People Describe The Most Hypocritical Thing They’ve Ever Witnessed

People ought to practice what they preach.

If an authority figure thinks something is objectionable and berates a person for a perceived contemptible act, it’s not a good look when they themselves commit the very act they claimed to be vehemently against.

Curious to hear from strangers who have caught someone failing to practice what they preach, Redditor ChadbourneShamille8 asked:

“What is an instance of hypocrisy you witnessed?”

Dress Code

“When I was a bus driver, a woman was allowed to wear skirts and men weren’t allowed to wear shorts mind you there is no Air-conditioning on most British buses so on hot days it’s roasting.” – [deleted]

The Exception

“My dad once told me that he’s glad my sister gets welfare, but he doesn’t think anyone else should.” – MentalHygienx

The Argument

“Saw this small argument between two people that happened some years ago online in a comment section. The topic was ‘Is Christianity slavery?’”

“One of them argued that it was and brought up their own personal experience as one of the reasons for it. Saying that they were forced to go to church and that you have to have blind faith to follow the religion.”

“In response, the other person, who argued that Christianity wasn’t slavery, brought their experience. Saying that they had found more freedom in themselves by following the religion and that faith is not blind belief, but rather an act of volition which would generally be based on evidence.”

“In response to that, the one arguing that Christianity was slavery said something along the lines of, ‘You bringing in your personal experience doesn’t make your argument valid.’”

“When I read that I just facepalmed.” – Far-Sheepherder-8256

Zero Tolerance Policy

“My favorite example is zero tolerance in schools.”

“It applies stringently to students, and not at all to faculty.” – All_Your_Base

Proponent Of “Family Values”

“Not really a single instance, but a guy I’ve known for a long time is very vocal about ‘family values,’ ‘the sanctity of marriage,’ and complains about people having multiple children by various ‘baby mamma’s.’”

“He’s on his third marriage. He’s fathered six children..two with each of his three wives, has two step-kids, and his latest wife is just about the same age as his oldest daughter.”

“He’s all but disowned her, her brother, and his oldest step-son. But he’s all about ‘family values.’” – gogojack

Selective Charity

“There is a chapter of ‘holy rollers,’ christian bikers at the end of my street. Across from their clubhouse is a convenience store that I go to daily.”

“A homeless woman named Betty comes to this store in the afternoon to get out of the sun and hopefully get a few handouts. Typically, if Betty is there when I show up I’ll grab her a big bottle of cold water and a few snacks.”

“One day I stopped by the store to grab a coffee before work. Betty was there and was asking three of the holy rollers if they could spare some change or possibly a cigarette from one of the bikers.”

“They started teasing her about her clothes and told her to get off her ass and get a job and walked across the street to their clubhouse. As usual I went in, got her a triangle sandwich and cold water and gave her a couple of my smokes.”

“Pretty hypocritical of those that supposedly follow the word of jesus to turn their back on a sister in need. I’m not religious and I do a better job of helping the less fortunate than many religious people do.” – PleasurenPain702

Drugs Of Choice

“Relative won’t get a COVID shot, because of fears that persist about what’s in the shot, but has extensively traveled through SE Asia doing shrooms, heroin, cocaine and pharmaceuticals and will take any drug offered to her.”

“Afraid of COVID shot but spiked her skin with an unknown needle in Thailand. Oki doki.” – [deleted]

Talking The Talk

“An aunt of mine has endless photos of herself in Buddhist temples and monasteries, says how she learns the sutras and chants on behalf of her very ill mom. She even claims to have taken certain vows and has achieved some sort of rank in the religious order. Sounds like a virtuous lady right? Nah.”

“She neglects her own mother and cooks up sob stories to get money from her. She claims to be poor and unable to put food on the table and sacrifices her own health to feed her kids etc. Then, the same aunt will post about eating at fancy restaurants and getting food deliveries sent to her house almost every day.”

“At the same time she talks about being a good Buddhist and how she is forbidden to tell lies and curse/scold others. This very same aunt, when confronted with her own lies will threaten suicide, she has been threatening to end herself for 2 years but sadly isn’t unalive yet, and say that ‘You are making me kill myself! If I die its your fault!’”

“If you continue calling out her bs. She also goes to different temples to eat food that’s supposed to be for those who are less fortunate and has been gently chided by the monks and nuns several times.”

“Then she will smear the name of that temple/monastery where the monk/nun chided her and say how they’re faking their faith, looking down on the unfortunate etc.” – Cuddlyevilporcupine

Outstanding Debts

“My FIL is the poster boy for hypocrisy. The latest instance was criticizing my SIL for not telling her husband about borrowing money from me and my SO when he doesn’t tell his wife about his: gambling, smoking, getting fired, getting a much larger ‘loan’ (since he’s made it clear he isn’t paying it back) from us, the reason behind why his granddaughter refuses to invite him to functions, etc.”

“At least I know SIL will pay us back.” – DNA_ligase

The frustrations in these examples are relatable.

How are we to respect those whose actions contradict what they say and impose on others, especially if it’s someone we’re supposed to look up to, like a leader or a parent. It’s definitely a challenge, that’s for sure.

Depending on the circumstances, maybe calling them out on their hypocrisy is an option.

What do you think, folks? Have you ever been in a position where you called someone out for being hypocritical and it backfired?

People Share Stories About Little Lies They Told That Snowballed Into a Big Mess

Tell me if you’ve had this happen to you before: you tell a lie, a little white lie, that fib catches on, and then, before you know it, the whole thing has spread like wildfire and taken on a life of its own.

And then the situation spirals out of control!

Yes, it happens from time to time, even to the best of us.

Are you ready to hear some interesting tales?

Let’s check out some stories from AskReddit users.

1. Hilarious.

“Young co-worker and his sister would play practical jokes on each other.

She put an exploding “cigarette load” in one of his cigarettes.

He discovered it, stopped by drugstore on way home and bought an eyepatch. Went to a bar to kill some time, called home and told mom cig exploded and he was at emergency.

Unknown to him, sis confesses to mom, mom slaps her upside head and much tears and sadness and anger all around.

Co worker goes home with eye patch on, unaware of turmoil.

Much sympathy and apologies and crying, even nearby relatives had come to house to berate sister.

Co-worker has to wear eye patch for six weeks, never ‘fessed up.”

2. Ouch…

“I can’t go to your party because I’m feeling sick tonight.

A few hour later, my friends are knocking at my door with chicken soup when all I wanted was a quiet evening to read and mast*rbate.”

3. Storytime.

“Okay so I was trying to get my lying calibration with a budding drug addiction in early adolescence and figuring out when to hold/when to fold. Like, when do you make sh*t up and when do you lie by omission, right?

So one night I come home and just book it past my parents because I am far too high to deal with them. I have cinnabar eyes and sniffles, its a bit much. Last time of “say nothing” erupted so I just made something up quick so I could go to my room without being bothered.

When asked “Why are your eyes so red?” I blurted out with 0 thought “SETH’S SISTER HAS CANCER!” and kept sniffling then shut the door.

Seth is an only child. This story had to evolve with his assistance every time I saw him. I made him participate.

Mom asked me about “Rebecca” regularly for like, a decade.

Im 13 years clean in October. Theres this whole thing about making amends unless to do so would injure them or others, and since mom would murder Seth for going along with it, I have said nothing. She hasn’t asked about it in maybe 5 years so I don’t feel as bad anymore.

I’m an awful person, but for what its worth, Rebecca is in remission now and has a beautiful family.”

4. You monster.

“I was a little devil. So my family from my mother’s side is Mexican. All of my cousins are blonde and/or very, very light-skinned including myself.

I went to stay there for a summer when I was around 6-7 and my cousins and I spent a full day at a nearby pool with a bunch of other kids. I was used to bringing sun screen in my back pack, but my cousins didn’t even think about it since no one else was using sunscreen.

As the day ended most of the other kids were okay, maybe just a little more tanned. My cousins had major sunburns and were crying. One of them asked how come I was fine. Instead of showing them my sunscreen and aloe vera lotion I told them I used the same thing we used for mosquito bites-lemon. Yes, they tried it.

It resulted in 6 kids full of blisters and no birthday party for me that year. After my first real sunburn I realize how much of a monster I am.”

5. Liar!

“I was 13 and I used to have a paper round and I couldn’t be bothered to deliver one evening.

So I decided to dump them and told the paper shop owner that I had my delivery bag stolen from me when I went to start my route.

They then asked me a few questions and then the police got involved and even went round in the police car to where it “happened” and if I knew who did it.”

6. That’s him!

“My academic department had a booth at a comic con for recruitment and research. A guy was cosplaying as George RR Martin (writer of Game of Thrones).

He looked a lot like George RR Martin, was wearing the signature black hat and carrying a copy of one of the books. We had him sit at our booth for photos as a joke.

People started to line up for his autograph. Then he started to sign books, then he started to give writing and life advice. It went on for far too long and I was dying the whole time since I technically was at work.

If George RR Martin signed your book at Tampa Bay Comic Con, I have bad news for you.”

7. Bad experience.

“I told a girl I had a gf after she messaged me saying she wanted to hookup, and she then threatened to kill herself and take me with her, along with threatening my “gf”.

I alerted my school, and they sent a social worker to talk to her. fast forward a few weeks I had to change classes, deactivated my Instagram, and almost filed a restraining order. At the time, I was a sophomore and she was a senior.

Worst experience of my life.”

8. Busted!

“Called out sick from work then a few hours later I got pulled over for speeding right across the street from the plaza where I work.

Needless to say all my coworkers saw it.”

9. You scored!

“Called in to work just wanting a day off after a month of blackout days.

Said I feeling sick and next thing I know I’m filling out a “Self Report” for Covid-19 with a full week off work, signing up for a Covid test the next day, and having to explain to people why I’m home when I’m usually not.

All in all it turned out nice because I really enjoyed that week off, but I wasn’t expecting all the extras that came with.”

10. Passing the lie down.

“I was driving somewhere with my friend’s fiancee. Up ahead I could see a dead skunk on the side of the road so I switched the AC from vent to recycle.

She looked at me confused and asked why I did that. I lied for the fun of it and said we were in kind of a marshy area with lots of bugs and I didn’t want them to get into the car through the vent.

Flash forward 10 years and I’m driving somewhere with my friend’s wife and she reaches over and switches the AC from vent to recycle. I ask her why and she explains there are a lot of bugs in the area and she doesn’t want them getting into the car. I’m about to educate her that that isn’t how it works and then suddenly I remember… oh… so I just leave it alone.

Flash forward 10 more years and I’m driving somewhere with my friend’s teenage daughter and she reaches over and switches the AC from vent to recycle… uh-oh.”

11. Jimothy.

“I worked at a rather large medical facility with a staff of several thousand, in a position that had contact with pretty much everybody in every department.

I had a coworker named Jim, and one night I was talking to some random nurse, and she referred to him as James. I asked who James was, and she said you know, Jim? He’s on your shift? I laughed and said, “His name isn’t James, it’s Jimothy.”

That spread like wildfire, that this poor bastard’s real name was Jimothy. This was probably 2003. I left that job in 2010. I’ve been assured by many people, including Jimothy himself, that the majority of the staff actually believe his name is Jimothy.

And this has been passed down to new employees in the oral tradition.”

12. It’s my birthday!

“I was backpacking Australia by myself for several months.

At some point I realized that telling people it’s my birthday is an instant ice breaker and great way to make quick friends/drinking buddies. It worked great in several cities and was fairly harmless… For a while.

I took an overnight bus to a new city and my hostel was supposed to pick me up at the bus station, but they weren’t there when I arrived. I called them to confirm they were on the way. When they finally showed up, apologizing profusely, I said something like, “no worries. I’m just exhausted from the bus journey and it’s my birthday tomorrow”

Well… They upgraded my stay (from a bunk bed to a queen bed), gave me a free dinner and paid for my club crawl pass for that evening. I immediately felt guilty but was way past the point of no return.

I made fast friends with other people at the hostel and we all piled into a bus for the club crawl. After a bit, people started pulling out their passports to compare horrible passport photos.

I knew that the birthdate listed on my passport was not the current date we were celebrating my “birthday” so I decided to be proactive and head it off at the pass.

I told them that my father worked for the government but I didn’t know specifically what his job was. And a few years back, my entire family had to move and change all our details on our passports. Our last name spelling was changed, birthdate, etc. Everybody believed me, and they were gutted that we couldn’t announce to the bouncers that it was my birthday.

We walked in to the club and I came face to face with a group of guys I’d met at a different city a week ago… Who I’d also told it was my birthday, a week ago. I just breezed past that detail by saying it’s my birth week.

Anyway, it was a fun night out, nobody suspected me for a filthy liar and it was probably my favorite spot in Australia.”

13. Trilingual.

“Something funny rather than negative happened a while back.

I lied by adding I speak a third language fluently, that’s ‘Tamil’ on my CV (my country’s two main languages are Sinhala and Tamil). My work colleagues thought I was cool for being trilingual and made me teach them to swear in both languages. The third language had poorly pronounced words but I was enjoying the attention.

Eventually, there was a big chance to secure a deal with a client who spoke Tamil. My boss specifically brought me to the trip and introduced us and jokingly said ‘now talk in Tamil!’.

I thought I was f*cked and decided to speak in my second native language (Sinhala), thinking confidence can sell, right? The bugger spoke back to me in Sinhala! I explained the lie to him. Luckily it went well and we both laughed it off in front of my boss.

My workplace still thinks I’m trilingual.”

Has something like this ever happened to you?

Well, don’t keep the story to yourself! Tell us about it in the comments.

Please and thank you!

The post People Share Stories About Little Lies They Told That Snowballed Into a Big Mess appeared first on UberFacts.

10 Teens Who Caught Their Bffs in Really Bad Lies

There are people you should never lie to, most notably your best friend.

But what happens when the tables are turned and you discover that your best friends are lying to you?

The following confessions come from teenagers who caught their besties in RIDICULOUS lies…

1. How were you going to get away with this?!?

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Well, not mad at this smart ass bitch…

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. So fucked up. Jeezus…

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. OMFG!!!

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Horrible!

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. NEVER lie about mental illness.

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. If you do this, you’re a COMPLETE piece of shit.

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Not mad at this bestie either…

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Not your bestie then…

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Wow. That’s cold.

Photo Credit: Whisper

Have a story where your BFF turned out not to be? Share in the comments!

The post 10 Teens Who Caught Their Bffs in Really Bad Lies appeared first on UberFacts.

12 People Who Lied Online and Totally Got Called Out

The thing about social media is that if you lie, people will probably know. If you lie on social media, people will know. There’s pretty much no way around it.

1. Ummm, that’s just a filter

Photo Credit:

2. Not being political

Photo Credit: Imgur


Photo Credit:

4. And this neverending disaster

Photo Credit: Reddit

5. Called out!

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. Hahaha, this one is great

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. Oh, forgot about that…

Photo Credit: Reddit

8. Never been worn

Photo Credit: Reddit

9. Looks suspicious to me

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. Cool story

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. Ummm, no

Photo Credit:

12. A true genius

Photo Credit: Reddit

A word to the wise, don’t lie or you gonna be made a fool!

The post 12 People Who Lied Online and Totally Got Called Out appeared first on UberFacts.

15 Times People Were Caught Lying Their Butts Off

There’s nothing better than catching someone in the act of lying.

That’s right, I said NOTHING BETTER.

And these people on AskReddit definitely agree with me.

1. I’ve been everywhere

“A co-worker was a military retiree who claimed to have been everywhere.

Someone might say, “I spent a week in Cambodia…”

He’d say, “Yeah, I was there once. Stopped over on my way to Thailand.”

We figured he was bullshitting most if not all the time, so we started inventing places. “My cousin is traveling in Argentina, and he’s at this mountain village called Burritosalsa….”

HIM: “Oh, yeah. We did a joint military exercise with Argentina back in the 80s and stopped off there.”

US: “Did you visit the temple on Blueberry Hill?”

HIM: “Hell, yeah! Everyone in my outfit visited!”

Total BS and it was so satisfying to have people quietly realize it. The faces were priceless.”

2. Mac and cheese

“When I lived with my Dad I had a cash bank that I kept hidden. I was positive about the sum of money I had saved up since it was for something specific. When I counted it, it was short. Like $20 short. I also had a webcam on my computer and since my family was not computer literate I set it up on a timelapse, one picture every 10 seconds. I was gonna catch this thief. Whenever I left the house. I would turn it on.

Sure enough, suspected family member went into my room, went right for the stash and stole more money from me.

I confronted them at dinner in front of everyone, they denied it, others believed them, and then I put the photo I printed out on the table. Dad took it seriously and he was pissed, his wife at the time didn’t because she said “it’s only $40″, the person who stole from me was trying to make excuses. I just wanted my $40 back. I was working at Kroger as a bagger/cashier at the time and minimum wage was 5.15 an hour, so 40 bucks was more than a days worth of hours.

Catching them with evidence felt so good. Best macaroni and cheese I ever ate.”

3. The boss

“I had a boss who kept on getting angry at me because, “I wasn’t doing what he told me to do.”

Finally one day, I decided to start writing down exactly what he told me, dated it, and kept record of it.

Then one day came where inevitably, “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!”

“Exactly what you told me to do.”


“Well, I have it written here…” pulls out note card “On 5/22/16 — you told me specifically to do this task, exactly like this, and never do it any other way.”

I finally won. I started standing up for myself a bit more in the office, and I was respected for it.”

4. Poor John

“I was 16 and was seeing a girl who I had some doubts about. She would make up the most insignificant lies about stupid shit but it wasn’t malicious so I let it slide, until things escalated. Her dad had a friend (John) who had cancer. We went to visit him 200 miles away and he looked really bad. She acted like she didn’t give a s*. About 2 weeks later we were at a party and out of nowhere she started crying about how John had died and she was absolutely devastated. Obviously, I comforted her.

About a week after that I went to dinner at her parents and her dad said:
**”I just got off of the phone with John and they’re saying he’s reacting well with the chemo.” **

Her face dropped, and she couldn’t look me in the eye, but I knew I had her, so I finished my dinner and went home. I phoned her later and told her not to call me ever again or I’ll tell her dad about her lie. She didn’t call again. I still don’t know what happened to poor John.”

5. Mom set me up

“I got caught in a lie and I’m positive my mom loved every second of it. When i was little I hated taking baths. One night, my mom told me to go take a bath and get ready for bed. I just ran the water in the tub and acted like i took one.

I came downstairs to say goodnight and my mom was like “Thank you for cleaning the cat poop out of the tub”. Our cat had gone in the back of the tub and i didn’t see it. My mom set me up. I had to go clean it and take a bath after that.”

6. Liar!

“I travel for work. I 90% of the time park in economy at the airport (I think $14 per day). about a 10 to 15 min walk. A few times out of necessity to catch a flight I park in the garage (I think $24 per day, 5 min walk). Usually 2 to 3 day trips, not a huge expense.

My boss suggests I park in Off Site Shuttle parking (about $11 a day, but a pain as you need a bunch more time to plan for the shuttle). He said he does it, because it is cheaper for the company (which he owns).

One day while walking through the garage from on site economy, there in the reserved parking (closest and like $40 per day) is my boss’s truck. And reserved takes planning, he wasn’t just running late and needed to park in the garage to make a flight.

I just put my business card under his wiper. I never brought it up, and I haven’t heard any complaints about parking on my expense reports since.”

7. No more playing

“I must have been nine or ten. My friends and I were all going through the same doll phase, so we would bring our favorites to each other’s house and play.

As my friend was leaving I noticed a few of my dolls missing. She was holding them hostage in her doll limo, I just knew it. As she was walking outside I casually said, “oh I think you might have grabbed my doll on accident.” Flustered she checked her limo and pulled out my dolls.

Got you.

She also stole some of my dolls clothing. I searched her room when she went to bathroom and stole it back.

Stopped playing dolls with her!”

8. Forever branded

“At work one day a co-worker started telling me and another co-worker a story about being stopped by the police.

He went into great detail about how he stopped at a gas station for a drink and there were two cops standing out front and nobody else in the parking lot. He gave the cops a wave, being nice, bought his drink, and left. Less than a hundred feet down the street these same two cops pulled him over. They told him that they smelled weed when he got out of the car. He asked the cops if they could smell it now, standing next to his open window, they said no but it was obvious it came from him. They asked if they could search his car, which he angrily let them, telling them he wanted the cops to climb through his hot car to find nothing. While one cop did the “Search” the other cop told him to calm down, he looked nervous. To which he said “I’m not pissed, I’m angry. You didn’t smell weed, you smelled a shaved head and tattoos.” The cops found nothing and let him go about his business.


It was MY story. It happened to ME months before and I told that story at work back then. He even quoted me, except I said “Long hair and tattoos”. A few minutes into the story my other co-worker and I start giving each other the side eye, realizing he was literally telling me my own story. I think he realized it towards the end because he quickly finished up the story and left without ever mentioning it again.

We never brought it up either, I had such a bad case of second hand embarrassment for the guy. Plus everybody else already heard about it and he was forever branded the liar.”

9. Not sick

“Once had a person work for me who would always call out and use her past health problems as a crutch to miss work all the time. One Monday she called in, gave me some generic illness excuse and said she couldn’t get out of bed.

That morning another department had a breakfast meeting at a restaurant and saw her there eating breakfast with her friends looking like she was in perfect health. The picture evidence sent to me was oh so satisfying. Believe it or not she managed to keep her job.”

10. I wasn’t lying

“Not completelly relevant, but I doubt such a specific thread would come up anytime soon. I caught someone who was trying to convince me I was lying.

When I was little, my mom was driving me to school. We went the more rural of the two possible roads, and on our way we saw a wolf, so we stopped the car and watched it from a distance for a little while.

I told this to my aunt recently and she didn’t believe me, because this isn’t (and never was) a wolf area. My mom, even though she was with me, didn’t get involved in the argument. She just listened.

The argument was at a standstill at that point. I claimed it was a wolf, she claimed it was a jackal (which are not in this area either, but it’s maybe a bit more likely). With all the wonders of modern technology, she opened her phone, googled something, and gave the phone to me: “Does that look like what you saw?”

It was a scrawny thing with a pointy nose and red-brown fur. Definitely not. “Well of course you didn’t see that, because that’s a picture of a wolf.”

Before she could take her phone back, I read out loud the title below the picture from a news article it belonged to: *”Pack of Jackals found in Southern Serbia.” *She furiously took her phone from me and was too embarrassed to keep arguing, so I won by default. Mom didn’t say anything, but I felt her proud smirk.

I will claim that was a wolf we saw on my deathbed.”

11. Take that!

“Okay this is super petty, but when I was 7 my friend Eloise thought she was the queen of the animal kingdom. She knew everything about every animal ever, acting likes she’s been watching animal planet since the day her mum popped her out. I always kind of thought she must be lying about her nature knowledge, I mean she knew WAY too much. So one day we’re in the playground and she’s poking at the ground trying to find beetles or something, whilst prattling off a long list of species.

Then I just say “oh hey! What do you know about the insert made up beetle name I pulled out my butt?”.

And then she goes on and on about how much she loves that species and all these “facts” about their diet and habitat. I just kind of let her get on with it for a while before breaking it to her that she had just been pretending to know about a made up beetle for the last five minutes.

She just started stuttering and looking down at her feet and then eventually just changed the subject.
It felt so good to finally expose her, her nature knowledge was a fat sham the whole time. Take that Eloise!”

12. Sick

“I had strep throat, so I called out sick to work. I was sick two days. My new manager called me and and said I had a pattern of abusing my sick time, and that I would not be paid for my sick time. She explicitly mentioned that I always called three days in a row, and that I had exceeded the acceptable amount occurrences for the year. This was in October, I had a sick kid in February for one day, she started in June, so where was she getting this pattern from? I had three days over two occurrences for the entire year, both with doctor’s notes, well under the five occurrences (each with up to three days sick) that HR puts a soft limit at.

Unluckily for her, I knew our schedule tracking system and how to get at my punched/missed hours, and I knew our policy regarding sick time and how abuse was handled, so I printed the policy, my last four years of attendance (along with my coworkers). I sat down with her, and she reiterated the accusation of abuse. I pulled out my last year, with two calls on it. She said the pattern was from before she started, so I pulled out the previous four years and the policy (10 occurrences over four years, remember that HR calls violation over 5 occurrences within one year). She said that I had more sick calls than anyone else, so I pulled theirs out too, and I was actually on the lower half of occurrences. My sick bank was near capped out. How would that be possible if I was a flagrant abuser of the system?

The backpeddling started. She said that she never said I wouldn’t get paid. I pulled out my phone and played the recording for her; she thought my number was a landline and said I wasn’t allowed to furnish cellphone messages while at work. I told her I get paid or I quit over hostile work environment, which would mean a very easy unemployment case, which would actually have to be payed out by my employer in this case. Which would mean my manager would be cooked.

I got paid for my sick time. I stayed 3 more years because I had a position that paid okay, had incredible benefits, and they paid for me to go back to school to better myself for a new position. Two years of certification education meant I had to wait an additional year before leaving to avoid penalties. Sometimes we have to put up with a little crap in order to build something better. It puts hair on your chest. Yes, she made the next three years absolutely miserable for me, but I still remember that one time.”

13. In the boardroom

“In a large business meeting, boardroom style. Something went wrong on a project my company did. The executives were nervous as hell because we were being blamed for a failure and the client was demanding we pay for it. The thing is I was the project manager for this job, and had recently been promoted. I warned the client about a potential problem when the project was underway, but they chose to ignore it and press on. Now that it was failing they wanted us to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to fix it, and our competitors were already about to take the next multimillion $ project.

So the clients manager outlines his case and asks when he can expect us to fix it for him, assuming we’ll just cave in hopes of getting future business (that’s my company’s MO). They even said our on site Rep should have caught the problem so this whole thing was our fault. Our project manager clearly didn’t know what he was doing otherwise he would have caught this. My boss was about to respond, but I gently interrupted. I basically said “I was the on site PM and did catch the problem immediately I have a few documents for your perusal”. I had with me the printed email exchange where I warned about the problem and advised how to fix it, as well as the clients very clear response that they thought it was worth the risk and wouldn’t change anything. The clients face turned red. He looked at my bosses and said they should have told him who I was. We wound up paying for the fix anyway in exchange for being awarded the next project.

This kind of thing happens constantly in my business, though usually on a much smaller, less grand, and less public scale. My entire job is CYA.”

14. My ex

“A year had gone by with no settlement in what should have been a very simple divorce (no children, no remarkable assets or property.). Instead, it had been nothing but lies, harassment and threats from this attorney who had just recently got her law license back after having it suspended for a year.

There was a lot of stuff that had transpired, but the last straw was when I begrudgingly agreed to pay $1,500 in legal fees to her attorney because I just wanted the nightmare to end. After she got the cashiers check, she claimed to have “destroyed” the check because it wasn’t made out to her and instead it was made out to my ex as ordered by the court. A few emails followed as I cancelled the cashiers check. She tried to have my ex cash out the check while demanding another one in her name or else…

After a year of nonstop threats and lies, we had had it. We filed sanctions against her. It had been 3 months since the incident and they weren’t producing a settlement as ordered and when they finally did on the day of the sanctions hearings, it was more of a criminal document to implicate myself than a settlement. She had filed counter-sanctions against me for filing sanctions against her. That made use file a second order for sanctions against her because she basically tried to extort me by saying that she’ll lift her sanctions against me if we pay her $5,000.

For the entire year and a half at this point it had seemed like my ex and her crazy attorney had always gotten their way and that their consistent harassment and lies had been rewarded by the courts. I was shocked when at the sanctions hearing the judge started with a few simple questions to both sides and then immediately tore into my ex’s attorney for 15 minutes. I mean tore into, like yelling at her and telling her how much of an embarrassment this is to the court system. It was surreal to me.

What was even more surreal to me was when I got the judge’s ruling 90 days later. It was a document written by the judge who meticulously reviewed our case and basically wrote a 35 page thesis on it. It called out all of the lies from my ex’s attorney. It was unbelievable to see on paper by an impartial judge, calling out my ex and her attorney on all of their lies and their abhorrent behavior.

My ex had to pay back the legal fees, her attorney had to pay me $2,000, which means she had to report herself to the state bar. If she didn’t, the judge did it for her anyways by mailing the entire ruling to the bar. Last I heard, she made her law license “inactive” and moved to another state to be a waitress.

15. One illness or another

“I used to work at a grocery store. One of my coworkers was constantly calling in sick, claiming she had one illness or another. Management couldn’t just can her for it as it was a union shop, so she had protection unless she could be caught in a bald faced and indefensible lie. One Friday I get called in to cover her shift because she called in claiming she was very sick and needed a kidney transplant.

On her next shift on Monday she’s wandering around with gauze wrapped around her stomach and back claiming that she had that kidney transplant on the weekend. That she had been so sick that they rushed her into surgery and put her at the top of the transplant list! When she does it to me I stop her and say “Isn’t the recovery time on a transplant at least a month or two? The hospital shouldn’t have let you out.” Realizing I’ve caught her in a lie she rushes to the front desk, claims she shouldn’t be here and that she needs to go home or she’ll pop her surgery stitches.

A few days later she was fired when she couldn’t provide proof of the surgery, she tried to sue but no lawyer would take her case. It was hilarious.”

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10+ People Admit to the Last Lies They Told

Liars are everywhere, people. Keep your eyes and ears peeled.

Some of these lies are small and harmless and some are…shall we say ‘a little larger?’

Let’s at least give these AskReddit users some credit for admitting to the last lie they told.

1. Kind of a weird one…

“A friend gave me a bunch of squash from his garden. I hate squash. I brought the bag of squash to work so my co-workers could take them home. I don’t know why but this became a big deal and all day long everyone asked me how I grew so much squash. Rather than tell them that the squash came from a friend I lied and told them that I grew the squash. I don’t know why I did this.”

2. Liar!

“I just told my coworker I was in the middle of something very important. I’m not doing sh-t, other than reading this thread.”

3. A common one

“Sorry I thought I responded to your text but never pushed send :(“

4. Good job Mom

“I told my 5 year old we are out of candy.

There is plenty of candy.

And it’s mine.”

5. Good luck!

“Told my boss just now that I’m leaving work early today for a doctors appointment. I don’t feel well.

Truth is I have an interview at 3pm. They received my resume sumitted last night and want to talk ASAP.

Not feeling well is a lead-in for me to take tomorrow off because I have another interview, with a different company than the one today.”

6. Did they believe you?

“Last night encountered 2 drunken girls attempting to lift a rock. They asked me to help them lift it. My response?

“Sorry, I don’t have any arms.”

I very clearly have arms.”

7. Always a bad idea

“I don’t need to write that down, I’ll remember it surely”

8. For a good cause

“I’m helping my mom’s boyfriend plan his proposal to her, so we’ve both been lying to her pretty steadily which has been enjoyable.”

9. Broken links

“A guy on an online dating sight was trying to show me pictures of his family jewels, I kept saying the links were broken to see how many different places he’d try to upload it, and how much tech support he’d offer to fix whatever the problem might be on my end.

Turns out the answer is four.”

10. Feel good about yourself?

“I told my dogs before we left for a morning of errands that we would be back in a few minutes…. I am an awful person.”

11. I’m down!

“I am totally down to hang out this weekend! Reality – I am laying in bed and doing nothing all weekend. I’ve had a rough two weeks.”

12. Customer service

“No ma’am, we don’t sell [enter product I know for a fact isn’t sold at my job]. They only come in [enter alternative product we do sell that she doesn’t want].”

“Are you checking??”

“Yes, I’m checking.”

13. Ha!

“I’m glad I have a free U2 album on my phone now.”

14. Hookin’ up

“I told the girl I have been hooking up with that I had dreamed I was waking up next to her and I was extremely disappointed when I woke up alone. Granted, I was extremely disappointed when I woke up, but I didnt have any dreams last night.”

15. Interview

“Had an interview this morning– so many lies.

“Talk about a time when you didn’t effectively prioritize your workload. What were the consequences?”

“I always effectively prioritize my workload and have great time management skills.”

The post 10+ People Admit to the Last Lies They Told appeared first on UberFacts.