Facts About Interesting Day Trips from London

It is no secret that London is booming with things to do, see, and eat, but there is more to the United Kingdom than the metropolis! Taking a day to explore the countryside and all the country has to offer is a great addition to any London trip. After all, the United Kingdom covers 93,600 square miles, so there is much to explore! We compiled interesting facts about some of the best day trips from London – all of which can be reached when you compare cheap cars and hire one for the day! Stonehenge This first one might be a

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11 Oil Paintings Inspired by the Night Sky

Nature, in and of itself, can often look like a work of art. So, it’s no surprise that so many pieces of art over the years have been inspired by the beauty of nature. The night sky, in particular, has been the muse for many. These 11 masterpieces showcase the artist’s unique view of the nighttime sky above. 1. The Starry Night, Vincent Van Gogh It would be completely unjust to create a list of the most beautiful paintings inspired by the night sky without mentioning Van Gogh’s Starry Night painting. This, one of the most recognizable paintings in the

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Signs Your Home May Have Hidden Water Damage

When you think of the term ‘water damage’, the first image that probably springs to mind is a home with sodden floors, moldy ceilings, and peeling wallpaper. If you have water damage in your home, then yes, such extreme instances can be the ultimate consequence. It will require extensive and expensive clean-up operations. However, water damage doesn’t start with your home flooding or falling to pieces. There are often subtler signs of water damage that worsen over time. With early detection, these issues can be easily fixed by experts. But when left untended, the consequences can be devastating. According to

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8 Fun Facts About Poop

Poop is not a popular topic of conversation for obvious reasons, but it is an undeniable part of life. After all, without poop, there would be no life for us and just about every other living thing on this planet. One might even say that poop makes the world go round. On that note, it might be interesting, or perhaps even entertaining, to reflect for a few moments on the weirder side of poop. 1. Lunar Load We all know that wherever humans go, poop is sure to follow. To say the the disposal of human waste while in space

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The World Is Running Out Of Chocolate

There are few things in the world better than a bar of milky chocolate. The delightful taste of chocolate in your mouth just seems to have a way of melting away your troubles. Be it dark, peanut butter cups, or loaded with nougat, caramel, and peanuts, most – if not all – can agree on one thing; our love of chocolate. Unfortunately, I have some bad news for you, my dear consumers of chocolate. The world, as we know it, is running out of chocolate! As it turns out,  love for chocolate is infectious. A large portion of the world

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Top 10 Most Expensive Watches in the World

When you aren’t driving one of your seventeen luxury sports cars, hosting soirees in your ridiculously over-sized mansion that dwarfs the White House, or bathing in your liquid gold-filled swimming pool, it’s difficult to show just how important, impressive, and better than everyone else you are. I mean, sure, your three-hundred dollar haircut, five-hundred dollar pair of shoes, and the two-thousand-dollar suit should show off your superiority, but why stop there? Why not invest several hundred thousand dollars (or, millions – why not) to purchase one of the most expensive watches listed below, and really show how amazing you are?

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10 Facts About Crime and Punishment

The way society punishes criminals varies greatly from country to country. While you might be sentenced to probation in the United States for stealing a loaf of bread, in some Middle Eastern countries they might chop your hand off! People convicted of murder in the U.S. may face the death penalty in states like Texas, while those convicted for the same crime in Europe might end up spending 10 or 15 years in prison before being released back into society. China, the most populous country in the world, is known for being tough on crime and handing down very harsh

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11 Facts About Toilets

The John. The commode. The loo. The throne. We’re not sure if it is something that’s unique to the English language, but we sure do come up with a lot of words that all mean the same thing. We think it makes the language more fun and a delight to work with from a writer’s standpoint. Anyway, beyond all the funny names you may be able to come up with for the toilet are a world of facts that you probably didn’t even know. With any luck, you’re reading this as you sit on the toilet right now! You know

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What country does karaoke come from?

Ever wonder how the idea started of singing along with background music into a microphone? People have always sung along to their favorite records and radio songs but the first person to enable others to sing along to prerecorded music was drummer Daisuke Inoue in his country of Japan. Around 1971, Inoue was frequently asked to provide recordings of his music so they could sing along with colleagues at parties and events. Seeing the potential revenue to be made, Inoue began selling a tape recorder that played prerecorded background music for a fee. As Mr. Inoue describes it on theappendix.net,

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Facts About Vodka

Since the beginning of the second millennium, vodka has managed to earn an important place in our world. Starting simply as a medicinal remedy and having worked its way up to being one of the most reputable alcoholic drinks out there, there are billions of people using vodka for a variety of reasons every year. The Russian translation of Vodka is ‘Little Water’, which has an origin which can be traced back to the 9th century. While the majority of legal drinkers have experienced drinking vodka at one point or another, there has been a lack of research performed on

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