Tweets That Might Heal All Your Sadness…But Probably Not

Are you having a weird day? Yeah, aren’t we all. But don’t sweat it, because we’ve got funny tweets, and four out of five doctors who I’m imagining in my mind recommend funny tweets as a stress reliever, anti-depressant, mood stabilizer, and growth hormone. They are truly a panacea.

Enjoy these ten random Twitter funnies that will heal you of all your woes, maybe.

10. It’s nacho business

Now I want these more than life itself, thanks a lot.

9. Killing it

No innocent person runs that much.

8. Lend a hand

Yeah man, I can dig it.

7. Law and coffee orders

I’d be great at this job as long as we were guaranteed to catch the killer in 42 minutes or less.

6. The Disney princess effect

Them trash bandits are at it again.

5. Armed and dangerous

Why can’t I hold all this life?

4. One track mind

Did you just pull up a pro/con list on your phone?

3. A slice of life

“Have you seen our BLT? It was shaped like this.”

2. Different time zone

I think it’s safe to say that my mind is more or less in a constant state of buffering.

1. Suspiciously tranquil

This tweet was written mid-2020, it can’t possibly be accurate.

Ah, the miraculous power of the internet. If those tweets didn’t completely cure you of all your troubles, we’ll give you a full refund of what you paid for them, guaranteed.

If Twitter was limited to discussing one topic and one topic only, what would/should it be?

Tell us your opinion in the comments.

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Classical Art Memes Everyone Can Enjoy

Hey, classical art isn’t just for the elite. Nor should it be reserved for museums and fancy homes. The best kind of art is accessible art.

And what’s more accessible than a meme?

You don’t need an art history degree to appreciate these 14 pieces of classical artwork, just a sense of humor!

1. To make a long story short…

…and then this man started painting my portrait.

Image Credit: electricmind

2. Welp.

At least she’ll never have to worry about STDs?

Image Credit: electricmind

3. “Pssst. Frank. Hey Frank…?”

“It’s ok everyone! He’s just super hungover.”

Image Credit: electricmind

4. I bet he has a great personality:

Or, you know…some other good quality…

Image Credit: electricmind

5. It was for the best:

She’s better off without him.

Image Credit: blackwolfrise

6. #YOLO

Especially if you’re THE EARTH.

Image Credit: renaissancerubbish

7. “Squirrel!”

At least he has a sheild?

Image Credit: u/29065035551704

8. “Here kitty, kitty, kitty…”

I genuinely want to know the actual context for this one.

Image Credit: u/Androman777

9. My old nemesis:

You’re late. Or am I early? I can never remember which way it goes.

Image Credit: u/joeychuckles

10. I got your nose!

Err, here, let me just…find some glue…

Image Credit: u/picatostas

11. At least He’s consistent:

Death actually looks pretty happy to be choosen!

Image Credit: electricmind

12. I knew it!

Excuse me while I set out some baskets…

Image Credit: electricmind

13. Hey now, let’s not be hasty…

You really want to walk around naked for the rest of your life?

Image Credit: electricmind


It’s called social distancing for a reason.

Image Credit: blackwolfrise

This is the type of artwork I’d love to see on display. I feel like I really get what the artists were going for. So modern. So old. So…art.

Haha, just kidding! Which one of these artistic memes amused you the most? Let us know in the comments!

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Hilarious Memes About the Pains of Adulting

Being an adult is really not all it’s cracked up to be.

How do I know, you ask?

Because I’ve been an adult for quite a while now and I gotta say, I was expecting more. I’m not trying to depress anyone, but it’s true.

The troubles keep piling, you’re actually expected to be responsible for all kinds of stuff, it just never ends! This isn’t what I signed up for!

BUT, we gotta make the best of every day, so don’t let these funny memes about adulting make you too sad…okay?

Let’s dig in to some funny adulting memes!

1. They’re always right behind you!

Be careful! They’re creeping up on you!

Photo Credit: someecards

2. Advil is now holding you up.

And it’s your best friend.

Photo Credit: someecards

3. Not the same anymore…

Not even close.

Photo Credit: someecards

4. I’m a youngster now!

Hello, fellow kids!

Photo Credit: someecards

5. I can’t see anything!

Gonna need some help in this department.

Photo Credit: someecards

6. Where are the prunes…?

They moved them again!

Photo Credit: someecards

7. Does this look familiar?

I think I know the answer to that…

Photo Credit: someecards

8. Not another one!

I can’t take it anymore!

Photo Credit: someecards

9. What does this mean?

I feel very lost with this new lingo.

Photo Credit: someecards

10. Isn’t this fun?

The grocery store is now a hot night on the town.

Photo Credit: someecards

11. Keep it coming.

Feed me some booze!

Photo Credit: someecards

12. That’s life!

In a nutshell…

Photo Credit: someecards

13. This is now reality for all of us.

Now I’m depressed…

Photo Credit: someecards

Okay, now we want to hear from you.

Tell us all about your adulting adventures in the comments below.

Good? Bad? Ugly?

Give us all the dirt!

The post Hilarious Memes About the Pains of Adulting appeared first on UberFacts.

Adulting Can Be a Major Bummer…and These Memes Prove It

Are you ready for it?

I’m talking about never-ending bills. Never-ending work. Never-ending headaches.

If you’re reading this and you’re under the age of 18, I’m not trying to burst your bubble, but being an adult is kind of the pits.

When we’re young, we can’t wait to get the heck out the house and start living by our own rules. And then when we finally get there, reality smacks us in the face and we get a major wake-up call.

Is having to be a responsible adult starting to get on your nerves just a little bit?

If the answer is YES, then you’re gonna love these memes, because they are right on the money!

1. You’re gonna need it!

Trust me on this one.

Photo Credit: someecards

2. A free microwave!

That’s all I ever wanted!

Photo Credit: someecards

3. Yeah, that was nice.

Remember those days?

Photo Credit: someecards

4. Let’s end this.

Please, Mom?

Photo Credit: someecards

5. I’m lost and confused.

What does this button do?

Photo Credit: someecards

6. I feel this one.

Everything hurts ALL THE TIME.

Photo Credit: someecards

7. What am I doing here?

Oh right! My shoes!

Photo Credit: someecards

8. Let’s make it 5:15.

Does that work for you?

Photo Credit: someecards

9. Just can’t do it today.

Someone, please make it stop!

Photo Credit: someecards

10. That was a huge LIE.

Everyone figures this out at some point.

Photo Credit: someecards

11. Oooooh, that’s good.

Now I need to take care of my bunyons.

Photo Credit: someecards

12. I don’t know how!

This might be the worst part of being an adult.

Photo Credit: someecards

How has the adult life been treating you?

Are you loving it? Or is it driving you bananas?

Talk to us in the comments, we’d love to hear from you!

The post Adulting Can Be a Major Bummer…and These Memes Prove It appeared first on UberFacts.

Funny Posts for Your Viewing Pleasure

Social media can be a treasure trove of hilarity sometimes. But who has the time to go through the endless stream of tweets, memes, jokes, and everything else out there?

You’re busy! And you don’t have a few hours a day to search out the stuff that is gonna tickle your funny bone.

And that’s why we’re here!

Here’s yet another collection of funny posts from random folks that are sure to make you laugh and probably share with your friends.

So what do you say? Do you want to take a little break from work and from life and have a few laughs?

Let’s do it!

1. Why did you do that?

Your body is now mad at you.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

2. It looks very relaxing.

Don’t you think?

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

3. Oh, good, it’s still there.

Especially the sandwich.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

4. This is epic.

And it’s so very true.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

5. Guy Fieri is depressed.

Wouldn’t you be?

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

6. It might be a trap.

So be very careful…

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

7. Hey, look at that!

Doesn’t happen very often!

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

8. Down to one cat.

That’s 2020 for you.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

9. This is so NOT COOL.

I can’t find anything anymore!

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

10. Don’t look at that!

You’ve been outed.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

11. Very, very true.

What happened to that kid?

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

12. This bunny knows what’s really up.

Down with the posers!

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

13. Hahahaha. Wow.

I fell for it!

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

Now we want to hear from you!

In the comments, please share something funny that you’ve seen on social media lately: tweets, memes, jokes, photos, etc.

Thanks in advance!

The post Funny Posts for Your Viewing Pleasure appeared first on UberFacts.

Funny Memes to Make You LOL

Do you need a little bit more LOL’ing in your life right about now?

For those of you who have no idea what I’m talking about, LOL means LAUGH OUT LOUD.

So what I’m referring to is a good thing. No, it’s a GREAT thing!

And we want to LOL. And that’s exactly what we’re gonna do with these funny, random posts that people threw out in the social media universe.

Hey, don’t tell me that social media is no good. It’s helping all of us blow off a little steam and get some laughs in. So let’s do it now!

1. This is classy.

And you know you want one!

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

2. Run for it!

There’s somebody down there!

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

3. Don’t you ever take a break?

I’m gonna call the cops!

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

4. Hmmmm…okay…

So now what am I supposed to do?

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

5. I have a great idea!

This looks absolutely perfect.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

6. Why God?

This just pushed me over the edge.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

7. Eating healthy!

We can all do it if we try!

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

8. How much longer is this story?

My brain is now permanently fried.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

9. Came back to bite you.

Right in the *ss.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

10. Deeeeep thoughts.

Admit it: you’ve thought about this before.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

11. All coming at you at once.

Give me a break, already!

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

12. He’s clearly an elite athlete.

A little different from my day…

Have you seen any really funny memes online lately?

Or jokes? Or tweets? Or photos?

If so, please share them with us in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post Funny Memes to Make You LOL appeared first on UberFacts.

Memes That Are on the Money About Life in 2020

The economy is all over the place and things are looking pretty sketchy right about now.

I’m no expert in these matters but I propose a solution: let’s turn to a meme-based economy. Like cryptocurrencies, except not like that at all, because I honestly don’t understand how those work.

What I’m saying is let’s start treating memes like money and it’ll probably go great! Even if it doesn’t, we’ll have all these memes to laugh at, which will distract us from how not-great everything went. You can’t lose.

To give you an idea of how this would go, I’ve gathered twelve completely random memes and assigned a currency conversion calculation to let you know what I think they’re worth.

12. Mind on my money

Meme value: $1.00

Via: someecards

11. Gettin’ chipped, gotta dip

Meme value: $4.79, the retail price of a family sized bag.

Via: someecards

10. Pupper slumber

Meme value: $4 and gentle pats on the head.

Via: someecards

9. All in the phrasing

Meme value: $2 and the wisdom to know who not to screw with.

Via: someecards

8. Killing it

Meme value: the college fund your parents didn’t end up having to spend on you.

Via: someecards

7. Die laughing

Meme value: your life.

Via: someecards

6. Pain by numbers

Meme value: the price of a set of permanent markers and even more permanent emotional scarring.

Via: someecards

5. Chill pills

Meme value: $50, or a $10 copay with insurance.

Via: someecards

4. I scream

Meme value: priceless.

Via: someecards

3. Phony phone time

Meme value: dog.

Via: someecards

2. Follow your memes

Meme value: an $8 take and bake pizza.

Via: someecards

1. The grudge

Meme value: a forest worth of burn books.

Via: someecards

Some critics have claimed that my system of memes as currency “makes no sense,” and “is wildly inconsistent.” But to them I say – that’s never stopped us before.

Do you think we should replace money with memes? Why or why not?

Tell us your scholarly opinion in the comments.

The post Memes That Are on the Money About Life in 2020 appeared first on UberFacts.

10 Tweets to Improve Your Day

For a long time, tweets were limited to just 140 characters. Then in 2017, they decided to up the limit to 280.

Interestingly though, they found that in beta testing, most people still preferred to keep the messages shorter even with more real estate allowed. Seems that the entire appeal of Twitter is in the brevity, whether that’s in the service of a pithy social statement or just a dumb joke.

Here, briefly, are ten short tweets that are definitely dumb jokes.

10. Inside out

A modern rendition of the scream.

9. Knife to meet you

Yanno, I think I could take a stab at cooking too.

8. Sleep with me

That’s not your fellow, that’s your pillow.

7. Time flies

Ah, Hollywood. Where 27 years olds are teenagers and 40 year olds are ancient.

6. Speaking my language

It’s like they say, communication is key.

5. The best part of waking up

It’s a late start, but it’s still a start, I guess?

4. Oh hi doggy

The dog will never say anything stressful or disappointing back.

3. Shelf help

You don’t have to be well read to put this one together.

2. Technically speaking

The best KIND of correct.

1. Terrible lizards

This tweet has absolutely made my day in ways I can’t even explain.

In the spirit of what makes twitter great, we’ll keep it brief and end it there. Just ten little random messages tailor-made by strangers to make us giggle. Hope that short trip has brightened your day!

Who are your favorite people on Twitter right now?

Tell us in the comments.

The post 10 Tweets to Improve Your Day appeared first on UberFacts.

Relationship Memes That Give Us All Something to Aspire To

All of us are out here trying our best to form lasting and meaningful relationships. It’s not always easy, especially when we have this vision in our head of what everything is supposed to be, or supposed to feel like. That kind of idealization can get in the way sometimes. Other times, it can clarify what we want and what we need.

And then there are memes.

I don’t know if these relationship goal memes are helpful, hurtful, or just stupid, but they sure do give me something to aspire to.

10. Ride on

This is either adorable or deeply kinky or both.

9. Serving looks

Find you a man who looks at you like Drake looks at everybody.

8. Alienating love

Yeah I’m your soulmate, you’ve just got a weird soul.

7. Love me through the phone

These iPhone sizes are getting out of hand.

6. Monkey business

Why were you sleeping in confetti though?

5. Lasagna love

Without you, it’s a constant case of the Mondays.

4. Order up

Yeah I’ll have uuuuuhhhhhhhh fulfillment.

3. Sleep with me

Say no more, I’ll bring my own pillow and everything.

2. Street style

I think I’ll just park myself right here for a while.

1. Fry do

I hear wedding bells and Taco Bells in equal measure.

If I didn’t know what I wanted before, I certainly do now. And it’s fries. I want a bunch of fries.

What are your relationship goals?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Relationship Memes That Give Us All Something to Aspire To appeared first on UberFacts.

Cute Compliment Memes You Can Send To Your Special Someone

Valentine’s Day is far off, but that’s no excuse not to send Valentines to the people you love. Or at the very least a sort of off-brand version where you just text them cute meme compliments about how much you like their butt or whatever.

Any day of the year is the right day for those kinds of adorable shenanigans.

In that spirit, here are ten cute compliment memes for the special someone in your life.

10. Sweets for the sweet

You absolutely knock me out.

9. Stark realities

I may not be a billionaire, but I’ll scare off danger with my mighty growls.

8. Happy little me’s

Just take those feelings of loneliness and beat the devil out of ’em.

7. Snack attack

How does this dog look so smooth and why can’t I deal with it?

6. Crash into me

Gonna crush so hard they call me the super nova.

5. Needed contributions

Together, we can reach these goals. Not me, us.

4. Let’s get this bread

Garlic may not be easy on the breath but it’s still pretty great for the mouth.

3. Lizard licks

When your man saves you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.

2. Pretty potassium

“Why is any of this?” – dog, probably

1. Reporting for booty

Your future looks very bright.

If you want to brighten somebody’s day, just send them one of these. Or the whole list. You can’t lose, really.

What’s your favorite thing about being in love?

Share it in the comments.

The post Cute Compliment Memes You Can Send To Your Special Someone appeared first on UberFacts.