People Share The First Thing They’d Buy If They Had Unlimited Funds

No matter how hard we work, put in the overtime and save our hard-earned cash, the money we have in the bank never seems to be enough.

Aside from spending on necessities like groceries and putting money aside just in case of emergencies, there doesn’t always appear to be enough cash to treat ourselves to luxury items.

But what if stressing about lack of funds is eliminated from your daily life?

Curious to hear about the first things strangers online would purchase if money was no object, Redditor ApArAmY asked:

“What is the first thing you would buy if you had infinite money?”

Not-so-humble abodes were the first things that came to people’s minds.

To Own…

“A house.” – potatowarrior1

A Family Commune

“That was my first thought too.”

“I’d buy a big piece of land, and build my sister a house, myself a house and my parents a house – then my sister and her kids would still be near me but we could all move out of our parents house.”

“I’d build a house for my parents so it was fully accessible for my severely disabled brother, with a roof hoist so my mum wouldn’t continue to damage her shoulder lifting him.”

“I’d give them a fully heated swimming pool so my brother could swim whenever he wanted to, he loves swimming but we only have outdoor pools where we live.”

“I’d give them a big fancy spa so my mum could relax when she needed it and the swelling in her feet would go down. A sensory room for my brother, and a real train caboose for my dad for his model trains.”

“My sister’s house would have a bedroom for each of her kids, plus another room to act as their play room, and it would be fully fenced so the kids could go outside and play as much as they liked without any worries about them running on to the road.”

“I’d make sure it had a room just for her for all her crafts with enough storage room for wool and material, and a stationary section so she could geek out all she liked over pencils and quills and pens and stamps.”

“And I’d have a two bedroom place with a built in movie theater and a room just for my DVD and book collection with a table large enough to play board games at.”

“I’d have an aviary for my birds, and a knitting/crochet nook, and a large kitchen with every baking utensil, and a bath large enough for me to be submerged fully without either my knees or boobs being out of the water, and I’d enjoy living in a house again instead of a rented room on my parents property with no bathroom or cooking facilities without having to go outside and up a flight of stairs regardless of the weather.”

“And if there was enough room, I’d add a guest cottage and a little house for my nana.” – ngatiara

Aiming Higher

“A f’king castle. Gimme that sh*t.” – SylverTheKnight


We seldom treat ourselves with things that aren’t necessarily essential in life.


“Telescope but I mean a really good expensive one.” – [deleted]

Freshest Posh Food

“Idk I kinda feel like sushi so probably that.” – littlewing2733

A humble snack

“It sounds silly, but an ice cream sandwich.”

“Several years ago, I was living paycheck to paycheck and had a fair amount of credit card debt. I fell behind in my mortgage and lost my home to foreclosure.”

“Shortly after I was notified, I drove over to a 7-11, bought an ice cream sandwich, and ate it while crying in my car.”

“Unfortunately, every time I eat an ice cream sandwich, it’s still a bittersweet feeling. I always think of the day my favorite childhood comfort food became forever intertwined with my sense of complete and utter failure.”

“After coming into life-changing money, I would hope that an ice cream sandwich would taste as good again as it did when I was a kid.” – Steve-in-rewrite


“A personal trainer to get me in shape and an assistant to follow me around and slap food out of my hand.” – Neither_Most

These may not be essential, but they certainly would some Redditors very satisfied.

Bathing In Comfort

“This very moment if I were given unlimited money, I would go and purchase a freestanding bathtub. I think that’s what they’re called. Like one that can fit my 6’4 ass. I take extremely frequent bubble baths after work and I need a tub that actually fits me.”

“Yes, I know I don’t have to work but I still stand by my first purchase. I f’ks with bubble baths.” – Quit_your_dayjob

Revenge Rain

“Amazon. I’d make all the workers pee in bottles… then I’d take those bottles and make it rain anywhere Jeff Bezos is. I’d pay them an extra $15/hr too.” – megapuffranger

“Sounds ridiculous but a dog nanny. I have two dogs and they are my babies. However, they really limit what I can do.”

“Want to get away for a weekend? Ok, who is going to take care of the dogs? Need to work late? Great, they are going to piss everywhere when no one let’s them out.”

“I would definitely do more but my first purchase would be a full time dog nanny for sure.” – thatotherchicka

Senator For Sale

“A US Senator! Or several of ’em. I’ve always wanted my own Senator.” – a_dangerous_noodle

The Price Range

“They’re pretty cheap I believe. When we find out about bribes I’m always shocked at how f’king cheap these whores will sell us out for.” – poopy_poo_poopsicle

I love to travel.

Ever since I started working on cruise ships and I worked with hundreds of staff members from different parts of the world, I became fascinated to learn about their history and our cultural differences.

Because I have so many international friends because of this wonderful experience, I would love to visit them and spend some time in their country.

This goes well with the fact that I also love food.

I would indulge in the culinary delights of the countries I’m visiting without worrying about making a dent in my wallet.

So, I’d travel to my heart’s content.

What would you buy?

People Share Absurd Pieces of Clothing and Their Outrageous Price Tags

When I want to buy an unusual new product, I remind myself that without risk there’s no reward.

Sometimes it works, and the unusual new product is a massive success!

Other times it’s a huge disappointment, and I kick myself for days.

The point is, we all make weird choices sometimes. And the luxury goods industry exists to feed those retail therapy choices.

When a woman went viral recently for posting her ridiculous discovery from Nordstrom, the post took off, with others joining in to share the weirdest and most expensive items they’ve seen for sale as well.

She wrote:

The $895 price tag may sound like a lot, but at least you won’t have any money left that you need to carry around, since, as one keen-eyed user pointed out the fine print:

This bedazzled objet d’art doesn’t actually carry anything, except for a conversation.

It sounds like something David Rose would say.

In addition to outrageously expensive and useless “purses”, there were a number of examples of horrifying (and useless?) clothing trends in the thread.

User @chelbee611 shared these bizarre underwear-exposing trousers.

Good thing they have free returns.

And who can forget this aptly described travesty, which I guess you could wear with those pants.

If you’re really looking to be classy, there’s this dress, which I would describe as “tarp & bungee chic” – perfect for any occasion.

And to really kick it up a notch, pair that dress with these matching gloves.
(They match the bungee cords.)

If the tarp dress isn’t to your liking, because, idk, you’re worried about rain on your back? Never fear, there’s always this shower curtain dress option shared by Ellen Grace.

Perfect for a rainy day or a chili dog eating contest.

And if you’re worried about getting cold (maybe in that backless dress) user @TSatch17 has you covered with this… sleeping bag wrap?

Another user, @jamiesanpedroo, who really got into the exercise, found these wacky toe-sock-boot-gizmos, and I don’t even know what to do with them.

Is Nordstrom okay?

Not to single out high end retailers, @my_tv_life pointed to her favorite source for the ridiculous, Etsy, and these fabulous handmade pants.

Mars OBSESSED responded to the original post with a joke, but these glasses (?!) are blowing my mind.

Several users shared the same $1300 hat, which I personally thought looked like an attempt to imitate an orca.

And don’t forget about the bling. There was the bike lock necklace that costs more than any actual bike lock.

Just in case, you know, you’re worried someone’s going to steal your head.

Honestly, these all make me feel better about the electric toothbrush I bought last week.

What about you? What’s the most absurd item to come into your social media ads?

Tell us in the comments!

The post People Share Absurd Pieces of Clothing and Their Outrageous Price Tags appeared first on UberFacts.

People Discuss the Most Ridiculous Luxury Items They’ve Ever Seen

The luxury goods market is definitely interesting.

I mean, I’m as guilty as the next person of spending my hard-earned money on ridiculous things.

But there are definitely some items for sale that make you go “what?”

Last month, mother and hockey fan Lexi Brown, PhD, went viral for her Tweet about random and ridiculous luxury items, spawning a thread of similarly themed responses.

Lexi found a… well, they call it a “bag” (but it doesn’t actually hold anything) shaped like a diamond-encrusted folding chair, and the reviews were hilarious.

Users were similarly dumbfounded by the weird little purse:

Lexi’s post went viral, and soon her followers were chiming in with ridiculous finds of their own.

User Raahina Somani shared a similarly bizarre purse that I’m still trying to wrap my head around, but check out that price tag!

But it gets better. Zaza Chilvers found a Louis Vuitton bag and I honestly LOVE it, but it costs more than my car.

And for people who really love their veggies, there’s this hideous broccoli bag.

But I think I’ll take the broccoli purse over the shrimp cocktail one.

Danielle P. chimed in with another absurd bag she found at a different online shop:

Moving on from bags, there was the $280 (each) hair-roller for wealthy grandmas the world over.

And Greg never does explain why he owns this, but it comes with its own little pocket.

And then @Kristin_wrote was perplexed by this unusually shaped ping-pong table, but I guess it would add another level of complexity to the game.

Getting into the spirit of mocking Nordstrom, one user shared diamond-lined ski goggles.

Several users found something to balk at from Tiffany, where nothing comes with a small price tag.

And don’t forget the lovely but possibly useless sterling silver greenhouse.

One that really set the bar was shared by @thaisaustin.

Who, in their hour of grief, wants to commemorate their lost love with a 3D version of their head for the mantle?

No price tag here, but I’m guessing these don’t come cheap.

The winner of Twitter that day, though, was definitely @MsModernity who added Bernie Sanders to the OP.

I’ve seen all I need to see.

I honestly can’t even with most of these. What’s the most ridiculous (and ridiculously expensive) thing you have ever seen? Tell us in the comments.

The post People Discuss the Most Ridiculous Luxury Items They’ve Ever Seen appeared first on UberFacts.

Former Poor People Shared Things They Have Now That Were Considered Luxury Items Growing up

A writer named Victoria Barrett recently posed a very interesting question to people on Twitter and it started a thread that was very revealing about how people view money and possessions.

Here’s what Barrett asked the Twitter-verse.

Let’s see what people had to say.

1. Barrett offered a few of her own.

Missing the essentials.

2. A lot of the basics.

Sounds like it was tough.

3. Real veggies.

Not the canned stuff.

4. The comfort of certainty.

That must be a relief.

5. The little things.

They’re pretty important once you have them.

6. Actual tissue paper.

Using old napkins.

7. Taking care of pets.

Makes her want to cry.

8. Enough food…

Going hungry is no good.

9. Mismatched stuff.

But not anymore…

10. The stuff you need.

And that every female should have.

11. For rich folks?

Not exactly…

12. For the kids.

That’s a nice story.

Money sure is strange, huh?

Now we want to hear from you!

In the comments, tell us what you used to think of as luxury items before you had any money.

We can’t wait to hear your stories!

The post Former Poor People Shared Things They Have Now That Were Considered Luxury Items Growing up appeared first on UberFacts.

People Who Used to Be Poor Talk About What They Considered Luxuries When They Had No Money

It’s interesting what you consider to be luxuries at different points in your life depending on how much money you have in the bank.

And a recent Twitter thread that was started by a woman named Victoria Barrett showed just how much a lot of people out there have had to overcome in their lives when it came to poverty and having simple material possessions.

This is the question that Barrett posed to people on Twitter.

Let’s take a look at some of the very interesting responses.

1. The real stuff.

It does taste better.

2. Never run out.

Always have a back-up.

3. Take care of those teeth.

You’ll be thankful later in life.

4. You know you can get it now.

No more worries.

5. My own space.

It makes a big difference.

6. Sounds pretty bad.

Roaches are awful.

7. This is huge.

Still have a long way to go on this one.

8. Constant noise.

Silence is golden.

9. That’s what wealth means to them.

No more stress.

10. Fancy pants.

Living the good life.

11. The essentials.

You need those basic things.

12. Peace and quiet.

And safety.

How about you?

What did you think used to be something that was really fancy before you had any money?

Talk to us in the comments!

The post People Who Used to Be Poor Talk About What They Considered Luxuries When They Had No Money appeared first on UberFacts.