Dunkin’ Donuts Flavor Radio

In 2012, Dunkin’ Donuts launched an ad campaign in Seoul, Korea where scent spray devices installed on buses would release a fragrant coffee aroma when triggered by the sound of the Dunkin’ Donuts radio jingle. The campaign reached more than 350,000 people, and sales near bus stops increased by 29%.

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Here are Some Signs With Attitude That Might Make You Laugh Today

There are tons of boring jobs out there. Somebody has to make and change the signs for all kinds of businesses, and you know that can’t exactly be a crazy adventure. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have some fun with it – like the people on this list did.

These are twelve examples of signs and other pieces of writing with attitude that would probably make you stop and snort if you came across them in the wild.

12. The great white nope

11. No need to wine about it

10. Shave-shaming is gonna take off

9. The moral fabric of the universe

8. Don’t forget to wave

7. That’s a lot of words for “volunteer”

6. They tryin’ to start a cat fight?

5. Thanks for the tip

4. Sounds like a little much

3. Unexpectedly wholesome

2. I can’t tell if this is intentional or not

1. Signed, The Ministry of Silly Walks

Seems like signs in general are getting less formal and more playful as culture changes. Maybe it’s just a sign of the times.

…I’ll see myself out.

What’s the funniest sign you’ve ever seen?

Tell us about it in the comments.

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Victoria’s Secret was originally…

Victoria’s Secret was originally marketed to men to buy for their partners. Leslie Wexner bought it for $1 million and changed the marketing to women. To create the illusion of luxury the company listed its headquarters on catalogs at a fake London address, with the real one in Columbus, Ohio.

Meet the Woman Who Made the Popeyes Chicken Sandwich Go Viral With a Single Tweet

You know you love it…

2019 was the Year of the Popeyes Chicken Sandwich, and it’s all thanks to one genius social strategist: Angela Brown.

The chicken sandwich came out in August of this year and immediately broke the internet. It wasn’t the sandwich itself that really brought the frenzied attention, though. It was one tweet that Popeyes posted in response to a slightly underhanded tweet from Chick-fil-A about their own chicken sandwich.

“…y’all good?” the Popeyes tweet read.

That tweet went massively viral and caused the popularity of the sandwich to shoot into the stratosphere, leading some customers to literally commit crimes just to get their hands on one.

The tweet came from the mind of Angela Brown, who works for GSD&M, the Austin, Texas-based ad agency that worked with Popeyes to market the sandwich.

Angela was named the Daily Dot’s Internet Person of the Year for her work on the marketing campaign, especially that infamous tweet.

The tweet wasn’t part of Angela and her team’s original advertising plan, but it obviously changed the game. So why was it so successful?

It was the perfect two-word zinger, calling Chick-fil-A out without being overly negative. But also, it tapped into the culture and language of “Black Twitter,” one of the most active and influential demographics on the platform.

The success of this tweet speaks to the power of hiring black creatives at ad agencies — and truly giving them a seat at the table.

“There is something unprecedented and incredible about the power that a two-word tweet had to ignite a collective of people who already are extremely creative and extremely loyal—when they want to be loyal to something,” Angela explained to the Daily Dot.

“There’s a lot of things that [as a Black person/woman] I’ll bring to the table that our team will bring to the table that our clients aren’t aware of.”

Popeyes’ success may be unusual, but ultimately, it’s a useful lesson for any company’s social media presence.

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Bertha Benz successfully marketed…

Bertha Benz successfully marketed her husband’s invention, the motor car, when she took it for a 65 mile trip, overcoming mechanical problems and inventing brake shoes on the way, and proving that cars were suitable for long journeys. Her trip gained attention, resulting in Benz’s first sale.

Instagram Gets Fooled by a Fake “Influencer”… Again

Right now, we live in a very strange world. People are famous and wealthy for doing almost nothing except knowing how, when, and where to take a photo and post it to social media. Very odd…

A construction worker named Omar asked his daughter what an “influencer” is, and after she explained the (pretty ridiculous) reality behind this phenomenon, Omar said “Pssh, I could do that!”

And he did: He started his own Instagram account with carefully curated photos of his everyday life.

Photo Credit: Twitter,barbzlovescarbs

Omar posted his first photo on May 3, 2019, and his numbers have gone through the roof. As of this writing, Omar has 435,000 Instagram followers. I’d call that a success, wouldn’t you?

Take a look at Omar’s pics and maybe pick up some tips on how you can become an influencer yourself.

PS: Read all the way until the end for an important update on this viral, trending story. It turns out that all is not as it seems…

1. On the job

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Hi, I’m Omar. This is my office. 👷🏼‍♂️👍

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2. A delicious cup of coffee

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I ❤ coffee.

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3. Pinkies up

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When your work neighbors have the best coffee in town. ☕😍

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4. Blowtorch

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Stogie break. 🔥

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5. The splash

6. More coffee

7. Stogie time

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Nothing like a good cigar after a hard day’s work. 👍

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8. Here I am

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Job site, downtown Austin. 🚧

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Update: it turns out that Omar and his Instagram persona are just a marketing ploy by an ad agency to sell coffee.

Cuvée Coffee in Austin, Texas, to be exact. If you go back and look through “Omar’s” photos, there are quite a few coffee pics in there and they’re all tagged the same location.

Duped again!

Mike McKim, the owner of Cuvée Coffee, said, “The whole idea was what we always thought as an influencer, and what we used as an influencer in the past, they don’t always fit our brand. We need a different type of influencer: a hard-worker, blue-collar guy.” So McKim worked with a marketing company to create the Omar character and the ad campaign.

I wish Omar was real, but this is still a pretty clever marketing ploy, I must admit.

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