If You Don’t Looking for Jobs, These Tweets Are for You

I know I’m probably preaching to the choir here, but I’m gonna say it anyway…

Looking for a job SUUUUUUUUUCKS.

It’s a total nightmare, it destroys your soul, it makes you feel horrible about yourself, and you’re likely to get rejected over and over again, which isn’t good for your self-confidence.

But you gotta keep doing it if you’re out of work because we all gotta pay the bills, brothers and sisters.

Still, it can be a major drag…but we want you to have a laugh and jobs and job searching.


1. This is out of control.

You’re gonna need top-secret clearance for this job.

2. Yeah, imagine that.

I don’t know why companies haven’t figured this out yet…

3. Enough with these kinds of posts!

Just keep hustlin’!

4. She answered the question honestly.

And no, she didn’t stutter.

5. That’s pretty close.

They really care about you!

6. I swear I can do it!

Now you better be able to follow through.

7. They’re gonna see right through you.

Just fake it until you make it!

8. Sounds totally reasonable.

And you wonder why you aren’t getting ahead…

9. We all have our private and professional lives.

And sometimes they’re totally different.

10. This is a tough one.

I’m not sure how to answer it…

11. That was determined to be a lie!

Nice try, though.

12. Think you’ll still get the job?

Maybe they’ll think it’s funny? Maybe…?

How about you?

What are some bad or funny experiences you’ve had while job searching?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know! Thanks!

The post If You Don’t Looking for Jobs, These Tweets Are for You appeared first on UberFacts.

Tweets About How Miserable It Is to Look For a Job


You’ve been there. I’ve been there. We’ve all been there.

I’m talking about looking for a job.

It can be frustrating, demoralizing, and it can make a person depressed because of how much you tend to get the run-around from companies.

And we’re gathered here today to commiserate about how much looking for a job really sucks!

So push aside your cover letter and your resume for a few minutes and have some laughs at these funny tweets. Enjoy!

1. This right here is all you need to see.

It’s so ridiculous!

2. I’m here to stay, so you better deal with it!

Let’s negotiate my salary, shall we?

3. What’s the point of this?

Do you really want to see me beg?

4. They’re gonna break down really fast.

Take that, Boomers!

5. I’m here to work!

Whether you like it or not…

6. Even the animal kingdom is having a hard time…

No one can catch a break.

7. I feel this one.

Let’s all do it together!

8. I don’t get it, either.

Can anyone explain it to me…anyone?

9. Amen, my brother!

Quit wasting my time!

10. Life happens, folks.

A lot of people need breaks sometimes.

11. It’s really not at all.

We need to end this whole way of thinking.

12. Let’s see YOUR references.

I like this idea…

How’s the job hunt been treating you lately?

Any luck? We want to hear the good, bad, and the ugly, friends!

Talk to us in the comments and let us know how it’s going!

We’d really appreciate it!

The post Tweets About How Miserable It Is to Look For a Job appeared first on UberFacts.