High School Sweethearts Who Ended up Married Shared Their Prom and Marriage Photos Side-By-Side

Love, especially young love, is quite a beautiful thing. Anddddddd….

Sometimes it even becomes old(er) love! I’ve known quite a few high school sweethearts who went on to have long, loving marriages over the years, and these photos really just tug at the heartstrings.

Have a look for yourself.

1. Tears of joy

2. That’s nice

3. Junior prom!

4. Keepin’ it real

5. After all those years…

6. High School Sweethearts

7. Nice looking couple

8. All grown up

9. Nice!

10. Same pose

11. Yes!

12. They haven’t aged a bit!

13. Baby shower, too

14. Still kickin’

15. In love

All together now…awwwwwwwww.

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A Photographer Shoots Senior Citizen Couples in Engagement-Style Photos

These are delightful.

Sujata Setia is a London-based photographer who takes engagement-style photos….but with a little twist. She shoots elderly couples as if they were celebrating their newfound love.

A brilliant idea, don’t you think?

Setia explained how she got started:

“I noticed…that people only came to get photographs taken with their children and spouses. I never had a client asking me to take photographs of their parents or grandparents or even photos of their children and parents.

So I decided to divide my work time into two parts. I spent one half of my month photographing my clients the way they wanted me to and the other half was dedicated to requesting grandparents and great-grandparents (who I would invite via model calls or would randomly approach in public places) to come and be photographed by me with their grandkids.

On one such shoot in Houston, Texas, this year, I noticed that while I was photographing one grandparent with their grandchild, the other grandparent was just standing silently in a corner. So, for the sake of their memories together, I asked both grandparents if I could photograph them together… and I haven’t stopped doing that now.”

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20 years ago they sold their house in exchange for a camper van. Ever since then they have been travelling the world… holding hands. I was fortunate enough to have found them in Dublin, Ireland… as they were walking past the storm… still holding hands! . To love… . . . Sign up for my 2019-2020 workshops by clicking on the link in my bio Florida – August 24th 2019 . Dubai – October 12th 2019 . London – February 2nd 2020 . . #ig_creativepics #clickinmoms #ftwotw #ourclickdays #londonfamilyphotographer #newbornphotographermumbai #familyphotographermumbai #celebrityfamilyphotographer #best_art_project #people_tr #ig_shotz_people #globe_people #heart_imprint_vip #cpcfeature #official_photography_hub #nikontop #splendid_people #photos_dailydose #bestfamilyphotographer #celebrityphotographer #bestfamilyphotographerindia #bestlondonphotographer

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“Looking back at our life together, I realise I should have loved you the way you wanted to be loved. Holding hands. Surprises… just without occasion or reason. Slipping in ‘I love you’ into casual conversations… none of it made sense to me back then. But it does now!! . And so I ask you today. Please will you give me just another lifetime?” . . . . . . #clickinmoms #candidchildhood #childhoodunplugged #momazine #letthemexplore #momswithcameras #nothingisordinary #mom_hub #momtogs #exploretocreate #thebloomforum #follow_this_light #watchthisinstagood #click_vision #beyondwanderlust #official_photography_hub #infinity_children #huffpostgram #clickmagazine #iamnikon #natgeoyourshot #dearphotographer #cpcfeature #instagram #documentyourdays #the_sugar_jar @instagram #theeverydayportrait

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Setia continued, “Whichever country I visit, I make sure I photograph elderly couples there together and I cannot express how fulfilling this has been for me. The stories I hear of their lives together… and the pure and honest love that I witness in the course of these shoots is just beyond amazing.”

Beautiful and heartwarming, to say the least.

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Married Couples Confess: We Haven’t Consummated Our Marriage yet

This is quite strange…

So, what if this happened to you…

You save your virginity for your marriage and then, on your wedding night… nothing happens.

Not only that, nothing happens for a week, a month or more!

Would you be surprised to find out how many people have NOT consummated their marriage after getting married?

Get ready to read some craziness!

19. There’s always annulments…

Photo Credit: Whisper

18. Sounds like you had sex before though, so…?

Photo Credit: Whisper

17. This really sucks.

Photo Credit: Whisper

16. I’ll tell you what’s going to happen: divorce.

Photo Credit: Whisper

15. Time to talk to your SO!

Photo Credit: Whisper

14. Ummm, that’s not how it works…

Photo Credit: Whisper

13. Okay, this is a happy ending! Finally!

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. Haha, yeah, you really should.

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. I would be!

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Well, I honestly can’t say I blame him…

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. That’s a LONG time to wait.

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. It really shouldn’t be a fight. There’s something wrong.

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Go. To. Therapy.

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Some men do have low sex drives…

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Okay, NOT the same thing!

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Talk to somebody about it. You have to get past this.

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Yes. She will. Get ON it.

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Yeah, it would be nice.

Photo Credit: Whisper

1. Never think that!

Photo Credit: Whisper

A wedding night situation wouldn’t be a big deal for me because there’s no reality where I would marry someone and wouldn’t have slept with them.

But if a couple weeks went by and I was getting rejected… time to get an annulment!

Sorry, not sorry.

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Viking girls got hitched…

Viking girls got hitched as young as 12 and had to mind the household while their husbands sailed off on adventures. Still, they had more freedom than other women of their era. Viking women could inherit property, request a divorce and reclaim their dowries if their marriages ended.

10 Couples Admit How Infidelity Surprisingly Saved Their Marriage

All couples are different, and these folks are no different.

Because society says they should have broken up after one of them cheated… but things actually got stronger.

Let’s dig in…

1. It happens more than you think…

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Hmmm, so you couldn’t find anybody better???

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Well, maybe regret it a little??

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Yeah, why tell anybody? It’s your business. Nobody else needs to know.

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Good for you!

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Yeah, that’s not true. People can change.

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Sometimes I wonder why people can’t just talk about this stuff…

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Therapy is often part of the healing…

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Truth

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Well, Sandra Bullock didn’t stand for it…

Photo Credit: Whisper

All this just goes to show you that there’s no right or wrong way to build a strong relationship.

But I doubt these people would recommend doing this particular method more than once. ;-D

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People Who Said No Marriage Proposals Describe What Happened

Unless you’ve been on either side of this situation, you really have no idea what it’s like…or what happens in the aftermath.

It’s why you have to dig into these stories of rejected proposals from AskReddit users.

1. Strike!

“Not me, but some poor soul at my local bowling alley.

We were rolling rocks on a Friday night, the bowling alley was happening. The tunes stopped and the guy on the intercom asked if we could all direct our attention to lane 16.

A guy dropped to his knee and asked his lady friend to marry him. She said no. She looked embarrassed and stormed out.

He took a swig of his beer and rolled a ball down the lane. I’d like to think he thought the music would come back on and everyone would go about their business. Nope. Everyone was shocked and just watched him bowl like 4 times before the music came back on and he finally just sat down. Felt like an eternity of cringe.”

2. Mom

“My mother had a sweetheart back in the 50s who got her name tattooed on his arm and then proposed. She turned him down. [cue sad trombone]

Last she heard, he had married someone with the same name as her.”

3. Get that figured out

“My mom turned down my dad’s original proposal.

My parents had been dating for roughly three months when they got pregnant with me. They had moved in together and things had been going well. My mom was making dinner and my dad was on his knees fixing the kitchen door and out of nowhere he asks her to marry him. She thinks he’s kidding and tells him he can’t be serious. His exact line was “well I’m already on my knees.” He had married before but had been separated from his ex wife for a number of years, but they were still technically married. So my mom told him he needed to get that figured out and propose in not such a dopey way.”

4. Apology proposal

“I found out my ex was cheating on me and immediately broke it off with him. The next day he showed up on my doorstep, in the snow crying. When I went outside he got on one knee and presented me with a heart shaped ring.

I went back inside and baked cookies. It was a great decision, as I met my current boyfriend a few years later and he makes me truly happy.”

5. Want to elope?

“There was a weird guy who worked at a thrift store where a friend of mine worked when we were in high school; he was in his early 20s. I was about 16 when this happened; I became friends with a few members of the staff and he was a part of that group. He was always weird and kinda creepy but we had similar tastes in music and hung out with some of the same people.

Teenage priorities. He was pretty upfront about finding me attractive from the get-go although I made it clear I wasn’t into him in that way. Because I was so young and inexperienced with these things and pretty live-and-let-live I didn’t see any reason to not be nice.

I agreed to go over to his apartment one time while killing time waiting for another friend to get home from her job so we could hang out. kept complimenting me and talking about how “perfect” I was. I cut the visit short because it wasn’t sitting well with me.

The next time we hung out he tried to convince me to run off right then and there and elope with him. I thought he was joking at first. He wouldn’t come off of it and then I realized he was actually serious. He had this weird intensity that was extremely off-putting. I left immediately when I realized he was actually serious and managed to never see him again. It’s been 20ish years and I still feel gross typing this out. Was he actually joking? I hope so but jfc that was awkward.”

6. Priorities

“A girl asked to marry me in 3rd grade. I said no, I don’t have time for marriage, I need to play with my friends.

She said OK. I went on to play with my friends.

All things considered, I think that went well.”

7. God told me…

“High school bf had dumped me after two years, revealing that he had never truly loved me. I went to college, and we still had occasional contact over my first semester. When I came home for Christmas break, he asked me to give him a ride home from where we had been with a group of friends, telling me he needed to ask me something.

In my car in front if his apartment, he told me that he didn’t want an answer right then, to go home and pray about it, but God told him to ask me to marry him. I went home and went to sleep instead, then told him no thank you the next day. He seemed disappointed but totally unsurprised.”

8. Different cultures

“Not me, but my wife.

While she was at BCT for the National Guard, (before we were married, but we had been dating about 5 years at that point) a guy with a very thick accent told her that he needed to speak to her father. Well, she has not had contact with her father since sometime early in high school (hell, I’ve never met him, never plan to either) and she told this guy such. He then went on and said that he must speak to her father. Eventually it comes out that he wants to speak to her father about her dowry.

Something about his father has many cattle and he could provide for her very well. I think she told him something about how that’s not how things are done in the US, her father had no say in who she married, and she was happily dating someone. Dude backed off and apparently was otherwise pleasant for the rest of the time there, just a monstrous amount of culture shock. I still laugh about it every time I remember her telling me about it.”

9. Cheater

“We’d only been together for a few months. Both military and stationed in Germany. I was about to deploy and my contract ended pretty much as soon as I was set to return. She said we should get married so we could stay together when I got back. I’d already been divorced at this point and wasn’t about to marry some girl I’d only been with a few months. So I told her we’d see how we held up with me deployed and cross that bridge when we came to it.

About 2 months into my deployment she and a friend of mine eloped. I was hurt but boy did I dodge a bullet.

Also their marriage ended exactly how you’d expect… Divorced in less than 6 months. She was f*cking a couple other guys on the side and he was too stupid/naive to realize. Remember folks; if they’ll cheat with you, they’ll cheat on you.”

10. I will own you

“We had only been dating for about a month, he was pretty obsessive at first but I thought maybe it would just be a phase so I blew it off. One day, he brought me to a jewelers to get my ring size and I could pick out the ring. I also thought it was just a promise ring, no biggie, people do those kinda things early on as well. What got ME was when he bought it, took me to a park, got down on one knee and said “I love you baby…I knew I wanted to do this the moment we matched (unfortunately on Tinder)…you’re the love of my life. Now I can show everyone that I own you. Will you marry me?”

He was gonna OWN me. Like a pet. I wanted to wring his neck for saying that. I don’t get offended easily but saying “owned” really pissed me off. I helped him up back to his feet tho and we walked back to his car that he was current living in, right down the street from my condo so he could “keep an eye on me”, and I told him I wasn’t going to marry him and that I thought it was best we should break up and move on. I didn’t feel comfortable having him drive me home so I took an Uber after that.

Unfortunately, still being the obsessive guy he was, he tried with the coming to my condo every day with gifts and crying and just trying to make me feel bad and get back together. Then it got to him getting angry and threats. After about a month, he gave up. And I haven’t seen him since, it’s been a year now. Thank god.”

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A Man Unwittingly Put Flowers on a Murderer’s Grave and Met the Woman of His Dreams

You really never know when you’re gonna find love, so it’s a good idea to always keep your eyes open!

A writer on Twitter shared his own personal love story that has to be seen to be believed.

Let’s look at this thread. Be sure to read the whole story because it takes a few twists and turns you won’t be expecting.

It even starts off in an unconventional way.

Flowers were common at the grave…

And then things got interesting…

He thought he was being nice…

But he had to know who he was…

And then things got very weird…

Oh boy.

So he did the only thing he thought he could…

And then things got awkward…

But, wait! Here’s a happy ending!

Bet you didn’t see that one coming, did you?

What can you say? True love happens in the most unusual places and when you least expect it.

Do you have a similar story? Share it in the comments, please!

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17 Marriage Tweets You’ll Be Able to Relate To

Ahhhh, the good old days.

Remember those crazy, love-drunk early days of marriage? When you were sure your marriage would be one weird, fun, cute AF ride through life?

Yeah, that didn’t last long. Because reality sets in and we just want to eat cheese and go to sleep early.

1. They’re a keeper!

2. Pro tip!

3. This doesn’t stop…

4. Well… yeah! You didn’t know that already?!

5. How romantic!

6. Please… close your mouth you fucking cow!

7. Yeah. I do too. Don’t judge me!

8. Time to get a CPAP machine!

9. Can’t we have TWO sets of furniture?

10. Two versions of the truth…

11. This is gonna be a short marriage…

12. No, not there! Over there!

13. Get up Kate!

14. I just want to sleep and sleep.

15. Oversharing on Facebook = love… right?

16. **SLURP**

17. “This is an important part!”

You know it’s true. It’s all true!

And that’s why you’re still in love… awwwww!

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In 2012 a 22-year-old man…

In 2012 a 22-year-old man on a business trip sent a wrong-number text to a woman 30 years older; she replied that she’d like to hang out anyway. They went to a concert together, started dating, got married, and in 2019 she needed a kidney transplant and he donated his kidney to her.

15 Marriage Counselors Reveal the Most Common Mistakes That Couples Make

Marriage is really hard work. Just ask anyone who’s been there, and they’ll tell you all about the trials and tribulations, the ups and downs.

If you’re married and you want some good (FREE) advice, you’re in luck!

These AskReddit users who work as marriage counselors share the biggest, most common mistakes that couples make.

1. Very important…

“Expecting one person to be everything for them. You need friends, coworkers, a support system, and hobbies.

Keeping secrets or lies.

Failure to communicate effectively – this can be taught.

2. Don’t keep score

“Keeping score. A partnership is a team, not a competition. Whether a person keeps score of everything they have done, or everything their partner has done, it is a death knell for the relationship. This is one of the most common causes of resentment in a relationship, and you see it often when people use absolute terms to describe themselves or their partners (I.e: I always…, she never…). Remembering that each person has his/her own needs, abilities, skills, and boundaries is essential to a healthy couple.

Expecting that because your significant other knows you better than others and is around you most, that they are aware of all of your thoughts and feelings. Your partner is not psychic, and no matter how often they are around you or how well they know you, they cannot pick up on every nuance to determine how you are feeling and how they should respond. That is called emotional babysitting, and it cascades into a host of problems and unnecessary hurt.”

3. Listen up

“Not listening, most people listen to respond and don’t listen to hear. This is what I spend the most time teaching couples how to do!”

4. Some good points

“I have provided couples counseling at different points in my career. Some of the common mistakes I will often see are:

Expecting partners to be able to read their mind and anticipate needs and wants

Goes with the first one, lack of communication/comfort with discussing difficult topics. Or one partner being uncomfortable with discussion a topic which leaves both partners feeling frustrated or dissatisfied

Blaming their partner for all issues in the relationship and not taking ownership of their own role in dysfunction/issues

Not expressing gratitude towards your partner on a regular basis. Experiences and expressions of gratitude can have a really positive effect on psychological well being as well as relational strength.

Not giving intimacy in their relationship enough attention. This includes but is not limited to sex. Many relationships start with the “hot and heavy” phase where intimacy can come naturally. As this phase diminishes many couples do not spend the time and energy to consider how to maintain a healthy level of intimacy now that it doesn’t just come naturally.”

5. A bit of a different view

“Divorce lawyer here.

Talk. About. Money.

Talk. About. Sex.

If you’re marrying someone with a shitty credit score, you should know how and why they ended up with it, lest you find yourself in their shoes very quickly. A credit score can cost thousands and take Y E A R S to rebuild. Know if they have any tax liens or liability. Are they paying child support and do they have any kind of garnishment?

Who is going to be responsible for managing the finances? How many credit cards does the other person have and what are their balances? I’ve seen money kill a lot of marriages.

Another one a lot of people don’t think of is actually talking about sex, not just having it. Do you enjoy the sex you have? Would you like to have more of it? Less? Would you like to se it change? Do you or the other person have any weird kinks? Just have the talk. Different sexual wavelengths can be difficult to reconcile.”

6. Business talk

“Not a lawyer but a paralegal. I always tell people to never marry someone you wouldn’t go into business with.

Because marriage is a legal business. It is a marriage contract. Not like a contract you sign for internet service or to buy a car. But a legal contract nevertheless. One that creates a business relationship with the other person. And one that requires going to court and paying financial settlements to extricate yourself from. You have to get the court’s permission to dissolve the legal contract.

If you can’t imagine yourselves, I don’t know, opening a dry cleaning business together. Or starting the next great start up. Or running a B&B. Or opening a tire shop. Or running a multi million dollar media empire. Whatever it is.

If you think of that and think things like, “Oh god no, they’d drive me crazy. They’d have wacky ideas. We’d never agree. I’d have to make all the decisions and not tell them.” Or anything else that indicates fear and loathing of the idea of going into business together then DO NOT, I repeat in bold flashing lights DO NOT MARRY THIS PERSON. Because to marry them is to open a business enterprise with them.

People in the past knew that marriage was a business arrangement. They set people up with eligible singles from other families. They knew that it creates a legal and financial contract. And that people are more likely to be happy with other people who share their values around money and major life decisions. Yes sometimes people married for convenience or expectation rather than for love. But now we have people marrying for love in irresponsible ways. Not every love marriage is irresponsible, but enough of them are.

They say people divorce over money, but they don’t, they divorce over values. Because nothing brings out someone’s values like money, or lack thereof.

The decisions a person makes around money tell you more about who they are and what they value than anything else.

If you can’t agree with the person your partner is when it comes to money, if you can’t understand their priorities, their fears, their hopes, their dreams, their goals, and what drives them financially, or if you look down on them for any of that or think you can fix them, or if they hide any of it from you, then don’t marry them.”

7. Don’t lose sight

“Therapist here, have served couples.

Number one problem I see is overactive threat response creating anger and rigidity. People don’t stop to turn down their defense mode, and lose sight of love because all their energy is going towards being right or controlling the outcome. Of course that control comes from a place of fear, but fear and vulnerability feels too dangerous, so it typically gets expressed as anger, frustration, or rigidity.

Surrender to not having control, accept what’s in front of you, and cultivate compassion. Please. Because y’all rigid couples who just can’t prioritize empathizing with each other over your fear response are driving me nuts!”

8. Teammates

“As soon as couple stops being on the same team, fighting all the bullshit of life together, things fall apart. Get on the same team. Get behind each other’s goals. If you’re not on the same team, you’re just going to wind up annoying the fuck out of each other. All that bullshit of life is going to be beating you down and your life partner is just going to be part of it instead of a refuge.”

9. Don’t be harsh

“When your significant other brings something to your attention, that they need/want, don’t react harshly if it’s something they’ve refused to bring up sooner. Getting loud or defensive “Why didn’t you bring this up sooner!” will make them shy away from bringing things up again due to negative reinforcement/backlash.

This is especially true if they’ve been victims of any kind of abusive relationships.

Literally killed my marriage because I was an idiot and didn’t respond in an open, non-positive way.”

10. A unit

“One of the most toxic things I have found in doing marriage counseling is when couples think of themselves as individuals who happen to be together and not as a couple. (Not that I’m advocating enmeshment.)

That’s not really marriage. That’s having a roommate, or perhaps less than that even.

Marriage is a union of two people. That’s what the unity candle and sand and knots are all about. There is a bringing together of two lives that is inseparable.

If either member still conceptualizes themself as a solely autonomous individual whose actions and dispositions impact only themselves, things will go bad eventually.

They go bad because it results in a person caring more for themselves than their spouse. This is seen where couples spend money behind each other’s backs because “it’s my money, why does it matter?” When couples keep secrets from each other, which inevitably results in pain. This is seen when couples don’t stop to consider their spouse’s thoughts, feelings, desires, dreams, abilities, and strengths alongside their weaknesses.

The remedy to this is behaving as a unit in small ways and in large. If you’re getting something from the fridge, see if your spouse wants something. It even helps in arguments; no longer is it spouse against spouse but it’s the married couple against the issue causing stress to the unit.

When one person considers a course of action, their thoughts ought to be about how it impacts the unit.”

11. Challenges and speed bumps

“I work with couples and their relationships a lot, in my line of work, and do some forms of counselling though it is not my job or training.

But one of the common threads I see running in the midst of relationships/marriages that fall apart is a kind of selfishness.

People that don’t quite realize that marriage works best when you are both acting in the others’ best interest and seeking their happiness more than your own.

It crops up a lot, but not exclusively, in sex/intimacy: if your primary concern in sex is you, you are not going to build any kind of bond or intimate connection, and nor is it going to be much fun for your partner.

Marriage is a lot about sacrifice and the couples I see thriving are the ones who are each willing to make sacrifices for the other and for their family.

Couples who get married thinking that the coming decades of marriage are going to be exactly like the dating or the honeymoon phase, when they face major challenges or speed bumps in their life together, have a real hard time dealing with it, “But I thought I was supposed to be happy.” “

12. Unspoken rules

“Current Marriage, Couple and Family master’s counseling student here.

Unspoken family rules that you bring into relationship are HUGE.

Obviously you didn’t grow up together and depending on how you did you grow up you may have had completely different family of origin (FOO) experiences. It can be as simple as your FOO separated out laundry by color and your SO’s just threw everything in together so you have different family rules regarding laundry, to your FOO had the rule of “family problems stay in the family” and your SO’s family talked to people outside the family about all the problems freely.

Everybody has these rules, talking about them and uncovering them (without judgement) will go a very long way in maintaining and deepening connection. If you don’t talk about them it is easy to get into negative interactional patterns that are just rehearsals of how your FOO did things and not creating healthy, mutually safe patterns.”

13. Not just a utility

“Sexual incompatibility. Misunderstanding sex as a bonding activity. When one or the other believes sex is something one does to another as if it was just a utility.”

14. That’s not good

“Treating their pets better than their partners.”

15. Be mindful of the baggage

“Marriage counselor in TX:

Probably one of the biggest mistakes that couples make is forgetting that they’re on the same team, and they fight to win instead of fighting to resolve.

Focus on hearing and understanding each other, and engage in disagreements with an eye on coming together, and compromise will follow easily.

Also: sex is good, important, and okay to talk about. Couples make the mistake of thinking that sex is one of those things that they should just intuitively understand, but life doesn’t work like that.

Quick edit to add:

If you aren’t mindful of the baggage that you bring into a relationship, that baggage will make more decisions for you than you will probably realize. Talk about the skeletons in your closet!”

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