11 Times Infidelity in a Marriage Caused Problems, Even When the Partners Don’t Know

Marriage is hard. At least it can be if you don’t put in the work.

And once our eyes go wandering… perhaps they land on somebody that catches our interest. It’s a pretty common occurrence, and some stats suggest that 25% of marriages have at least ONCE incident of infidelity in it.

If you’re not good at math, that means 1 out of every 4 marriages has one person cheating at least once.

Yeah, people are getting it on outside of their marriages and they have to get that off their chests. And so we have these Whispers…

1. Priorities…

I mean, would you break it off just to be with somebody you cheated with?

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Hey, if that’s your thing…

Maybe it keeps the marriage sane?

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Well, that didn’t work out.

You should have been honest, bub!

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. I don’t know Karen, will there?!?

Doesn’t sound like it should be up to you.

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. That’ll teach him!

Or maybe it won’t.

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. All the emotions!

All the time!

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. How is that working out for you?

I’m guessing she just wanted revenge.

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Sometimes marriage is just a placeholder.

Not everybody should get marriage because somebody forces the issue.

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Don’t brag about it!

Jeezus… what an a$$hole!

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. So does that make you a horrible person?

Seems like you’re a horrible person, actually.

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Is that sad or is it telling you something?

You should probably break it off.

Photo Credit: Whisper

Well, that was pretty revealing, right? Who knew there was that much cheating out there.

Have you ever cheated? Feel guilty about it? Or could you care less?

Let us know in the comments… if you dare!

The post 11 Times Infidelity in a Marriage Caused Problems, Even When the Partners Don’t Know appeared first on UberFacts.

Symptoms of “Good Relationship” Syndrome

Are you happy with your significant other? Do you experience bouts of joy, trust, and unafraid intimacy? Do you have symptoms of confidence, stability, and connection?

Then you may suffer from a condition known as “good relationship.” Good Relationship is a chronic condition that can last a very long time. To know whether you have it or are at risk of contracting it, you should be on the lookout for “green flags.”

What are some little known relationship GREEN flags? from AskReddit

These “green flag” symptoms have here been enumerated by a panel of dating doctors (aka Reddit users). Have a look for yourself, and consider this a self-administered test.

1. What should we look for?

Willingness to forgive you when you make a mistake/speak in anger/etc rather than hold a grudge or try to punish you. (Doesn’t mean they won’t be still be upset of course.)

Willingness to admit fault and take responsibility when they make a mistake/speak in anger/etc and work on their own negative behaviors. Related: taking you seriously when something upsets you even if it doesn’t seem like a big deal from their perspective.

Not losing their temper when things don’t go their way. Example: do you want to be with someone who blows up when the car breaks down on a road trip and makes everyone else miserable or the person who calmly calls the repair service and tries to make the best of it?

Not making personal attacks during arguments. Focusing more on how they are feeling and fixing the problem at hand, and then reconciling afterward, rather than lashing out with a list of perceived character flaws. Example: “I feel disrespected when…” rather than “You’re such a disrespectful [expletive of choice]!”

Genuine care for you and others; a lack of self-centeredness. Being open to hear the perspectives of others, even when they don’t agree. An understanding that they are not the center of the universe, they are not always right, and there is always something to learn.

In short: emotional maturity.

– xxrachinwonderlandxx

2. Watch for reduced noise perception.

The ability to co exist in very companionable silence.

– kmm91162

3. Ask your doctor if your health is more important than a car’s.

It’s a pretty convoluted story, but I was dating a guy, had to drive his car to get him from a situation, and wrecked his car due to mechanical failure, and called my mama to come get me so we could go get him.

“Rescued” him. Then had to tell him I’d wrecked his car.

His first question: “Are you okay?”

My mom overheard. “That one’s a keeper.”

– 50EffingCabbages

4. Look out for irritability-resistant cooperation.

I remember the time I was pissed at my SO and then she accidentally spilled some sauce on her lap and I angrily helped her clean it up with my hanky

– [user deleted]

5. Do you need dietary assistance?

When you’re on a road trip and your partner feeds you fries and helps you drink your soda or whatever.

I think that’s such a nice simple gesture of kindness.

– Kekitron

6. Note any increased mobility.

Genuine support in your life goals, even if that means you two will have to go long distance for a while or will have to have conflicting work schedule or it will make your relationship harder in some way. If they love you and want you to be happy, they will be genuinely interested in what you want to do and will try to support you to do that in whatever way they can. They won’t hold you back in anyway.

This is something me and my SO have been facing something similar to this recently, he’s just graduated and is looking for a job. As much as I want him to stay close by so we don’t have to do long distance for any more time than we have to (I’m going home for the summer). But if he gets a job the other side of the country I won’t stop him and as long as I’m around I’ll help him pack up.

– averagehonesthuman

7. Quick recovery periods are frequent.

Being able to emotionally connect even after an argument

– liamfaganmusic

8. Close examination of common experiences may be necessary.

Telling the little details about your day. There’s something really precious about that, and you feel in-tune with the other person.

– archived_idli

9. Note any increased memory function.

Your partner does things for you without asking and remembers little details. For example I like eating with a fruit fork (the smaller version of the dinner fork) I actually googled that since our family calls them the little forks lol.

Anyway, my partner remembers this and will grab it for me when we’re dishing up food. Another good one is they make you feel appreciated.

– SerenityFate

10. Watch what you eat.

They respect your food issues, whether preferences, allergies, etc.

Bonus Points: They defend you to their blood relatives.

– EPresage

11. Note a strong appetite for thing-doing.

If she shows equal interest in hanging out with you. If it feels like you’re dragging them into going on a date, they’re really not into you, no matter what they may say.

Besides, let’s be honest. Wouldn’t you rather date someone who is as excited and interested in seeing you and you are in seeing them?

– Crappyfanchandelier

12. Empathetic response may be above normal parameters.

You want your partner to be happy and not the other way around. Oftentimes people want to be in a relationship to solely make themselves happy

– Some-Specie

13. Take note of reading comprehension.

You recommend them a book or movie and they actually take the time to check it out.

– -eDgAR-

14. There may be a general reduction in stress.

It feels “easy”.

Effortless. Unforced. Natural.

This is a good sign of a real connection. Compromise feels like second nature. You both breath thoughtfulness and consideration towards each other.

You figure things out, together. You see each other, respect each other, and appreciate each other.

– Manateaze

15. In summary:

I feel like there’s a lot of detailed examples that largely boil down to two things: empathy and emotional maturity.

– LegendaryGary74

If you think that you or someone you know may suffer from Good Relationship, ask your doctor how their day went, cause you got nothing to fix. Congratulations.

What would you add to this list of symptoms?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Symptoms of “Good Relationship” Syndrome appeared first on UberFacts.

“Green Flags” That are Signs of a Good Relationship

We’re all know the term “red flags”  when it comes to relationships. The little (or huge) warning signs that we’d prefer to ignore so we can just keep things going with someone whom we know deep down isn’t good for us. And while it’s doubtlessly important to keep an eye out for such things, we shouldn’t dwell on them all the time. Let’s look at something a little happier today. Like, say, green flags:

What are some little known relationship GREEN flags? from AskReddit

This post in r/AskReddit garnered over 10,000 responses. Here are some of the highlights:

1. Love is unhurried.

You don’t feel like you’re competing for their time. You’re just loved. Even when they are busy, you don’t have to worry.

People think you need to spend all your time with someone. You don’t. But the feeling of being loved removes any jealousy or insecurities.

You just know it’s good

– mewashere1

2. You can be you.

When you like the person that you become when you’re with them.

Everyone projects a different version of themselves around different people and if you don’t like who you become when you’re with someone, it’s probably not going to be the healthiest relationship.

Your SO should bring out the best in you.

– crasher35

3. Burdens are cut in half.

If it’s a chore you both hate, you do it together.

My late husband and I both HATED folding laundry, but it had to be done. So we always did it together. Made the chore less of a pain.

– AlfalfaFloozy

4. You can love through anger.

No matter how angry you are at one another. You will still go out of your way or they go out of their way to help.

I’ll be wicked pissed, but I’ll angrily make my wife her favorite dinner even though I don’t want to eat. No matter how angry we are at one another (usually only last a short period of time) we will never sabotage or try to teach them a lesson. Many times, it ends up being both apologizing to one another.

Arguing and getting angry is just part of a relationship and unavoidable. It is how you deal with it that’s sets it apart from a healthy relationship versus a bad one.

– kamikaziboarder

5. Surprise each other.

Came home from working a 12 hour shift one night to a full dinner with my favorite dessert.

Never had a girlfriend just decide to cook me a full meal for me to come home to like that.

– trgoldfox

6. Forgiveness is key.

Able to forgive mistakes.

Early in our relationship I accidentally backed my car into my Fiance’s car while coming out of the driveway. I definitely did damage. I immediately started freaking out and crying and he just calmly got out of his car, came up to mine and asked if I was okay.

He got me to calm down and said it was fine it was just an accident. He never made me feel bad about it. He called it our little bump to my friends to minimize my embarrassment.

We laugh about it to this day. – KinickieNoodle

7. Don’t be a tease.

My ex would tease me a lot and would tease me in front of his family. He would say things like “Oh she changed her outfit 3 times because she thought you guys would judge her.” Or “She didn’t really want to come over but I convinced her.” He would be laughing and joking but these things would be the truth!

When I was going to meet my current boyfriend’s family I was really nervous! In the car I said “Please don’t tell them how nervous I am, it’s so embarrassing!” He looked at me in shock and said “I’m on YOUR side! Why would I tell them that?” And it was like a freaking lightbulb! Love this guy ?

– chapter2at30

8. Nobody’s perfect.

When your SO takes criticism from you seriously without immediately trying to turn it back on you.

If the converse is also true, you two stand a great chance of going the distance.

– SqueakyCleanNoseDown

9. Have a good thing to say.

Non-sexual compliments

– ipakookapi

10. Remember the best medicine.


And also: I’ve been with my partner for 40 years (this month!) and I still smile when I see him across a room.

He still makes me laugh and my heart soars when I think of him.

– the_real_grinningdog

11. Love is in the details.

Listening to you and remembering the things you’ve said.

Back when me and my boyfriend started dating, he’d sometimes bring up things that I’ve said before (ex: my favorite foods, candies, etc.).

Made me super happy and could tell he genuinely cared.

– isahellarad

12. Talk to each other.

They communicate if they will be delayed and how long they will be.

Talk things through BEFORE it becomes a screaming match. Not after.

Asks about boundaries/traumas and doesn’t judge you for them, but instead respects them.

– KhajitCaravan

13. Stay in touch.

Calling/texting just to see how you’re doing, even if they don’t need anything.

– Frankfertt

14. Take it point by point.

• honesty
• genuine interest in each other’s hobbies (don’t have to do them, but at least support it)
• strong communication
• you feel like you’re hanging out with your best friend…except you wanna smash.

– Iamdaisylion

15. And of course, the ultimate test of character:

Putting the shopping cart back

– bendedsleaze

We should remember to recognize and celebrate the good in our lives and the good in each other. It’s what makes this whole crazy thing worthwhile!

What are some other things you would add to this list?

Tell us in the comments.

The post “Green Flags” That are Signs of a Good Relationship appeared first on UberFacts.

Couples Share the Sweetest Confessions About Getting Married Young

You know the song…

Love and marriage. Goes together like a horse and carriage… right?

It certainly can be… but sometimes when you get married young things don’t turn out that for the best.

But that is NOT this post. This post is all about the sweetest things that happened when people said “I do!” at a very young age.

Get ready to smile! Because these 13 stories are the best!

1. Exploring the world sounds amazing!

Especially with your best friend!

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. What do they know anyway?

You do you, kids!

Photo Credit: Whisper

3.  Some people just wanna be married!

And that’s not a bad thing.

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Knowing what you’re going to do with your life is helpful.

Everybody needs a plan.

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Come on people… stop being so judgey!

I mean, what are you doing with your life anyway?

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Getting more years with your beloved!

Sounds great to me!

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. More life with more support!

Fantastic point!

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Best. Decision. Ever.

Yeah? Yeah. Yeah!

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. BFFs for real.

Always got your back!

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Keep on keeping on!

I’m sure it’s not always fun, though.

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Now that’s a love that sounds like it’ll last.


Photo Credit: Whisper

12. Hey, at least they took some time.

Young love doesn’t have to be dumb love.

Photo Credit: Whisper

13. Deeper and deeper…

Being in love is a great feeling, especially if it can last.

Photo Credit: Whisper

I’m sure this has happened to a lot of people out there, so we want to hear your stories!

Let us know in the comments!

The post Couples Share the Sweetest Confessions About Getting Married Young appeared first on UberFacts.

Tweets About Being Married in 2020 That Are Too True

Marriage. Marriage is what brings us together today. 2020 has been a year when many married couples have found themselves spending a LOT more time together, for better or for worse.

And we get to watch all the exhilarating domestic fireworks in the form of that ever-present microblog Twitter, where husbands and wives of all stripes go to shine a light on the funnier aspects of their own matrimonial adventures.

Here are 10 recent tweets about married life that are sure to fully engage your heart.

10. Get in line

Absolutely ice cold.

9. Flex tape

But why wouldn’t everyone do this all the time?

8. Smooth moves

Well what the hell did you expect him to say?

7. Saving the day

This is a rush I would very much like to experience, actually.

6. You snooze, you lose

This will be entered into evidence regardless of relevance.

5. Sneak attack

There need to be protocols to prevent this sort of thing.

4. Nothing to sneeze at

Yes I’m allergic to diseases.

3. One man’s trash

There are no winners in this game.

2. To the Maxx

This conversation sounds exhausting.

1. Against the grain

I need more information on the exact nature of this dispute.

I’ve never been married myself so clearly I don’t know what I’m missing out on but if these tweets are any indication, it sure is a wild ride. Might give it a go one of these days just to see for myself. For the lols if nothing else.

What’s the weirdest thing about marriage to you?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Tweets About Being Married in 2020 That Are Too True appeared first on UberFacts.

Mom Buys a Dress for Her Son’s Wedding, Bride Loses It

There’s a ton of stuff that goes into planning a wedding. Where will it be, who do we invite, what will we eat, what will it cost, etc etc etc. But one stress that probably few people are expecting is “Will my mother in law dress like the bride in some kind of crazy attention stunt?” That was the situation one Reddit user found herself in recently. The user goes by the name AITAthedress, so she must have created this account specifically to pose this question. It was posted to r/AITA, or “Am I the as$hole?,” a forum where people describe their situations and users weigh in on who’s in the wrong. Here’s the original post, in which she uses “MIL” for “Mother in Law” throughout:

AITA for making my MIL buy a different dress for my wedding? from AmItheAsshole

The comment section, which at the time of writing is approaching 500 contributions, revealed two things very clearly:
1) This is a surprisingly common problem that happens to more brides than you’d expect
2) Literally nobody thinks OP is the as$hole in this situation

This is not bridezilla behavior.

Via Reddit

Apparently this happens quite a bit?

Via Reddit

Why would you even want to do this?

Via Reddit

She needs to get off this train.

Via Reddit

Even this woman who let a similar situation go didn’t find fault with OP.

Via Reddit

Many mistakes were clearly made.

Via Reddit

Pics or it didn’t happen?

Via Reddit

There’s no way she wouldn’t have foreseen this.

Via Reddit

There’s really only one answer here.

Via Reddit

This particular comment deserves a thread all its own.

Via Reddit

So there you have it. Don’t dress like a bride unless you are a bride. Even the most unsophisticated among us can probably hold that particular piece of etiquette in our heads. Don’t spoil someone else’s special day, they paid a lot of money for it.

What’s the craziest thing you’ve seen at a wedding?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Mom Buys a Dress for Her Son’s Wedding, Bride Loses It appeared first on UberFacts.

Wives Who Know What It Takes to Keep Their Husbands Happy

There might not be one single secret to a happy marriage that works for everyone, but there are tried-and-true ways to keep a man happy. One of them, it would seem, is humor.

And if you think I’m wrong, take a look at these 15 wives – they’ve definitely got some pretty good ideas.

15. Why couldn’t he just open the fridge?!

Men are so difficult.

My wife has been waiting for 2 days for me to open fridge. Lol from funny

14. It’s important to celebrate the little things.

Or the big things, as it would happen.

Got my husband some post-vasectomy snacks- amazing how much genital related food you can find! from funny

13. Someone at Pixar has a sense of humor.

Because otherwise why do Buzz’s hands do that?!

My wife asked me to grab something in the bedroom, this was waiting for me… I chose the right woman from funny

12. That’s definitely a way to get his attention.

Don’t mess with dads and their smoke alarms.

11. Okay now I need to know how to do this.

It’s pretty funny.

It appears my wife personalized our keurig. from funny

10. You gotta keep the excitement alive.

That’s one way to do it.

I asked the kind lady at the pet shop for a shed tarantula skin, to put amongst the bananas to scare my husband! from funny

9. Romantic AND funny?

She’s a keeper, man!

Wife made me a pillow. from funny

8. That’s a hint, right?

I promise he didn’t get it.

7. Because that takes some effort.

She obviously really loves you. Ha!

My wife and I make banners for each other on birthdays. This was what I woke up to this morning. I love this woman. from funny

6. His face is less than amused.

He’s used to it, his expression says.

My wife decided to dress up as me for Halloween. from funny

5. You gotta appreciate a good April Fool’s joke.

I’m sure Aaron did!

My sister’s April Fools’ prank on her husband. from funny

4. Oh man this woman is my hero.

I can only assume her husband has a sense of humor.

Not what my husband had in mind when I told him I made a sexy dress from funny

3. Marry a girl who goes above and beyond.

Even if you regret it sometimes.

My husband bet me I couldn’t shave his foot without him waking up. This is what he woke up to this morning. from funny

2. The end result is the same.

I am going to use this on my kids.

My wife made me a passive aggressive flow chart to use every time I get hungry from funny

1. Just in case you miss her.

And you’d better miss her, man.

So my wife is going away for a few months. This is how she left our bed this morning. from pics

I’m going to have to give some of these a try!

What’s your secret to keeping your husband happy? Let’s swap tips in the comments!

The post Wives Who Know What It Takes to Keep Their Husbands Happy appeared first on UberFacts.