Doctors Share Their Craziest ‘I’m Glad You Mentioned That Symptom’ Moments

Believe it or not, doctors are human, too. They don’t always get it right and it can be difficult to narrow down symptoms and come to conclusions.

That’s why many of them might ask you a million questions–or repeat some that you were under the impression you had already answered.

Doctors depend on you just as much as you depend on them! That’s why it’s up to patients to advocate for themselves and be as open, direct and as honest as possible about any and all of their symptoms.

As you can imagine, all doctors have crazy stories about how they were able to come to a diagnosis… and how it came down to a patient mentioning something, no matter how innocuous it might have appeared on the surface.

Doctors—and some patients—told us about medical problems eventually detected and treated after a Redditor asked:

“Doctors of Reddit, what’s your ‘I’m glad you mentioned that symptom’ moment’?”

“The oncologist decided to stage the cancer immediately…”

“Family member recently had a breast cancer diagnosis and in passing mentioned their hip hurting really badly. The oncologist decided to stage the cancer immediately and it had spread to the bones, specifically the hip and spine.”

“Was encroaching on the spinal cord…they started radiation fairly quickly and were able to control its progression on the spine before starting hormonal treatment. But it’s a good thing they did mention the hip pain as they usually don’t like to “complain” as they put it.” ~ surfinwhileworkin

“She was relatively young…”

“Absolutely lovely patient presented with low back pain. We worked together for a few weeks, she was getting better, and she mentioned she got up several times a night to urinate. She was relatively young, that isn’t super normal, so I asked how often.”

“Six to eight times a night! Not only was she exhausted from lack of sleep, she mentioned intercourse had been painful for years since the birth of her child. She thought it was normal, and just suffered through.”

“No one wants to talk about urinary or fecal incontinence or pain with intercourse, but it happens so frequently in reproductive age women I’ve started screening questions so I can direct people to pelvic floor physical therapy.”

“She caught up with me later and said the PT was life-changing.” ~ anthrologynerd

“20 minutes later…”

“I was a patient. I’d gone in to see one doctor, complaining of headaches. My eye was red and swollen, and I was sensitive to light. She said it was allergies and migraines, and told me to use eye drops and take Midol.”

“After two weeks, it was so much worse, so I saw a different doctor in the same building. I gave her all the same symptoms, but this is where I changed it.”

“I said, ‘The pain in my head is so bad, it’s only on this side, it feels like fireworks behind my eye, and I want to take a knife and cut my head right here’ – I pointed directly at my temple – ‘so the pressure can be released.’”

“Apparently the delusion of believing I’d survive that, combined with the way I described the pain, clicked something in her brain.”

“20 minutes later I was on the way to the ER with a diagnosis of orbital cellulitis which was eating its way towards my brain and had been for nearly three weeks. They were close to removing my eye and surrounding tissue but I luckily responded to the emergency antibiotics.”

“The pain was so bad that I was screaming even on morphine. Eventually, they switched me to Dilaudid when my dad mentioned that morphine didn’t help him or my grandfather. I guess we metabolize it too quickly or something?”

“So I learned two things that night: If I hadn’t mentioned how severe the pain was and the lengths I’d go to for it to stop, I don’t know if they would have caught it before there were more serious consequences.” ~ itsbadtonight

“I had stomach pains for months…”

“I had stomach pains for months and kept going back to my GP about it. We tried tons of different meds, but I still kept waking up in the night with this horrible stomach pain. Finally, probably my 7th or 8th appointment, I mentioned having shoulder pain when my stomach hurt.”


“She immediately knew I had gallstones and had to have my gallbladder removed. I think because I was young and in good health, it didn’t even occur to her until I mentioned the shoulder pain. Apparently, that’s a symptom of gallstones.”

“Doctors aren’t perfect, but people have to be their biggest health advocates. If I had just given up or gotten frustrated, I might never have figured out the problem.” ~ ScarletWitch2138

“Months later I started seeing flashes…”

“Patient here. My eye doctor mentioned in passing that I needed to come in if I ever saw new flashes or floaters. I am young but very nearsighted.”

“Months later I started seeing flashes. I wasn’t worried about it but did have my doctor’s voice in my head so I made an appointment. Sure enough, my retina had detached and I needed emergency surgery to save my vision.”

“I am so thankful the eye doctor casually mentioned that and I listened to my gut.” ~ moor1238

“I had a dude come in…”

“I had a dude come in with abdominal pain and vomiting. Had been vomiting for days. Was going down the surgical route with him until he mentioned that he showered up to 20 times a day to help with the pain.”

“Turned out he had classic cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome.” ~ kenhutson

“He also was extremely malnourished…”

“Doctor currently in residency here.”

“Had a patient I was taking care of in the inpatient medical ward who was admitted for seizures in the context of alcohol withdrawal.”

“He was a young guy who had become depressed due to several life stressors including divorce and losing his job which exacerbated his pre-existing alcohol use disorder.”

“He also was extremely malnourished (not uncommon in alcoholics) and had a very low BMI. Apparently, he had zero appetite due to depression. At one point he had started feeling better and his appetite improved.”

“However, his heart rate was consistently very high for no clear reason and he was experiencing palpitations. I had a hunch to check electrolytes and several had dropped to very low levels. The reason for this is something called ‘refeeding syndrome.’”

“Basically if someone has not eaten for a while and suddenly starts eating a lot, they become very insulin sensitive which can lead to electrolyte disturbances that can cause abnormal heart rhythms and even death.”

“We put him on continuous cardiac monitoring and aggressively replaced his electrolytes, but it was scary how at-risk he was to going into an arrhythmia simply for just eating food.” ~ PMME

“I had food poisoning once.”

“Google doctor.”

“I had food poisoning once. For a couple of days, I didn’t eat anything, couldn’t hold down much water. The vomiting passed, still didn’t feel like eating, could drink water though. Felt like death, really weak, on edge, like I was going to die.”

“‘Impending feeling of doom.’ – I Googled that phrase plus ‘food poisoning’ and came across electrolyte depletion.”

“One dose of rehydration salts and I went from ‘I feel the end is near’ to ‘F*ck, I’m starving, where’s the nearest Subway?’ in about 20 minutes.” ~ nousernameusername

“My doctors in the U.K. said I was just getting older…”

“Patient. I was getting awful brain fog, getting pretty sleepy in the day but almost insomnia at night, I’d get random heart palpitations that made me feel sick, manic states of anxiety at night, and I’d get a UTI pretty much every other month.”

“I felt like I was losing my mind. My partner at the time just said I needed to exercise and lose weight. My doctors in the U.K. said I was just getting older and the UTIs were normal for reproductive age.”

“I went to my doctor to talk about getting another set of antibiotics for a new UTI when I mentioned I had been getting some heart palpitations. Luckily he probed further and sent me for a blood test.”

“Turns out I have a lifelong autoimmune disease that attacks the thyroid, essentially depriving me of hormones and sending my adrenal gland into overdrive.”

“Now I’m medicated I no longer have any of those symptoms aside from afternoon sleepiness. I hate to think what state I’d be in if I didn’t get it sorted when I did.” ~ MD564

“This lady had been seeing nothing…”

“Black stools. Folks, if you’re having black poops for f*ck’s sake, mention that sooner rather than later.”

“This lady has been seeing nothing but black for MONTHS before she thought to mention anything. We found several gastric ulcers and a hemoglobin level that circled the drain.” ~ RowanRally

These stories are wild, and if you’re currently re-evaluating your prior approach to doctor’s appointments, then good. They’re there to help you, so you might as well be honest, right?

The lesson here, and we’ll repeat it, is be your own advocate. You are your best advocate.

Speak up!

You’ll be happy you did and doctors will thank you later.

Doctors Divulge Little-Known Facts From The Gross Side Of Human Biology

Human biology is a fascinating trove of grossness, but it’s grossness most of us don’t encounter.

For the majority of us, our in-depth exploration of biology stops once we’re out of school. We live the rest of our lives focused on our own biology, maybe that of close family members or partners and that’s about it.

But medical professionals spend their days surrounded by human weirdness and they want you to know that yes, humans are gross.

It’s perfectly natural.

Reddit user “Bitictac” asked: 

“Doctors of reddit, what’s the weirdest/grossest fact about the human body that no one seems to know?” 

If you’re squeamish, we’re going to suggest you go ahead and back out of this article now. We will  be getting very up close and way too personal as we talk about all sorts of bodily fluids and functions.

Proceed with caution.

Cartman Was Right?!

“Not a doctor. Nurse here. If you have a bad gastro-intestinal obstruction you can vomit feces.”

– fire4ashz

“This happened to me once after I accidentally ingested some poisonous mushroom. Yes it was as awful as it sounds.”

– komandanto_en_bovajo

“Had a guy when I was out doing wilderness med that ate too many MREs (which essentially operate as the exact opposite of a laxative) and his breath smelled awful and he had severe abdominal pain.”

“We realized he had a GI block from the MRE food turning into a brick in his intestines and his breath was because his sh*t was flowing back into his stomach since it couldn’t leave his body.”

– nukeularkupcake

Inside Out

“Old ladies often have prolapse of their pelvic organs.”

“This means their vaginal walls got so weak that it can no longer support their bladder or uterus. A grade 4 prolapse is when it’s really sticking the heck out of their vagina like an alien head. -Nurse practitioner”

– vespertinas

“Happened to me after having 4 kids in 4 years. Had a hysterectomy at 29.”

– thefrozenfew

“Before modern surgery to help relieve that, you’d get a wooden mushroom looking thing to insert to push and hold things back up there.”

“In poor areas, root vegetables could be used.”

“Not everyone gets surgery now, so there are still silicone versions of it in use to this day.” 

– paperconservation101

Move Over

“When a patient gets a kidney transplant, they usually leave the old 2 behind unless there’s a significant problem with them.”

“The extra kidney is just tucked in the peritoneum leaving the patient with 3 kidneys.”

– Medicaljargon-itis

“The kidney comes with the renal artery, vein, and the ureter still attached, so all they have to do is hook it up to the iliac vein/artery and the bladder. Like they really just plug that bad boy in and then let it be.”

“I watched a video of a transplant and it was way easier than I ever would have imagined it would be.”

– shineymermaid

“Honestly I’d be annoyed about the kidney thing. I don’t want extra organs in my body.”

– shicole3

Black Hairy Tongue

“Dental student here. Black hairy tongue is a common condition and it’s exactly what it sounds like.”

“It’s just caused by buildup of dead skin that becomes hair like because of tobacco use or antibiotic use. Usually combined with lack of frictional forces from brushing/scraping the tongue.”

– Alarm-Potential

“My very first patient at the hospital had black hairy tongue & I was just shocked.”

– neqailaz


“Lips are made of a membrane called mucosa.”

“The anal sphincter, the nostrils, the glans of the penis, urethras, and the vagina are also made out of mucosal membrane. Pretty much any of your super delicate skin that is often wet is mucosa.”

“It’s often used in areas where a little protection could be used, since the cells in mucosal membranes are really densely packed. They also often secrete some form of mucous (lubrication, boogers, saliva, etc).”

“It’s all the same tissue. It all feels pretty much the same. Do with that what you will.”

– Oisillion

“So if they ask me to kiss their a**, I can just kiss them in the lips?”

– Mr_Skeleton_Shadow

“I think you’ve just ruined kissing for everyone forever.”

– TiredGayAtheist

“… Speak for yourself.” 

– blamethepunx

A Leaky Nose & A Blood Plug

“You can leak brain fluid (csf) out your nose because there’s a bone with a bunch of holes for your olfactory (smell) nerves called the cribiform plate.”

– philthy333

“I remember a one-off character in Grey’s Anatomy that was leaking csf from his nose! Thank you for explaining it.”

– outrunmyself

“Leaking brain fluid… that made me want to disintegrate…” 

– uhdontaskme

“To help you not have nightmares, it’s pretty rare and you’d probably know – the photophobia and headache that go along with it are pretty bad.”

“That doesn’t stop people from thinking they have it when in fact they have allergic rhinitis, or they’ve not realized that the sinuses can fill up with fluid, and when they dump that fluid they can dump quite a lot.”

“There’s two angles your sinuses are most likely to leak from too for most people – eyes straight down, and looking straight up. Tilt your head about about 10 degrees.”

“In the unlikely event that you are actually leaking brain fluid, it’s actually surprisingly simple to fix for most people.”

“Usually it just takes a little bit of your own blood. It’s squirted into the spinal fluid and the blood clot it forms seals the hole up.”

“You become your own tire plug.” 

– PavlovaPalava

“Holy sh*t I may have had this done when I had meningitis!”

“They shot my own blood into my face and I was too out of it to know what was happening other than being confused why they took my blood only to put it back in me.”

– PsychedelicWeaselGun

We’re Basically Cuttlefish

“Every single melanocyte on your skin (you know, the ones that give your hairs color, and your skin its skin color) is connected to your sympathetic nervous system via modified synapses.”

“No-one knows why they’re connected that way – but we do know that under stress, those nerves nuke the pool of stem cells that create hair pigment, which is why it makes your hair go grey.”

“A few mutations and you could, theoretically, be able to control them and change color like a chameleon.”

“So in many ways, we’re basically walking cuttlefish.”

– PavlovaPalava

The Most Doctor Answer

“The thing with this question is, I don’t know what people consider gross or weird.”

“Lots of questions about pooping, but that’s neither gross nor weird to me; its a bodily function.”

“I have stories about gross stuff that made me gag, but I wouldn’t consider any normal bodily function gross.”

– Gk786

“This is the most doctor answer ever. I’m sure most doctors are so desensitized that they don’t know what normal people even consider gross.”

– Ya_boii_95

Vagina Bleach

“One that a lot of men don’t tend to know: the vaginas discharge can bleach underwear, even black underwear.”

“It’s perfectly natural and normal.”

– ahumanpileofgarbage

If you’re a medical professional with an interesting or gross human body fact to share, let’s meet in the comments!