A TikTok User Filmed Her Ride of Space Mountain With the Lights on and People Are Freaked Out

Roller coasters provide park-goers with a rush of adrenaline that keeps them coming back for more. Match that with the magical production value of Disney Parks and you have yourself the vacation of a lifetime.

But what if that magical production value were to disappear? Have you ever considered what it would feel like to ride an indoor roller coater ride without the lights and the music?

This is exactly what happened to TikTok user @ashleyofpeeee when she rode Space Mountain.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Space Mountain is a staple of the Disney World experience.

Having first opened in 1975, Space Mountain is the oldest operating roller coaster in the state of Florida.

You’ll find it located in Tomorrowland, within the Magic Kingdom.

Those who’ve ridden Space Mountain before will know it is an entirely indoor roller coaster, usually experienced in space-like darkness with flashing lights for effect. See the video below for the full ride, lights off.

I’ve ridden Space Mountain once in my life, as a little kid. All I remember is closing my eyes tight the entire time and praying for it to be over as soon as possible.

But riding it with the lights on would be a completely different experience…

Image Credit: TikTok

@ashleyhopeeeeI FREAKED OUT. The lights were on when we went to space mountain!! 😮 ##MagicMoment ##disneyworld ##spacemountain♬ original sound – disney aesthetic

From her video, we see the tail-end of her Space Mountain experience, with the lights on.

This reveals a web of tracks and scaffolding.

To me, riding Space Mountain with the lights on would be preferable. It would be a lot less scary to know what’s coming, I think, but it looks like I’m in the minority.

Image Credit: TikTok

But isn’t it interesting to see how the roller coaster is put together?

Isn’t this a treat? Peeking behind the curtain to see the inner workings?

Apparently not.

Image Credit: TikTok

All the commenters agree that this ride is scarier with the lights ON, but I still think it would be really cool to ride Space Mountain this way.

A few years back, Theme Park University released a video of the full Space Mountain with the lights on.

Can you handle this, or is it too creepy?

Watching this video of Space Mountain with the lights on actually has me itching to ride a roller coaster, and I don’t even really like them.

Getting to see the inner workings of this ride has helped me better appreciate all the hard work that went into creating it. Plus, with the lights on you know when to duck!

Could you handle Space Mountain with the lights on, or is it took unnerving? Let us know in the comments!

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William Castle, a b-movie maker…

William Castle, a b-movie maker, allowed audiences refunds if a movie was too scary. Many abused it, angering Castle. The abuse stopped when he made refund seekers go to a “Coward’s Corner” in the theater as a record screamed “Watch the chicken!” and a yellow light followed across the theater. In addition, Castle made them […]

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Cinematic Burns That Were Perfectly Delivered

Everyone wins Oscars and other awards for serious, dramatic portrayals, but anyone who has ever spent any time around actors will tell you, 100%, that comedy is the harder genre.

Comedic timing can’t be taught, but it can be perfected, and when you see it come together in a flash of brilliance, there’s nothing to do but laugh (and maybe cheer).

Below are 16 movie burns that would not have required quite so much ice had the delivery not been as perfect.

16. Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl

Image Credit: Disney

Norrington: “You are, without a doubt, the worst pirate I’ve ever heard of.”

Jack Sparrow: “But you have heard of me.”

Jack Sparrow speaks in nothing but comebacks, so it’s a good thing Depp has the chops to pull it off.

15. Legally Blonde

Image Credit: MGM

When Warner says to Elle, incredulously: “You got into Harvard Law?” And she, perfectly innocent, replies: “What, like it’s hard?”

Reese Witherspoon proved her mettle as a comedic actress for all time.

14. Clueless

Image Credit: Paramount Pictures

Tai: “You’re a virgin who can’t drive.”

Best. One. Liner. Ever. Ahhhhhh.

13. Black Panther

Image Credit: Marvel/Disney

Agent Ross: “Is this Wakanda?”

Shuri: “No, it’s Kansas.”

She’s the queen of the comeback, and hits every single delivery like a dance.

12. Mrs. Doubtfire

Image Credit: 20th Century Fox

Stu: “Your accent’s a little muddled.”

Daniel: “Really? Well, so’s your tan.”

I don’t know for sure, but there’s a good chance Robin Williams ad-libbed that one, too.

11. Bridget Jones’ Diary

Image Credit: Universal Pictures

“If staying here means working within 10 feet of you, frankly, I’d rather have a job wiping Saddam Hussein’s arse.”

She definitely deserves the applause she gets as she exits.

10. The Avengers

Image Credit: Disney/Marvel

Loki: “I am a god, you dull creature.”

Hulk: “Puny god.”

Hulk just about made the last, interminable 20 minutes of that movie.

9. Spider-Man: Far From Home

Image Credit: Disney/Marvel

Spider-Man: “But I’m just a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.”

Fury: “Bitch, please, you’ve been to space.”

Samuel L. Jackson can drop a burn like nobody else…as long as he can curse.

8. Pride & Prejudice

Image Credit: Focus Features

Darcy: “So, what do you recommend to encourage affection.”

Elizabeth: “Dancing. Even if one’s partner is barely tolerable.”

That burn. Man. It just makes that movie even more perfect.

7. Easy A

Image Credit: Screen Gems

Nina: “Perhaps you should embroider a red A on your wardrobe, you abominable tramp.”

Olive: “Perhaps you should get a wardrobe, you abominable twat.”

We were all cheering for Olive standing up for herself, and Emma Stone is a comedy icon.

6. Addam’s Family Values

Image Credit: Paramount Pictures

Amanda: “Is that your bathing suit?”

Wednesday: “Is that your overbite?”

Wednesday Addams is the queen of the comeback and I wish Christina Ricci was still working.

5. Crazy Rich Asians

Image Credit: Warner Bros.

Astrid: “It’s not my job to make you feel like a man. I can’t make you something you’re not.”

Takes your breath away just reading it, right? And the delivery is *chef’s kiss.*

4. Sleeping Beauty

Image Credit: Disney

Merriweather: “It looks awful.”

Flora: “That’s because it’s on you dear.”

I mean. Ouch.

3. Avengers: Infinity War

Image Credit: Marvel/Disney

Tony: “You’re from Earth.”

Peter: “I’m not from Earth, I’m from Missouri.”

Tony: “Yeah, that’s on Earth, dipsh*t.”

Setting aside the argument on whether it is or isn’t, RDJ kills the line.

2. Pretty Woman

Vivian: “Hi, do you remember me?”

Bit*hy Sales Lady: “No, sorry.”

Vivian: “I was in here yesterday, you wouldn’t wait on me.”

BSL: …

Vivian: “You work on commission, right?”

BSL “Yes…”

Vivian: “Big mistake. Big. HUGE.”

BSL: …

Vivian: “I have to go shopping now.”

This scene had us all pumping our fists.

1. Erin Brokovich

Image Credit: Universal Pictures

Rude Lady Lawyer: “I think we got off on the wrong foot here.”

Erin: “That’s all you’ve got, lady – two wrong feet and f*cking ugly shoes.”

It doesn’t have to be a comedy to come with amazing comebacks, and Erin is full of them.

Reading through these makes me want to watch these movies again!

What’s your favorite example of perfect comedic delivery? Share it with us in the comments!

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10 Times Disney Movies Handled Serious Subjects in a Beautiful Way

Disney is known for its magical amusement parks and children’s movies. I myself am a BIG Disney movie fan. (I still have some of the originals on VHS tape!)

But Disney movies aren’t all singing candlesticks and beautiful princesses. Many Disney movies tackle real issues, with characters experiencing universal emotions like loss, grief, remorse, and heartbreak.

Some of these moments stick with us more than others. Grab your tissues, folks. You’re gonna need them as we revisit some of the best instances where Disney movies handled serious subjects beautifully.

1. Quasimodo is dehumanized and ridiculed because of his appearance, The Hunchback of Notre Dame:

Image Credit: The Hunchblog

Disney’s animated interpretation of Victor Hugo’s novel is ripe with serious subjects, but the most painful moment to sit through is the scene in which Quasimodo is attacked by a mob.

His guardian/jailer Archdeacon Claude Frollo sits by as a crowd of malicious revelers tie Quasimodo to a spinning wheel and hurtle tomatoes and the like at his face.

Only when Esmerelda steps in does this horrible assault halt.

There’s a lot going on in this moment. It shows the fleeting nature of celebrity and humanity’s capacity for cruelty, but in Esmerelda we see bravery and compassion.

2. Riley’s depression, Inside Out.

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

Riley and her family have just moved to a new city, away from Riley’s school, her friends on the hockey team, and pretty much everything she’s known.

Moving is a major life stressor for anyone, but especially children, who have no real control in situations like this.

In the climax of the movie, Riley is unable to feel any emotions at all. Audience members see this as Riley being in a state of depression.

Depression is another common ailment that can be hard to talk about, even more so with kids.

Inside Out provides an example of how in moments of crisis like this, reaching out to the ones you love is the best step to take for your own health and safety.

3. Jesse’s abandonment, Toy Story 2

Image Credit: Tumblr

I told you to grab tissues. Cue the Sarah McLachlan. Who could forget Jesse’s heartbreaking song, “When Somebody Loved Me,” about the child who loved, and ultimately, left her?

Abandonment is another universal experience, regardless of age, and like every difficult experience, it can be even harder for children to process.

Luckily, we see Jesse chooses to put herself out there again, despite her fear, and learn that not everyone who loves you will leave you in a box by the side of the road.

4. When Coco remembers her family, Coco

Image Credit: New York Times

In Coco, protagonist Miguel travels to the Land of the Dead, where he uncovers lost secrets about his family’s tragic past.

In this tender, emotional ending scene, our hero Miguel bravely defy his abuelita’s wishes, and sings “Remember Me,” to his great-grandmother, who at this point is almost completely non-responsive.

Little does his family realize, this is exactly the song Coco needs to hear to remember herself and her family.

5. “Lost,” Lilo and Stitch

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

Lilo is a great example of a child dealing with grief. Having lost their parents in a car crash, Lilo and her sister Nani struggle to rebuild their family unit.

Stitch (who is very much an alien, not a dog) is also dealing with difficult emotions of his own. He has no parents, no family, and vocalizes that he feels, “Lost.”

Together these two navigate their anger, loneliness, and strong desire to find “ohana” by creating a new, found family.

6. Mufasa’s death, The Lion King

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

Few Disney deaths hit so hard as Mufasa being trampled to death in The Lion King.

Worst of all, we the audience know that his demise is not an unfortunate accident but a deliberate plot on the part of his brother, Scar.

We then see Scar convince little baby Simba that he is to blame. Not only do we see Simba processes the loss of his father, we also see him grappling with survivors guilt.

That’s a lot of one little cub to handle.

8. When Sully says goodbye to Boo, Monsters Inc.

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

There’s “good-bye” and then there’s “good-bye.

In this tear-jerker scene, we watch Scully give a final farewell to Boo, the little girl he’s grown to love as if she were his own.

Never has the word “Kitty” wrecked me so hard.

7. Ellie’s inability to get pregnant, Up

Image Credit: Galley Roulette

The story of Carl, Ellie, and their life together within the first ten minutes of Up is one of the most beautiful executions of animation and music I’ve ever seen.

We see the couple decide to try getting pregnant, prepare for a baby to arrive, and suddenly we see them receiving devastating news from a doctor.

While we can’t hear what he’s saying, the message is clear: Ellie will not be having a baby.

It is the only time I’ve seen a woman’s reproductive health addresses in a children’s movie, and for those in the audience who can relate to that moment, I’m sure it meant the world to feel seen.

9. Marlin loses almost his entire family, Finding Nemo

Image Credit: Virality Today

Another Disney/Pixar classic with a heartbreaking beginning.

After being introduced to Marlin and his clown fish family, we very quickly have to say goodbye when a predator attacks.

From this scene we see that everything can be taken from a person, in the blink of an eye, but in the face of incredible loss, we can still find a smidgen of hope to latch onto.

10. Andy says goodbye, Toy Story 3

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

There are plenty of moments in the Toy Story saga that have left us in tears, but Andy saying goodbye to his childhood toys is the most heart wrenching of all.

Saying goodbye and moving on to new phases in life is an essential part of growing up, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. Thankfully, Pixar gave us the most satisfying goodbye imaginable.

Image Credit: Vox

I don’t know if these emotional moments hit me as hard when I was a kid, but as an adult they slay me. I think Disney’s ability to tackle real human emotions is one of their greatest strengths. Instead of talking down to their audience, they create relatable characters who—although they might be toys, monsters, or animals—deal with very human problems.

Which of these serious Disney moments pulls at your heart strings the most?

Let us know in the comments!

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Following the 1973 release of The Exorcist…

Following the 1973 release of The Exorcist, six people who saw it had to be admitted to a Chicago hospital “straight from the theater.” Psychiatrist James Bozzuto examined four of them and concluded they were suffering from “cinematic neurosis” — a term he coined. Basically, this was neurosis caused by watching a movie. Symptoms of […]

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This Could Be the Most Hilariously Horrific Maternity Shoot Ever

When a person tells you they’re taking maternity pictures, what comes to mind is soft lighting, big, swollen bellies, blissful expressions, and a happy mother and/or couple, right?

Most of us don’t think about capturing the moments leading up to the birth of a new human being and figure it’s a great opportunity to really freak some people out.

Thank goodness we’re not all the same, though, because if we were, we wouldn’t have these amazing images.

Things started out normal enough, with some pretty photos of the two of them in a pumpkin patch.

Soon, though, things start to go, um, south.

The couple love Halloween and anything that involves costumes, so this idea was just a natural for them.

(By the way, we’re not going to show you the gory pics. If you want to see those, go here. But we will show you the aftermath.)

Husband Todd Cameron talked with Bored Panda about how the whole thing came to be.

“I had recently found an Alien Chestburster model at a garage sale and after putting it together and painting it, the photoshoot idea came to me.

I had an idea for the general story and props needed, including carving the alien pod pumpkin and Nicole took care of finding out ‘out there’ wardrobe.”

Yeah… they went there…

The photographer, Li Carter, is local to the couple in Nanaimo, British Columbia, and they couldn’t be more pleased with her work.

The family friend had helped them with a number of funny shoots previously, from “The Big Lebowski 40th Birthday” to “Sasquatch Day,” so this couldn’t have come as too much of a surprise.

Todd Cameron added…

“The creepy photos took about an hour to shoot and, though chilly and muddy on the pumpkin patch, it was so much fun.

We just kept laughing at the absurdity of it and hoping the employees of the farm wouldn’t drive by to see us covered in blood.”

And look… a happy family! Haha… jeezus.

Thanks for the laughs, Camerons.

Good luck with that particular bundle of joy.

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People Discuss What They Think Folks Will Be Nostalgic for in the Year 2060

It’s hard to believe that people will be nostalgic for ANYTHING that’s going on in the world right now, but you never know…

I’m sure people in 1980 thought the world was going to Hell in a handbasket, but 40 years later, 1980 probably looks pretty decent to some people…

But what will people be nostalgic for in the year 2060?

Here’s what people had to say on AskReddit.

1. Privacy.

“Privacy and the ability to go somewhere without seeing 75 cameras all the time.

Went to the beach today and no one was in the water except for me and my friend. Everyone else was waiting for “golden hour” in their dry beachwear.”

2. In-person.

“Playing physical games with friends.

Going to friends’ houses to play basketball/soccer and a few video games, and then have a sleep over.

Socializing to the extent even the youngest here have experienced.”

3. Remember when…

“The short period of time in 2020 when most of us got to spend some time at home with our families, traffic was bearable, people in the supermarkets were asked to keep distance.

As an introvert, I’m gonna miss it for sure.

As a doctor, not so much.”

4. Hang on to it!

“Physical media so you don’t have to micropay for every movie you feel like watching.

When the DVDs and Blu-Rays are no longer in the stores, there will be no reason for streaming services to charge a flat rate.”

5. That’s depressing.


Cars will be 100% automated and it will be illegal to drive your own car on roadways unless you have a special license, because it’s so dangerous.

There will be amusement parks where you can drive a car all by yourself.”

6. Show me the money.

“Paper and metal currency.

Virtual money, wire transfers, alternative finance models, blockchain money will be a norm I anticipate.

It is coming faster than we think.”

7. I really hope not.

“The golden days before covid-25 when you just had to wear a mask instead of a full hazmat suit…”

8. Scary stuff ahead?

“Contemporary weather patterns and jet streams.

Lack of mass migration and climate change refugees.

Clean beaches. Peace in India.”

9. Off the grid no more.

“Being able to go “off the grid” for a weekend.

I may have been the only student my senior year of high school and first few weeks of college not to have a cell phone (Out 200+ person freshman engineering 101 intro class, 5 of us didn’t have a cell phone, and the other 4 were from mainland China.

I was the only one who had the access to phones that would work on American cell phone networks but simply didn’t own one) and then had a pay-as-you-go phone mostly for emergencies for the next two years.

It wasn’t until the summer between my sophomore and junior year that I got a phone on a plan, and that was bc I needed it for a job with “on-call” shifts. Even now, I’m on one of the smaller carriers, so when I go camping for a weekend, I’m frequently out of cell phone range when I’m not on the interstate.”

10. Scary to think about.


They were already slowly being replaced by self checkouts, and now covid has put a rush on it.”

11. Not much faith…

“Large animals.

Rhinos, elephants, orangutans, giraffes. I have little faith that we won’t destroy the world.

Looking at the old onesies from our kids pajamas that we packed in a box showing safari animals will become as extinct as dinosaurs, but more painful…”

12. Bleak.


Most people fail to realize what is happening in industry. They are blaming other people and countries, but the truth is, along aside the technical revolution of phones has been the technical revolution of industry.

Industrial level stepper motors and servos have become so cheap, along side multi core 64 bit control boards, which are so cheap they are essentially disposable, that entire swaths of the labor pool have already been replaced by computers.

The issue here is these incredible control boards are continuing to get better and cheaper, and the software is getting better. Every day the march of technology continues, the closer it comes to replacing Jobs we traditionally think as irreplaceable.

Computers don’t need a break, they rarely make a mistake, and they are cheaper than your labor. We are <10yr from massive disruption in some of the largest employment vectors, like transportation, that is going to put a lot of people out of work.”

13. No!

“Barnes and Noble.

They’re the last major chain bookstore, and they’re not doing well. The one where I am is going out of business after 20 years.

There will not be a bookstore in my city. (I’m in a suburb to LA, so not the middle of nowhere.).”

14. You’re being watched…

“Someone already said privacy, so I’m gonna go for freedom, it’s basically the same but it’s the effect of the lack of privacy.

People change when they know they are being watched.

This is already happening and will only get worse with time and technological improvement.”

15. Look into the sky.

“The night sky.

By that time, Musk, Bezos, and god knows who else, will have hundreds of thousands of satellites in orbit.

Our cities will have doubled in size, and urban sprawl will cause further light pollution. Stargazing will be something future generations will only hear stories about…”

Now we want to hear from all the readers out there.

In the comments, tell us what you think people will be nostalgic for in 40 years.

Please and thank you!

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