5 Ways You Can Convince Your Child That Baths Are the Best

I don’t have trouble convincing my kids to take a bath or a shower. That said, they’re only 3.5 and 1.5, so I’m sure that day is coming…

I know people whose children hate or fight a bath, though, and I imagine that’s got to be a tough one. We hate to tell our children what to do with their bodies, but then again, we also hate to live in dirt, filth, and stink.

If you’re struggling with bath time, here are 5 tips for getting your kid to actually enjoying getting clean.

5. A Fun Playlist

My kids and husband (who does most baths/showers) have music they love to listen to and sing along with while they’re scrubbing and splashing. If your kid loves music, try putting together a playlist of favorites, or bath-specific tunes.

Here’s a suggestion, but feel free to tailor it to your little one’s likes!

4. Bath Crayons

Kids love drawing on things they’re not supposed to, and they don’t have to know the bath isn’t off-limits! You can make your own, too, if you don’t love the chemicals in the store-bought ones (that you know will make their way into a mouth at least once).

3. Toys and Games

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{ les petits copains du bain } 💦💦 Toute la bande de copains pour s’amuser dans le bain, soulager les poussées dentaires 👌🏼 un petit grelot à l’intérieur pour amuser votre enfant. . Le plus 💡 aucun trou dans ces jouets donc aucun risque de bactéries ou moisissures a cause de l’eau ou de la bave ! Hyper safe et en caoutchouc d’hévéa 100% naturel. . Dites moi tout, lequel est votre préféré ?!❣ . Les jolis langes sont aussi dispo sur le site (100% coton organique) . #babyshop #babyshopping #babyconceptstore #conceptstore #kidsconceptstore #newborn #newborngifts #mum #newmum #mummy #bathtoys #bathtoy #eveil #eveilbebe #hochetdedentition #hochet #newin #miniaturesfactory #miniaturesfactoryselection

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You can buy bath toys and games, but you can also grab things from your kitchen (a strainer and baster are both popular here) and let them go to town, too – try keeping some toys that are “just for the bath” to encourage them to get excited about hopping in!

2. A Bath Visor

If the reason your kid isn’t keen on getting clean is that he or she hates getting water in their wyes, grab a visor to keep their peepers dry.

Always have a dry towel handy, too, so you can quickly wipe dry any errant dribbles.

1. A Fun Robe

There are two benefits to buying your kid a robe. First, if you get one that’s based on a television series they love (our Paw Patrol robe has been well-loved through two boys), they could be excited to wear it “only after a bath.”

Second, babies look adorable in robes, guys.

Make the after-bath a fun ritual and the first part might not seem so painful.

Definitely putting these in my back pocket!

Have you tried any of these? Do you have tricks of your own? Share with us in the comments!

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This is How a Lack of Alone Time Affects Mom’s Mental Health

If you’re a mother and you have young kiddos, or you remember what it’s like to have young kids, then there’s a good chance you already know what science and therapists are about to confirm – that burnout is real, and the toll that never having any time to yourself takes a mental toll that can grow into real trouble.

Kids need us. The smaller they are, the more they need us.

Image Credit: Pexels

Partners need us, too, and so do bosses and our parents and siblings and churches and friends…it honestly never ends, so unless you’re able to establish some firm boundaries and stick to them, there’s a good chance you’ve had a complete meltdown at least once since having a baby.

Licensed therapist Emma Bennett basically confirms what we all instinctively know when she says “I consider alone time a necessity, not an indulgence,” and maintains that mothers who don’t get enough can and do experience burnout, resentment, overwhelm, anger, and a loss of sense of self.

If you think you can manage those things, though, psychotherapist Eric Djossa says you could be taking a big risk.

“Lack of emotional or physical support can put mms at higher risk of developing a postpartum mood or anxiety disorder and lack of support/understanding can exacerbate these symptoms.”

At least one study has pointed to a lack of friend and family support as a risk factor for developing perinatal mood and anxiety disorders as well.

Image Credit: Pexels

This surprised even me – a 2018 survey of 2000 parents found that we only have an average of 32 minutes a day of “alone time.”

No wonder aw all need more!

Djossa says we shouldn’t be afraid to ask for it, and we shouldn’t feel guilty taking it, either.

“When moms are communicating they want time alone it usually means they want a break. I think that moms don’t get time alone when these connections and supports are lacking. They may feel both isolated and burnt out all at the same time. A remedy to this is ramping up supports and connections in order to have the ability to take a break. They need help. They are tired of being touched by tiny hands. They need a breather. But I think that this breather looks different for different moms.”

Watch a television show alone, read your book, talk to your partner, see a friend for coffee, take a bath – whatever it is for you, make sure you fit it into your daily schedule – but it should be something that nourishes and replenishes you to dig back in.

Moms, especially first time moms, can also be wary of leaving their babies with other people, but that’s something we can learn to let go of (to some degree) in time. It’s important to remember, Bennett says, that it can even be a positive thing for our kiddos, too.

Image Credit: Pexels

“Giving our children the opportunity to build other loving attachments to additional caregivers can be a good experience for children. It is OK to accept those feelings of nervousness and also try to work with them so you can have some separation.”

So, ladies, insist on some time for yourself. Even if it’s only a couple more hours a week, it’s better than nothing.

And, speaking from experience, absence really does make the heart grow fonder – and it also refills those wells of patience, too.

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If Coffee Is Your Life Blood, These Memes Are for You

A mom who can’t get through her day without copious amounts of coffee is as cliche as a mom who has the words “live, laugh, love” somewhere in her house, but hear me out – coffee is the literal best.

It makes you happy, it’s good for you (mostly), and it keeps our kids alive during the worst of times.

If you agree with me (even if you don’t want to say it out loud), then these 14 memes are going to pair perfect with the cup of joe you’re probably reheating in the microwave right now.

14. Just something to keep in mind the next time you’re trying to impress a girl.

Or a woman who you would like to sleep with at any point in the future.

13. Well, time to try another cup.

It’s as good an idea as any.

12. I don’t believe in there being a “too late” time to drink coffee.

When you’re as tired as I am, nothing will stop you from going to sleep when it’s time.

11. Why on earth is this even a question?

Decaf coffee is an abomination, and I say this as someone who has been pregnant twice.

10. I’ll take my coffee as black as my soul, thank you.

And no, that’s not a joke so stop with the nervous laughter.

9. Okay so it can be a bit of a tradeoff but still.

I’ll take the being awake with anxiety, please.

8. There’s only one way to get me going.

Or at least, one way that can be managed in front of a crowd.

7. It really is a bit like magic.

And also, why are those little dogs always the biggest d*cks?

6. Who needs jewelry?

How is that supposed to get you through the day?

5. It’s a start, anyway.

God love truckers, man. Doing the Lord’s work.

Image Credit: Imgur

4. Truer words were never spoken, my friends.

And your children and spouse know this deep in their souls.

Image Credit: Imgur

3. For the coffee lovers AND the nerds.

It’s a good day to be on the internet.

Image Credit: Imgur

2. It’s vegan and it makes you happy.

Who saw that combination coming? Not me!

1. He’s not wrong.

He never is, though, so there’s that.


I don’t care if it’s basic, give me another cup!

Which one of these hit you just right today? Tell us in the comments!

The post If Coffee Is Your Life Blood, These Memes Are for You appeared first on UberFacts.

If Coffee Is Your Life Blood, These Memes Are for You

A mom who can’t get through her day without copious amounts of coffee is as cliche as a mom who has the words “live, laugh, love” somewhere in her house, but hear me out – coffee is the literal best.

It makes you happy, it’s good for you (mostly), and it keeps our kids alive during the worst of times.

If you agree with me (even if you don’t want to say it out loud), then these 14 memes are going to pair perfect with the cup of joe you’re probably reheating in the microwave right now.

14. Just something to keep in mind the next time you’re trying to impress a girl.

Or a woman who you would like to sleep with at any point in the future.

13. Well, time to try another cup.

It’s as good an idea as any.

12. I don’t believe in there being a “too late” time to drink coffee.

When you’re as tired as I am, nothing will stop you from going to sleep when it’s time.

11. Why on earth is this even a question?

Decaf coffee is an abomination, and I say this as someone who has been pregnant twice.

10. I’ll take my coffee as black as my soul, thank you.

And no, that’s not a joke so stop with the nervous laughter.

9. Okay so it can be a bit of a tradeoff but still.

I’ll take the being awake with anxiety, please.

8. There’s only one way to get me going.

Or at least, one way that can be managed in front of a crowd.

7. It really is a bit like magic.

And also, why are those little dogs always the biggest d*cks?

6. Who needs jewelry?

How is that supposed to get you through the day?

5. It’s a start, anyway.

God love truckers, man. Doing the Lord’s work.

Image Credit: Imgur

4. Truer words were never spoken, my friends.

And your children and spouse know this deep in their souls.

Image Credit: Imgur

3. For the coffee lovers AND the nerds.

It’s a good day to be on the internet.

Image Credit: Imgur

2. It’s vegan and it makes you happy.

Who saw that combination coming? Not me!

1. He’s not wrong.

He never is, though, so there’s that.


I don’t care if it’s basic, give me another cup!

Which one of these hit you just right today? Tell us in the comments!

The post If Coffee Is Your Life Blood, These Memes Are for You appeared first on UberFacts.

Moms Share Their Secrets to Still Managing to Get Some Time Alone

It’s hard for moms to get enough alone time, especially when our kids are little – and that’s in the best of times. 2020 is definitely not that (though describing it is a bit tough), and with everyone at home far more than they’re anywhere else, what’s a mom to do?

Sure, virtual happy hours are fine, but if you really want to indulge yourself, these 8 moms are sharing their tips and tricks for some deserved and necessary self-care.

8. One of the many reasons to get a dog, I think.

Image Credit: Pexels

“I take the dog for a walk. I also have to work outside of the home so my drives in and out are my ‘me’ time. Taking/teaching yoga classes on Zoom in our office is my solo time too.

It is all thanks to [my husband]. We actively work to schedule time for ‘me time’ breaks.”

– Christina Dunbar, North Carolina

7. Enlist your partner’s help.

“Some days I have zero [alone time], but that’s because I choose to snuggle with my boy in bed when he naps.

Sometimes I nap with him, sometimes I just watch Real Housewives. I’m lucky that when [my husband] comes home from work, before we have dinner, I take 30 min to myself to do whatever.

Usually, I sit outside with a glass of wine and call my dad. Sometimes I just sit and do nothing. But, I always have those 30 minutes.

It’s not much, but it’s mine, all mine.”

– Krissy Youngquist, Wisconsin

6. Early bedtimes for the win!

Image Credit: Pexels

“When I was little my siblings and I had a 7 p.m. bedtime. I hated that we could still see the sunlight through the curtains and hear kids outside playing.

I get it now. Our kids’ bedtime is 7:30 pm. I have to take advantage of any chance I get.

Right now, I have the three older kids doing school work downstairs, two playing with a train set, and the baby playing in a playpen while I am in my room. [My husband] tries hard to make sure if I need to check out for a bit that he makes it happen for me (going on walks, etc.)

– Lisa Emrick, Indiana

5. Those blessed solo Target runs.

“I’m working from home full time with two young kids so [alone time is rare].

Thankfully my 2-year-old still naps, so I work out during that time. Otherwise, [I get alone time] at night time once the kids go to sleep (but I’m also exhausted then), when my husband takes both girls on a walk, or when I drive to pickup dinner/Target solo.

I know it’s a crazy time, but we can and will get through this!!”

– Kristin Martinez, Illinois

4. This lady is crazy! Ha!

Image Credit: Pexels

“I do yard work. That way I can leisurely do something productive and also listen to music or Audible.”

– Rachel Jaworski, Michigan

3. Remember, you can’t work all the time (she tells herself again and again).

“I take my lunch break right after [my daughter] goes down for her nap at 12, and I take a book and sit out on my porch and read in the sun!

So relaxing and it’s an hour I get all to myself.

Should I try to use that time to get extra work in? Maybe. But, I don’t regret it!”

– Jenny Saul, North Carolina

2. But how does she stay up past nine, though?

Image Credit: Pexels

“At night I have been putting the kiddos down by 7 p.m. and, here in Minnesota, it doesn’t get dark until around 9 or 10 p.m., so my husband and I are able to sit outside and talk, or I hop in the tub, or go for a walk.

[My husband] normally stays up late and plays video games so I watch my TV series then, too.”

– Kilee Buck, Minnesota

1. It’s the little things, and the hours alone.

“I started taking an hour every Sunday to do a long (5k) walk by myself and I listen to Brené Brown’s podcast. Starts my week off with a better mindset and ‘hopefully’ encourages me to move more the rest of the week.

I also always grocery shop by myself. Have done that since [my first] was born and can be the best hour of my week.”

– Allison Nichols, Indiana

I’m dying, you guys. I knew I’d have to get creative to have some alone time, but wow! Exercise?! Ha!

What’s your favorite way to keep your family at bay for a few hours? Share with us in the comments!

The post Moms Share Their Secrets to Still Managing to Get Some Time Alone appeared first on UberFacts.

Daughters Recreated Their Moms’ Looks and the Results Are Pretty Great

It’s fun to dig through old photos of our parents to see what they were like before we came along or when we were too young to remember what was going on around us.

These women tried to bring it back to the old days by recreating the look of their moms in old photos and I think it’s safe to say they crushed it.

Are you ready for these pics?

Let’s take a look!

1. Back to those teen days.

Nice work!

2. Both of them with their babies.

Different kinds of babies, but still…

3. Bored, so why the heck not?

A lot of time to go through old photos right now, that’s for sure.

4. Going way back to 1989.

I think it’s safe to say she did a good job.

5. I love this one!

Mom looks very late 1980s or early 1990s.

6. All synced up.

A perfect recreation.

7. All the little details.

Really paid attention for this one.

8. A very cool photo.

And you pulled it off wonderfully!

9. You did a real bang-up job.

A great eye…

10. I love that old phone.

A spitting image of Mom.

11. Hard at work.

You can tell they’re both very studious.

12. Happy Mother’s Day!

Had to dig out the same exact clothes to pull this photo off.

Those ladies all really nailed it, don’t you think?

How about you?

Have you ever tried to recreate your mom’s look?

If so, please share the photos with us in the comment.

Let’s see what ya got!

The post Daughters Recreated Their Moms’ Looks and the Results Are Pretty Great appeared first on UberFacts.

Lauren Conrad’s New Children’s Clothing Line Has a Wonderful Summer Vibe

If you’re of a certain age, you might remember Lauren Conrad as the star of the reality television show The Hills. Since then, though, she’s been busy with other (more relatable) things, like marriage, kids, and starting her own business.

She’s been designing and selling clothes for several years now, but with two little ones of her own, she’s foraying into creating adorable, chill clothes for kids for the first time.

Her style and aesthetic has always been California casual, with pretty prints and soft, flowy fabrics reigning supreme, and her children’s line looks no different.

Which is to say, they seem like the perfect outfits to wear in this sure-to-be lazy summer.

The line will be called Little Co. by Lauren Conrad, and will be sold exclusively at Kohl’s to start. Conrad told Romper in an exclusive interview that she’s always “had a hard time finding” kids clothes that aren’t too loud and flashy, so she’s hoping her collection will fill a void.

This might not be the ideal time to launch a brand, but with everyone at home with their little ones, she hopes her clothes will bring some simplicity and smiles to homes.

Like other popular clothing companies for kids, Little Co. will feature items from 0-24 months, and 2T-5T, with patterns and colors that are easy to mix and match. The prices are reasonable, too, with all of the items under $20.

The clothes seem to reflect Conrad’s laid back attitude toward life and parenting, and as someone who owns two littles, I’m definitely going to check it out.

The idea of being able to reach into a drawer and grab a top and bottom and have them mostly match sounds wonderful.

Cheers to all of the parents staring down a summer alone with their kids. As long as there’s no alcohol shortage and we’ve got hoses to turn on, we’re going to make it.

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Parents Who Aren’t Afraid to Make Fun of Their Teenagers

Raising kids is tough, and I’ve gotta say, I’m looking forward to the day they start to understand sarcasm. Which I know doesn’t mean they’re going to appreciate how hilarious I am, but you know. It’s a start.

Parenting teens is a whole new ball game all over again (I kind of feel like this is probably true of every age and stage), but at least you can make fun of them and embarrass them and no one thinks your a bad parent.

Something these 13 parents are taking advantage of to the hilt, and I am totally here for it.

13. One of the many reasons it’s nice to have a dog.

But maybe not a puppy because finally you won’t be cleaning up someone’s pee.

12. I assume this is literally any wine.

Unless it does not contain alcohol, of course.

11. It’s a silent struggle.

Except for the slamming doors, ofc.

10. See also: you look really nice today!

Seriously just tell me what you did or what you want.

9. Yeah, you might want to check that out.

Privacy schmivacy.

8. The next thing you know they’ll be expecting turndown service.

Or putting out a “Do Not Disturb” sign.

7. Yes, only with REAL curse words.

Be afraid of your Gen X parents, kids.

6. Or that might once have been a sandwich.

Also, I’ve found all of the spoons.

5. It’s all in the eye of the beholder.

So you’re probably just as awesome as you always were.

4. It’s all in the perspective.

And there are worse things to be than a dog, tbh.

3. This is really spectacular.

10/10 hope I can do as well one day.

2. It’s got a nice ring to it.

Because it’s real, I think.

1. Honestly, right now it could be either.

More likely both.

I’m going to need more posts like this immediately!

Do you and your teen have this kind of relationship? I hope I do with mine in a few years!

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A Mom Wants to Know if She’s Wrong for Stopping Breastfeeding After Her Baby Started Biting

Breastfeeding is natural, but as someone who did it for a collective 22-ish months, I promise you that doesn’t mean it’s always easy. There are challenges, from pain to frustration to supply issues, and once you think you’ve got it all figured out and you’ve settled into a routine, your beautiful little angel gets teeth.

My first baby bit me once or twice, didn’t like my screeching reaction, and quit.

Image Credit: Pexels

My second baby was a biter from the very beginning, and once he had teeth, he wouldn’t stop. I tried. I persisted through six weeks of bloody nipples and tubes of Neosporin before throwing in the towel around 9 months.

Through two kids, my husband voiced no opinion on my nursing. I wanted to? Great! I wanted to supplement? Let’s do it!

If he had been this woman’s husband, who thinks she should be nursing through biting baby that won’t quit, I doubt we would still be married.

She nursed their daughter for 10 months but is now struggling with biting. She’s had to take breaks from breastfeeding because of sore nipples, but is still pumping. When that’s too painful, she supplements with formula.

Or at least, she did before her husband HID THE FORMULA.

AITA for not breastfeeding my baby because she bites? from AmItheAsshole

Now, I probably don’t need to tell you that absolutely no one on this thread thinks this woman is any kind of a**hole.

Image Credit: Reddit

Many people think her husband is borderline abusive.

Image Credit: Reddit

Or that he should try nursing the little biting baby himself, perhaps.

Image Credit: Reddit

That she needs to assert herself, claim her body and feed her baby however is best for both of them.

Image Credit: Reddit

Many people encouraged her to stop feeling guilty, with reminders that nursing for 10 months is an amazing accomplishment and there is no shame in using formula to finish out her daughter’s first year.

Image Credit: Reddit

This guy needs to take a long walk off a short pier, if you ask me (and everyone on Reddit).

Men, do not do this. However your smart, loving, dedicated wife tells you she’s going to feed your kid, be supportive. I promise that, with all of the pressure to breastfeed, she’s considered her options carefully – or tried very hard to make it work – before making a decision.

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Family Uses Chalk Art to Go on Adventures Without Leaving Home

Everyone is looking for great, fun, creative, interactive ways to entertain their kids at home – and obviously, in the current season, that goes double (or maybe even triple).

People who have kids of a certain age always have sidewalk chalk in their arsenal. That said, you probably haven’t thought to use it the way this Atlanta family is employing theirs.

Abbey Burns Tucker and her four daughters have not only been drawing amazing, colorful pictures, but interacting with them for the absolutely cutest pictures.

She told Bored Panda that the idea arrived when her oldest drew a bunch of balloons, and she took a picture of her youngest “holding” them.

The rest, as they say, is history.

12. That looks like so much fun.

And wayyyyy safer than a regular trampoline.

Jumping on a trampoline without a care in the world. #charlotteschalkadventures#chalkyourwalk

Posted by Abbey Burns Tucker on Saturday, April 18, 2020

11. These are so whimsical.

They remind me of Mary Poppins!

“Life is like a carousel. Sometimes you’re up and sometimes you’re down, and sometimes you just go ‘round and ‘round….

Posted by Abbey Burns Tucker on Saturday, May 2, 2020

10. She looks so happy.

And isn’t that all that matters?

We are ready for the start of a brand new week and brand new adventures. #charlotteschalkadventures

Posted by Abbey Burns Tucker on Monday, April 20, 2020

9. What little kid wouldn’t want to do that?

I mean…want to do that, too.

I cannot believe the ride we are on right now!! We are loving every minute of it. When you receive an adorable whale…

Posted by Abbey Burns Tucker on Tuesday, April 28, 2020

8. I know it’s not the most complicated one, but it’s just so innocent.

Sweetness overload.

Today was a perfect spring day. I can't wait for our butterfly bush to bloom so we can watch all of our little friends at work.#charlotteschalkadventures

Posted by Abbey Burns Tucker on Monday, April 20, 2020

7. My heart cannot take this one.

Hold on, I need to call my sister.

One thing is for sure…these two together are trouble. I can only imagine that I will walk into this exact scene in my kitchen one day. #charlotteschalkadventures#chalkyourwalk

Posted by Abbey Burns Tucker on Friday, May 1, 2020

6. Super jealous of everything in this picture.

Those colors are just swoon.

Just because it’s raining outside doesn’t mean we can’t have fun!“Try to be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.” ~ Maya Angelou

Posted by Abbey Burns Tucker on Thursday, April 23, 2020

5. It looks like a way funner version of friends.

That couch should have been pink.

Posted by Abbey Burns Tucker on Sunday, May 10, 2020

4. Look at her, getting even MORE creative.

If I only had more time on my hands.

We tried something a little different today! In honor of the 2020 Olympics and all of the athletes whose dreams were…

Posted by Abbey Burns Tucker on Friday, April 24, 2020

3. I can actually see this one move.

This art is getting serious.

With four girls, everyday feels like a 4 ring circus and this little one is definitely the ring master. #charlotteschalkadventures#chalkyourwalkEvie's Closet Clothing

Posted by Abbey Burns Tucker on Monday, May 11, 2020

2. I want to try this one with my boys.

$10 says they can’t sit still long enough and also the puppy somehow ruins it.

We had a prehistoric adventure today!! She liked getting into character 😀 🦖#charlotteschalkadventures#chalkyourwalk

Posted by Abbey Burns Tucker on Sunday, April 26, 2020

1. I think this one is my favorite.

Maybe I just really miss letting my kids go to the playground.

I know one of the first things my kids are going to want to do when we get back to normal is hit the playgrounds. We…

Posted by Abbey Burns Tucker on Saturday, April 18, 2020

If this isn’t the most wholesome, adorable thing you’ve seen all day, well…then I need to know what else you’ve seen today.


Tell me in the comments.

The post Family Uses Chalk Art to Go on Adventures Without Leaving Home appeared first on UberFacts.