Enjoy These Interesting Facts About Sex, Love, and Relationships

A big part of our lives is spent pursuing love and another big part of it is dealing with love once we’ve caught it. And I’m talking about the good, the bad, and the ugly.

But, hey, that’s what makes us human!

Let’s quit beating around the bush and get into the good stuff!

1. Mystery men.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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2. Poor ferrets…

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3. That’s a shocker.

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4. Does this describe you?

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5. Not a huge surprise.

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6. Get it on!

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7. C’mon, guys…

Photo Credit: did you know?


8. Yet another reason to do the deed.

Photo Credit: did you know?


9. Think about that…

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10. Take it all in.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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Some pretty good facts from all across the spectrum, if I do say so myself.

We hope you enjoyed them!

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People Open up About the Worst Dates They’ve Ever Had

Have you ever had a truly terrible date? One that was a disaster start to finish and made you never want to go out with anyone ever again?

I’m sure you have…and so have these folks on Twitter.

This is the question that got everything going.

Let’s take a look at the responses.

1. Get outta there!

2. Won’t be a second date.

3. Still haunted.

4. Mama’s boy.

5. Sounds like a catch!

6. No way.

7. Ouch!

8. Okay, this is the worst ever.

9. Homicidal maniac.

10. Yeah, I’ve had enough.

11. Maybe he was a nice guy?

12. That’s weird.

13. We don’t want you to be hysterical.

14. What a story!

We’re begging you! Tell us about your awful dates in the comments!

These kinds of stories give us LIFE!

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15 Funny Tweets About the Realities of Marriage

Isn’t it always like this? Husbands and wives going back and forth, making each other crazy and in love at the same time.

Hey, that’s life!

Let’s take a look at some hysterical tweets about married life in all its glory.

1. Can you please move?

2. How could you?

3. Not anymore…

4. Always listening.

5. An embarrassment to the family.

6. A lot of deep sighs.

7. Thank God for your wife.

8. I can’t pretend.

9. I’ll sleep standing up tonight.

10. A very confident man.

11. You can die first.

12. From the grave.

13. Gonna be a shoot out.

14. Has it really, though?

15. That took a while.

Married life…you gotta love it!

Tell us a funny story about something your spouse has done recently. Let’s put them on blast!

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15 Funny Tweets About the Realities of Marriage

Isn’t it always like this? Husbands and wives going back and forth, making each other crazy and in love at the same time.

Hey, that’s life!

Let’s take a look at some hysterical tweets about married life in all its glory.

1. Can you please move?

2. How could you?

3. Not anymore…

4. Always listening.

5. An embarrassment to the family.

6. A lot of deep sighs.

7. Thank God for your wife.

8. I can’t pretend.

9. I’ll sleep standing up tonight.

10. A very confident man.

11. You can die first.

12. From the grave.

13. Gonna be a shoot out.

14. Has it really, though?

15. That took a while.

Married life…you gotta love it!

Tell us a funny story about something your spouse has done recently. Let’s put them on blast!

The post 15 Funny Tweets About the Realities of Marriage appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Why They’re Still Married, Even Though They’re Not in Love With Their Partners

Relationships can be very tough. They are a lot of work and when you’re in one, you go through many phases and emotions. In short, it’s a bit like a roller coaster ride but with your emotions and very slow.

And sometimes, you fall out of love with someone but you stay with them anyway.

Folks on AskReddit shared their stories about why they stuck with people even though they weren’t in love with them anymore.

1. So I stay…

“I honestly don’t know. Because it’s been more than 25 years and it’s just easier to live as roommates than to go my own way, even though in a lot of ways that would be easier.

Additionally, she would be royally fucked in so many ways. No real income, no place to really go. She wouldn’t be able to afford a nice place. I’d be perfectly fine but she’d be in a world of hurt. I don’t necessarily love her but I don’t hate her enough to do that to her.

So I stay.”

2. Sounds like a disaster.

“She had me convinced everything was either normal or my fault. Then she cheated and is playing the victim because I read some of her messages after I found out she lied. Now it takes a year to divorce where I live so technically still married for a year… Anyone reading this for personal reasons…Just get out.”

3. We don’t mesh.

“We have a special needs daughter, who doesn’t talk. Until she’s able to tell me that something happened and she can understand more complex ideas and situations, there’s no way I’m putting her in someone else’s hands.

My husband and I just don’t mesh, he doesn’t like me and I don’t like him. For the most part we can get along and even have fun doing things together with our daughter. But we haven’t been intimate in years. We’re both in our late 30’s. And we reasonably don’t have family to help.

Although once she starts going to school full time, I believe I will have more options to do something financially productive with my time.”

4. Manipulation.

“I’m thankfully not in this relationship anymore, but out of fear that he’d do something to hurt himself. He threatened to do it when I first brought up that I wasn’t happy in the relationship, and he became incredibly manipulative.”

5. Feeling guilty.

“I was the one super in love. I don’t think he was. Once every 4 or 5 months, we’d have some sort of discussion. The last time, it was that he didn’t know if what we had was love. I should have seen that as a warning. But I convinced him to stay with me after an hour discussion.

I think he felt guilty. I stayed with him through suicide attempts, drug induced psychosis, and moved countries for him. I imagine he felt an incredible amount of guilt, and stayed with me because of that. I think he cared for my well being maybe. But he wasn’t in love. And it’s painfully obvious now that I’m out of the relationship.”

6. Together they’ll stay…

“My brother can’t stand his wife, hasn’t really been in love with her since about a year before their wedding. He talks about divorce to me when we’re alone but he’ll never do it. He thinks he’ll never meet anyone else being 32 with no social life. Plus there’s a strong possibility she might kill herself if they broke up, or at least attempt it. So together they’ll stay. I just hope they don’t bring kids in to it.”

7. Terrified to leave.

“I was in a pretty bad relationship when I was younger. I stayed because I thought nobody else would love me. He was incredibly abusive and would remind all the time that if I left nobody would ever care about me or love me like he does.

I was just so terrified to leave, what if he was right? It’s been almost ten years since that relationship and I’m happy to report that he was wrong, although it’s taken a lot of work to realize that and I still have fleeting moments of doubt.”

8. Building a life together…even if it’s ugly.

“Years back I was in a relationship with a woman who abused me physically, sexually and otherwise. And I did not love her, not for the last year or so when the abuse got bad. So why did I stay if it was so bad?

Well, unfortunately—and this is true for abusive relationship as well as for mundane loveless relationships—people get wound up together and then it becomes very difficult to imagine your life without them, even if it’s not a good life. I guess people are better at surviving the current hardship than breaking away into the unknown. There’s a lot more to my story, and everyone story has its own details.

But I think that’s the basic answer. You build a life with someone, it gets hard to throw that life away.”

9. Mutually beneficial.

“Neither of us experience attraction but we still care deeply for each other. He’s my best friend!

Also the marriage was mutually beneficial.”

10. Jackpot! Maybe not…

“In my first relationship I thought I had scored the jackpot. I was young and he was young and jacked and smart. He over glorified himself and I just couldn’t see that. I looked up to him as a god, mainly because he kept saying I was bad at my studies and cooking and basically everything that I love to do.

I thought I would never get someone better so thus I stayed. I thought I loved him, I thought that was what love was, but I was just proud that I had gotten someone “so amazing.” I was stupid.”

11. Makes sense.

“I loved her dog.”

12. Fear and loathing.

“I’m no longer with them. But was with her for 8 years. I never loved her but stayed because of a combination of self loathing and she relied on me for everything so I was afraid of what would happen if I left.

Also financially I couldn’t live on my own. But I bit the bullet anyway because I can figure out the rest and staying with her was only stunting her ability to learn how to be an adult.”

13. Finally came to your senses.

“I was afraid he’d kill himself because he was so depressed so I waited till he was a bit better mentally.

The second was more of a roller-coaster. I waited 5 months before breaking up because so many things came up. I didn’t want him to think I was obsessed with the number 3 so I couldn’t break up after 3 months. Then it was summer break so I couldn’t see him and i wanted to do it in person. Then his birthday. Then Christmas! I finally broke up in Jan….. And then get back in April because I genuinely fell for him again. We lasted 3 years before I realized I was the only one putting any effort into staying in the relationship and finally broke it off for good.”

14. Ready to be single…

“I love but I’m not in love with my girlfriend anymore. We moved in together too soon. I knew better and did it anyway.

We are completely incompatible living together I’m angry everyday at tons of stuff. But I’m not gonna throw her out cause I do care so I’m helping her save to get her own place and we are playing couple in the interim but I am so ready to live alone and be single again.”

15. Taking care of her.

“She’d probably be homeless. I’ve been trying to help her become more independent and responsible so I can find a clean exit strategy. Interestingly if she had those qualities maybe there would still be some attraction. No one wants an adult child to take care of.”

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People Share Their Most Wholesome Secrets

People assume secrets are hidden because they’re bad – maybe a shameful event in your past, or a thought you’d never want to share with anyone.

But secrets can also be wholesome, like if you made a large donation to a non-profit, anonymously. Or if you sent a package of goodies to a friend without them knowing.

Who knows why some people decide to keep the good they do secret, but it happens. Here are 10 heart-bursting secrets that will leave you smiling.

10. Bank error in his favor

“My best friend’s mom passed away from cancer four years ago on Easter Sunday. She was like a second mom to me. She was very religious and always dreamed of going to Jerusalem.

When she passed away, my best friend became reckless and would try to drown his feelings and cover up the darkness inside him with the bright lights of clubs and women. This went on for a couple years.

Eventually, my best friend hit beyond rock bottom to where he was living in his car with only a backpack of clothes and his mom’s ashes.

I let him stay with me and he turned his life around. He stopped going to bars. He started caring again. He started saving money. He decided he would spread his mom’s ashes in Jerusalem.

Well, he got into a car accident last month and totaled his car. Not his fault. Someone plowed through a red light. Medical bills and attorneys fees drained his savings. But it’s okay. He told me how there was a bank error and someone deposited $3,000 into his bank account.

He’s all set to be in Jerusalem around Easter and my Hawaii trip was postponed.”

9. Here kitty kitty

“I’ve had my cat for 18 years. I’ve had my husband for three years. He always wanted a cat and never had one.

Their love is strong and true, but obviously, the cat is slightly more attached to/familiar with me.

My husband loves that cat so much and gets a little bit of a thrill out of the idea that the cat loves us equally even though I had a 15-year head start.

What my husband doesn’t know is that I sometimes intentionally annoy the cat so that he will go snuggle with my husband instead, because it is so dang cute how giddy my husband gets about it.”

8. Best decision ever

“My daughter isn’t biologically mine. My ex became pregnant via an affair. One of many, I came to find. After the paternity test confirmed it, I almost left, but I had a thought.

This baby girl did not ask for this situation. She is innocent in all this and down a father since the dude split and disappeared. I knew her mother was not able to cope with motherhood, as she was only barely coping with childless adulthood some of the time.

I stepped in. I’ve always wanted to be a father and I’m all about helping children at a disadvantage because of my own crappy childhood. If I can spare any child from that, I would, so I did.

She carries my name. Looks like me oddly enough (her bio dad looks like a younger me), and is now 3 with a 1st-grade education. She speaks very well. She has a very good imagination. She is as happy as a clam and unabused.

I teach her mother how to actually be a mother, and I take my daughter for extra time, all the time.

It’s the best, most fulfilling decision I have ever made. I may not be her father, but I’m darn sure her daddy.”

7. Angels from above

“When I was 17 years old, my BFF and I decided to take the snowmobiles out for a ride in the blizzard. We thought it would be amazing to hit some fresh forming powder and drifts. The visibility was low so we stuck to the main roads.

We ended up on a desolate road with two homes and acres and acres of farmland. As we got close to the homes we noticed some lights and went over to see what was going on.

It turned out that the old couple living there had ventured out to the store to get food in case they got snowed in. They made the long drive and everything went fine (they had to have hit several drifts that were 1-4 feet tall). Things only went wrong when they slowed down to turn into the drive. They didn’t dare leave their car out because they feared a snow plow would hit it. My friend and I in full snow gear, helmets and face masks dug the car out and shoveled the driveway and made sure they got the car in the garage.

I thought that was the end of the story.

I didn’t even mention anything to my parents. Lo and behold, the next day at church this couple was there. Our church gives time for the congregation to get up and talk about their beliefs/faith-building stories. Sure enough, the old man gets up and starts telling about their trip to the store last night. He talked about getting stuck and worrying he would never get his car unstuck and that it would be destroyed by a snow plow.

He then said two angels appeared, barely spoke, unstuck his car and disappeared as quickly as they arrived. He said that he had been pleading with the Lord for some help but figured it would never arrive because no one ever travels the road. My mom looked at me and knew it was me. She didn’t say anything, I didn’t say anything.”

6. A Christmas Miracle

“My little sister was extremely sick with pneumonia in the ICU one Christmas when she was 6. This happened often around this time of year for her because of her asthma, but this time it was worse. She was so sick and tired, she lost track of the days in the hospital even though Christmas was approaching fast. People dressed as elves would come in and bring gifts and my sister would say, ‘Am I going to make it back in time for Christmas?’

She was so worried and already so upset after being poked and prodded by doctors, draining fluid from her lungs and trying to get her better. Christmas came and we decided not to tell her she missed it. We promised her. We weren’t going to ruin her Christmas!
On the 27th, while my dad worked and mom was at the hospital, I got a list from my mom and went to the store to get her gifts. I spent all night wrapping them.

The next day, they released my sister from the hospital and we told her it was Christmas Eve! I even promised her she could sleep in my bed that night, under all the Christmas lights I hung up, so she could wake me up as soon as it was Christmas morning.
I can’t even tell you how happy she was to wake up the next day and she couldn’t stop saying how much of a Christmas miracle it was! She’s 13 and still remarks how amazing it was she made it back before Christmas, after being so horribly sick and stuck in ICU.”

5. Random treats for lucky kids

“When I was a kid, I used to always twist the quarter machines on the way into stores just in case. Got lucky a couple of times and got a few free toys. Now that I’m grown, if I’m leaving a store with them, I like to drop change into them if I have it and leave them half twisted.”

4. Helping the family

“My Aunt was gonna be short for her rent. I paid the landlord and told him to say that she paid it earlier in the month. She was so happy about it. I made steaks for supper and paid extra on other bills so she’d be ahead of them.”

3. Helping out the homeless

“I used to have to regularly travel abroad for work to this one specific town. I would stay near the main square so it got to be I would recognize the homeless people around my area.

It was a difficult time in my life, so I was drinking a little more than was healthy (nothing during the daytime or that would interfere with work, just at night to go to bed), so most nights I would go out to pick something up.

Some homeless people asked for money, some were straight up and asked for a can or two. I always felt bad doing the whole ‘pat my pockets and shrug’ routine to them as I exited the shop, knowing I was just blowing my money away on drinks for myself. In that moment, was I so different than these guys?
I finally got up the courage to acknowledge/talk to one of them, he asked for a can or two of drinks, and I asked what kind he wanted (high percentage, of course).

In the store, I bought stuff for me, and I also bought this guy two cans, but there was a catch. In the bag were a few other things I bought him, a few sandwiches, some milk, and some sports drink.
So that was my routine. For over a year, I would be in this town once a month or so, and I would go around and get this man a few cans and also made sure he had something to eat. I learned that he had a shelter he could sleep in at night, I learned his name, I would shake his hand every time I saw him, chat for a bit, and wish him well.

A few times, he had some sores on his foot so I bought bandages, antiseptic cream, stuff like that.

It’s not a big deal, but I always kept it a secret. Even when my girlfriend came with me on one of my trips, I just told her I was going to go for a walk at night to clear my head, and I went and visited this man and bought him a few drinks and some food, never told her about it. I’ve never told anyone – I think that would ruin it for me – it’s not about me or getting a slap on the back, it was just about treating this guy like a fellow man, even for a few minutes.

Maybe I was doing something wrong, maybe that’s not the right way to help someone, I don’t know. All I figured was this guy had more reason to drink than I did, his life looked rough. If he wanted to get messed up, he was going to find a way to get messed up anyway, and this way I figured at least he’d get some nutrition, and someone who would shake his hand, call him by name and chat and look him in the eye. I haven’t been back to that town for years. I don’t know if he remembers me. I think of him often. I hope he’s doing ok.”

2. Everyone is loved on Valentine’s day

“Back in college, I liked to do special things for my friends in my dorm for Valentine’s Day. One year, I taped chocolate boxes to their doors, and the next year I taped bags of heart-shaped cookies. My friends would find out that it was me one way or another, but it was still nice to do something nice for the people I care about. The next year, after the majority of my dorm friends, had graduated, I still wanted to do something nice for the people in my dorm.

I created about 150 little paper envelopes, to cover everyone that would be getting a special surprise. At around 2 a.m. I set out to taping these envelopes to all the doors on my floor (2 people per room) as well as all the RA’s on all the other floors. I then filled every tiny envelope with a few heart-shaped Reese’s and Snickers candies. It probably took about 2 hours to completely finish. I know a few chocolates really aren’t that big of a gift, but I wanted everybody to feel some love on Valentine’s Day.

The next day, some of the RA’s posted about it on Facebook. They were saying that we had the best residents. It made me feel really warm and fuzzy inside, but I never let any of them know that I was the one that did it.”

1. A trip of a lifetime

“Without revealing too much information, my previous job had a major perk: a lottery system in which the winners got to accompany a group to various locations in the world for a hybrid vacation/work trip. I won the lottery one year and was selected to go to Istanbul. I heard a coworker talking to her spouse on the phone about how bummed she was she did not get it (she was selected as my backup, but did not know who she was backing up).

She had hoped to visit a long-lost family member. She is a quiet, sweet, helpful person. She’s very behind the scenes and rather underappreciated.
I gave up my spot due to a ‘prior commitment.’ She got to go instead. I had a great time looking at her pictures.”

No matter the situation, giving up or granting something to people can make you feel good. Kindness is not a word, it’s an act. Keep paying it forward you wholesome secret keepers!

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Funny Tweets About Relationship Failures

Failed relationships really suck – in fact, they can suck the life right out of you. Know what I’m saying?

But look at the bright side of things! There are plenty of fish in the sea, and you live and you learn, right?


Here are some very funny tweets about relationship fails. Do you think these people are still together…?

1. A little over the top.

2. This is kind of intense.

3. Not gonna happen.

4. Gee, sorry about that…

5. He did as he was told…

6. The elusive pistachio shell.

7. That is unforgivable.

8. Close…

9. Not good at following along, is he?

10. Hmmmm…

11. What did you just say?

12. Ghost on the wall.

13. Hahahahaha.

14. Could’ve been cute…

Keep your head up! You’ll be fine! You didn’t need to be with that jerk anyway!

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Anti-Matt Tweets for Anyone Who’s Ever Had Bad Experiences With a Matt

My name is Matt and I apologize for all my fellow Matts who have wronged you and treated you like garbage in the past.

I’ve met plenty of douchebag Matts in my life, so I feel your pain…

There are a ton of anti-Matt tweets out there, so let’s see what people are saying about these…Matts…

1. No more of that.

2. This one will be different.

3. A whole laundry list.

4. Those are your choices.

5. How much will you get?

6. I can’t decide which one is the worst.

7. Count it as one.

8. Sup, bro!

9. This band is gonna be HUGE.

10. Nice work.

11. Which one are you, again?

12. How can you tell them apart?

13. You’re doing a great job.

14. At least 100 of them.

15. I can’t wait for this to happen.

I will try to get my fellow Matts to be better in 2020…

But I can’t make any promises…

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A Hockey Player Reached Out to Anna Kendrick and Twitter Users Chipped in to Help Him Out

This is Anna Kendrick, big-time Hollywood actress.

And all I’ve gotta say is… dayum!

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a weekend in the country

A post shared by Anna Kendrick (@annakendrick47) on

And this is Anthony Beauvillier, hockey player for the New York Islanders.


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Playoffs baby!!!! Here we go ??

A post shared by Anthony Beauvillier (@titobeauvi91) on

Beauvillier decided to reach out to Kendrick on Twitter and, to his surprise, he got a little help from his friends. Actually, I’m not sure if he even knows these people, but they’re probably his friends now.

Here’s how Beauvillier tried to get Kendrick’s attention.

Okay, probably not the most original introduction in the history of mankind, but, still, he gave it a shot.

But then something miraculous happened. People on Twitter got behind “Beau” as he’s known to hockey fans and they started to chip in with stories (that could possibly be categorized as “tall tales”) and compliments to help boost Beauvillier’s image to Kendrick so she’d go out on a date with him.

There was the time Beau saved those kittens.

And then he gave another fan a kidney.

And remember when Beau saved all those puppies? And this guy thankfully mentioned how HUGE Beau’s cup is…hint hint.

Apparently, the guy is handy in the emergency room as well.

All in one day?!?! This guy can do it all!

And then we have this absolute gem.

Finally, this friend of Beau’s went above and beyond in the compliment department…

Some really great friends right there, don’t you agree? I’d think any lady would be hard-pressed to deny a guy like this a date.

Here’s how Anna Kendrick responded to all the hoopla on Twitter.

Nothing further on this story yet…we’ll see if this one ends up in a love connection.

What do you think? Would you have been so bold?

Let us know in the comments!

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11 Funny Memes for People Who Can’t Stand Their Exes

We understand. You got burned by your ex and you still can’t bring yourself to forgive that person. We’re all different so we have to get over bad breakups at our own pace.

But the people behind these memes clearly still have some major issues with their ex-boyfriends and girlfriends…

You can practically feel the anger deep down in your soul…

Let’s take a look.

1. They seem a little small.

Photo Credit: someecards

2. You sure about that?

Photo Credit: someecards

3. Not gonna happen.

Photo Credit: someecards

4. Don’t do it!

Photo Credit: someecards

5. Time to leave.

Photo Credit: someecards

6. Who’s it gonna be…?

Photo Credit: someecards

7. Who needs men, anyway?

Photo Credit: someecards

8. Used to it.

Photo Credit: someecards

9. Can we all start using this, please?

Photo Credit: someecards

10. That’s the best part about that one.

Photo Credit: someecards

11. You still need to know…

Photo Credit: someecards

We know a lot of you have been burned out there in that rough world of love and dating.

Tell us a little bit about that terrible ex of yours in the comments.

Go ahead, get it off your chest!

The post 11 Funny Memes for People Who Can’t Stand Their Exes appeared first on UberFacts.