This Woman Made Her Teenage Daughter Sleep in a Tent. Does That Make Her an A-hole?

I don’t think I’ve ever heard a story like this before…

But that means it’s gonna be a good story that we can all comment on!

And this one is a doozy.

A single mother of two girls shared a story on the “Am I the *sshole” forum on Reddit about how she chose to discipline one of her kids.

Let’s see what happened.

AITA for making my daughter sleep in a tent

“I (34F) am a single mother to two girls, ‘Jasmine’ (16F) and ‘Jessica’ (14F).

Their dad passed when I was pregnant with Jess, and I had to work hard. We hit rock bottom, and I was barely making pay cheque to pay cheque but I managed to get a degree, become successful and we live well. Point is, I know how f*cking hard it is to be at the bottom of society, and my daughters know this, which is why I was livid at my daughter’s actions.

Yesterday, Jasmine showed me a video of Jessica cussing a homeless man out and telling him, ‘stop asking me for money, you’d earn it yourself if you weren’t so f*cking lazy and spending what you earned on substances.’

When the homeless man complained about the cold (we live in Northeast England), Jessica responded ‘Yeah people camp for fun, even in December, you can’t complain, you’re living someone’s holiday.’ Fury was an understatement for what I felt, as I thought I had raised an empathetic daughter.

Along with finding the homeless man and making her apologise and help pay for a hotel room for a night for him (she paid £20), as well as signing her up to volunteer at a food bank – I decided to take her up on her offer of sleeping outside.

I locked her bedroom door so she couldn’t go in, put a sign on it saying Closed for the holidays, pitched a tent in the garden and filled it with blankets and the sleeping bag I used when I was camping in Norway on a family holiday as a teen (aka really bloody thermal).

I slept in the room closest to the garden for that night so I was nearby if anything was to go wrong. She was reluctant to do it, but chose it over the option of not having access to her phone until the Christmas holidays are over.

In the morning, she was crying about how horrible it was to wake up on a cold mat and get disrupted sleep due to birds. After comforting her, I asked her would she like to do that everyday like the homeless man. It struck a cord with her and she was crying over her actions, while even after the £20 she was rolling her eyes and her apology was not sincere.

This afternoon, I came home from work to Jessica making a big meal to donate to the homeless people who live on the road near our house. I was proud of how she turned over a new leaf, and after taking the food to the people, my sister came over. Apparently, my nephew and Jessica were talking at school, and he asked her about her plans for the afternoon, and she said that she was going to cook for the homeless.

My nephew asked what triggered that, and Jess told him everything, which he relayed back to his mum. My sister said that my punishment was too harsh, and just the £20 and the food bank would have done the trick, and I was acting irrationally due to my past. Now I’m second guessing myself.


Let’s see what folks on Reddit had to say about this story.

One person said she thinks the mother did the right thing and that it most likely changed her daughter’s horrible attitude.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another person said that the mom taught the child a good lesson and most importantly taught her EMPATHY.

Photo Credit: Reddit

One Reddit user called the mom’s actions “the most appropriate punishment.”

And they stated the obvious: kids can be real jerks sometimes, so they need to be put in their place when that happens.

Photo Credit: Reddit

One person got right to the point: the woman’s daughter got off easy.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Finally, a reader said that the mother did the right thing and there was nothing cruel about this life lesson.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Sounds like this family is going through a really tough time…

What do you think?

Is this woman an *sshole? Talk to us in the comments. Thanks!

The post This Woman Made Her Teenage Daughter Sleep in a Tent. Does That Make Her an A-hole? appeared first on UberFacts.

Pregnant Women Confess: “I Don’t Know Who the Father Is and I’m Freaking Out.”

Think about if you were in this situation…

You weren’t planning on it, but you find out you’re pregnant. Filled with the mixed emotions that come with an unplanned pregnancy, you realize there’s another issue to work out.

Who is the father?

Yeah, yikes. You’ve been letting THAT many guys drop it while it’s hot? Oh boy…

These 12 women share their struggles with not knowing who fathered their unborn baby.

1. Yeah, but are you REALLY never gonna get drunk again… hmmmm…

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Wait… SIXTY?!?!

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Sad, but I imagine this isn’t uncommon…

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Well, take that responsibility on your shoulders! You go!

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. I can’t even imagine lying to somebody about this. Whoa.

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Get. Your. Tubes. Tied.

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. There’s another option. It’s called family planning for a reason.

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Yeah, that is the worst. Facing something like this by yourself is ROUGH.

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. And that’s absolutely your right.

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. There’s no way to find out?!

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Yikes!

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. That is a wild and weird month, indeed!

Photo Credit: Whisper

Well, that was a rollercoaster ride! Who would have thought that these women would have to go through situations like these, but that’s the reality.

So then… have any confessions you need to drop? Let us know in the comments!

The post Pregnant Women Confess: “I Don’t Know Who the Father Is and I’m Freaking Out.” appeared first on UberFacts.

A Guy Told Women ‘How to Be a Better Mother’ — People Didn’t Hold Back with Their Responses

Women seem to have had it up to here with taking unsolicited advice about their bodies, roles, and future from men – a fact that one guy found out the hard way when he thought he’d offer up advice on best mothering practices.

Here it is:

How to be a better mother:

– Be feminine

– Wear dresses

– Don’t hit your kids

– Enforce boundaries

– Be physically active

– Don’t tease your kids

– Cook your family’s meals

– Don’t call your children names

– Do not get drunk in front of them

– Show up to their games *& cheer*

Now, let’s point a couple of things out right upfront. First, he’s very likely a man still hurting from the ways his own mother disappointed him as a child and is using this list and his platform as some weird way of fixing himself. This excuses nothing, because he is now a grown man and should know better.

Second, there are things on this list that many pointed out were absolutely arbitrary when it comes to being a good mother.

For instance, how a woman dresses.

Why would he care?

And what does it matter?

And whether she cooks dinner or goes for a run afterward.

Does it truly matter if she’s physically active?

But mostly, women just seemed to take offense at the idea that someone on the internet who doesn’t know them or their kids or how they actually run their family from day-to-day, would dare criticize them based on this list.

Or any list, honestly.

Because lists are not a good way to determine how whole groups of people should behave.

No, not at all.

Also, shoutout to the men out there – obviously raised by good women – also confused and irritated and not afraid to clap back!

Seriously bro? Seriously?

Who hurt you?

Let’s all just stop trying to force other people into small, arbitrary boxes labeled “good” and “bad,” shall we?

We’re all going to be happier if we do.

The post A Guy Told Women ‘How to Be a Better Mother’ — People Didn’t Hold Back with Their Responses appeared first on UberFacts.

This Extremely Lucky Mom Will Never Feel Bad Nagging About Car Seat Safety Again

If you’re a mom or have friends who are moms, you’ve definitely seen a picture of a baby strapped into a car seat pop up in your timeline at one time or another. There’s also a good chance you’ve seen one mom comment to another about how their kid is improperly or not safely restrained in their car seat. The straps, the adjustable head support, the clips…it’s a lot to take in when you’re a new parent (which is why you should totally get your local fire department to double check your installation!).

That said, most of us get the hang of things pretty quickly once we’re putting our precious bundle in and out of that seat, sometimes multiple times a day. Other people, though, sometimes don’t quite get why we’re so militant.

I know my parents always want to help by putting the baby in and out of the cars eat, and I know how many times I’ve had to correct them or check again once they’ve got him ready to go – and how many times they’ve exchanged looks, tried to tell me he was in too tight, or probably thought I was over the top.

The same is probably true of mom Rebecca Tafaro Boyer, who replied to this photo her husband sent of their infant son with some “nagging” feedback about how he was strapped into his seat.

She “nagged” him about William’s position in the car seat – the straps were too loose and the chest clip was too low (it should be nipple height), and felt sure that her husband listened and made the corrections.

Later, she would be 100% glad she hadn’t feltbad about her nagging, because the two of them were in an accident.

“David just didn’t have enough time to stop – it could have happened to anyone. He slammed on the brakes at nearly 50mph before colliding with the front passenger side door of her SUV. My precious little bundle of joy was so well restrained in his car seat THAT HE DIDN’T EVEN WAKE UP.”

Her husband and baby went to the local hospital to get checked out, and though William was fine, her husband did suffer a broken foot – but there’s no way to know if that would have been the case had she not asked him to tighten up and re-adjust William’s straps that morning.

“I am so thankful that my husband took the extra one minute that was necessary to put William in his car seat safely. I can’t even begin to imagine how different the outcome could have been. I truly believe that the reason my family is at home sitting on the couch with a pair of crutches instead of down at the hospital is because of my annoying nagging mom voice.”

So if you have one of those (I know you do, it comes with the baby!) don’t be afraid to use it when it comes to your child’s safety. Like Rebecca reminds us in her now viral post, “The car is a loss, but cars can be replaced – my boys can’t!”

No one can, so stay safe out there, friends, and remember that if your car seat has been involved in an accident, it needs to be replaced. Ask your insurance if it’s covered and get a new one!

The post This Extremely Lucky Mom Will Never Feel Bad Nagging About Car Seat Safety Again appeared first on UberFacts.