14 Adorable Pug Memes for People Who Just Love a Squished Face

I’m actually dog sitting a pug as we speak and I can go on the record and tell you that these dogs are hilarious. They have a ton of personality and they are a laugh a minute.

There’s a reason why people own multiple pugs throughout their lives…they’re so much fun.

And they’re just perfect for memes, aren’t they…?

1. Hahahahaha

2. Maybe…

3. Where am I????

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#pugmeme #meme

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4. Excuse me!

5. Uh oh

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PUG!! #meme #pugmeme

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6. Staring contest

7. I’m fine

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#meme #pug #dogmeme #pugmeme

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8. LOL

9. Pizza is life

10. Oh, really?

11. Don’t be a buzzkill

12. Not interested

13. Not an acceptable answer

14. I’m the main attraction

Pug Life!

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15+ Hilarious Parenting Tweets. Their Patience Is Impressive…

The following kids are testing their parents’ patience to the limits and then some.

Just be glad you aren’t them.


19. Right on target!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

18. This kid is gonna be rich!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

17. I’ll offer you zero dollars!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

16. Okay, listen here you dummy…

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

15. Oh damn. Dat me.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

14. He had to find out sometime!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

13. Because they kept losing the brush… desperate measure were employed!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

12. Actually, not mad at this kid at all. Wood penguins FTW!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

11. Everything is a dog to a toddler.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

10. Attack of the killer tomatoes!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

9. Yeah dad, what if?!?!?

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

8. You’ve got a future billionaire on your hands, sir!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

7. I am extremely impressed, actually.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

6. Now they’re safe… forever!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

5. It just knew. Don’t question it.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

4. Well, she did it!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

3. OMFG!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

2. Well, can you?!?!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

1. Guess she’s not going to Disney World then!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

So yeah, don’t have kids. Or do.

But don’t come blaming me when they act like psychopaths!

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15+ Hilarious Area 51 Memes for People Who Want to “See Them Aliens”

Ya’ll ready for this?

Have you heard about the “Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop All Of Us” event on Facebook? It’s gonna happen on September 20th… and it’s COMPLETELY REAL! Really!

We will all meet up at the Area 51 Alien Center tourist attraction and coordinate our entry. If we naruto run, we can move faster than their bullets. Lets see them aliens.

In that spirit, let’s see them memes!

1. Dat me!

Photo Credit: Someecards

2. Let’s go!

Photo Credit: Someecards

3. All day, every day…

Photo Credit: Someecards

4. They won’t suspect a thing…

Photo Credit: Someecards

5. I wanna go home now…

Photo Credit: Someecards

6. OMFG!

Photo Credit: Someecards

7. We’ve made a terrible mistake!

Photo Credit: Someecards

8. He got this!

Photo Credit: Someecards

9. Love this!

Photo Credit: Someecards

10. Space cheese!

Photo Credit: Someecards

11. They ready!

Photo Credit: Someecards

12. Dat forehead!

Photo Credit: Someecards

13. Go back to bed!

Photo Credit: Someecards

14. Bitmojis everywhere

Photo Credit: Someecards

15. The new Fyre Fest?

Photo Credit: Someecards

16. She’ll thank me later…

Photo Credit: Someecards

Them memes is funny!

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These 15 Memes Show How Much People Love Keanu Reeves

Doesn’t everyone want to be Keanu Reeves when they grow up? I know I do.

And I’m technically all grown up already, so what does that say?

Don’t answer that. Look at these memes instead.

1. Be like Keanu y’all…

Photo Credit: Someecards

2. Nothing wrong with this…

Photo Credit: Someecards

3. 14 years well spent!

Photo Credit: Someecards

4. He’s that second kind…

Photo Credit: Someecards

5. Haha, they didn’t really write this… but they should!

Photo Credit: Someecards

6. To be fair, Chuck Norris is kind of an asshole…

Photo Credit: Someecards

7. So many of these stories!

Photo Credit: Someecards

8. Fucking. Immortal.

Photo Credit: Someecards

9. Lol… oh memes…

Photo Credit: Someecards

10. Who even thought of this?!

Photo Credit: Someecards

11. He even makes ‘Destination Wedding’ and we still love him…

Photo Credit: Someecards

12. Yeah it does!

Photo Credit: Someecards

13. #Truth

Photo Credit: Someecards

14. 70% of his earnings then… and he’s still donating to this day!

Photo Credit: Someecards

15. This is true. And it’s amazing.

Photo Credit: Someecards

What’s your favorite?


Let us know in the comments!

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More Than One Million People Say They’re Going to Storm Area 51. Here Are 20+ Memes About It.

People are really gonna storm Area 51! Supposedly…hundreds of thousands are going to Nevada and just burn the whole fucking thing down.

Yeah, that’s right. How do I know? A Facebook event says so! 1.2 million people are ‘attending’ the September 20th showdown. And, get this… the U.S. Military has even had to come out and warn against it!

“Area 51 is an open training range for the US Air Force, and we would discourage anyone from trying to come into the area where we train American armed forces. The US Air Force always stands ready to protect America and its assets.”

But aren’t those our assets? We pay for ALL of that.

Well, whatever, here are some fun memes. Don’t overthink any of this…

1. Nothing to see here…

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

2. Oh yeah… it’s gonna happen!

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

3. Here come the Men In Black…

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

4. Oh shit…

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

5. Fucking time traveler!

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

6. So… does that mean they won?

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

7. Good doggie!

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

8. lol

Photo Credit: Bored Panda


Photo Credit: Bored Panda

10. The Simpsons fucking predicts the future!

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

11. I’m gonna go home now…

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

12. Well, who does REALLY know how?

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

13. Smoke weed every day…

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

14. We asked for it.

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

15. Run away!

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

16. He knows… he knows…

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

17. Let me tell ya about an area called 51…

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

18. He ready!

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

19. Ohhhhhhh shiiiiiiitttttt

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

20. She’s got a point!

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

21. Looks legit…

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

Well, those were certainly out of this world!


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13 Keanu Reeves Memes You Should Probably Take a Look At

Does any person on the planet have more love being thrown their way than Keanu Reeves right now?

To be fair, he seems to have earned it. Story after story after story makes him appear to be the genuine article.

So here are 13 memes to celebrate the guy who we just can’t get enough of…

1. This. Right. Here.

Photo Credit: Someecards

2. Two sides to everybody…

Photo Credit: Someecards

3. It’s true.

Photo Credit: Someecards

4. He’s all of us.

Photo Credit: Someecards

5. WUT?!?! We have to save him!

Photo Credit: Someecards

6. Pretty much immortal, yes…

Photo Credit: Someecards

7. Oh snap

Photo Credit: Someecards

8. Hahaha… oh internet…

Photo Credit: Someecards

9. He did make INSANE amounts of money from The Matrix. True story.

Photo Credit: Someecards

10. Haha, classic Keanu…

Photo Credit: Someecards

11. When you see it…

Photo Credit: Someecards

12. Fair enough!

Photo Credit: Someecards

13. Damn Keanu!

Photo Credit: Someecards

Are all your problems solved? No.

Do you feel better? Yes.

You’re welcome.

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If You Love Drama, These Memes Are Right up Your Alley

I try my best to stay out of drama…but if it doesn’t involve me it’s pretty entertaining.

Here are some memes you’ll enjoy if you like to watch the drama unfold from afar.

1. I’m watching

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. Time for a press conference

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. Just in case

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. I’m not really offline

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. Ooooooo

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. Own it

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. Homemade

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. Can’t look away

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. Wait, what happened?!?

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. Almost impossible

11. No choice in the matter

12. Get ready

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

13. From afar

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

14. Never too old

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

15. Get out the camcorder

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

16. Eavesdropping

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

17. See that?

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

18. I don’t think so

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

Now, wasn’t that enjoyable?

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10+ Memes About Morning and Not-Morning People That Should Look Familiar

Are you a morning person? A snoozer? A coffee addict? Or maybe it depends on the day.

Regardless of where you fall on the sleepy-scale… here are 14 memes to get your day started!

1. We all hate the “Early Riser”

Photo Credit: Pinterest, Mabel Mora

2. Because most of us are “The Snoozer”

Photo Credit: Imgflip

3. And let’s face it… ain’t nobody the “Beauty Queen”

Photo Credit: Saying Images

4. And how many “Coffee Addicts” we got out there?

Photo Credit: Bustle

5. Yes, most of us are “The Walking Dead”

Photo Credit: Pinterest, Angie Alzola

6. And it’s okay to be grumpy. Because mornings SUCK!

Photo Credit: Elite Readers

7. Why do we have problems waking up? Wonder why…

Photo Credit: Somecards

8. The horror!!!

Photo Credit: Somecards

9. I prefer fantasy over reality…

Photo Credit: Shareology

10. Decisions, decisions…

Photo Credit: Shareology

11. Daylight Savings Time is the WORST!

Photo Credit: Somecards

12. Yeah… how?!?!?!?

13. Savage

Photo Credit: Shareology

14. We’re all tired fam…

Photo Credit: Somecards

Have a great day!

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These Small Town Memes Will Give You Big Laughs

Major pastimes in small towns: drinking, fighting, watching football games, bonfires, mudding, getting in each other’s business.

But let’s not generalize… we’ll let these memes do that for us…

1. Eating good in the rural neighborhood!

Photo Credit: Someecards

2. Yeah, that’s a city on the left…

Photo Credit: Someecards

3. Oh, they ALL pregnant? Hmmm… guess God should’ve taught them about birth control…

Photo Credit: Someecards

4. You can deliver live chickens? Of course you can…

Photo Credit: Someecards

5. Go team!

Photo Credit: Someecards

6. A god damned felony if I’ve ever seen one!

Photo Credit: Someecards

7. The Chevy, Dodge and Ford dealerships were always doing good…

Photo Credit: Someecards

8. Driving is NBD.

Photo Credit: Someecards

9. Phew! Crisis averted…

Photo Credit: Someecards

10. And fuck. You forgot the fucking.

Photo Credit: Someecards

11. Wait… they had an Olive Garden in their small town? Fancy…

Photo Credit: Someecards

12. No no… you’d drive around it. Nice trick meme, city folk!

Photo Credit: Someecards

13. Again, you’d just push it out of the way with your truck. This is NOT a real obstacle.

Photo Credit: Someecards

All those small town memes really brought me back to my roots… which was not small town America. But a lot of my extended family lived in a small town, so I’d visit from time to time.

Needless to say, I’m really glad my family got out of small town America before I was born.

They’re nice places to visit, but I wouldn’t want to live there.

Just saying…

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If You Work in Customer Service, You’ll Feel These Memes in Your Soul

You may think you’ve had some bad experiences in the service industry, but you haven’t seen anything until you’ve worked that customer service desk in a retail setting. Wow. People will turn into god damned animals if they think they should be getting their money back. And god forbid if they think they should be getting something for free for their trouble.

Yes, I did work retail and, yes, I did work the customer service desk… so these 22 customer serve memes are so damn relatable.

Let’s go!

22. Isn’t this how it use to work?

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

21. Oh, it’s gonna be like that?!

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

20. Fake it till you make it… to another job.

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

19. Oh really?

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

18. See! SEE!!!!

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

17. Well, maybe you need to customer somewhere else then!

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

16. I can already tell this is going to end badly…

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

15. Wait, how did I get this banana….?

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

14. Just so you know…

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

13. Sorry, not sorry, but really sorry, and sorry.

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

12. #TruthBomb

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

11. Hahaha, oh you retail workers and your funnies…

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

10. I don’t want to be here any longer…

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

9. Yesssssssssss????

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

8. All jobs. Ever.

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

7. Agreed. You gave it to me. I’m taking it. Bye.

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

6. Oh, some of us understand…

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

5. Put Kim behind a customer service desk and watch her CRUMBLE…

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

4. Why do you keep asking me this?!

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

3. I’m chilling until the last possible second.

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

2. All the feels…

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

1. Is this a double? This seems like a double…

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

Okay, I’m going to go to bed. Gotta get some sleep so I can work in the morning…


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