What’s an Underrated Ingredient to Go With Mac and Cheese? Here’s What People Said.

There are no two ways about it, mac and cheese is a delicious staple of the American diet and has been for a long time.

But when things got a little bland or overdone, what do you add to it to spice things up a little bit?

I don’t really get too adventurous except for occasionally putting a little bit of Crystal hot sauce in there to make things a little bit more interesting.

What do you think is an underrated third ingredient to go along with that delicious macaroni and cheese?

Here’s what AskReddit users had to say.

1. Do it!


Once you discover smoked paprika finding new things you can add it to is the best.”

2. Spicy!

“Hatch chiles.

Green chile is actually underrated, unlike the other things here that are just rated.”

3. Yummy.


Come to Kansas City.

All the barbecue places have Mac and cheese here.”

4. Boom!

“Hot Sauce.

Franks Red Hot and a little garlic powder is my perfect bowl of box mac.”

5. I like it!

“Old Bay seasoning. Do it.

Good morning, Baltimore!”

6. Do what you gotta do.

“Lobster Mac and cheese is fucking incredible.

But for us poors, black pepper is really nice.”

7. Okay, okay…

“I try a lot of weird mac & cheese combos (we call it Kraft dinner up here in Canada).

Here are my top 5:

  1. Butter chicken

  2. on french fries with cheese curds (a poutine of sorts)

  3. Chorizo

  4. Flaked tuna

  5. Wieners.”

8. I’ll try that.


Pretty much any dairy based pasta sauce can be improved with an addition of broccoli, especially jarred Alfredo sauce.”

9. Whoa!

“You mean besides the macaroni and the cheese?

Dry mustard powder.”

10. It’s healthy, right?


My favorite part is how it turns the macaroni green and I can convince myself it is now a vegetable and I am very healthy.”

11. Worth it.

“I sometimes put a can of Tuna in.

You get a bit of protein so it’s a little bit healthier, and it’s not too expensive.”

12. Very strange…

“Sliced apples on the side.

Now I know this is weird but hear me out. Apple sauce mixed into Kraft mac’n’cheese. I don’t think it works as well with other brands or homemade or anything. I’ve stopped doing it in favor of hot sauce but when I was little with applesauce was the only way I would eat it lol.

Try it and let me know how it is. My sister was the only person to actually give it a shot and she liked it, I haven’t heard of anyone else doing it tho.”

13. Now I’m hungry.

“Depends on what you want.

Need some crunch? Croutons, crackers, etc work wonders. Especially if they’re flavored/seasoned.

For meat. Bacon goes excellent. Or even some left over chicken if you have any.”

14. Umami bomb.

“Mushrooms – umami bomb incoming.

You can also try different types of mushrooms for varying textures, and prepare them differently for unique flavor combinations.

I love finishing off mushrooms in soy sauce.”

15. The lowdown.

“Tapatío for when you want the burn.

Sriracha for when you want to thin out the sauce a little.

Frank’s/Sweet Baby Ray’s for when you want the sauce creamy.”

Okay, now we want to hear from you!

What do you like to add to your mac and cheese?

Fill us in in the comments!

The post What’s an Underrated Ingredient to Go With Mac and Cheese? Here’s What People Said. appeared first on UberFacts.

Panera Fired an Employee for Exposing How Their Mac and Cheese Is Made

Do you like Panera’s mac and cheese? I sure am. It’s the highlight of my meal when I go.

But recently you may have seen a viral TikTok showing just how it’s cooked – or, rather, reheated. Many viewers have expressed their dismay, but the shocks don’t end there: the employee was fired for her video!

Ok, let’s put aside the employee being fired for a second (just a second, I promise). Reheating (and cooking) food in food-safe plastic bags is actually a pretty standard method. If you aren’t familiar, sous-vide (the fancy name for cooking food sealed in plastic in a water bath) is a five-star chef way of cooking. In fact, there is a whole system behind it.

“Sous-vide is a cooking technique that utilizes precise temperature control to deliver consistent, restaurant-quality results. High-end restaurants have been using sous vide cooking for years to cook food to the exact level of doneness desired, every time.”

You can buy a fancy sous-vide setup for your home, or you can give it a low tech go by following these three simple steps – once you gather the right pot and thermometer you are ready.

1. Attach your precision cooker to a pot of water and set the time and temperature according to your desired level of doneness.

2. Put your food in a sealable bag and clip it to the side of the pot.

3. Finish by searing, grilling, or broiling the food to add a crispy, golden exterior layer.

This technique distributes heat at an even temperature around the food, giving it exact “done-ness.” Forget the scorching, or overcooked noodles – it’s consistent results, every time.

The only thing that could be wrong about Panera’s technique? How about a flash broil on the top to make the cheese bubbly? Cause, come on.

Ok, back to the employee being fired.

While Panera won’t comment on “personnel matters,” the employee posted this followup video:

And frankly, I think it was a missed opportunity – instead of firing their employee, they should have played it up to the media like, “Hey, we serve sous-vide mac and cheese just like Michelin chefs!”

Because corporate America doesn’t need to keep doing shady stuff to cover up shady stuff.

Just sayin’.

The post Panera Fired an Employee for Exposing How Their Mac and Cheese Is Made appeared first on UberFacts.