So, Apparently Charles Dickens Tried to Have His Totally Sane Wife Committed to a Mental Institution

Maybe you didn’t know this, but back in the olden days, it didn’t take a whole lot of effort for a man to get out of a marriage. Basically, if your wife was getting all annoying and wanting to be treated like an equal human being and stuff, you could just say she went crazy and get her locked up in a mental institution. That’s a lesson that Catherine Hogarth Dickens, wife of illustrated author Charles Dickens, almost learned the hard way.

Image Credit: Wikipedia

The Smithsonian reports that after 1o children and 22 years of marriage, the Dickens couple had a not-so-cordial separation that was probably Catherine’s idea. But although Dickens wrote to his agent that Hogarth wanted out of the marriage because of her “mental disorder” and that “she felt herself unfit for the life she had to lead as my wife, and that she would be better far away,” he made no mention of his affair with a much younger actress.

Not only that, but University of York professor John Bowen recently dug into a treasure trove of never-before-seen letters sent by Edward Dutton Cook – Catherine’s neighbor after the separation – that he found in the Theatre Collection at Harvard’s Houghton Library.

They don’t paint a pretty picture of Dickens – though of course, it’s a he-said, she-said situation.

Image Credit: Wikipedia

Cook wrote in one letter that “He [Charles] discovered at last that she had outgrown his liking. She had borne 10 children and had lost many of her good looks, was growing old, in fact. He even tried to shut her up in a lunatic asylum, poor thing! But bad as the law is in regard to proof of insanity he could not quite wrest it to his purpose.”

The letters made Professor Bowen uncomfortable – rightly so. “Biographers and scholars have known for years how badly Dickens behaved at this time, but it now seems that he even tried to bend the law to place his wife and the mother of his children in a lunatic asylum, despite her evident sanity. What I discovered was detailed and shocking…”

Image Credit: Wikipedia

Detailed and shocking, perhaps, but in the longstanding tradition of men with power and the way they treat the women in their lives, it can hardly be called surprising.

If Catherine Hogarth Dickens were alive today, she might have tweeted her story with #metoo attached.

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Brilliant Twitter Thread Shows Why Men Should Think Twice Before Letting ‘The One’ Get Away

There are so many reasons not to fully commit to someone. When I say “commit,” I don’t just mean updating your relationship status on Facebook – I’m talking about really wanting to make a life with someone. It’s a tricky thing: maybe you’re too young for a relationship, or you rushed into it, or you have very different goals, or maybe you just want to keep having sex with other people.

Things eventually get sour and you guys split up (or they get tired of you bulls*** and dump you), but you stay friends. Maybe they even agree that there’s a chance you can get back together if you put in the work on improving yourself. She’ll come back, right?


Your perfect woman will not be there for you because she was already “grieving your loss,” while you were acting like a jerk. Once she’s done…she’s done. She will move on. Scientific Twitter Research has shown this to be true.

Twitter user Rev Rell give us some background information on her friend who let “the one” get away.

Photo Credit: Twitter

But did he do any sort of soul-searching to figure out what he really wanted? Spoiler: no.

Photo Credit: Twitter

The fact that his former girlfriend had actually moved on surprised him. Why? Dunno.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Oh, dear. A misunderstanding. She probably couldn’t make herself clear because she was too busy hurling his shit out the window.

Photo Credit: Twitter

So, just want to put this out there now: Stalking is not romantic.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Not suprisingly, other Twitter-ites agreed.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Such a good friend and so much good stuff here. ARE YOU TAKING NOTES??

Photo Credit: Twitter

Basically he needs her to make him a better man for someone else.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Take people for granted much?

Photo Credit: Twitter

The cloistered nun convent must have been closed.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Is six months in the breakup handbook?

Photo Credit: Twitter

It’s perfectly acceptable to cry at weddings.

Photo Credit: Twitter

I bet hearing this guy whine about losing the girl has been a real pleasure for all his friends.

Photo Credit: Twitter

These are things people need to know.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Real love advice on Twitter. Appreciate the people that love you and never take them for granted. And, if you did lose, then lose gracefully and let her find happiness.

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Does Having Children Before Marriage Raise Your Risk for Divorce?

Divorce is pretty common these days but it was actually less common as recently as just a few decades ago.

That said, many people find the idea of committing to a child easier than committing to another full-grown adult, and are choosing a partner for parenting before they go all-in with a wedding.

The good news? If you do decide, after having kids, to pull the trigger on an ‘I do,” your odds for ending up divorced are no better (or worse) than if you married before getting pregnant.

Image Credit: Pixabay

While divorce rates are on a decline, it’s important to point out that the number of people getting married in the first place is also 25-30% lower than it was during the boomer generation. Fewer people (and couples) are having children at all, as well, and for the first time ever there are more unmarried than married women under thirty giving birth.

Kelly Musick from Cornell University was the study‘s coauthor, and she told Live Science that she and her team analyzed data from the CDC to compare families who had babies between 1985-1995 and those who had babies between 1997-2010. The result?

Since 1997, couples who had children first were likely to get married eventually, and no more likely to get divorced than people who married before having kids.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Why? The study says there is more than one factor at play.

“They’ve got marriage on the back of their minds, but wait to take that step until they feel they’ve met these pretty high standards. The increasing stability of relationships involving cohabitation and the declining importance of marriage timing relative to parenthood is consistent with waning social pressure to marry and the blurring of boundaries between marriage and cohabitation.”

The study did not compare planned pregnancies to unplanned ones, which could make a difference since unexpected surprises can be a huge challenge for couples to navigate. Unexpected pregnancies can make couples feel more pressure to commit to each other even if they have a sense that it won’t work.

Sexologist and author Nikki Goldstein told Fatherly “…there might not have been a long term commitment made before the baby is born, for some there might be questions. Like if they did not have a child together would they have stayed together.”

Issues like that can breed resentment, but in couples who are already living together and plan to bring a baby into the mix, it’s not a consideration.

Image Credit: Pixabay

So, as long as your pregnancies are planned, you don’t have to say “I do” before little ones come along.

But don’t think that means you don’t have to work on your marriage and make it a priority when you can – kids or not, married first or not, the chance for divorce is always lurking.

I’ll leave you on that happy note!

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15 Married People Share The Quirks Partner Has That Aren’t Cute Anymore

When you first start dating someone, your passions are aflame and everything your significant other does seems so adorable. The way they sneeze, the way they hang their towels, the way they place certain items.

Once you start settling in for the long haul, however, those quirks start getting a little less endearing. Suddenly, the fact that they always wake up grumpy isn’t cute – it starts looking like grounds for murder.

Here are 15 awesome examples.

#1. Minecraft mistakes.

“She doesn’t take precautions playing Minecraft. It was funny seeing her wooden house burn down, or her losing all her stuff digging straight down.

But since I ran the server, she would keep asking me to go to use my admin powers to get it all back. A lot.

She also still sends settlers unescorted in Civ V (I just triggered all civ players, sorry). Other than that she is still perfect after 10 years :D”

#2. Get to the verb.

“He can not tell a story. Rambling, unnecessary details, and the listener is three steps ahead the entire time, just waiting for it to slowly unspool.”

#3. Forgetfulness.

“His forgetfulness used to be cute and fun. Waking up to fresh gallons of milk sitting on the counter for hours is annoying as fuck now.”

#4. Hair.

“Her hair. She has such long, beautiful hair, but it gets everywhere. Drains. Sinks. Carpets. I’ve had to sit and cut hairs out of the vacuum so it would work again because it had tied up the roly bit. Not to mention I’ve had her hair on me and all through my clothing.”

#5. A bag of magic beans.

“His spontaneity.

It used to be really fun and sexy…but now it’s like living with a real life Homer Simpson/Phil Dunphy hybrid.

No joke, I am just waiting for the day he comes home with a bag of ‘magic beans’.

Edit: I’ve had a lot people asking for more stories of my husband doing crazy shit.

I think my favorite is: on our first date we got caught in a rain storm. I was wet to the bone and wearing a skirt…so he offered me his pants.”

#6. My way’s better.

“First off, still very happily married and in love! However, there is one thing that does cause a ruckus every now and again. When we were dating and living together, we would do diy stuff around the house. I know a little past the basics because my dad made sure to teach me things and of course there is always youtube, so I’m not helpless by any stretch. In fact I owned several of my own power tools before we got together.

When doing one of these projects, he often wouldn’t let me do much. Back then I thought, “What a gentleman, doesn’t want me to get dirty.” or whatever. Nowadays I’ll be watching him do something and know a better way of doing said task, and it’s like he doesn’t believe me. So he’ll try 18 other ways before landing on the way I suggested and it working out just dandy. It’s pretty frustrating. I can do more than hold something while you work!

It’s not a deal breaker, but sometimes I let him know just how stupid he was acting, and how much time it wasted by not just trying my way first. Even if my suggestion doesn’t work, what did you lose?”

#7. Slow eater.

“Takes forever to eat a meal. It was very well-suited to long dates, romantic dinners, those intense getting-to-know-you conversations at the beginning. 15 years later and I just want to have a meal where I’m not done before he’s barely taken a bite!

His whole family is like this and I simply don’t understand. It’s food, you put it on a plate and you eat it and go on with life! Not for them, mealtimes often stretch on for hours, occasionally into the next bloody meal if it’s a family event. I just don’t get it.”

#8. NOW?

“My husband always tries to make me laugh. I honestly hope he never stops trying, but there are times when it’s like “really?? You’re trying to make me laugh NOW?!”

#9. Some pedantic loophole.

“Debate with me. At the beginning it was great because I felt like I met my intellectual equal. Now I realize she’s just a disagreeable person. I’m 90% sure if I told her the sky was blue, she would find a way to dispute my assertion with some pendantic loophole

EDIT: ok people, it feels like half of these responses came from my wife. I just double checked out the window, the sky is definitely blue. Do you want to know what shade of blue? SKY BLUE!! Explaining WHY it’s blue doesn’t make it not blue. Baaaah!!”

#10. More than me.

“Not married, but engaged and have been together for almost 5 years now? Everyone likes her. She’s a very likable person, but my friends and family like her more than me. Just gets to me sometimes when she tells me something about a friend or family member that I should have heard from them.”

#11. A choral piece.

“Her having to sing everything like it’s a perfected choral piece.”

#12. He needed me.

“In the beginning he used to really need me and he always required a LOT of attention.

I loved it, at first.

I loved to feel needed and I 100% absolutely loved to lavish him with my adoring attention endlessly…

I was absolutely devoted.

Fast forward 15 years…

I feel used up and taken for granted.

He has never reciprocated, our relationship has always been strongly one way.

His behaviour was exactly what I wanted and needed – at one point.

Now it’s just something that upsets me. A lot.”

#13. Bathroom stalking.

“Constantly watching me in the bathroom. It was fun at first, we always make/made jokes. But now there are times I just want to be left alone to shit for fucks sake.”

#14. Clumsy

“Clumsily break things accidentally. It’d be a teaspoon one day or a shoelace the next. Little insignificant, ‘how-on-earth-did-you-manage-to-break-that?’ type of things. Started out quite cute and amusing. Now it’s a case of ‘Babe, that’s like the fourth vacuum cleaner this year, and it’s a fucking Dyson.’”

#15. What’s for dinner?

“Her indecisiveness. It was adorable to see her struggle when we were dating but goddammit I’m just trying to figure out what to make for dinner.”

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Science Agrees – Husbands Are Just Big Babies Who Actually Make Life Harder for Their Wives’

Fellas: Listen up and get your s***t together.

Married women have undoubtedly known this forever, but science has finally confirmed it – having a husband can sometimes feel like having another kid, rather than an equal partner who will help shoulder the load of managing the home and raising the kids.

A recent survey of 7,000 moms across the U.S. asked them to share the reasons behind their daily stress, and guess what? Moms are stressed. Shocker!

Photo Credit: Pixabay

The majority of mothers rate their stress at an 8.5 out of 10, and a whopping 46% of them feel that their husbands cause them more stress than their kids.

“A 7-year-old is going to be a 7-year-old. But a 35-year-old acting like a 7-year-old is more stressful because they should know better,” says mom Deno Fleno.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

The reason? 75% of moms say they feel the need to do all of the household and parenting chores because otherwise, they won’t get done at all.

1 in 5 mothers claim to be stressed all the time because their husbands refuse to help out at all. With anything. 


“I am exhausted emotionally and physically when my husband comes home. He feels like another job,” a mom who wished to remain anonymous added.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Sure, not everyone’s husband fits this mold, and more of them fit it sometimes but not always. That said, guys, you need to pull your weight more with the kids and the house, and without being asked (aka nagged) to get off your butts and pitch in.

Ask yourself this: if you’re making your wife’s life harder and not easier, why would she keep you around?

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10+ Hilarious Wives Whose Husbands Are Very Lucky Men

I tell ya, fellas, there’s nothing quite as awesome as being married to a beautiful lady with a great sense of humor. I count my lucky stars every day that my wife and I share so many laughs.

For real, if you have a good, funny woman in your life, hang on and never let go.

1. A work of art

Photo Credit: Go Social

2. Didn’t tell him she was putting up this horrifying decoration

Photo Credit: Go Social

3. Did this in his sleep

Photo Credit: Go Social

4. Looks exciting

Photo Credit: Go Social

5. For when she’s out of town

Photo Credit: Go Social

6. It’s only tarantula skin, but oh boy…

Photo Credit: Go Social

7. That’s not nice

Photo Credit: Go Social

8. Evil milk

Photo Credit: Go Social

9. Boom

Photo Credit: Go Social

10. This is good

Photo Credit: Go Social

11. Beautiful pizza coupon collage

Photo Credit: Go Social

12. A nice gift

Photo Credit: Go Social

13. Just for you

Photo Credit: Go Social

14. Happy vasectomy!

Photo Credit: Go Social

15. Flow chart

Photo Credit: Go Social

Now those are some funny gals.

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15 Wives Who Are Definitely Doing Marriage Right

Marriage is a lifelong commitment to another person and it should tell you something that the other institution requiring you to get committed is the loony bin. Simply put, life with another person can make you crazy, so a good sense of humor is absolutely essential if you’re gonna survive.

These ladies definitely have the right idea. Check out what they’re up to, and tip your cap to them while you’re at it.

1. Stirrin’ up the drama!

Photo Credit: Instagram

2. Thanks for the help

Photo Credit: Reddit

3. She nailed it

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. Can we talk about this tomorrow?

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. Great gal

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. Life is good

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. That’s me!

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. Now are you paying attention?

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. I like this

Photo Credit: Instagram

10. She got to the coffee machine

Photo Credit: Reddit

11. Doing her part

Photo Credit: Instagram

12. Hahaha

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. The future looks bright

Photo Credit: Twitter

14. A real keeper

Photo Credit: Twitter

15. I’m unclear

Photo Credit: Instagram


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Apparently, Smelling Your Partner’s… Gas… Could Help You Live Longer

In today’s edition of adorable but also disgusting news, scientists have determined that smelling your partner’s… gaseous emissions (aka farts)… may just help you live longer.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A study in the journal Medicinal Chemistry Communications showed that exposure to hydrogen sulfide, the same gas you that pass, can help ward off mitochondrial damage that causes various health problems.

Researcher Dr. Mark Wood said, “Although hydrogen sulfide is well known as a pungent, foul-smelling gas in rotten eggs and flatulence, it is naturally produced in the body and could in fact be a healthcare hero.”

Photo Credit: Flickr,Eli Duke

The study showed that exposure to hydrogen sulfide in small amounts can help reduce the risk of strokes, heart attacks, and cancer. Another researcher spoke about how the team created a new compound called AP39 that they believe will help the body produce the right amount of hydrogen sulfide and that the compound can be delivered to certain cells. Matt Whiteman said:

When cells become stressed by disease, they draw in enzymes to generate minute quantities of hydrogen sulfide. This keeps the mitochondria ticking over and allows cells to live. If this doesn’t happen, the cells die and lose the ability to regulate survival and control inflammation.

We have exploited this natural process by making a compound, called AP39, which slowly delivers very small amounts of this gas specifically to the mitochondria. Our results indicate that if stressed cells are treated with AP39, mitochondria are protected and cells stay alive.”

Now that you’re armed with this information, you know what you have to do…

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These Memes About Marriage Will Make You Laugh and Cry

Marriage is one of those things that you’ve gotta laugh through, or else it’ll never survive. It’s a (hopefully) lifelong journey with plenty of ups and downs, so having a sense of humor is pretty essential.

These memes perfectly capture the hilarious (and at times terrible) realities of marriage. Even if you’re not married, you’ll totally sympathize (and giggle).

1. Quit cleaning the weird shit

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. You have 30 minutes

Photo Credit: someecards

3. That is terrifying

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. The answer is ‘no’

Photo Credit: someecards

5. That’s my spot

Photo Credit: someecards

6. Not very long

Photo Credit: someecards

7. You ready?

Photo Credit: someecards

8. Forever nachos

Photo Credit: someecards

9. May I ask why?

Photo Credit: someecards

10. Just don’t

Photo Credit: someecards

11. A bit of a difference

Photo Credit: someecards

12. Prepare

Photo Credit: someecards

13. Proof

Photo Credit: Twitter

14. Not so hard

Photo Credit: someecards

15. Ah, Sundays

Photo Credit: someecards

16. Life revolves around food

Photo Credit: someecards

17. This is gonna be close

Photo Credit: someecards

18. I’ve never heard that

Photo Credit: Twitter

19. Too real

Photo Credit: Twitter

20. That’s what it’s all about

Photo Credit: Twitter

Ahhhhh, married life. Isn’t it glorious?

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Ireland held Tailteann mass…

Ireland held Tailteann mass marriages where couples were allowed to wed and be married for a year to see if they were fit for each other. They could divorce by proceeding to the so called “separation hills” without leaving a mark on their reputation. This was legal until the 13th century.