety. (“Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should” isn’t just a meme, it’s the message of the movie.)

By the way, I used to roll my eyes at the sequels because it was unrealistic that people would put a desire for profit and fun above the safety of other people and of their own family.

Recent events have made me change my mind. People would take their children to the park that killed a large percentage of those who go, saying they “refuse to live in fear” and “have a constitutional right.”

It turns out the cheesy dinosaur movies understood human nature better than I did.”

9. Give Benny a break.

“Benny from Rent

He offered all his friends, struggling bohemians in NYC, free rent in-exchange for cancelling Maureen’s protest.”

10. He’s a villain, no doubt.

“Q from Star Trek.

Not that I hated the heroes but you just gotta love Q.

And he certainly is a villain, he kills members of the Enterprise crew and tortures entire species.”

11. The evil one.


In the 90s version with Keanu Reeves and Winona Ryder.”

12. Gremlins.

“The evil Gremlin.

He knew how to run a gang and party. Gizmo was a frigging pussy!”

13. Never thought I’d see this.

“Principal Rooney.

Ferris Bueller is a dick.”

14. A great villain.

“Hans Gruber from Die Hard because Alan Rickman was hot (RIP) and because Hans was so much smarter and more sophisticated than any bad guy I’d ever seen.”

15. Definitely a victim.

“Frankenstein’s monster.

The poor guy was literally born yesterday when his college-dropout, god-complex father abandoned him. Everyone hated and feared him and he had to learn everything from basic survival to human speech to reading on his own.

He was, unlike the movies, a genius and decently handsome, minus the dead eyes and paste-y complexion. He was still like 8 feet tall, and his height and haunting gaze were apparently enough to terrify everyone who saw him into a murderous frenzy.

He hid under a family’s house, and listened to their interesting and enviable life stories. He got sick of listening to people’s happy lives while he hid in fear, and befriended the family’s blind grandfather.

And then, he was attacked by the family of the man whom he had been able to call a friend for only a short time, getting shot for trying to find a friend. Then he immediately met the nephew of his father, who threatened and mocked him.

He snapped, because he realized no one ever did anything but hate and hurt him, so why should he do anything different? He killed the nephew, and framed the nephew’s maid for the murder.

What does our hero, Frankenstein, do? He lets the maid get executed because he doesn’t want to face consequences. Yeah, some hero.

Now, the monster doesn’t take it farther, he just asks Frankenstein to give him a wife/friend/someone who loves him. He knew he might have happiness and was more concerned at that point with being left alone to have a family.

What does Frankenstein do, when he hears his monster will leave him alone and they can both be rid of the anger and fear he created by playing God in the first place? He gives up halfway through and destroys the monster’s half-made wife.

Frankenstein’s Monster goes apeshit, as could reasonably be expected, and killed Frankenstein’s friend and his wife as revenge, and then fled to the north pole and offed himself because life is cruel.

So yeah, not the best guy, but between the fake doctor who has more ego than spine and systematically let all his friends die, and the monster who didn’t choose to be born and wasn’t given a bit of kindness that didn’t stab him in the back later, I pick the big guy.

The Monster wasn’t a good guy, but at least his bad actions had a reason, besides “I don’t care about other people,” and “I’m afraid of owning up for my mistakes.”

Well, there you have it.

Now we want to hear from the readers out there.

In the comments, please tell us about movies where you ended up rooting for the evil characters.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

The post Movie Fans Talk About the Villains and Evil Characters Made Them Turn Against the Hero appeared first on UberFacts.

Movies That Would Be Better With Unhappy Endings

Do you ever think about what some movies would be like if they didn’t have happy endings? Yeah they would!

Let’s see what AskReddit users had to say about movies they think would be better if they didn’t have a happy ending.

20. Boooooo!

“Breakfast at Tiffany’s

The ending of the book was that Paul lets her go. The point of the book was a critique on the author’s mother who would use people and run from her problems like Holly.

She spends most of the movie being charmingly shitty and it all works out. Boo.”

19. Be your own person.


Nobody needs to adopt a whole new persona for their “lover”. Be your own person dammit!”

18. Pissed off.

“How Dear John ends honestly pisses me off. Honestly the whole movie pisses me off. You fall in love over two weeks, you go away and she moves on, you’re heartbroken.

Come back and her new man is dying, so you sell your fathers coin collection to pay for him to get better, he dies and then you get back together???

So stupid lol.”

17. Different from the book.

“I can’t believe that nobody have mentioned Cujo.

Holy shit the ending of the book left me so shaken up that I needed a good 5 minutes to let it sink in.

While the film had the ‘everything-will-be-ok-freezeframe’ ending.”

16. Frozen 2.

“This may seem dumb but in Frozen 2 I hated the ending, the entire movies felt like it was lost and then right at the end when stakes were finally there and something could’ve been lost, nope Elsa rides in on her water horse and saves the day.

People like to say ‘It’s just a kids movie, relax.’ whenever i bring this up but plenty of kids movies and Tv shows have dealt with this kind of stuff and many are still loved to this day.

Imagine how cool an ending would be where after the kingdom was destroyed we get a small montage of the citizens of Arendell and the lost forest working together to rebuild the kingdom, showing that now they can finally be united as one instead of that stupid ending where Elsa leaves again.”

15. I never knew that…

“Rambo’s original ending was great where he ends up killing himself because of PTSD and not being able to readjust to society.

But it didn’t test well with the focus groups so they changed it to be more positive, and then obviously it spawned sequels which turned the series a bit more campy and lost the original message a bit.

But I think if they’d have kept the original ending it might not have done so well in the theaters, but would be looked back on as a bit more of a poignant story.”

14. Oh, Seymour!

“The original ending of Little Shop of Horrors should’ve stayed. Seymour wasn’t a good person, he’s a piece of shit.

When you fuel your own selfish desires like this, it can transform into a huge problem, and everyone suffered because of it.

Honestly, Audrey II should’ve won. Seymour doesn’t deserve a happy ending

But I must say in the original ending, I really hate the part where the old people are relaxing and then get attacked by Audrey II, it makes it a bit hard to watch. But the rest of the ending is just pure epic and terrifying in a good way

I’m referring to the 1980 film adaptation which is pretty good until the end in my opinion. The original ending of this version had Audrey II winning like every other time, but they changed it.

Otherwise, I fucking love this movie and its characters, even Seymour. I like Seymour as a character, but I just don’t think he’s some sympathetic hero who should get the happy ending.

So, yes, I’ve realized Seymour is a little more morally grey than I initially thought. It’s a little more complicated than “He’s a piece of shit”, but all the same, when you do the sort of screwed up things Seymour did, consequences can and will happen.”

13. Cookie cutter.

“The Devil wears Prada.

In the book, Andy does not give the clothes to her co-worker Emily. She sells them in a second-hand store to pay rent. And most of all, Miranda doesn’t send an “oh. Andy is great you should hire her” letter to the magazine.

They give a “cookie cutter” ending…”

12. Might have saved it.


Chris Pratt dying and leaving Jennifer Lawrence with the decision of being alone or waking up another person from hyper-sleep would have saved that movie.”

11. Pretty Woman was dark!

“Pretty Woman.

In the original ending, he just dumps her back in the street. But test audiences didn’t like it, so they tweaked the movie and completely changed the ending. Made it a love story instead of what it was originally written as.

Gives the whole movie a different meaning. The original was much more gritty. Julia Roberts was a drug addict in the original.”

10. War of the Worlds.

“War of the Worlds.

No way the son makes it back alive.

I remember seeing it in theaters and enjoying myself. Then that scene happens and I instantly got turned off from the movie.”

9. Oldie, but a goodie.

“An old one, but My Fair Lady.

It’s based on the play Pygmalion by Bernard Shaw, and in that version Eliza realizes Henry treats her terribly and she deserves kindness, so she leaves him.

The musical/movie version is the complete opposite of that and annoys me more than it should.”

8. A bunch of BS.


That movie was sooooooo good until that bullshit love story was slapped in there!!”

7. Not a great ending.

“Legend of Sleepy Hollow with Johnny Depp.

The last 20 minutes of the film tie up all the loose ends, but they don’t match the atmosphere of the rest of the film.”

6. Have you seen this one?

“Butterfly Effect.

The cliffhanger ending and bittersweet ending are better than the happy ending, as it’s alternative ending movie.

It makes more sense with the overall plot.”

5. Leave it out.

“Wonder Woman.

The lesson near the end is that the god of war doesn’t exist and it’s just men who are fighting without supernatural encouragement. Then the real god of war arrives and that lesson gets ignored.

It would have been better movie if they left out the god of war and Wonder Woman couldn’t do anything to stop man’s violent nature.”

4. An interesting take.

“The Hobbit, but not in the way you think.

The big issue with those movies is that they focus too much on the RING, when in reality, it wasn’t super dangerous at that point. The whole point was that Gandalf DOESNT suspect anything yet.

It should’ve just been a magic ring until the very last scene, where Bilbo stands at his porch, and all of a sudden starts frantically looking for his ring, only to give it…the look. bam. Cut to black.

None of this full circle crap, cut out old Bilbo and Frodo, just end the happy fairy tale with the revelation that something is wrong…”

3. The third installment.

“Back to the Future III.

Should’ve ended with Doc leaving a hidden message in the past for Marty (or delivering him another letter!) thanking him for his friendship and letting him know that he’s content living out his days with Clara.

I hate that flying fucking steampunk train and Doc’s Willy Wonka-ass clothes and that creepy child.

It still would’ve been a happy ending, I guess. Just a bittersweet one rather than an all-out goof.”

2. Fairy tale ending.

“I can’t believe no one’s mentioned 28 days later. The official release that was In theaters/DVDs has Jim, Hannah, & Selena in some fairytale ass cottage in the mountains knitting a HELO quilt & they’re seen by a fighter jet.

In the original ending, Hannah & Selena take Jim to an empty hospital & try to save him but he dies on the table. Selena tells Hannah that they have to keep moving & the last shot is of them still wearing the dresses, covered in blood, carrying guns, & presumably walking towards their death. It was changed to the happy ending because test audiences didn’t like how sad & hopeless the original felt.”

1. Okay…

“Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

Charlie and Grandpa Joe blatantly ignored Wonka’s request that no one try the fuzzy lifting drink. The only reason Charlie was able to relinquish the gobstopper was because he was the only one to evade catastrophe.

He, moreso Grandpa Joe, were no more deserving for the empire than the other kids.”

Some pretty interesting movies to think about with different endings…

Now we want to hear from you! Yeah, you!

In the comments, please tell us what movie you’d like to see with a totally different ending.

The post Movies That Would Be Better With Unhappy Endings appeared first on UberFacts.

Enjoy Music-Themed Films With These Special Codes on Netflix

In regard to these films, we’re not talking about “musicals” per se, but movies that are music-related or musically-themed. Like documentaries and concert films, with some movies that could be considered musicals such as Mary Poppins Returns.

Are you ready to sing your little heart out?!?!

To access each of these individual categories, sign into Netflix and replace the “xxx” in this web address ( with the corresponding code number below OR just click directly on the links we provided.

Or you can just tap into the overall Music category to see all of them together by clicking HERE if you’d prefer.

Let’s see what these categories have to offer!

1. Kids Music (52843)

Photo Credit: Disney

This is the category where you’ll find such films definitely have some musical aspects in them.

Examples include the aforementioned Mary Poppins Returns, the classic Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

2. Country & Western/Folk (1105)

Photo Credit: Netflix

Do you love classic American music such as Country Western and folk?

If so, you’ll want to explore this category on Netflix to watch such movies as Rolling Thunder Revue, Echo in the Canyon, and Sturgill Simpson Presents Sound and Fury.

3. Latin Music (10741)

Photo Credit: Netflix

If Latin music is more your bag, Netflix has a good selection of films that will make you happy.

Using this code, you can view such titles as Los Tigres Del Norte at Folsom Prison, The Queen of Flow, and many others.

4. World Music Concerts (2856)

Photo Credit: Vice Films

This is a really cool category that allows you to watch all kinds of great films that explore world music.

Tap into this code to watch films like Reincarnated, Abdo Mota, and Camarón Revolution.

I think that will fill you up with all your music needs, don’t you?

Do you have any other music-related films to recommend to us?

If so, please share them with us in the comments!

The post Enjoy Music-Themed Films With These Special Codes on Netflix appeared first on UberFacts.

Watch Plenty of Sci-Fi and Fantasy Films When You Use These Special Codes From Netflix

I’ve never been the biggest science fiction or fantasy fan in my life, but I’ve become way more interested in it during the past few years.

Maybe it’s because it seems like we’re headed toward a dystopian nightmare as a species!

Good times!

Do you want to watch a whole lot of quality sci-fi and fantasy movies? Well, you’re in luck, because Netflix has a bunch of secret codes you can use to access sub-genres of these types of films.

To access each of these individual categories, sign into Netflix and replace the “xxx” in this web address ( with the corresponding code number below OR just click directly on the links we provided.

Let’s take a look at the different genres you can explore

1. Action Sci-Fi & Fantasy (1568)

Photo Credit: Opus Pictures

This sub-genre seems to be very, very popular these days.

When you tap into this page using the code on Netflix, you can watch such flicks as Snowpiercer, Minority Report, and Cloverfield.

2. Alien Sci-Fi (3327)

Photo Credit: Sony Pictures Releasing

You can never get enough of alien movies, am I right?

Of course, I am!

Utilize this secret code and enjoy such alien movies as District 9, The Signal, and many others.

3. Fantasy Movies (9744)

Photo Credit: Warner Bros.

Is fantasy more your speed? If so, you’re in luck.

Type in that secret Netflix code and you can watch such mind-bending flicks as Pan’s Labyrinth, Underworld, The Last Airbender, and others.

4. Sci-Fi Adventure (6926)

Photo Credit: Marvel

I have a feeling a lot of you are going to like the offerings in this genre.

Open up this category and you can view such films as Avengers: Infinity War, all three Back to the Future films, and Solo: A Star Wars Story.

5. Sci-Fi Dramas (3916)

Photo Credit: Netflix

Let’s get weird AND dramatic, shall we?

With the Sci-Fi Drama code, you can enjoy titles like Bird Box, Moon (a great movie, in my personal opinion), and Black Mirror: Bandersnatch.

6. Sci-Fi Horror Movies (1694)

Photo Credit: Dimension Films

Let’s get really creepy, okay?

When you combine science fiction and horror, you know it’s gonna be a scare-fest.

When you tap into this code, you can watch such disturbing movies as Apollo 18, Tremors, and Cloverfield.

7. Sci-Fi Thrillers (11014)

Photo Credit: Netflix

When you use this secret code on Netflix, you get to watch movies that are a great combination of science fiction and thrillers.

Watch such movies as In the Shadow of the Moon, The Endless, Transcendence, and How It Ends.

There’s a lot of great stuff in there to watch when you’re stuck at home!

Now we want to hear from you!

In the comments, share some of your favorite science fiction and fantasy movies that you think we should check out.

Please and thank you!

The post Watch Plenty of Sci-Fi and Fantasy Films When You Use These Special Codes From Netflix appeared first on UberFacts.

Artist Creates IKEA Instructions on How to Make Horror and Sci-Fi Characters

As a big fan of all things horror and science fiction, I have to say that I LOVE these illustrations.

They come to us from an illustrator named Ed Harrington who lives in Virginia.

Among other artworks, Harrington draws characters from horror and sci-fi movies as though they were instructions from IKEA.

The end products are totally awesome and also pretty funny, if you ask me.

Let’s take a look at Harrington’s work…you might never look at Freddy Krueger the same way again…

1. Don’t move, dirtbag!

RoboCop for the win!

2. Avoid this Alien at all costs.

Or else you’ll regret it…

3. One, two, Freddy’s coming for you.

Three, four, better lock your door.

4. For all the Star Wars fanatics out there.

Will he ever escape from this?!?!

5. And then there’s this guy…

Build your own Darth Vader!

6. Beware of zombies!

Especially those from The Walking Dead!

7. I heard you’re looking for Candyman…

Definitely not someone you want to run into…

8. Creepy Carrie! Creepy Carrie!

One of the movies that ruined my childhood.

9. This also ruined my childhood!

Damien from The Omen.

10. Hannibal the Cannibal.

Hello, Clarice…

11. The creepy kid from Pet Sematary!

Also known as Gage. If you haven’t seen it, you’ll never look at a scalpel or an Achilles tendon the same way ever again…

12. Cool! He-Man rules!

Masters of the Universe!

Those are awesome!

And what an amazingly original idea, right?

What other characters would you like to see Ed Harrington illustrate in this fashion?

Tell us what you think in the comments!

The post Artist Creates IKEA Instructions on How to Make Horror and Sci-Fi Characters appeared first on UberFacts.

People Are Just Now Realizing Robert Downey Jr Played a Blackface Character in 2008

The comedy Tropic Thunder came out over a decade ago in 2008, which makes me feel very old because I distinctly remember seeing in theatres like it was last week. By any reasonable measure, it was a decent success. It wasn’t a box office smash, but, it made a profit. The critical consensus wasn’t glowing, but it was positive, with an overall Metacritic score of 71 and a Rotten Tomatoes score of 82.

The movie is a rough-edged, over-the-top, wild, R-rated comedy. It wasn’t HUGE, but it did have enough of an influence to spawn little catchphrases and conversation pieces that continue to this day. One of those topics? RDJ blackface. Because oh, did I mention? Robert Downey Jr spends almost the entire movie in blackface. And there are a bunch of people who are just now realizing that.

There’s a lot to unpack here. Today, most of us know RDJ primarily as Iron Man. And in fact, the first Iron Man installment came out the same year as Tropic Thunder, long before anybody could have anticipated what a cultural phenomenon the MCU would end up becoming. And it seems like some are feeling betrayed that their beloved Mr. Stark would have done something as heinous as a full-on blackface performance, and still have a career.

Over the decades, the practice of blackface has come under greater and greater cultural scrutiny with many public figures having their careers derailed over it. This has occurred as more people recognize and take seriously its horribly racist roots and implications, which is a whole article of its own.

So, what’s the deal with Tropic Thunder? How was this considered OK? Well … it’s a little complicated.

The thing is (and anyone who has actually seen the movie will know this), it’s not as simple as RDJ doing a typical blackface performance. Blackface has its roots in appropriating/mocking African American culture, where a racial minority is essentially the target of the joke. Tropic Thunder takes aim at a very different target: Hollywood, albeit through a route that was pretty startling, even in 2008.

Without getting into the nitty gritty of the plot, suffice it to say that the script is a satire of the greed, foolishness, insensitivity, shallowness, and unrestrained ego of the Hollywood system. In this context, Roberty Downey Jr plays an actor named Kirk Lazurus, who, in a wildly-misguided and insensitive attempt to show off his acting chops, plays a rather cartoonish black soldier in the movie within the movie. Or as he puts it in one scene where his sense of self is challenged, “I know who I am. I’m the dude playin’ the dude, disguised as another dude!”

So in answer to the question, “Didn’t anyone notice?” the response is “Of course they did.” It got brought up in just about every single review at the time. Like in this one from African American film critic Jeffrey Lyles (who rated the movie 8/10):

“Kirk’s decision to make his character a black man complete with dark makeup would have been more than a tad controversial if not for Chino continually calling Kirk out for trying to act “black.”

While Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson won’t be leading Thunder boycotts, the film has garnered a significant backlash from mental disability advocates”

– Jeffrey Lyles, film critic

And yes, he got nominated for an Oscar in this role.

And as the previous review quote notes, his character is far from the only one some found problematic. Director Ben Stiller also performs in Tropic Thunder, playing actor Tugg Speedman, who is known in-universe for playing a character named “Simple Jack,” an absolutely insulting caricature of a man with a mental disorder. It’s pretty clear from the context of the movie that the goal is to mock the gross Oscar-bating Hollywood tendency to exploit adversity and disability in an attempt to seem important. Again, the target of the joke is Hollywood, but the execution nevertheless left a bad taste in the mouths of many.

The long and short of it is, context is important, and art ages quickly, especially comedy. Many have said that Tropic Thunder simply wouldn’t fly if it were made today, and that’s probably true. Personally, I gave it a rewatch this year and found myself cringing more and laughing less than I had all those years ago in the theater. And maybe that’s not inherently a good or a bad thing, it’s just the reality of how culture has continued to evolve. As another African American film critic, Wesley Morris (who rated it 3/4), put it when the movie premiered:

“In some future time we may look back on ‘Tropic Thunder’ and ask, ‘What were we thinking?’ But a movie that asks Cruise to slap the air as part of a horse-riding dance popularized by the R&B singer Ginuwine takes some time to recover from. So does one in which Downey appears to be playing Jude Law playing Kirk Douglas playing the late Bernie Mac. “

– Wesley Morris, The Boston Globe

Have you seen Tropic Thunder? Do you think it holds up at all today?

Tell us in the comments.

The post People Are Just Now Realizing Robert Downey Jr Played a Blackface Character in 2008 appeared first on UberFacts.

Celebrity Photo Mashups That Are Interesting to Look At

There’s a person on Instagram named Benji who does some pretty crazy celebrity mashups that you have to see to believe.

Benji creates these mashups so seamlessly that it’s hard to tell where one face ends and another begins.

He has quite a following on Instagram as well, with over 100,000 followers.

Let’s take a look at his work. Trust me, it’s pretty great.

1. Scarlett Johansson & Billie Eilish

Who do you see more of in this one?

2. Maya Hawke & Uma Thurman

Daughter and mother all mashed up.

3. Tom Holland & Shawn Mendes

What do you think of this one?

4. Jake Gyllenhaal & Tom Holland

Here’s another with Tom Holland and another guy you might have heard of.

5. James Franco & James Dean

Franco actually played Dean once, so this is pretty interesting.

6. Henry Cavill & Tom Welling

Is that Superman I see?

7. Jennifer Connelly & Liv Tyler

Both of these ladies are gorgeous.

8. Jessica Alba & Ariana Grande

Do you see the resemblance?

9. Camila Mendes & Vanessa Hudgens

It’s all in the eyes.

10. Marilyn Monroe & Britney Spears

Going WAY back for this one.

11. Emily Blunt & Katy Perry

Take a looooong look.

12. Keanu Reeves & Johnny Depp

I can see both of the actors in this one.

13. Jamie Dornan & Chris Pratt

Side note: if you haven’t seen The Fall with Jamie Dornan, I highly recommend it.

14. Mila Kunis & Emma Stone

A tough one to decipher.

Those are kind of crazy, don’t you think?!?!

And the longer you stare at them, the more they seem to morph into each other.

Very strange, indeed…

In the comments, tell us which ones you like the best.

And let us know some other celeb mashups you’d like to see from Benji.

We look forward to hearing from you!

The post Celebrity Photo Mashups That Are Interesting to Look At appeared first on UberFacts.