Funny SpongeBob Memes We Think Are Forever Classics

SpongeBob memes are everywhere and there’s literally one for any occasion. Many, in fact.

Take for instance the college experience. It sort of makes sense that a show centered around a character who is somehow simultaneously a child and an adult would really speak to college students, and that many a meme would reflect that.

Here are fifteen things we can all relate to, in SpongeBob form.

15. A bad example

Wave goodbye to that GPA, friend.

14. A hefty price to pay

At least the books only cost me a kidney.

13. The final countdown

It’s fine. I can’t feel my soul but it’s fine.

12. Broke life

I’m not sure I can even afford to be sitting in this chair, tbh.

11. Average Joe

What can I say except you’re welcome?

10. Take a chance

Lesson learned: never speak again.

9. Time flies

Seriously that stuff’s more effective than a souped up DeLorean.

8. Side hustle

Yeah I can totally take that shift which I will immediately try to pawn off on someone else!

7. Hide the pain

Even my own face betrays me.

6. Very alarming

Guess I’m not making it to that class. Again.

5. Fat clouds

It’s even a problem underwater, somehow.

4. The great imposter

Look man, I’m just trying to turn in this dang assignment.

3. Financial planning

Taco Bell doesn’t count. Taco Bell never counts.

2. The thought that counts

You can have all of me. Well, some. You have to share.

1. Measure up

Get that logical coherence outta here.

If you’re actually a student right now, I hope you didn’t browse all those instead of doing your actual work. Tick tock, buddy. Get back to it.

What’s the weirdest thing about college in your opinion?

Tell us in the comments.

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Random Posts That Are Gonna Make You Laugh

Every day, people are just posting stuff to the internet. It used to be difficult. You used to have some crazy huge and expensive contraption that nobody else in your family even knew how to use, taking advantage of landlines to dial into message boards occupied by exactly four nerds.

But now? Anybody can just put whatever, whenever.

And we’re all better off for it. I think. Cause we get funny stuff like this!

Let’s go, kids!

10. Totally extreme

The fact that I’m alive is a miracle.

9. Talk the talk

Train them up in the way they should go.

8. Eat in peace

Well, we all sure found out the joys of this in 2020, didn’t we?

7. A big difference

God, looking back, it’s true. It’s all true.

6. That pinches

You’re gonna murder this crab in front of me now, aren’t you?

5. Your move

The Bishop strikes again!

4. Sharing is Karen

Who does she speak too when she’s upset? A mirror?

3. Silent night, holy crap

The bottom right looks elegant, everything else is just silly.

2. Spice up your life

That’s it, we’re done here, shut the whole internet down.

1. Sonic booms

Those of you who are old enough to remember are scarred enough to never forget.

So get out there and post away, my fellow internet friends and fiends! You never know if an amusing thing you have to say might just make someone else’s day.

Where’s your favorite place to post? What platform? What board?

Tell us in the comments!

Thanks, fam!

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Funny Memes You Can Look at for Free Right Now!

We have some good memes for you today!

Ordinarily, these memes would cost a pretty penny, but because we’re feeling generous, we’re going to pass them all along to you for absolutely free. Act now. This is a limited time offer. You can’t afford NOT to scroll, if you think about it.

Here are thirteen free and random memes that we’re sure you’ll agree are the deal of a lifetime.

13. Bear with me, now

Both of these absolutely rock.

Via: someecards

12. Brutal honesty

Sorry could you turn it down a bit? I’m trying to talk here.

Via: someecards

11. What it boils down to

Go ahead and feed what’s left to bills aaaaaand it’s gone.

Via: someecards

10. Wedded hiss

They look like some kind of cursed Victorian couple.

Via: someecards

9. Eat up

I’m not the boss of me.

Via: someecards

8. Decisions, decisions

It’s the perfect way to stave off execution indefinitely.

Via: someecards

7. Time to bite

When you’re getting ready for that succ.

Via: someecards

6. I swear it’s knot

Please stay back, my breath definitely bites.

Via: someecards

5. I suppose

Aaaaand we can no longer speak to each other.

Via: someecards

4. Coked up

You mean you don’t like our Caffeine Free Diet Vanilla Chocolate Cherry Pumpkin Gasoline Fusion Zero?

Via: someecards

3. Killer clowns

We all float down here…

Via: someecards

2. Get the message?

How can I be expected to work under…conditions.

Via: someecards

1. High hopes

There I go again, planting traps for myself.

Via: someecards

All that value at no cost. What can we say except you’re welcome. We’re true humanitarians.

What are your favorite kinds of memes?

Tell us in the comments.

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Wholesome Memes to Make You Feel Better About Things

There are plenty of terrible things in the world, but we don’t need to focus on it all the time. However awful things get, there’s always lots of wholesome to be found, and what’s more, much of it is in meme form!

Here are fifteen wholesome memes to help you feel a little better about everything.

15. Live slow, live long

Enjoying your passions doesn’t have to mean showing off.

14. Don’t phone it in

We’re all the clown sometimes.

13. Color coordinated

Fun fact: those color norms used to be reversed, proving that it is all entirely arbitrary.

12. The absolute dad lad

Puns this strong are dangerous and should not be tampered with.

11. And I helped

Butterfly in the sky, I can go twice as high…

10. Making progress

That’s the smile of simple accomplishment.

9. Horsin’ around

Or wait, I guess that’s a donkey? Who cares, it’s a friend.

8. Special hideaway

We have a clear and present danger.

7. Pop up

The best use of a megaphone.

6. Feline ok

It’s alright, they really need him right meow.

5. Hype man

I’m just so lucky to be included, yanno?

4. A neat trick

“Any sufficiently advanced technology will be indistinguishable from magic.”

3. The purrfect response

This is the stuff of fantasy and I long for it.

2. A match made in r/Heaven

Dreams really do come true!

1. What a waste

…ok but then let’s actually get wasted.

Doesn’t it make you feel all warm and fuzzy? Go tell somebody you care about to have a nice day and a nice life. Spread the wholesome along!

What sort of things do you find the most encouraging?

Tell us in the comments.

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SpongeBob Memes for the Socially Awkward

If you spend most of your time feeling like a socially awkward weirdo, I can’t say that spending your time laughing at these weird SpongeBob memes is going to help that, but I CAN say that it’ll be time better spent than worrying about what everyone thinks of you, so, highly recommend.

Here are fourteen SpongeBob memes for the socially…different.

14. Speaking of which…

Ya’ll have no idea what kind of a ride you’re in for.

13. Me am real

You know what, just forget I even exist.

12. Self reflection

Was somebody gonna tell me about this or?

11. Writing’s on the wall

You had your chance and you blew it.

10. Language barriers

I’m bilingual, I speak Desperate and Awkward.

9. Express delivery


8. Only the lonely

But I’ll bet FUTURE future me’s got it all figured out.

7. In a jam

What, you don’t listen exclusively to Bear in the Big Blue House trap remixes?

6. Ghosts of cringemas present

How can I ever be lonesome with all these voices around me?

5. Smooth things over

Please hurry, I can’t retain this shape long.

4. Crushing my memes

Well what good am I then?

3. Bright and shining

I’m dyin’ in here.

2. Caught by night

They mustn’t know of my raviolis.

1. Not likely

But I included my entire face and everything…

At the end of the day, we’re all a little awkward. Best to just embrace it and kick back with some SpongeBob.

What was your most awkward moment recently?

Tell us in the comments.

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Memes for the Hilariously Overworked

Do you ever feel like you just gotta go to work so you can make enough money to live in your house so you have somewhere to sleep between the times you go to work? Don’t think about that too hard, you’ll cry.

Instead, look at these memes about work. They’re much funnier.

13. Say my name

Things are about to get ugly.

Via: Someecards

12. Dark night of the soul

It’s about sending a message.

Via: Someecards

11. Meet and greet

Ugh, the commute is killer.

Via: Someecards

10. Curb your enthusiasm

None of us are living our best lives here, Sharon.

Via: Someecards

9. Translation errors

You gotta learn that corporate speak if you wanna make it in business.

Via: Someecards

8. Workplace boundaries

What could possibly convince you that I wanna hear about this?

Via: Someecards

7. Professionalism at all times

“Also, I have not changed my pants in several weeks.”

Via: Someecards

6. Observe and report

Does this technically count as a business trip so I can deduct it from my taxes?

Via: Someecards

5. Office intrigue

Nobody in this grid has got anything to smile about.

Via: Someecards

4. Super scary

The worst thing ever, no bones about it.

Via: Someecards

3. Mischief managed

I can feel you literally breathing down my neck, please stop.

Via: Someecards

2. One last thing

You could try yelling la la la as you run out the door, that usually works for me.

Via: Someecards

1. The best laid plans

I don’t know if this is going to work, but I’m certainly not.

Via: Someecards

Remember, there’s more to life than just work. There are also MEMES about work.

What’s the best/worst job you ever had?

Tell us about it in the comments.

The post Memes for the Hilariously Overworked appeared first on UberFacts.

15 Memes to Make Your Day a Whole Lot Better

Have you had a crappy day? We’re sorry to hear that. You know what always makes me feel better? Like, ALWAYS always? Memes.

Why don’t you enjoy some memes with me now? That way we’ll both feel better.

15. Duck duck gone

I’m on the edge…of glory…

Via: Someecards

14. In a word

Also I’m very hard to pronounce.

Via: Someecards

13. Brown town

Ignore the fact that I’m lying next to the street.

Via: Someecards

12. Mind readers

Could you sell me something that makes me feel way less creeped out by you?

Via: Someecards

11. The devil inside

Ok but both of these pictures are super disturbing to me.

Via: Someecards

10. Once again

And they don’t even have good snacks there.

Via: Someecards

9. Early to bed

I’m tryin’ to get me some of that healthy, wealthy, and wise action.

Via: Someecards

8. Represent

It’s time for the airing of the grievances.

Via: Someecards

7. Shut in

I guess I didn’t mean PEOPLE people.

Via: Someecards

6. Liquid appreciation

There must be some other arrangement we could come to.

Via: Someecards

5. Filler material

I’m also an oxygen consumer, does that count for something?

Via: Someecards

4. Raise the roof

Just leave me here, this is the end of my road.

Via: Someecards

3. The waiting game

Maybe I don’t even need an income…

Via: Someecards

2. Sneak attack

And leave myself vulnerable to the army of monsters that still stalk me as an adult? I think not.

Via: Someecards

1. Walk it out

He’s either getting some hot gossip or going through a divorce.

Via: Someecards

I don’t know about you, but I feel a lot better. Behold the healing power of memes.

What always makes your day a little better?

Tell us in the comments.

The post 15 Memes to Make Your Day a Whole Lot Better appeared first on UberFacts.

Memes to Illustrate the Hilarious Realities of Marriage

Are you married? I am not.

Someday maybe, but not right now. For now my only window into the world of marriage is memes, and they’ve taught me a lot.

Here’s what the land of matrimony looks like, according to marriage memes.

14. Sign me up

Psh, we’re all stay at home now anyway.

Via: Someecards

13. You snooze you lose

That’s cool, I didn’t want to sleep anyway.

Via: Someecards

12. Whine and dine

It’s got all the nutrients that a body needs.

Via: Someecards

11. Picture perfect

I don’t know why this is true but it is.

Via: Someecards

10. Table manners

Oh you know it’s about to get real now.

Via: Someecards

9. Lock and load

If you keep doing it wrong, eventually you’ll stop being asked to do it.

Via: Someecards

8. Hush puppies

Just be cool man, be cool. We don’t want another incident.

Via: Someecards

7. The lion king

One of them is about to die I’m just not sure which.

Via: Someecards

6. A spoonful of sugar

Follow me for more lazy life hacks.

Via: Someecards

5. Stay in your lane

Subtly grabbing onto things for dear life.

Via: Someecards

4. The eternal cycle

Can the two of ya’ll just get on the same page please, I got stuff to do.

Via: Someecards

3. Mr. Right

Sounds like you’re in a highly dysfunctional relationship but ok.

Via: Someecards

2. Flush with pride

Soon I will be king and take my rightful seat on the throne.

Via: Someecards

1. Winner winner

I’m one of those generic ribbons you get for showing up.

Via: Someecards

If that’s marriage, sign me up? I guess? I feel very conflicted.

What’s marriage like to you?

Tell us your experience in the comments.

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We’re Thankful That These Memes Exist

Memes. Where do they come from? How did they all get here?

Nobody knows.

Some believe that memes are naturally occurring, like the patterns in rock strata. Others say they were placed here by an extraterrestrial intelligence for reasons beyond our understanding.

Me? I think they reproduce in the traditional way.

But no matter how they got here, we’re lucky to have them. Let’s admire some now.

13. Game over

There will be no fairytale ending tonight.

Via: Someecards

12. Catch some rays

There’s no better feeling than this.

Via: Someecards

11. Burn it down

The living embodiment of the “this is fine” cartoon.

Via: Someecards

10. Making an exit

This is an especially awkward thing to do when you work from home.

Via: Someecards

9. Coping mechanisms

Can’t get hurt if you’re already dead.

Via: Someecards

8. Horse play

Why does she always look like she’s severely confused?

Via: Someecards

7. Noticeably white

I can’t tell if this lady would be insufferable or endless fun.

Via: Someecards

6. Brush by

Wait how am I the kid in this meme?

Via: Someecards

5. Musical genius

The most rudimentary form of self-promotion.

Via: Someecards

4. Special delivery

Turn on the oven because I’m bringing the heat.

Via: Someecards

3. Super cool

For best results, repeat endlessly the entire night.

Via: Someecards

2. Flushing bride

Didn’t think I’d end up jealous of a urinal today but whatever.

Via: Someecards

1. To the skies

This is the weirdest sequel to Up.

Via: Someecards

Scientists are hard at work trying to find out how these memes came our way. When they finally get to the bottom of it, I think the answer may just astound us all.

What do you think memes are?

Tell us in the comments.

The post We’re Thankful That These Memes Exist appeared first on UberFacts.

Hilarious Memes for Looking and Laughing and Sharing

If you printed out all the memes on the internet and stacked them on top of each other…scientists estimate that that would be a stupid waste of time. Because there are so many memes, you see. And also printers are finicky.

Here are some memes you can just look at on your screen. For laughing.

15. The master plan

Looks like life’s gonna be a real scream.

Via: Someecards

14. Checked out

“How much of that stuff did I smoke?”

Via: Someecards

13. Killing the mood

You start feeling like maybe you’re gonna be the subject of the next episode.

Via: Someecards

12. Whoop-de-doodle-doo

What do you even have to be stressed about, you are a chicken.

Via: Someecards

11. Perfect vision

Let me frame the situation a little differently.

Via: Someecards

10. Heat waves

Burning on the edges, frozen in the middle.

Via: Someecards

9. Food for thought

Visions of sugarplums dance in my head.

Via: Someecards

8. Start your engines

I swear these machines are just lonely and want our attention.

Via: Someecards

7. Work it out

Hey for all I know, I’m doing the same.

Via: Someecards

6. Hopes and prayers

Against all odds, the tail wags eternal.

Via: Someecards

5. Get over IT

Just a couple of brothers clownin’ around.

Via: Someecards

4. I’m on a roll

I’m sorry you have to see me like this.

Via: Someecards

3. Show me the dough

How can something so delicious do me wrong?

Via: Someecards

2. That’s a stretch

A morning in vs a night out.

Via: Someecards

1. The American way

This is me and I will never apologize for it.

Via: Someecards

Man, I sure am glad I have both these eyes in my head or I’d have never seen all those great memes. Thanks, eyes. You’re the real MVPs.

What’s your favorite place to find memes?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Hilarious Memes for Looking and Laughing and Sharing appeared first on UberFacts.