This Woman Asked If She’s Wrong for Calling Out Her Friend for Not Buying Her House

It’s strange to me what people choose to get competitive about in life…

Especially with people who are supposed to be their friends…

But you see it all the time! And here’s another glaring example from the “Am I The A**hole?” page from Reddit.

Take a look at this story and tell us if it sounds familiar at all…

AITA for telling my friend her parents bought her house, not her?

“The title sounds bad but hear me out.

Backstory: I (F28) have a friend (F28) who purchased a house late last year. It’s an awesome 2 story town house and I’ve been over there plenty of times to help out with moving/decorating and for hanging out.

As mentioned in the title, her parents purchased the house for her and her partner. I truly have no issue with this as the housing market is terrible for buyers so more power to them for being home owners. I recently, unfortunately inherited my parents house, which is 3 bedroom, out in the sticks.

The issue: We went appliance shopping because most of the the stuff in the house was 10-15 years old. We were standing with an employee who I had asked to recommend some smaller items like toasters and kettles when the employee asked if I was moving out as general chit chat. I told him I was moving, and he asked whether I bought or rented.

I told him bought, because it was just easier and less awkward than telling him I inherited the house. He told me that was cool and began talking about the toasters again when my friend cut in that I had inherited my house, not purchased it. The employee went quiet and I gave her a “what was that” face. I was taken aback, she continued on saying “Yeah, I purchased my house”.

I asked “does it really matter? I’m here to buy some kitchen appliances not tell this guy my personal issues.” She grinned and said “it’s just for the record” which made me more confused and annoyed. (You can probably see where this is going) I replied “Oh okay then if it’s just for the record your parents purchased your house for you.”

The employee quickly retreated and she walked outside of the shop. I caught up with her and she said I was a massive a**hole for pointing out she couldn’t afford to own without her parents help. I returned with a very similar “my parents also helped me with getting a house too, just in a really terrible way.”

My partner agrees with me, saying that she’s the one that opened that door, but our other friends are split almost 50/50.”

Reddit users shared their thoughts about this story.

This reader said that the woman who wrote the post is not an a**hole and that her friend sounds very catty.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another person said that the woman should have defended herself.

I agree!

Photo Credit: Reddit

This individual argued that this woman might want to reevaluate her friendship with this person…

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this Reddit user shared their own personal story about how some “friends” can get pretty jealous and competitive when it comes to houses AND house sizes.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Do you think this woman acted like a jerk?

Or was this no big deal?

Sound off in the comments and let your voice be heard!

The post This Woman Asked If She’s Wrong for Calling Out Her Friend for Not Buying Her House appeared first on UberFacts.

What Would You First Do if You Became a Billionaire? Here’s What People Said.

If you said you’ve never daydreamed about what you’d do with a billion dollars, I’d say that you might be lying.

We’ve all done it!

I think I’d throw my phone in the trash and go to some tropical island for about a month just to chill and take as many naps as possible…and then I’d start scheming and figuring out who would get how much money…

I just really hope it wouldn’t turn me into an evil person…

What would you do first if you became a billionaire?

Here’s what AskReddit users had to say.

1. Just chillin’.


With that kind of money I could afford not to do anything for a while.”

2. I like this.

“Revive my favorite TV shows.

I don’t care if anyone is already d**d.

We have CGI for that.”

3. You do you.

“I’d employ a law firm that semi-exclusively litigated my petty squabbles with the world.

False advertising.

Cop car paint colors.

Whatever else that bothers me.”

4. Sounds like paradise.

“Buy my own private island and have a house built that is designed to give me the best possible sleep I could ever have.”

5. Amazing.

“Build a large homeless shelter with therapists to show them how to get back on their feet.

I was homeless for 6 years.

You are mentally different after that.”


“First thing… hire a lawyer.

Second thing, hire security.

Third thing, pay off every living expense my family and friends will have for thier entire life.”

7. A simple plan.

“This will sound cliche…

Take care of friends and family.

Invest the majority.

Travel for remainder of my life.”

8. A lot of cash.

“A billion dollars is more money than I could spend in a lifetime.

I’d work with a financial advisor and an attorney to figure out how much I need to comfortably live the rest of my life as well as how I should go about securing stocks/bonds/other money generating assets.

Then I would take that amount, match it for both my siblings and my parents, and then figure out which modern day efforts/charities would most benefit from the money.”

9. Nice and easy.

“I’d pay off the house and bills.

Then just kick it and enjoy my time with my wife and kids.”

10. Gotta do it!

“Give half to my parents, make ’em comfy forever.

Least I can do to repay their kindness.”

11. Here’s the deal.

“Buy new t-shirts and underwear.

Purchase land, build sanctuary with tiny homes, apply to become a haven for refugees of war.

Pay off my house and buy my daughter a horse.

Buy Bitcoin on a dip, sell it high then drive around everyday giving people big wads of cash randomly.”

12. Do some good work.

“Pay off student loans for people.

Finance infrastructure projects.

Finance educational facilities.

Provide health care for people.

And invest properly to keep more billions coming.

13. Got it all figured out.

“I would become a secret benefactor like the Spider in Charles Dickens’ “Great Expectations.”

I would secretly find amazing people in the world and start sending them money and gifts that would help them to expand and grow their amazingness.

I would start secretly paying off student lunch debt.

I would secretly payoff layaway items at stores around the US in December.

I would secretly hire a construction company to just show up in Flint, Michigan and start fixing all the plumbing.

I would secretly fund library trucks that come into lower socioeconomic neighborhoods to provide every child and adult with 20+ age appropriate books for their home in order to create a grass roots neighborhood learning program that would encourage the sharing of books with others throughout the community. Nobody would know why but the book mobiles would just start showing up once a week in public places.

I would secretly offer public schools funding for music, art, philosophy, personal finance and REAL American and world history courses that would actually prepare our amazing children with the skills and knowledge they need to be amazing humans.

I would secretly buy plots of land in industrial parts of cities like Portland, Seattle, Los Angeles with high homeless populations and start adding small, recycled homes to give every homeless person who needs a roof and clean water services like public showers and sinks.

I would then secretly sponsor a free healthcare truck for every location to ensure all the homeless residents receive medical, dental and mental healthcare including drug and al**hol counseling, needle exchange to assist them in regaining control of their precious lives while receiving the help and care they need. All just to prove how successful they can be.

All of this in secret to give everyone in the world some hope that there is some secret person out there looking out for people who do good for the world and those in society who are currently unable to care for themselves. You know, hope, which many of us have lost.

My hope is this secret, pay-it-forward support would encourage other millionaires and billionaires to feel peer pressure to engage far more of their wealth on specific funded programs in the world that actually physically help and reward deserving folks. 🙂


How about you?

What would you do first if you became a billionaire?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know!

The post What Would You First Do if You Became a Billionaire? Here’s What People Said. appeared first on UberFacts.

Is This Guy Wrong For Not Helping His Daughter Pay for College? People Responded.

The age-old battle of who is going to pay for college is still going strong, folks!

And here’s yet another example…

A dad asked folks on Reddit if he is acting like an a**hole in regard to his daughter and her college plans.

Let’s take a look.

AITA For Refusing To Help My Daughter Pay For College?

“I (48m) have three children with my ex. My son “Joe” (24m) and two daughters “Jane” (21f) and “Amy” (19f).

After the children were born my great-grandmother started a small Education fund for each of them that I have now since controlled since her passing.

There weren’t any specific criteria for this fund within the context of the law or Bank policy because of the type of fund my great-grandmother started. I’ve added my own money to fund and my parents have occasionally put in some cash but it was never expected. My ex never put a dime into it but always wanted to have equal control of it and every time I refused she would get upset.

Over the years she’s tried to say that she needed money from the fund for expenses for the kids, citing that the child support I was paying wasn’t enough. I still refused and said that to just send me the bill and I’ll pay for it directly. She didn’t want that and would shut up after I asked how she could be so desperate for money for our kids but refuse to give any details.

Fast forward to when Joe was going to college and I told my son to just give me enough information so that I can pay the school every semester and he’d be good.

My ex tried to convince him to get me to give him all the money so that way he could have his privacy. My son did consider it but decided that he’d rather I just do this for him because he was worried of blowing through the money. I was proud of him.

Jane, however, gave into her mom’s way of thinking and insisted that I just give her the entire fund during her 2nd year. I tried to convince her that this way was best and pointed at how well this worked out for her brother.

Jane just called me controlling and said that I didn’t respect her enough to let her make her own choices. Eventually I relented but made it clear that this was all the money that there was for her for college. That once it’s gone, it’s gone and she was on her own if she needed more.

Everything seemed fine up until about a few weeks ago and Jane called crying saying that she wasn’t going to finish because she ran out of money. I asked her what happened and surprise, surprise Jane gave money to my ex. I let her vent and then told her that everything was going to be okay.

That while she may not graduate by a certain time she can still finish school, she’ll just need to apply for grants, scholarships, loans and maybe even take a year off to just work. How I would tell the school how she was on her own so she could get more money

Both Jane and my ex are upset with me, because they expect me to pay for her schooling and that I was being horrible for wanting her to struggle with loans. To me this isn’t about being petty but rather giving Jane a hard lesson.

She wanted to be treated like an adult, well finding your own way is what adults do. Joe agrees with me but, now Amy is being pressured to access her fund to help her sister. Technically, I could help but I’d rather Jane work for it herself.


And here’s how people on Reddit responded to this story.

One reader said that the dad is not in the wrong here and his daughter will learn a lesson from this situation.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another Reddit user argued that the girl’s mom was really out of line here and they consider what she did to be “financial abuse.”

Photo Credit: Reddit

This individual thinks that the mom is also out of line and they called the dad in this story a “poor guy.”

Photo Credit: Reddit

This Reddit user said that the mom here is a total gold digger and is also manipulative.

I think you’re right on the money!

Photo Credit: Reddit

And lastly, this person disagreed with the other readers and said that the dad should not be “bribing” his daughter. Something to think about…

Photo Credit: Reddit

What are your thoughts on this situation?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know what you think.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post Is This Guy Wrong For Not Helping His Daughter Pay for College? People Responded. appeared first on UberFacts.

Is This Guy Wrong For Not Helping His Daughter Pay for College? People Responded.

The age-old battle of who is going to pay for college is still going strong, folks!

And here’s yet another example…

A dad asked folks on Reddit if he is acting like an a**hole in regard to his daughter and her college plans.

Let’s take a look.

AITA For Refusing To Help My Daughter Pay For College?

“I (48m) have three children with my ex. My son “Joe” (24m) and two daughters “Jane” (21f) and “Amy” (19f).

After the children were born my great-grandmother started a small Education fund for each of them that I have now since controlled since her passing.

There weren’t any specific criteria for this fund within the context of the law or Bank policy because of the type of fund my great-grandmother started. I’ve added my own money to fund and my parents have occasionally put in some cash but it was never expected. My ex never put a dime into it but always wanted to have equal control of it and every time I refused she would get upset.

Over the years she’s tried to say that she needed money from the fund for expenses for the kids, citing that the child support I was paying wasn’t enough. I still refused and said that to just send me the bill and I’ll pay for it directly. She didn’t want that and would shut up after I asked how she could be so desperate for money for our kids but refuse to give any details.

Fast forward to when Joe was going to college and I told my son to just give me enough information so that I can pay the school every semester and he’d be good.

My ex tried to convince him to get me to give him all the money so that way he could have his privacy. My son did consider it but decided that he’d rather I just do this for him because he was worried of blowing through the money. I was proud of him.

Jane, however, gave into her mom’s way of thinking and insisted that I just give her the entire fund during her 2nd year. I tried to convince her that this way was best and pointed at how well this worked out for her brother.

Jane just called me controlling and said that I didn’t respect her enough to let her make her own choices. Eventually I relented but made it clear that this was all the money that there was for her for college. That once it’s gone, it’s gone and she was on her own if she needed more.

Everything seemed fine up until about a few weeks ago and Jane called crying saying that she wasn’t going to finish because she ran out of money. I asked her what happened and surprise, surprise Jane gave money to my ex. I let her vent and then told her that everything was going to be okay.

That while she may not graduate by a certain time she can still finish school, she’ll just need to apply for grants, scholarships, loans and maybe even take a year off to just work. How I would tell the school how she was on her own so she could get more money

Both Jane and my ex are upset with me, because they expect me to pay for her schooling and that I was being horrible for wanting her to struggle with loans. To me this isn’t about being petty but rather giving Jane a hard lesson.

She wanted to be treated like an adult, well finding your own way is what adults do. Joe agrees with me but, now Amy is being pressured to access her fund to help her sister. Technically, I could help but I’d rather Jane work for it herself.


And here’s how people on Reddit responded to this story.

One reader said that the dad is not in the wrong here and his daughter will learn a lesson from this situation.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another Reddit user argued that the girl’s mom was really out of line here and they consider what she did to be “financial abuse.”

Photo Credit: Reddit

This individual thinks that the mom is also out of line and they called the dad in this story a “poor guy.”

Photo Credit: Reddit

This Reddit user said that the mom here is a total gold digger and is also manipulative.

I think you’re right on the money!

Photo Credit: Reddit

And lastly, this person disagreed with the other readers and said that the dad should not be “bribing” his daughter. Something to think about…

Photo Credit: Reddit

What are your thoughts on this situation?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know what you think.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post Is This Guy Wrong For Not Helping His Daughter Pay for College? People Responded. appeared first on UberFacts.

This Husband Set the Record Straight Because His Wife Complains About Their Finances. Was He Wrong?

This certainly is a weird story

I guess every person thinks about their finances differently and some also like to portray a certain image about their money to the outside world.

Check out this story from Reddit’s “Am I The A**hole?” and stick around to see how readers reacted.

Start now!

AITA for revealing our net worth when my wife constantly says we are broke and making me look bad with money?

“I (31M) have been with my wife (30F) for 10 years now and she always has had this habit of making me look bad with our finances.

Whenever anything regarding spending money comes up she will always say how broke we are and she doesn’t have the money to do this or buy that. The thing is we are doing well financially. We have decent jobs and combine our salary is roughly $125k/yr.

As of today our net worth is more than $1 million but less than 2. I had saved/invested a lot before getting married so I gave us a good head start. I control the finances/take the lead but we both agreed to living a very modest life. We both have our cars from college for example (Honda & Toyota). She knows everything about our finances because at least once a month I go over it with her every time I deposit money in our investment accounts or our kids college funds.

For banking we have an emergency fund and I budget everything else to go straight into investments. We basically stay right at $10k in our banks savings account and $500 in our checking account after bills. EDIT: Most of the time there is more than $500 in our checkings but once I pay our CC each month I then move anything extra. We always use the CC so its not like we only have $500 to spend. Our CC limit is $25,000.

A few months ago we had dinner with her friends and they talked buying a new car. My wife said something like, ‘I wish I could get a new car but I’m always broke after paying the bills. We still have our college cars!’ (EDIT: Wife does not want a new car). She will go on to talk about if she had money what she would want to buy and it always makes me feel ashamed.

This ‘I’m broke story’ has been happening for years. When we were driving home I asked her about. She understood we have the money but its how she feels because her bank account is always low. I said I can increase our budget or keep more money in our bank if she wants. Since we are doing well I’m okay with spending more. She said no and again was happy with our finances. I explained that when she says we are broke it makes me look bad and I feel ashamed. Its as though I can’t provide for the family and/or I am bad with money. She doesn’t see it that way.

The same conversation has come up numerous times about us being broke. Recently, I reminded her numerous tikes it makes me feel and look bad infront of friends and family. I told her if she keeps saying stuff like that I will reveal that we are doing well with money. I gave her a few reminders I’d eventually do this but she kept going with the I’m broke story.

At a dinner with her sister and parents the same I’m broke story came up. I piped in and said, ‘It’s weird to hear a millionaire say they are broke.’ My wife said, ‘Haha, I’m not though.’ And I quickly say, ‘We are millionaires and you know that. We go over our finances every month.’ Well the I’m broke story stopped after that and the night went on as usual. A little later the same thing happens with her friends and I use the same line.

Now my wife is mad at me for using that line and revealing roughly how much money we have. She said it seems like I’m gloating. I say its better than making me look like I’m running us into the ground fincially.

So AITA for revealing our net worth when my wife says we are broke?”

Well, that was interesting…

Let’s see how Reddit users responded to this story.

A person said they think the wife behaving this way without being prompted is pretty strange.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another reader said they think everyone sucks in this situation. Read on to see what exactly what they think.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This Reddit user said it’s just odd that someone with this much wealth and assets is complaining about being “broke.”

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this person said that it’s a good thing the husband called his wife out on it because it’s offensive to people who are actually struggling with finances.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, tell us what you think about this story.

Please and thank you!

The post This Husband Set the Record Straight Because His Wife Complains About Their Finances. Was He Wrong? appeared first on UberFacts.

Memes That Make Being Broke as a Joke Seem Hilarious

Are you broke? Totally broke? A severely unfunny joke because being broke is actually an enormous source of anxiety?

Well, no worries. I mean, worries. You’ve definitely got worries. but help us to ease some of those worries by presenting these broke memes that actually ARE fairly funny jokes.

How is that possible, you ask? Well, scientists have been working on it. Ironically, the development process was very expensive. So I hope you enjoy these.

10. Workin’ for the weekend

I swear, there was stuff in here just a couple of days ago.

9. In and out

Here it is! There it goes!

Via: The Chive

8. A penny saved

On the real though, I never want to find out how much money I’ve given to the Taco Bell corporation throughout my life.

Via: The Chive

7. Changing times

You also graduated college with zero debt because the economy hadn’t been ruined yet.

Via: The Chive

6. So spacious

An experienced city dweller will be like “sure it’s cozy, but look how close it is to transit.”

Via: The Chive

5. The memories

Where was I? Oh right, suffering.

Via: The Chive

4. Stay it, don’t pay it

If only it didn’t constantly cost money to literally continue living.

Via: The Chive

3. The grand total

I came in here for toothpaste, how did this happen?

Via: The Chive

2. What a treat

Thanks a lot, Parks and Rec. Once again you’ve led me astray.

Via: The Chive

1. Splash that cash

It came out of nowhere!

Reading all of these has made me hungry. For money. Money hungry. Is that something?

How broke are you on a scale from 1 to everything?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Memes That Make Being Broke as a Joke Seem Hilarious appeared first on UberFacts.

How Do You Think You’d Get Rich if You Got $100 Every Time You Were Rejected? People Share Their Hilarious Responses.

The job market is really TOUGH right now. You hardly know where to turn.

But what if there were a different, unconventional way to make money, like this hypothetical from r/AskReddit:

You get 100$ every time you’re rejected for anything ( favors, dating, money ). What do you do to make money? from AskReddit

So, how best to turn rejection into cash? Let’s hear out some innovative ideas.

1. The trifecta.

Do you have a minute to hear about our lord and savior?

Would you like to take a survey?

Can I offer you an extended warranty?

– em21701

2. Love me tinder.

Does someone swiping left on my tinder profile count as a rejection?

If so, I’ll be a millionaire in a week.

– LukewarmCola

3. Just ask.

Ask people for $100

– Pimp_Butters

4. The swap.

Create two bank accounts, one to take the $100 another that’s just empty.

I use the debit card linked to the empty account and just repeatedly swipe it in some gas station or grocery store, getting declined every time.

Then I just use the other account for everything else 😎

– Gastric_Wave

5. You game?

Ask people to play Axis and Allies the board game.

It’s my favorite, and no one ever wants to play it.

– i_am_the_pirate

6. Failed.

Try to login with the wrong password.

– trogdor1234

7. Dude, what?

Ask random strangers if you can sniff their farts

– Fl3xion

8. A clean break.

Ask my kids to clean up their toys. $$$

– Dorkjello

9. A strange plan.

1. Buy a magic 8 ball
2. ask a question and roll till a “no”
3. buy more magic 8 balls from the $100 and put them in a tray
4. ask away and shake the tray every time you need money.
5. Stack modular trays containing more magic 8 balls to expand your earnings per sec.

– Calmeister

10. Mouthing off.

Ask if I can stick my hand into people’s mouths, noone wants a stranger’s hand there

– Iwantmyteslanow

11. Oof.

Suggest really solid ideas to my work team of all-male technicians.

– jewbetterstopthat

12. That’s quite an estimate.

Travel around world, trying to kiss everyone.

Imma make over $700,000,000,000.

– ThanatosTheSaviour

13. The best laid plans.

Just try and make plans with a big group of ppl.

Nothing works out.

Probably market cap in and around 1 bil

– Count55

14. That Mormon beat.

I’d go back and be a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints again!

– rexregisanimi

15. NEVER.

Do you want to try YouTube Premium?

– Bjar5614

*Sigh* if only any of those would really work.

What would you add to this list?

Tell us in the comments.

The post How Do You Think You’d Get Rich if You Got $100 Every Time You Were Rejected? People Share Their Hilarious Responses. appeared first on UberFacts.

Landlords Who Are Well and Truly Lords of These Lands

The term “landlord” feels so outdated now, doesn’t it? Some high and mighty descriptor of a feudal lord, overseeing his kingdom. When most of the time it’s just, like, some jerk named Dave who takes four days to text you back about your broken sink.

I’d say that if we’re still gonna have such a thing as “landlords” floating around, we need them to earn that title.

Will the people in these Reddit and Twitter posts stack up to the challenge? Let’s find out.

12. Carpet bombing

Perfect, there’s no way anybody could notice that.

Just moved into a new home and found where the landlord patched the carpet. from mildlyinfuriating

11. Hook you up

I wouldn’t be mad about this as long as the pressure was good.

When I told my landlord my shower head was leaking, he said he was going to hook me up. This is what I came home to. from pics

10. That’s methed up

I love that this isn’t even him asking them to stop selling meth, just to be better at it.

Landlord put this up cuz the neighborhoods won’t stop selling meth from facepalm

9. The hose knows

That thing’s got more kinks than a leather night club.

Moved into a new house. Landlord said water the lawn, we left you a hose. from Wellthatsucks

8. Rat me out

Hope you didn’t name them yet.

NYC landlords like… from LandlordLove

7. Paying your dues

It seems that compassion is really a hallmark of the profession.

Found this note in my mailbox from my landlord today. Too awesome not to share! from pics

6. Old and moldy

Yeah and I’m paying you a bunch of money to live in it so let’s get with the times.

5. The landlord special

Nothing an umteenth coat of paint won’t fix.

4. By the numbers

Numbers 18:21 – “To the Levites I have given every tithe in Israel for an inheritance, in return for their service that they do, their service in the tent of meeting.”
Yeah I can totally see why that means I need to give you an extra $130 a month, Rick.

3. Staying plugged in

I’m not even kidding, this person should spend time in jail.
That is straight up reckless endangerment.

2. Rage in a cage

It’s getting hot in here, so go pick all the locks.

1. Am I right or I am right?

“Here, go buy yourself half a gumball in 1983.”

Final score: none of you get to be lords.

What’s your worst landlord experience?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Landlords Who Are Well and Truly Lords of These Lands appeared first on UberFacts.

People Speculate How They Would Turn Lies Into Money

As Dr. House taught us, “everybody lies.”

He was able to turn that not-quite-epiphany alongside a fictitiously brilliant medical mind into big bucks and huge clout.

But what about those of us who failed chemistry or whatever? How might we spin lies into cash? Maybe through a scenario like this?

Every time someone lies to you, $100 gets deposited to your bank account. What is the fastest way for you to get rich? from AskReddit

Let’s get creative with the people of Reddit.

1. Psychics.

Walk down the alley of fortune tellers and future psychics.

I’m interested in two things: if they lie, I get $100 rather quickly; if they are telling the truth, then I found something game changing.

– crispybaconsalad

2. The DMV.

Go to work.

I work at my local DMV office and people can and will lie about everything.

– mommy876

3. Cut people in.

just say “tell me a lie and I’ll give you 10 bucks, no questions asked. Doesn’t even matter the lie, just tell me a lie.”

It would be a great YouTube video too.

– Nroke1

4. Rekindle a flame.

Get back together with my ex.

I figure in one month alone I’ll be a multimillionaire, sky’s the limit.


5. The pharmacy.

Go to work.

I’m a pharmacist, people lie to me (and themselves) all day, every day.

I wouldn’t have to keep working for long.

– thatmedicinegirl

6. Have kids.

I have small children.

Did you hit your brother? Did you break that? Have you brushed your teeth?

2 kids, both lying to each question, I’ll be able to hire a nanny and go sit on a private island within a week

– BaymaxIsMyPatronusv

7. Pretend to have kids.

Show people a picture of an ugly baby and claim that’s your kid.

Everyone says a baby is cute, even when they look like a gremlin that was fed after midnight.

– ChefChopNSlice

8. Enlist!

Go talk to a Marine Corps recruiter.

I mean, that was the old way….now we can just watch anything political on the major new channels

– avidtraveler81

9. Fairytale solutions.

Build a Pinocchio

– Geronimoguy

10. Start a business.

Become a freelance reporter and offer to interview multiple politicians. Or if you just wanna exploit it.

Instead of making it your main income you could just advertise that you’re literally the only reliable and scientifically proven lie detector. That way you can just set open a thing displaying your deposits and ask anyone anything and if is a lie you’ll get a deposit, otherwise you know it’s the truth.

You could literally earn like 50k a day interviewing suspected spies and political prisoners.

– FreenBurgler

11. At church.

Go to a church and start asking people, “How much and what kind of p*rn do you watch?”

– genericname692

12. Have kids.

My kids lie to me dozens of times a day.

I could probably top that, but as it is I literally would pull in about $60k a month.

Not rich per se but definitely richer than anyone I know.

– Painting_Agency

13. Get the vax facts.

Go to an Antivaxxer Facebook page or website and ask them why they think vaccines are bad

If there’s enough Karens, I’ll be swimming in gold after an hour of typing.

– BLizardLeLizard

14. Tools of the trade.

Attend a huge trade show and listen to every sales pitch.

– EmEmAndEye

15. Recursive thinking.

Post “Can you tell me a 1 lie about yourself?” on r/askreddit

– PoinDexter90

And remember, as Dr. House would say, “It’s not lupus.”

Do you have another creative answer to this question?

Hit us with it in the comments.

The post People Speculate How They Would Turn Lies Into Money appeared first on UberFacts.

What Screams “I Have Money but Don’t Know How to Manage It”? People Responded.

I’ve never had a ton of money, so I don’t know how I’d necessarily deal with it

Maybe I’d buy gold-plated toilet paper rolls or a whole swimming pool full of Jell-O.

I guess you just never know until you’re in that position how you’d spend your wads of cash.

People on AskReddit talk about how they can tell folks don’t know how to manage their money.

1. Windfalls.

“They spend minor “windfalls” immediately. Especially on electronics or trinkets or gadgets.

I see this on the buildapc subreddit and elsewhere. As soon as people get money, they spend money.

There is a significant portion of the population who haven’t learned or refuse to learn how to handle money correctly.”

2. Can’t do that!

“Buying an expensive car then never changing the oil.

I worked with a guy who broke down on the highway one day. Turns out he hadn’t changed his oil, or probably any other form of maintenance, for like 8-9 months.

Knowing his commute, he should have gone 3 months at most between changes just on work mileage.”

3. Monthly payments.

“Speaking about how they can afford something because of the “monthly payments”.

Obviously there are some things where it makes sense to finance, but if it’s every purchase you make, chances are you are terrible with money.”

4. Up and down.

“Their quality of living going drastically up and down proportionally depending on how close it is to payday.

When they have cash, it’s expensive lunches, lots of online shopping, and making plans. Followed by a week of sulking while eating ramen tortillas.”

5. Let’s try this one.

“Multiple maxed out credit cards.

When a person pays with a card, gets declined, switches to another one, and gets declined again they’re definitely bad with money.”

6. Tacky.

“I saw a show on Netflix where a woman had a house where 99% of the items (including the wall moldings) had the Versace logo.

All of her baby’s clothes too. It just looks so bad.

It’s okay if you’re not very good at interior design, but she could just hire a designer…

This screams “I have money but don’t know how to manage it”, and also “I have money but zero sense of style or personality”.”

7. A head-scratcher.

“All the people who booked 3 week 5-star package holidays to Spain when we knew we were heading into a pandemic lock-down, and then went to the tabloid papers to complain they couldn’t afford to feed their kids because the holiday company had gone bust and there was no refund.

If you couldn’t afford to feed your kids without the refund, how were you planning on feeding them if you had gone on holiday?”

8. I’m broke.

“People with six figure incomes who never have money.

My brother is one. He says when he gets his paycheck he HAS to spend it, it doesn’t even matter what he buys.

He does seem happy though, and he doesn’t have any debt so he’s probably on to something.”

9. That’s dumb.

“Buying 2 or 3 tablets at a time, so you can use one and keep the others on charge so you’re “never without one”.

I had to help her troubleshoot 4 of them.”

10. You gotta save.

“No savings account or very little in the savings account.

I will frequently speak with people who make 6 figures (the average household income in my city is about $42k) and want to use a zero down or first time home buyers’ down payment assistant program, because they do not have a savings.

Savings can mean investments, 401K, emergency fund…the people I am referring to make $15k a month or more and spend all of it and have no savings or investments to fall back on.”

11. Trying to project success.

“I did work for a guy at his beach house. Second home, house on lake Michigan, drove 100k suv.

The lot alone was probably worth a million. He had been a customer for a while and we always worked on his stuff. One time he’s not there, but wants me to fix something because he has a party coming up. I figure, no big deal. Order parts. My boss flips his s**t. He gives a big speech about not trusting people because you don’t know who is who.

He’s like, I’ve met people in the ghetto who have a million dollars stuffed in their mattress, and people in million dollar homes who can’t afford two sticks to rub together to stay warm. You only see what people allow you to see. He says, always collect at least half up front. That way we can at least cover parts and our initial trip if nothing else. That job goes fine and I don’t think much about it. I actually think he’s making a fuss about nothing.

The guy has been a customer for some time. A few months later this same guy calls and asks me to go fix some other thing, and to call him and he’ll pay over the phone if necessary, but he’ll be in later that day. I get to the beach house, and I s**t you not every door on that house is bolted and padlocked. On all the doors, duck taped, are letters from the state saying the property is being seized for unpaid property taxes to the tune of some 600k.

My jaw dropped and I just walked away. I didn’t even call the customer back because he was coming in town later that FRiday. Things started to click. Whenever that guy was there, he was always screaming at someone on the phone. Not yelling, screaming. You start going over every encounter, piecing things together you didn’t think much about.

I thought he was just a shrewd businessmen. Turns out he was under a ton of financial pressure, and trying to project success to people. You learn as you go I guess.”

What do you think about this?

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The post What Screams “I Have Money but Don’t Know How to Manage It”? People Responded. appeared first on UberFacts.